Xiang Xiao
apps: Remove all stuff related to CONFIG_xxx_CXXINITIALIZE
since it is moved to the central place in nuttx side instead
Signed-off-by: Xiang Xiao <xiaoxiang@xiaomi.com>
Change-Id: I544d6110f1ca6460f7c82f970870aa9b1e7ab3dd
2020-07-01 10:03:12 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
apps/platform: Create gnu/ subdirectory that contains the one and only GNU C++ initialization function. Remove all other C++ initialization functions.
2017-05-13 12:06:01 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
apps/platform/Kconfig: Fix an inclusion error. Was including /platform/mikroe-stm32f4/Kconfig. Should include through the symbolic link /platform/board/Kconfig
2016-06-23 09:35:04 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
apps/tools/mkkconfig.sh: The top-level Kconfig file is not auto-generated. The autogenerated Kconfig file will be constructed so that every second level directory that contains a Kconfig file will automatically be sourced
2015-08-11 17:49:10 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Fix references to the no-longer-existent misc/ directory in comments, README files, and documentation
2015-06-28 08:14:53 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Add interface definition for platform-specific storage of configuration data; Modify NxWM unit test to use these interfaces, if available, to save and restore touchscreen calibration data.
2013-10-30 10:11:43 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
apps/platform: A new now for platform-specific applicatin code
2013-10-30 09:04:37 -06:00