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Parse a junit report file into a family of objects
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import enum
import os
import uuid
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from .render import HTMLReport
from .textutils import unicode_str
class Outcome(str, enum.Enum):
FAILED = "failure" # the test failed
SKIPPED = "skipped" # the test was skipped
PASSED = "passed" # the test completed successfully
ERROR = "error"
ABSENT = "absent" # the test was known but not run/failed/skipped
def clean_xml_attribute(element, attribute, default=None):
Get an XML attribute value and ensure it is legal in XML
:param element:
:param attribute:
:param default:
value = element.attrib.get(attribute, default)
if value:
value = value.encode("utf-8", errors="replace").decode(
"utf-8", errors="backslashreplace"
value = value.replace("\ufffd", "?") # strip out the unicode replacement char
return value
class ParserError(Exception):
We had a problem parsing a file
def __init__(self, message):
super(ParserError, self).__init__(message)
class ToJunitXmlBase(object):
Base class of all objects that can be serialized to Junit XML
def tojunit(self):
Return an Element matching this object
raise NotImplementedError()
def make_element(self, xmltag, text=None, attribs=None):
Create an Element and put text and/or attribs into it
:param xmltag: tag name
:param text:
:param attribs: dict of xml attributes
element = ET.Element(unicode_str(xmltag))
if text is not None:
element.text = unicode_str(text)
if attribs is not None:
for item in attribs:
element.set(unicode_str(item), unicode_str(attribs[item]))
return element
class AnchorBase(object):
Base class that can generate a unique anchor name.
def __init__(self):
self._anchor = None
def id(self):
return self.anchor()
def anchor(self):
Generate a html anchor name
if not self._anchor:
self._anchor = str(uuid.uuid4())
return self._anchor
class Property(AnchorBase, ToJunitXmlBase):
Test Properties
def __init__(self):
super(Property, self).__init__() = None
self.value = None
def tojunit(self):
Return the xml element for this property
prop = self.make_element("property")
prop.set("name", unicode_str(
prop.set("value", unicode_str(self.value))
return prop
class Case(AnchorBase, ToJunitXmlBase):
Test cases
def __init__(self):
super(Case, self).__init__()
self.msg = None
self.text = None
self.stderr = None
self.stdout = None
self.duration = 0 = None = list()
self.outcome = Outcome.PASSED.value
def prefix(self):
if self.outcome == "failure":
return "[F]"
elif self.outcome == "skipped":
return "[S]"
elif self.outcome == "error":
return "[E]"
return ""
class Suite(AnchorBase, ToJunitXmlBase):
Contains test cases (usually only one suite per report)
def __init__(self):
super(Suite, self).__init__() = None
self.duration = 0
self.cases = list()
self.package = None = list()
self.errors = list()
self.stdout = None
self.stderr = None
self.tests_num = 0
self.failures_num = 0
self.errors_num = 0
self.skipped_num = 0
def tojunit(self):
Return an element for this whole suite and all it's cases
suite = self.make_element("testsuite")
suite.set("name", unicode_str(
suite.set("time", unicode_str(self.duration))
props = self.make_element("properties")
for prop in
for testcase in self.all():
return suite
def all(self):
Return all testcases
return self.cases
def failed(self):
Return all the failed testcases
return [test for test in self.all() if test.failed()]
def skipped(self):
Return all skipped testcases
return [test for test in self.all() if test.skipped]
def passed(self):
Return all the passing testcases
return [test for test in self.all() if not test.failed() and not test.skipped()]
class Junit(object):
Parse a single junit xml report
def __init__(self, filename=None, xmlstring=None):
Parse the file
:param filename:
self.filename = filename
self.tree = None
if filename is not None:
self.tree = ET.parse(filename)
elif xmlstring is not None:
raise ValueError("Missing any filename or xmlstring")
self.suites = []
def __iter__(self):
return self.suites.__iter__()
def _read(self, xmlstring):
Populate the junit xml document tree from a string
:param xmlstring:
self.tree = ET.fromstring(xmlstring)
def process(self):
populate the report from the xml
testrun = False
suites = None
if isinstance(self.tree, ET.ElementTree):
root = self.tree.getroot()
root = self.tree
if root.tag == "testrun":
testrun = True
root = root[0]
if root.tag == "testsuite":
suites = [root]
if root.tag == "testsuites" or testrun:
suites = [x for x in root]
if suites is None:
raise ParserError("could not find test suites in results xml")
suitecount = 0
for suite in suites:
suitecount += 1
cursuite = Suite()
self.suites.append(cursuite) = clean_xml_attribute(
suite, "name", default="suite-" + str(suitecount)
cursuite.package = clean_xml_attribute(suite, "package")
cursuite.duration = float(
suite.attrib.get("time", "0").replace(",", "") or "0"
cursuite.tests_num = int(suite.attrib.get("tests", "0"))
cursuite.failures_num = int(suite.attrib.get("failures", "0"))
cursuite.errors_num = int(suite.attrib.get("errors", "0"))
cursuite.skipped_num = int(suite.attrib.get("skipped", "0"))
for element in suite:
if element.tag == "error":
# top level error?
errtag = {
"message": element.attrib.get("message", ""),
"type": element.attrib.get("type", ""),
"text": element.text,
if element.tag == "system-out":
cursuite.stdout = element.text
if element.tag == "system-err":
cursuite.stderr = element.text
if element.tag == "properties":
for prop in element:
if prop.tag == "property":
newproperty = Property() = prop.attrib["name"]
newproperty.value = prop.attrib["value"]
if element.tag == "testcase":
testcase = element
newcase = Case() = clean_xml_attribute(testcase, "name")
newcase.duration = float(
testcase.attrib.get("time", "0").replace(",", "") or "0"
# does this test case have any children?
for child in testcase:
if child.tag in ["skipped", "error", "failure"]:
newcase.text = child.text
if "message" in child.attrib:
newcase.msg = child.attrib["message"]
newcase.outcome = child.tag
elif child.tag == "system-out":
newcase.stdout = child.text
elif child.tag == "system-err":
newcase.stderr = child.text
elif child.tag == "properties":
for property in child:
newproperty = Property() = property.attrib["name"]
newproperty.value = property.attrib["value"]
def html(self):
Render the test suite as a HTML report with links to errors first.
doc = HTMLReport()
doc.load(self, os.path.basename(self.filename))
return str(doc)