This commit adds structures, modifies function prototypes, and renames data to support the future addition of IPv6 support. This commit does NOT add that IPv6, only the hooks for backward compatible future support.
This commit adds support to access an IPv4 Configuration file similar to the Linux dhpc.client ipfcg file. This version, tailored for deeply embedded systems supports several options to tailor the file and file access to different environments. It supports:
- Writable as well as read-only configuration files.
- ASCII human readable files as well as smaller binary files.
- It supports using character driver access to constrained media (such as EEPROM).
- Add examples/ipcfg to exercise IPv4 Configuration File support
apps/fsutils/mkfatfs: New user-space fatfs appears to work fine.
apps/fsutils/mkfatfs: Move mkfatfs from the OS to here. Not fully integrated on the intial commit.