A sensor of this type measures the force on it, and additionally
compares the force with one or more specified thresholds. The sensor
can output the force value directly. Moreover, it's usually applied
as a press key. In that case, when it detects a force greater than
some given threshold, a corresponding event is reported.
Signed-off-by: jinxudong <jinxudong@xiaomi.com>
bug: if user input obr_topic is sensor_gps_sate(wrong topic, which does not exist), the using of `strncmp` will assign idx=8 (as sesnor_gps) in the first.
However, there is no match in the `g_sensor_list`, hence idx=8 will give out value of `sensor_gps` as output(wrong).
Change: This update aims to match the whole value of sensor name in `g_sensor_list`, while keeping `sensor_name+number` match in this condition.
Signed-off-by: haopengxiang <haopengxiang@xiaomi.com>