/**************************************************************************** * apps/interpreters/bas/bas_global.c * Global variables and functions. * * Copyright (c) 1999-2014 Michael Haardt * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Included Files ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bas_auto.h" #include "bas.h" #include "bas_error.h" #include "bas_fs.h" #include "bas_global.h" #include "bas_var.h" #include /**************************************************************************** * Pre-processor Definitions ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef M_PI # define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif #ifndef RAND_MAX # define RAND_MAX 32767 #endif #define _(String) String /**************************************************************************** * Private Functions ****************************************************************************/ static int wildcardmatch(const char *a, const char *pattern) { while (*pattern) { switch (*pattern) { case '*': { ++pattern; while (*a) if (wildcardmatch(a, pattern)) { return 1; } else { ++a; } break; } case '?': { if (*a) { ++a; ++pattern; } else { return 0; } break; } default: if (*a == *pattern) { ++a; ++pattern; } else { return 0; } } } return (*pattern == '\0' && *a == '\0'); } static long int intValue(struct Auto *stack, int l) { struct Value value; struct Value *arg = Var_value(Auto_local(stack, l), 0, (int *)0, &value); assert(arg->type == V_INTEGER); return arg->u.integer; } static double realValue(struct Auto *stack, int l) { struct Value value; struct Value *arg = Var_value(Auto_local(stack, l), 0, (int *)0, &value); assert(arg->type == V_REAL); return arg->u.real; } static struct String *stringValue(struct Auto *stack, int l) { struct Value value; struct Value *arg = Var_value(Auto_local(stack, l), 0, (int *)0, &value); assert(arg->type == V_STRING); return &(arg->u.string); } static struct Value *bin(struct Value *v, unsigned long int value, long int digits) { char buf[sizeof(long int) * 8 + 1]; char *s; Value_new_STRING(v); s = buf + sizeof(buf); *--s = '\0'; if (digits == 0) { digits = 1; } while (digits || value) { *--s = value & 1 ? '1' : '0'; if (digits) { --digits; } value >>= 1; } String_appendChars(&v->u.string, s); return v; } static struct Value *hex(struct Value *v, long int value, long int digits) { char buf[sizeof(long int) * 2 + 1]; sprintf(buf, "%0*lx", (int)digits, value); Value_new_STRING(v); String_appendChars(&v->u.string, buf); return v; } static struct Value *find(struct Value *v, struct String *pattern, long int occurrence) { struct String dirname; struct String basename; char *slash; DIR *dir; struct dirent *ent; int currentdir; int found = 0; Value_new_STRING(v); String_new(&dirname); String_new(&basename); String_appendString(&dirname, pattern); while (dirname.length > 0 && dirname.character[dirname.length - 1] == '/') { String_delete(&dirname, dirname.length - 1, 1); } if ((slash = strrchr(dirname.character, '/')) == (char *)0) { String_appendString(&basename, &dirname); String_delete(&dirname, 0, dirname.length); String_appendChar(&dirname, '.'); currentdir = 1; } else { String_appendChars(&basename, slash + 1); String_delete(&dirname, slash - dirname.character, dirname.length - (slash - dirname.character)); currentdir = 0; } if ((dir = opendir(dirname.character)) != (DIR *) 0) { while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != (struct dirent *)0) { if (wildcardmatch(ent->d_name, basename.character)) { if (found == occurrence) { if (currentdir) { String_appendChars(&v->u.string, ent->d_name); } else { String_appendPrintf(&v->u.string, "%s/%s", dirname.character, ent->d_name); } break; } ++found; } } closedir(dir); } String_destroy(&dirname); String_destroy(&basename); return v; } static struct Value *instr(struct Value *v, long int start, long int len, struct String *haystack, struct String *needle) { const char *haystackChars = haystack->character; size_t haystackLength = haystack->length; const char *needleChars = needle->character; size_t needleLength = needle->length; int found; --start; if (start < 0) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("position")); } if (len < 0) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("length")); } if (((size_t) start) >= haystackLength) { return Value_new_INTEGER(v, 0); } haystackChars += start; haystackLength -= start; if (haystackLength > len) { haystackLength = len; } found = 1 + start; while (needleLength <= haystackLength) { if (memcmp(haystackChars, needleChars, needleLength) == 0) { return Value_new_INTEGER(v, found); } ++haystackChars; --haystackLength; ++found; } return Value_new_INTEGER(v, 0); } static struct Value *string(struct Value *v, long int len, int c) { if (len < 0) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("length")); } if (c < 0 || c > 255) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("code")); } Value_new_STRING(v); String_size(&v->u.string, len); if (len) { memset(v->u.string.character, c, len); } return v; } static struct Value *mid(struct Value *v, struct String *s, long int position, long int length) { --position; if (position < 0) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("position")); } if (length < 0) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("length")); } if (((size_t) position) + length > s->length) { length = s->length - position; if (length < 0) { length = 0; } } Value_new_STRING(v); String_size(&v->u.string, length); if (length > 0) { memcpy(v->u.string.character, s->character + position, length); } return v; } static struct Value *inkey(struct Value *v, long int timeout, long int chn) { int c; if ((c = FS_inkeyChar(chn, timeout * 10)) == -1) { if (FS_errmsg) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, IOERROR, FS_errmsg); } else { return Value_new_STRING(v); } } else { Value_new_STRING(v); String_appendChar(&v->u.string, c); return v; } } static struct Value *input(struct Value *v, long int len, long int chn) { int ch = -1; if (len <= 0) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("length")); } Value_new_STRING(v); while (len-- && (ch = FS_getChar(chn)) != -1) { String_appendChar(&v->u.string, ch); } if (ch == -1) { Value_destroy(v); return Value_new_ERROR(v, IOERROR, FS_errmsg); } return v; } static struct Value *env(struct Value *v, long int n) { int i; --n; if (n < 0) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("variable number")); } for (i = 0; i < n && environ[i]; ++i); Value_new_STRING(v); if (i == n && environ[i]) { String_appendChars(&v->u.string, environ[i]); } return v; } static struct Value *rnd(struct Value *v, long int x) { if (x < 0) { srand(-x); } if (x == 0 || x == 1) { Value_new_REAL(v, rand() / (double)RAND_MAX); } else { Value_new_REAL(v, rand() % x + 1); } return v; } static struct Value *fn_abs(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_REAL(v, fabs(realValue(stack, 0))); } static struct Value *fn_asc(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { struct String *s = stringValue(stack, 0); if (s->length == 0) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, UNDEFINED, _("`asc' or `code' of empty string")); } return Value_new_INTEGER(v, s->character[0] & 0xff); } static struct Value *fn_atn(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_REAL(v, atan(realValue(stack, 0))); } static struct Value *fn_bini(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return bin(v, intValue(stack, 0), 0); } static struct Value *fn_bind(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int n; n = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 0), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("number")); } return bin(v, n, 0); } static struct Value *fn_binii(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return bin(v, intValue(stack, 0), intValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_bindi(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int n; n = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 0), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("number")); } return bin(v, n, intValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_binid(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int digits; digits = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 1), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("digits")); } return bin(v, intValue(stack, 0), digits); } static struct Value *fn_bindd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int n; long int digits; n = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 0), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("number")); } digits = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 1), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("digits")); } return bin(v, n, digits); } static struct Value *fn_chr(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { long int chr = intValue(stack, 0); if (chr < 0 || chr > 255) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("character code")); } Value_new_STRING(v); String_size(&v->u.string, 1); v->u.string.character[0] = chr; return v; } static struct Value *fn_cint(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_REAL(v, ceil(realValue(stack, 0))); } static struct Value *fn_cos(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_REAL(v, cos(realValue(stack, 0))); } static struct Value *fn_command(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int i; Value_new_STRING(v); for (i = 0; i < g_bas_argc; ++i) { if (i) { String_appendChar(&v->u.string, ' '); } String_appendChars(&v->u.string, g_bas_argv[i]); } return v; } static struct Value *fn_commandi(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int a; a = intValue(stack, 0); if (a < 0) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("argument number")); } Value_new_STRING(v); if (a == 0) { if (g_bas_argv0 != (char *)0) { String_appendChars(&v->u.string, g_bas_argv0); } } else if (a <= g_bas_argc) { String_appendChars(&v->u.string, g_bas_argv[a - 1]); } return v; } static struct Value *fn_commandd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int a; a = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 0), &overflow); if (overflow || a < 0) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("argument number")); } Value_new_STRING(v); if (a == 0) { if (g_bas_argv0 != (char *)0) { String_appendChars(&v->u.string, g_bas_argv0); } } else if (a <= g_bas_argc) { String_appendChars(&v->u.string, g_bas_argv[a - 1]); } return v; } static struct Value *fn_cvi(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { struct String *s = stringValue(stack, 0); long int n = (s->length && s->character[s->length - 1] < 0) ? -1 : 0; int i; for (i = s->length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { n = (n << 8) | (s->character[i] & 0xff); } return Value_new_INTEGER(v, n); } static struct Value *fn_cvs(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { struct String *s = stringValue(stack, 0); float n; if (s->length != sizeof(float)) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, BADCONVERSION, _("number")); } memcpy(&n, s->character, sizeof(float)); return Value_new_REAL(v, (double)n); } static struct Value *fn_cvd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { struct String *s = stringValue(stack, 0); double n; if (s->length != sizeof(double)) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, BADCONVERSION, _("number")); } memcpy(&n, s->character, sizeof(double)); return Value_new_REAL(v, n); } static struct Value *fn_date(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { time_t t; struct tm *now; Value_new_STRING(v); String_size(&v->u.string, 10); time(&t); now = localtime(&t); sprintf(v->u.string.character, "%02d-%02d-%04d", now->tm_mon + 1, now->tm_mday, now->tm_year + 1900); return v; } static struct Value *fn_dec(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { struct Value value; struct Value *arg; size_t using; Value_new_STRING(v); arg = Var_value(Auto_local(stack, 0), 0, (int *)0, &value); using = 0; Value_toStringUsing(arg, &v->u.string, stringValue(stack, 1), &using); return v; } static struct Value *fn_deg(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_REAL(v, realValue(stack, 0) * (180.0 / M_PI)); } static struct Value *fn_det(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_REAL(v, stack->lastdet.type == V_NIL ? 0.0 : (stack->lastdet.type == V_REAL ? stack->lastdet.u. real : stack->lastdet.u.integer)); } static struct Value *fn_edit(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int code; char *begin; char *end; char *rd; char *wr; char quote; code = intValue(stack, 1); Value_new_STRING(v); String_appendString(&v->u.string, stringValue(stack, 0)); begin = rd = wr = v->u.string.character; end = rd + v->u.string.length; /* 8 - Discard Leading Spaces and Tabs */ if (code & 8) { while (rd < end && (*rd == ' ' || *rd == '\t')) { ++rd; } } while (rd < end) { /* 1 - Discard parity bit */ if (code & 1) { *rd = *rd & 0x7f; } /* 2 - Discard all spaces and tabs */ if ((code & 2) && (*rd == ' ' || *rd == '\t')) { ++rd; continue; } /* 4 - Discard all carriage returns, line feeds, form feeds, deletes, * escapes, and nulls */ if ((code & 4) && (*rd == '\r' || *rd == '\n' || *rd == '\f' || *rd == 127 || *rd == 27 || *rd == '\0')) { ++rd; continue; } /* 16 - Convert Multiple Spaces and Tabs to one space */ if ((code & 16) && ((*rd == ' ') || (*rd == '\t'))) { *wr++ = ' '; while (rd < end && (*rd == ' ' || *rd == '\t')) { ++rd; } continue; } /* 32 - Convert lower to upper case */ if ((code & 32) && islower((int)*rd)) { *wr++ = toupper((int)*rd++); continue; } /* 64 - Convert brackets to parentheses */ if (code & 64) { if (*rd == '[') { *wr++ = '('; ++rd; continue; } else if (*rd == ']') { *wr++ = ')'; ++rd; continue; } } /* 256 - Suppress all editing for characters within quotation marks */ if ((code & 256) && (*rd == '"' || *rd == '\'')) { quote = *rd; *wr++ = *rd++; while (rd < end && *rd != quote) { *wr++ = *rd++; } if (rd < end) { *wr++ = *rd++; quote = '\0'; } continue; } *wr++ = *rd++; } /* 128 - Discard Trailing Spaces and Tabs */ if ((code & 128) && wr > begin) { while (wr > begin && (*(wr - 1) == '\0' || *(wr - 1) == '\t')) { --wr; } } String_size(&v->u.string, wr - begin); return v; } static struct Value *fn_environi(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return env(v, intValue(stack, 0)); } static struct Value *fn_environd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int n; n = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 0), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("number")); } return env(v, n); } static struct Value *fn_environs(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { char *var; Value_new_STRING(v); if ((var = stringValue(stack, 0)->character)) { char *val = getenv(var); if (val) { String_appendChars(&v->u.string, val); } } return v; } static struct Value *fn_eof(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int e = FS_eof(intValue(stack, 0)); if (e == -1) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, IOERROR, FS_errmsg); } return Value_new_INTEGER(v, e ? -1 : 0); } static struct Value *fn_erl(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_INTEGER(v, stack->erl); } static struct Value *fn_err(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_INTEGER(v, stack->err.type == V_NIL ? 0 : stack->err.u.error.code); } static struct Value *fn_exp(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_REAL(v, exp(realValue(stack, 0))); } static struct Value *fn_false(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_INTEGER(v, 0); } static struct Value *fn_find(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return find(v, stringValue(stack, 0), 0); } static struct Value *fn_findi(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return find(v, stringValue(stack, 0), intValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_findd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int n; n = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 1), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("number")); } return find(v, stringValue(stack, 0), n); } static struct Value *fn_fix(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { double x = realValue(stack, 0); return Value_new_REAL(v, x < 0.0 ? ceil(x) : floor(x)); } static struct Value *fn_frac(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { double x = realValue(stack, 0); return Value_new_REAL(v, x < 0.0 ? x - ceil(x) : x - floor(x)); } static struct Value *fn_freefile(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_INTEGER(v, FS_freechn()); } static struct Value *fn_hexi(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { char buf[sizeof(long int) * 2 + 1]; sprintf(buf, "%lx", intValue(stack, 0)); Value_new_STRING(v); String_appendChars(&v->u.string, buf); return v; } static struct Value *fn_hexd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { char buf[sizeof(long int) * 2 + 1]; int overflow; long int n; n = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 0), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("number")); } sprintf(buf, "%lx", n); Value_new_STRING(v); String_appendChars(&v->u.string, buf); return v; } static struct Value *fn_hexii(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return hex(v, intValue(stack, 0), intValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_hexdi(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int n; n = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 0), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("number")); } return hex(v, n, intValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_hexid(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int digits; digits = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 1), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("digits")); } return hex(v, intValue(stack, 0), digits); } static struct Value *fn_hexdd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int n, digits; n = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 0), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("number")); } digits = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 1), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("digits")); } return hex(v, n, digits); } static struct Value *fn_int(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_REAL(v, floor(realValue(stack, 0))); } static struct Value *fn_intp(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { long int l; errno = 0; l = lrint(floor(realValue(stack, 0))); if (errno == EDOM) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("number")); } return Value_new_INTEGER(v, l); } static struct Value *fn_inp(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int r = FS_portInput(intValue(stack, 0)); if (r == -1) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, IOERROR, FS_errmsg); } else { return Value_new_INTEGER(v, r); } } static struct Value *fn_input1(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return input(v, intValue(stack, 0), STDCHANNEL); } static struct Value *fn_input2(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return input(v, intValue(stack, 0), intValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_inkey(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return inkey(v, 0, STDCHANNEL); } static struct Value *fn_inkeyi(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return inkey(v, intValue(stack, 0), STDCHANNEL); } static struct Value *fn_inkeyd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int t; t = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 0), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("time")); } return inkey(v, t, STDCHANNEL); } static struct Value *fn_inkeyii(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return inkey(v, intValue(stack, 0), intValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_inkeyid(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int chn; chn = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 1), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("channel")); } return inkey(v, intValue(stack, 0), chn); } static struct Value *fn_inkeydi(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return inkey(v, realValue(stack, 0), intValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_inkeydd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int t, chn; t = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 0), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("time")); } chn = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 1), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("channel")); } return inkey(v, t, chn); } static struct Value *fn_instr2(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { struct String *haystack = stringValue(stack, 0); return instr(v, 1, haystack->length, haystack, stringValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_instr3iss(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { struct String *haystack = stringValue(stack, 1); return instr(v, intValue(stack, 0), haystack->length, haystack, stringValue(stack, 2)); } static struct Value *fn_instr3ssi(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { struct String *haystack = stringValue(stack, 0); return instr(v, intValue(stack, 2), haystack->length, haystack, stringValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_instr3dss(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int start; struct String *haystack; start = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 0), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("start")); } haystack = stringValue(stack, 1); return instr(v, start, haystack->length, haystack, stringValue(stack, 2)); } static struct Value *fn_instr3ssd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int start; struct String *haystack; start = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 2), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("start")); } haystack = stringValue(stack, 0); return instr(v, start, haystack->length, haystack, stringValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_instr4ii(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return instr(v, intValue(stack, 2), intValue(stack, 3), stringValue(stack, 0), stringValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_instr4id(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int len; len = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 3), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("length")); } return instr(v, intValue(stack, 2), len, stringValue(stack, 0), stringValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_instr4di(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int start; start = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 2), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("start")); } return instr(v, start, intValue(stack, 3), stringValue(stack, 0), stringValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_instr4dd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int start, len; start = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 2), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("start")); } len = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 3), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("length")); } return instr(v, start, len, stringValue(stack, 0), stringValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_lcase(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { Value_new_STRING(v); String_appendString(&v->u.string, stringValue(stack, 0)); String_lcase(&v->u.string); return v; } static struct Value *fn_len(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_INTEGER(v, stringValue(stack, 0)->length); } static struct Value *fn_left(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { struct String *s = stringValue(stack, 0); long int len = intValue(stack, 1); int left = ((size_t) len) < s->length ? len : s->length; if (left < 0) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("length")); } Value_new_STRING(v); String_size(&v->u.string, left); if (left) { memcpy(v->u.string.character, s->character, left); } return v; } static struct Value *fn_loc(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { long int l = FS_loc(intValue(stack, 0)); if (l == -1) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, IOERROR, FS_errmsg); } return Value_new_INTEGER(v, l); } static struct Value *fn_lof(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { long int l = FS_lof(intValue(stack, 0)); if (l == -1) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, IOERROR, FS_errmsg); } return Value_new_INTEGER(v, l); } static struct Value *fn_log(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { if (realValue(stack, 0) <= 0.0) { Value_new_ERROR(v, UNDEFINED, _("Logarithm of negative value")); } else { Value_new_REAL(v, log(realValue(stack, 0))); } return v; } static struct Value *fn_log10(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { if (realValue(stack, 0) <= 0.0) { Value_new_ERROR(v, UNDEFINED, _("Logarithm of negative value")); } else { Value_new_REAL(v, log10(realValue(stack, 0))); } return v; } static struct Value *fn_log2(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { if (realValue(stack, 0) <= 0.0) { Value_new_ERROR(v, UNDEFINED, _("Logarithm of negative value")); } else { Value_new_REAL(v, log2(realValue(stack, 0))); } return v; } static struct Value *fn_ltrim(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { struct String *s = stringValue(stack, 0); int len = s->length; int spaces; for (spaces = 0; spaces < len && s->character[spaces] == ' '; ++spaces); Value_new_STRING(v); String_size(&v->u.string, len - spaces); if (len - spaces) { memcpy(v->u.string.character, s->character + spaces, len - spaces); } return v; } static struct Value *fn_match(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { struct String *needle = stringValue(stack, 0); const char *needleChars = needle->character; const char *needleEnd = needle->character + needle->length; struct String *haystack = stringValue(stack, 1); const char *haystackChars = haystack->character; size_t haystackLength = haystack->length; long int start = intValue(stack, 2); long int found; const char *n, *h; if (start < 0) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("position")); } if (((size_t) start) >= haystackLength) { return Value_new_INTEGER(v, 0); } haystackChars += start; haystackLength -= start; found = 1 + start; while (haystackLength) { for (n = needleChars, h = haystackChars; n < needleEnd && h < (haystackChars + haystackLength); ++n, ++h) { if (*n == '\\') { if (++n < needleEnd && *n != *h) { break; } } else if (*n == '!') { if (!isalpha((int)*h)) { break; } } else if (*n == '#') { if (!isdigit((int)*h)) { break; } } else if (*n != '?' && *n != *h) { break; } } if (n == needleEnd) { return Value_new_INTEGER(v, found); } ++haystackChars; --haystackLength; ++found; } return Value_new_INTEGER(v, 0); } static struct Value *fn_maxii(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { long int x, y; x = intValue(stack, 0); y = intValue(stack, 1); return Value_new_INTEGER(v, x > y ? x : y); } static struct Value *fn_maxdi(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { double x; long int y; x = realValue(stack, 0); y = intValue(stack, 1); return Value_new_REAL(v, x > y ? x : y); } static struct Value *fn_maxid(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { long int x; double y; x = intValue(stack, 0); y = realValue(stack, 1); return Value_new_REAL(v, x > y ? x : y); } static struct Value *fn_maxdd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { double x, y; x = realValue(stack, 0); y = realValue(stack, 1); return Value_new_REAL(v, x > y ? x : y); } static struct Value *fn_mid2i(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return mid(v, stringValue(stack, 0), intValue(stack, 1), stringValue(stack, 0)->length); } static struct Value *fn_mid2d(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int start; start = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 1), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("start")); } return mid(v, stringValue(stack, 0), start, stringValue(stack, 0)->length); } static struct Value *fn_mid3ii(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return mid(v, stringValue(stack, 0), intValue(stack, 1), intValue(stack, 2)); } static struct Value *fn_mid3id(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int len; len = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 2), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("length")); } return mid(v, stringValue(stack, 0), intValue(stack, 1), len); } static struct Value *fn_mid3di(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int start; start = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 1), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("start")); } return mid(v, stringValue(stack, 0), start, intValue(stack, 2)); } static struct Value *fn_mid3dd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int start, len; start = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 1), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("start")); } len = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 2), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("length")); } return mid(v, stringValue(stack, 0), start, len); } static struct Value *fn_minii(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { long int x, y; x = intValue(stack, 0); y = intValue(stack, 1); return Value_new_INTEGER(v, x < y ? x : y); } static struct Value *fn_mindi(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { double x; long int y; x = realValue(stack, 0); y = intValue(stack, 1); return Value_new_REAL(v, x < y ? x : y); } static struct Value *fn_minid(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { long int x; double y; x = intValue(stack, 0); y = realValue(stack, 1); return Value_new_REAL(v, x < y ? x : y); } static struct Value *fn_mindd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { double x, y; x = realValue(stack, 0); y = realValue(stack, 1); return Value_new_REAL(v, x < y ? x : y); } static struct Value *fn_mki(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { long int x = intValue(stack, 0); size_t i; Value_new_STRING(v); String_size(&v->u.string, sizeof(long int)); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(long int); ++i, x >>= 8) { v->u.string.character[i] = (x & 0xff); } return v; } static struct Value *fn_mks(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { float x = realValue(stack, 0); Value_new_STRING(v); String_size(&v->u.string, sizeof(float)); memcpy(v->u.string.character, &x, sizeof(float)); return v; } static struct Value *fn_mkd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { double x = realValue(stack, 0); Value_new_STRING(v); String_size(&v->u.string, sizeof(double)); memcpy(v->u.string.character, &x, sizeof(double)); return v; } static struct Value *fn_oct(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { char buf[sizeof(long int) * 3 + 1]; sprintf(buf, "%lo", intValue(stack, 0)); Value_new_STRING(v); String_appendChars(&v->u.string, buf); return v; } static struct Value *fn_pi(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_REAL(v, M_PI); } static struct Value *fn_peek(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int r = FS_memInput(intValue(stack, 0)); if (r == -1) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, IOERROR, FS_errmsg); } else { return Value_new_INTEGER(v, r); } } static struct Value *fn_pos(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_INTEGER(v, FS_charpos(STDCHANNEL) + 1); } static struct Value *fn_rad(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_REAL(v, (realValue(stack, 0) * M_PI) / 180.0); } static struct Value *fn_right(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { struct String *s = stringValue(stack, 0); int len = s->length; int right = intValue(stack, 1) < len ? intValue(stack, 1) : len; if (right < 0) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("length")); } Value_new_STRING(v); String_size(&v->u.string, right); if (right) { memcpy(v->u.string.character, s->character + len - right, right); } return v; } static struct Value *fn_rnd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return rnd(v, 0); } static struct Value *fn_rndi(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return rnd(v, intValue(stack, 0)); } static struct Value *fn_rndd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int limit; limit = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 0), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("limit")); } return rnd(v, limit); } static struct Value *fn_rtrim(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { struct String *s = stringValue(stack, 0); int len = s->length; int lastSpace; for (lastSpace = len; lastSpace > 0 && s->character[lastSpace - 1] == ' '; --lastSpace); Value_new_STRING(v); String_size(&v->u.string, lastSpace); if (lastSpace) { memcpy(v->u.string.character, s->character, lastSpace); } return v; } static struct Value *fn_sgn(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { double x = realValue(stack, 0); return Value_new_INTEGER(v, x < 0.0 ? -1 : (x == 0.0 ? 0 : 1)); } static struct Value *fn_sin(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_REAL(v, sin(realValue(stack, 0))); } static struct Value *fn_space(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { long int len = intValue(stack, 0); if (len < 0) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("length")); } Value_new_STRING(v); String_size(&v->u.string, len); if (len) { memset(v->u.string.character, ' ', len); } return v; } static struct Value *fn_sqr(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { if (realValue(stack, 0) < 0.0) { Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("Square root argument")); } else { Value_new_REAL(v, sqrt(realValue(stack, 0))); } return v; } static struct Value *fn_str(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { struct Value value, *arg; struct String s; arg = Var_value(Auto_local(stack, 0), 0, (int *)0, &value); assert(arg->type != V_ERROR); String_new(&s); Value_toString(arg, &s, ' ', -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0); v->type = V_STRING; v->u.string = s; return v; } static struct Value *fn_stringii(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return string(v, intValue(stack, 0), intValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_stringid(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int chr; chr = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 1), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("character code")); } return string(v, intValue(stack, 0), chr); } static struct Value *fn_stringdi(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int len; len = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 0), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("length")); } return string(v, len, intValue(stack, 1)); } static struct Value *fn_stringdd(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int len, chr; len = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 0), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("length")); } chr = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 1), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("character code")); } return string(v, len, chr); } static struct Value *fn_stringis(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { if (stringValue(stack, 1)->length == 0) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, UNDEFINED, _("`string$' of empty string")); } return string(v, intValue(stack, 0), stringValue(stack, 1)->character[0]); } static struct Value *fn_stringds(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { int overflow; long int len; len = Value_toi(realValue(stack, 0), &overflow); if (overflow) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, OUTOFRANGE, _("length")); } if (stringValue(stack, 1)->length == 0) { return Value_new_ERROR(v, UNDEFINED, _("`string$' of empty string")); } return string(v, len, stringValue(stack, 1)->character[0]); } static struct Value *fn_strip(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { size_t i; Value_new_STRING(v); String_appendString(&v->u.string, stringValue(stack, 0)); for (i = 0; i < v->u.string.length; ++i) { v->u.string.character[i] &= 0x7f; } return v; } static struct Value *fn_tan(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_REAL(v, tan(realValue(stack, 0))); } static struct Value *fn_timei(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_INTEGER(v, (unsigned long)(clock() / (CLK_TCK / 100.0))); } static struct Value *fn_times(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { time_t t; struct tm *now; Value_new_STRING(v); String_size(&v->u.string, 8); time(&t); now = localtime(&t); sprintf(v->u.string.character, "%02d:%02d:%02d", now->tm_hour, now->tm_min, now->tm_sec); return v; } static struct Value *fn_timer(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { time_t t; struct tm *l; time(&t); l = localtime(&t); return Value_new_REAL(v, l->tm_hour * 3600 + l->tm_min * 60 + l->tm_sec); } static struct Value *fn_tl(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { struct String *s = stringValue(stack, 0); Value_new_STRING(v); if (s->length) { int tail = s->length - 1; String_size(&v->u.string, tail); if (s->length) { memcpy(v->u.string.character, s->character + 1, tail); } } return v; } static struct Value *fn_true(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { return Value_new_INTEGER(v, -1); } static struct Value *fn_ucase(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { Value_new_STRING(v); String_appendString(&v->u.string, stringValue(stack, 0)); String_ucase(&v->u.string); return v; } static struct Value *fn_val(struct Value *v, struct Auto *stack) { struct String *s = stringValue(stack, 0); char *end; long int i; int overflow; if (s->character == (char *)0) { return Value_new_REAL(v, 0.0); } i = Value_vali(s->character, &end, &overflow); if (*end == '\0') { return Value_new_INTEGER(v, i); } else { return Value_new_REAL(v, Value_vald(s->character, NULL, &overflow)); } } static unsigned int hash(const char *s) { unsigned int h = 0; while (*s) { h = h * 256 + tolower(*s); ++s; } return h % GLOBAL_HASHSIZE; } static void builtin(struct Global *this, const char *ident, enum ValueType type, struct Value *(*func) (struct Value * value, struct Auto * stack), int argLength, ...) { struct Symbol **r; struct Symbol *s, **sptr; int i; va_list ap; for (r = &this->table[hash(ident)]; *r != (struct Symbol *)0 && cistrcmp((*r)->name, ident); r = &((*r)->next)); if (*r == (struct Symbol *)0) { *r = malloc(sizeof(struct Symbol)); (*r)->name = strdup(ident); (*r)->next = (struct Symbol *)0; s = (*r); } else { for (sptr = &((*r)->u.sub.u.bltin.next); *sptr; sptr = &((*sptr)->u.sub.u.bltin.next)); *sptr = s = malloc(sizeof(struct Symbol)); } s->u.sub.u.bltin.next = (struct Symbol *)0; s->type = BUILTINFUNCTION; s->u.sub.argLength = argLength; s->u.sub.argTypes = argLength ? malloc(sizeof(enum ValueType) * argLength) : (enum ValueType *)0; s->u.sub.retType = type; va_start(ap, argLength); for (i = 0; i < argLength; ++i) { s->u.sub.argTypes[i] = (enum ValueType)va_arg(ap, int); } va_end(ap); s->u.sub.u.bltin.call = func; } /**************************************************************************** * Public Functions ****************************************************************************/ struct Global *Global_new(struct Global *this) { builtin(this, "abs", V_REAL, fn_abs, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "asc", V_INTEGER, fn_asc, 1, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "atn", V_REAL, fn_atn, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "bin$", V_STRING, fn_bini, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "bin$", V_STRING, fn_bind, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "bin$", V_STRING, fn_binii, 2, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "bin$", V_STRING, fn_bindi, 2, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "bin$", V_STRING, fn_binid, 2, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "bin$", V_STRING, fn_bindd, 2, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "chr$", V_STRING, fn_chr, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "cint", V_REAL, fn_cint, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "code", V_INTEGER, fn_asc, 1, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "command$", V_STRING, fn_command, 0); builtin(this, "command$", V_STRING, fn_commandi, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "command$", V_STRING, fn_commandd, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "cos", V_REAL, fn_cos, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "cvi", V_INTEGER, fn_cvi, 1, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "cvs", V_REAL, fn_cvs, 1, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "cvd", V_REAL, fn_cvd, 1, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "date$", V_STRING, fn_date, 0); builtin(this, "dec$", V_STRING, fn_dec, 2, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "dec$", V_STRING, fn_dec, 2, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "dec$", V_STRING, fn_dec, 2, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "deg", V_REAL, fn_deg, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "det", V_REAL, fn_det, 0); builtin(this, "edit$", V_STRING, fn_edit, 2, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "environ$", V_STRING, fn_environi, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "environ$", V_STRING, fn_environd, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "environ$", V_STRING, fn_environs, 1, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "eof", V_INTEGER, fn_eof, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "erl", V_INTEGER, fn_erl, 0); builtin(this, "err", V_INTEGER, fn_err, 0); builtin(this, "exp", V_REAL, fn_exp, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "false", V_INTEGER, fn_false, 0); builtin(this, "find$", V_STRING, fn_find, 1, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "find$", V_STRING, fn_findi, 2, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "find$", V_STRING, fn_findd, 2, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "fix", V_REAL, fn_fix, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "frac", V_REAL, fn_frac, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "freefile", V_INTEGER, fn_freefile, 0); builtin(this, "fp", V_REAL, fn_frac, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "hex$", V_STRING, fn_hexi, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "hex$", V_STRING, fn_hexd, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "hex$", V_STRING, fn_hexii, 2, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "hex$", V_STRING, fn_hexdi, 2, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "hex$", V_STRING, fn_hexid, 2, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "hex$", V_STRING, fn_hexdd, 2, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "inkey$", V_STRING, fn_inkey, 0); builtin(this, "inkey$", V_STRING, fn_inkeyi, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "inkey$", V_STRING, fn_inkeyd, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "inkey$", V_STRING, fn_inkeyii, 2, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "inkey$", V_STRING, fn_inkeyid, 2, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "inkey$", V_STRING, fn_inkeydi, 2, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "inkey$", V_STRING, fn_inkeydd, 2, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "inp", V_INTEGER, fn_inp, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "input$", V_STRING, fn_input1, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "input$", V_STRING, fn_input2, 2, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "instr", V_INTEGER, fn_instr2, 2, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "instr", V_INTEGER, fn_instr3iss, 3, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "instr", V_INTEGER, fn_instr3ssi, 3, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "instr", V_INTEGER, fn_instr3dss, 3, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "instr", V_INTEGER, fn_instr3ssd, 3, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "instr", V_INTEGER, fn_instr4ii, 4, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "instr", V_INTEGER, fn_instr4id, 4, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "instr", V_INTEGER, fn_instr4di, 4, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "instr", V_INTEGER, fn_instr4dd, 4, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "int", V_REAL, fn_int, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "int%", V_INTEGER, fn_intp, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "ip", V_REAL, fn_fix, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "lcase$", V_STRING, fn_lcase, 1, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "lower$", V_STRING, fn_lcase, 1, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "left$", V_STRING, fn_left, 2, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "len", V_INTEGER, fn_len, 1, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "loc", V_INTEGER, fn_loc, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "lof", V_INTEGER, fn_lof, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "log", V_REAL, fn_log, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "log10", V_REAL, fn_log10, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "log2", V_REAL, fn_log2, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "ltrim$", V_STRING, fn_ltrim, 1, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "match", V_INTEGER, fn_match, 3, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "max", V_INTEGER, fn_maxii, 2, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "max", V_REAL, fn_maxdi, 2, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "max", V_REAL, fn_maxid, 2, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "max", V_REAL, fn_maxdd, 2, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "mid$", V_STRING, fn_mid2i, 2, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "mid$", V_STRING, fn_mid2d, 2, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "mid$", V_STRING, fn_mid3ii, 3, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "mid$", V_STRING, fn_mid3id, 3, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "mid$", V_STRING, fn_mid3di, 3, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "mid$", V_STRING, fn_mid3dd, 3, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "min", V_INTEGER, fn_minii, 2, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "min", V_REAL, fn_mindi, 2, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "min", V_REAL, fn_minid, 2, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "min", V_REAL, fn_mindd, 2, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "mki$", V_STRING, fn_mki, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "mks$", V_STRING, fn_mks, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "mkd$", V_STRING, fn_mkd, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "oct$", V_STRING, fn_oct, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "peek", V_INTEGER, fn_peek, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "pi", V_REAL, fn_pi, 0); builtin(this, "pos", V_INTEGER, fn_pos, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "pos", V_INTEGER, fn_pos, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "pos", V_INTEGER, fn_instr3ssi, 3, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "pos", V_INTEGER, fn_instr3ssd, 3, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "rad", V_REAL, fn_rad, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "right$", V_STRING, fn_right, 2, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "rnd", V_INTEGER, fn_rnd, 0); builtin(this, "rnd", V_INTEGER, fn_rndd, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "rnd", V_INTEGER, fn_rndi, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "rtrim$", V_STRING, fn_rtrim, 1, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "seg$", V_STRING, fn_mid3ii, 3, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "seg$", V_STRING, fn_mid3id, 3, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "seg$", V_STRING, fn_mid3di, 3, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "seg$", V_STRING, fn_mid3dd, 3, (int)V_STRING, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "sgn", V_INTEGER, fn_sgn, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "sin", V_REAL, fn_sin, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "space$", V_STRING, fn_space, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "sqr", V_REAL, fn_sqr, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "str$", V_STRING, fn_str, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "str$", V_STRING, fn_str, 1, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "string$", V_STRING, fn_stringii, 2, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "string$", V_STRING, fn_stringid, 2, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "string$", V_STRING, fn_stringdi, 2, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_INTEGER); builtin(this, "string$", V_STRING, fn_stringdd, 2, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "string$", V_STRING, fn_stringis, 2, (int)V_INTEGER, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "string$", V_STRING, fn_stringds, 2, (int)V_REAL, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "strip$", V_STRING, fn_strip, 1, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "tan", V_REAL, fn_tan, 1, (int)V_REAL); builtin(this, "time", V_INTEGER, fn_timei, 0); builtin(this, "time$", V_STRING, fn_times, 0); builtin(this, "timer", V_REAL, fn_timer, 0); builtin(this, "tl$", V_STRING, fn_tl, 1, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "true", V_INTEGER, fn_true, 0); builtin(this, "ucase$", V_STRING, fn_ucase, 1, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "upper$", V_STRING, fn_ucase, 1, (int)V_STRING); builtin(this, "val", V_REAL, fn_val, 1, (int)V_STRING); return this; } int Global_find(struct Global *this, struct Identifier *ident, int oparen) { struct Symbol **r; for (r = &this->table[hash(ident->name)]; *r != (struct Symbol *)0 && ((((*r)->type == GLOBALVAR && oparen) || ((*r)->type == GLOBALARRAY && !oparen)) || cistrcmp((*r)->name, ident->name)); r = &((*r)->next)); if (*r == (struct Symbol *)0) { return 0; } ident->sym = (*r); return 1; } int Global_variable(struct Global *this, struct Identifier *ident, enum ValueType type, enum SymbolType symbolType, int redeclare) { struct Symbol **r; for (r = &this->table[hash(ident->name)]; *r != (struct Symbol *)0 && ((*r)->type != symbolType || cistrcmp((*r)->name, ident->name)); r = &((*r)->next)); if (*r == (struct Symbol *)0) { *r = malloc(sizeof(struct Symbol)); (*r)->name = strdup(ident->name); (*r)->next = (struct Symbol *)0; (*r)->type = symbolType; Var_new(&((*r)->u.var), type, 0, (unsigned int *)0, 0); } else if (redeclare) { Var_retype(&((*r)->u.var), type); } switch ((*r)->type) { case GLOBALVAR: case GLOBALARRAY: { ident->sym = (*r); break; } case BUILTINFUNCTION: { return 0; } case USERFUNCTION: { return 0; } default: assert(0); } return 1; } int Global_function(struct Global *this, struct Identifier *ident, enum ValueType type, struct Pc *deffn, struct Pc *begin, int argLength, enum ValueType *argTypes) { struct Symbol **r; for (r = &this->table[hash(ident->name)]; *r != (struct Symbol *)0 && cistrcmp((*r)->name, ident->name); r = &((*r)->next)); if (*r != (struct Symbol *)0) { return 0; } *r = malloc(sizeof(struct Symbol)); (*r)->name = strdup(ident->name); (*r)->next = (struct Symbol *)0; (*r)->type = USERFUNCTION; (*r)->u.sub.u.def.scope.start = *deffn; (*r)->u.sub.u.def.scope.begin = *begin; (*r)->u.sub.argLength = argLength; (*r)->u.sub.argTypes = argTypes; (*r)->u.sub.retType = type; (*r)->u.sub.u.def.localLength = 0; (*r)->u.sub.u.def.localTypes = (enum ValueType *)0; ident->sym = (*r); return 1; } void Global_endfunction(struct Global *this, struct Identifier *ident, struct Pc *end) { struct Symbol **r; for (r = &this->table[hash(ident->name)]; *r != (struct Symbol *)0 && cistrcmp((*r)->name, ident->name); r = &((*r)->next)); assert(*r != (struct Symbol *)0); (*r)->u.sub.u.def.scope.end = *end; } void Global_clear(struct Global *this) { int i; for (i = 0; i < GLOBAL_HASHSIZE; ++i) { struct Symbol *v; for (v = this->table[i]; v; v = v->next) { if (v->type == GLOBALVAR || v->type == GLOBALARRAY) { Var_clear(&(v->u.var)); } } } } void Global_clearFunctions(struct Global *this) { int i; for (i = 0; i < GLOBAL_HASHSIZE; ++i) { struct Symbol **v = &this->table[i], *w; struct Symbol *sym; while (*v) { sym = *v; w = sym->next; if (sym->type == USERFUNCTION) { if (sym->u.sub.u.def.localTypes) { free(sym->u.sub.u.def.localTypes); } if (sym->u.sub.argTypes) { free(sym->u.sub.argTypes); } free(sym->name); free(sym); *v = w; } else { v = &sym->next; } } } } void Global_destroy(struct Global *this) { int i; for (i = 0; i < GLOBAL_HASHSIZE; ++i) { struct Symbol *v = this->table[i], *w; struct Symbol *sym; while (v) { sym = v; w = v->next; switch (sym->type) { case GLOBALVAR: case GLOBALARRAY: Var_destroy(&(sym->u.var)); break; case USERFUNCTION: { if (sym->u.sub.u.def.localTypes) { free(sym->u.sub.u.def.localTypes); } if (sym->u.sub.argTypes) { free(sym->u.sub.argTypes); } break; } case BUILTINFUNCTION: { if (sym->u.sub.argTypes) { free(sym->u.sub.argTypes); } if (sym->u.sub.u.bltin.next) { sym = sym->u.sub.u.bltin.next; while (sym) { struct Symbol *n; if (sym->u.sub.argTypes) { free(sym->u.sub.argTypes); } n = sym->u.sub.u.bltin.next; free(sym); sym = n; } } break; } default: assert(0); } free(v->name); free(v); v = w; } this->table[i] = (struct Symbol *)0; } }