#!/usr/bin/wish -f ############################################################################# # apps/graphics/traveler/tools/tcledit/tcl_edit.tk # # Copyright (C) 2016 Gregory Nutt. All rights reserved. # Author: Gregory Nutt # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # 3. Neither the name NuttX nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS # OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ############################################################################# # Control features for each element proc configentry {w option items} { foreach i $items { $w.$i configure -state $option } } proc configeditplane { w } { global editplane editpoint if {$editplane == "x"} { $w.x configure -state disabled if {($editpoint == "1") || ($editpoint == "2")} { $w.y configure -state normal } else { $w.y configure -state disabled } if {($editpoint == "1") || ($editpoint == "3")} { $w.z configure -state normal } else { $w.z configure -state disabled } } if {$editplane == "y"} { if {($editpoint == "1") || ($editpoint == "2")} { $w.x configure -state normal } else { $w.x configure -state disabled } $w.y configure -state disabled if {($editpoint == "1") || ($editpoint == "3")} { $w.z configure -state normal } else { $w.z configure -state disabled } } if {$editplane == "z"} { if {($editpoint == "1") || ($editpoint == "2")} { $w.x configure -state normal } else { $w.x configure -state disabled } if {($editpoint == "1") || ($editpoint == "3")} { $w.y configure -state normal } else { $w.y configure -state disabled } $w.z configure -state disabled } } proc cget { w option } { return "[lindex [$w configure $option] 4]" } proc bool {w text variable command} { frame $w -relief sunken radiobutton $w.y -text "yes" -variable $variable -value 1 -relief groove -width 3 -command $command radiobutton $w.n -text "no" -variable $variable -value 0 -relief groove -width 3 -command $command button $w.l -text "$text" -relief groove -anchor w -width 10 $w.l configure -activefore [cget $w.l -fg] -activeback [cget $w.l -bg] pack $w.l -side right -fill both -expand on pack $w.n $w.y -side right -fill y pack $w -anchor w -fill both -expand on } proc int {w text variable command} { frame $w entry $w.x -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -textvariable $variable -width 8 button $w.l -text "$text" -relief groove -anchor w -width 8 $w.l configure -activefore [cget $w.l -fg] -activeback [cget $w.l -bg] pack $w.l -anchor w -side right -fill y pack $w.x -anchor w -side right -fill y pack $w -anchor w -fill both -expand on bind $w.x "eval \"$command \$$variable\"" } proc minimenu {w text variable} { frame $w menubutton $w.x -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -textvariable $variable \ -menu $w.x.menu -anchor w -width 8 button $w.l -text "$text" -relief groove -anchor w -width 8 $w.l configure -activefore [cget $w.l -fg] -activeback [cget $w.l -bg] pack $w.l -anchor w -side right -fill y pack $w.x -anchor w -side right -fill y pack $w -anchor w -fill both -expand on } # Report new attributes proc newattribute { } { global shaded transparent door global scaleno texture ast_attributes $shaded$transparent$door $texture $scaleno } # Handle edit mode settings proc seteditmode {mode plane} { global editmode editplane global xpos ypos zpos global xpt1 ypt1 zpt1 global xpt2 ypt2 zpt2 global xpt3 ypt3 zpt3 global xpt4 ypt4 zpt4 global editwidth editheight global shaded transparent door global scaleno scaling texture set editmode $mode; set editplane $plane ast_seteditmode $mode $plane if {($editmode == "NEW") || ($editmode == "EDIT")} { set xpt1 $xpos; set xpt2 $xpos; set xpt3 $xpos; set xpt4 $xpos set ypt1 $ypos; set ypt2 $ypos; set ypt3 $ypos; set ypt4 $ypos set zpt1 $zpos; set zpt2 $zpos; set zpt3 $zpos; set zpt4 $zpos } set editwidth 0; set editheight 0 set shaded 0; set transparent 0; set door 0 set scaleno 0; set scaling 1x; set texture 0 ast_edit "x" $xpos 0 ast_edit "y" $ypos 0 ast_edit "z" $zpos 0 newattribute } # Handle changes in scale bars and/or numeric entries proc setxscale { xvalue } { global xscale xmin xmax; set screenwidth [expr $xmax - $xmin + 1] set xoffset [expr $xvalue - $xmin] set xscale [expr $xoffset * 32768 / $screenwidth] } proc getxscale { xvalue } { global xmin xmax; set screenwidth [expr $xmax - $xmin + 1] set xoffset [expr $xvalue * $screenwidth / 32768] return [expr $xoffset + $xmin] } proc clipx { xvalue } { global xmin xmax if {$xvalue > $xmax} { set xvalue $xmax } if {$xvalue < $xmin} { set xvalue $xmin } setxscale $xvalue return $xvalue } proc neweditx { xvalue } { global editmode editpoint editwidth global xpt1 xpt2 xpt3 xpt4 if {($editmode == "NEW") || ($editmode == "EDIT")} { if {$editpoint == "1"} { if {$xvalue > $xpt2} { set xvalue $xpt2 setxscale $xvalue } set xpt1 $xvalue set xpt3 $xvalue } else { if {$xvalue < $xpt1} { set xvalue $xpt1 setxscale $xvalue } set xpt2 $xvalue set xpt4 $xvalue } set editwidth [expr $xpt2 - $xpt1] ast_edit "x" $xpt1 $editwidth } else { if {$editmode == "POS"} { global xpos ypos zpos set xpos $xvalue ast_position $xpos $ypos $zpos } } } proc newxscale { xvalue } { set xvalue [eval "getxscale $xvalue"] set xvalue [eval "clipx $xvalue"] neweditx $xvalue } proc newxentry { xvarname } { global $xvarname eval "set xvalue \$$xvarname" set xvalue [eval "clipx $xvalue"] neweditx $xvalue } proc setyscale { yvalue } { global yscale ymin ymax; set screenwidth [expr $ymax - $ymin + 1] set yoffset [expr $yvalue - $ymin] set yscale [expr $yoffset * 32768 / $screenwidth] } proc getyscale { yvalue } { global ymin ymax; set screenwidth [expr $ymax - $ymin + 1] set yoffset [expr $yvalue * $screenwidth / 32768] return [expr $yoffset + $ymin] } proc clipy { yvalue } { global ymin ymax if {$yvalue > $ymax} { set yvalue $ymax } if {$yvalue < $ymin} { set yvalue $ymin } setyscale $yvalue return $yvalue } proc newedity { yvalue } { global editmode editplane editpoint editwidth editheight global ypt1 ypt2 ypt3 ypt4 if {($editmode == "NEW") || ($editmode == "EDIT")} { if {$editplane == "x"} { if {$editpoint == "1"} { if {$yvalue > $ypt2} { set yvalue $ypt2 setyscale $yvalue } set ypt1 $yvalue set ypt3 $yvalue } else { if {$yvalue < $ypt1} { set yvalue $ypt1 setyscale $yvalue } set ypt2 $yvalue set ypt4 $yvalue } set editwidth [expr $ypt2 - $ypt1] ast_edit "y" $ypt1 $editwidth } else { if {$editpoint == "1"} { if {$yvalue > $ypt3} { set yvalue $ypt3 setyscale $yvalue } set ypt1 $yvalue set ypt2 $yvalue } else { if {$yvalue < $ypt1} { set yvalue $ypt1 setyscale $yvalue } set ypt3 $yvalue set ypt4 $yvalue } set editheight [expr $ypt3 - $ypt1] ast_edit "y" $ypt1 $editheight } } else { if {$editmode == "POS"} { global xpos ypos zpos set ypos $yvalue ast_position $xpos $ypos $zpos } } } proc newyscale { yvalue } { set yvalue [eval "getyscale $yvalue"] set yvalue [eval "clipy $yvalue"] newedity $yvalue } proc newyentry { yvarname } { global $yvarname eval "set yvalue \$$yvarname" set yvalue [eval "clipy $yvalue"] newedity $yvalue } proc setzscale { zvalue } { global zscale zmin zmax; set screenwidth [expr $zmax - $zmin + 1] set zoffset [expr $zvalue - $zmin] set zscale [expr $zoffset * 32768 / $screenwidth] } proc getzscale { zvalue } { global zmin zmax; set screenwidth [expr $zmax - $zmin + 1] set zoffset [expr $zvalue * $screenwidth / 32768] return [expr $zoffset + $zmin] } proc clipz { zvalue } { global zmin zmax if {$zvalue > $zmax} { set zvalue $zmax } if {$zvalue < $zmin} { set zvalue $zmin } setzscale $zvalue return $zvalue } proc neweditz { zvalue } { global editmode editpoint editheight global zpt1 zpt2 zpt3 zpt4 if {($editmode == "NEW") || ($editmode == "EDIT")} { if {$editpoint == "1"} { if {$zvalue > $zpt3} { set zvalue $zpt3 setzscale $zvalue } set zpt1 $zvalue set zpt2 $zvalue } else { if {$zvalue < $zpt1} { set zvalue $zpt1 setzscale $zvalue } set zpt3 $zvalue set zpt4 $zvalue } set editheight [expr $zpt3 - $zpt1] ast_edit "z" $zpt1 $editheight } else { if {$editmode == "POS"} { global xpos ypos zpos set zpos $zvalue ast_position $xpos $ypos $zpos } } } proc newzscale { zvalue } { set zvalue [eval "getzscale $zvalue"] set zvalue [eval "clipz $zvalue"] neweditz $zvalue } proc newzentry { zvarname } { global $zvarname eval "set zvalue \$$zvarname" set zvalue [eval "clipz $zvalue"] neweditz $zvalue } # changes to with and height settings proc newwidth { width } { global editmode editplane editpoint editwidth global xmax xpt1 xpt2 xpt3 xpt4 global ymax ypt1 ypt2 ypt3 ypt4 if {($editmode == "NEW") || ($editmode == "EDIT")} { if {$width < 0} { set editwidth 0 set width 0 } switch -exact -- $editplane { x { set ypt2 [expr $ypt1 + $width] if {$ypt2 > $ymax} { set ypt2 $ymax set editwidth [expr $ypt2 - $ypt1] } set ypt3 $ypt1 set ypt4 $ypt2 if {$editpoint == "2"} { setyscale $ypt2 } ast_edit "y" $ypt1 $editwidth } default { set xpt2 [expr $xpt1 + $width] if {$xpt2 > $xmax} { set xpt2 $xmax set editwidth [expr $xpt2 - $xpt1] } set xpt3 $xpt1 set xpt4 $xpt2 if {$editpoint == "2"} { setxscale $xpt2 } ast_edit "x" $xpt1 $editwidth } } } } proc newheight { height } { global editmode editplane editpoint editheight global xmax xpt1 xpt2 xpt3 xpt4 global ymax ypt1 ypt2 ypt3 ypt4 global zmax zpt1 zpt2 zpt3 zpt4 if {($editmode == "NEW") || ($editmode == "EDIT")} { if {$height < 0} { set editheight 0 set height 0 } switch -exact -- $editplane { z { set ypt3 [expr $ypt1 + $height] if {$ypt3 > $ymax} { set ypt3 $ymax set editheight [expr $ypt3 - $ypt1] } set ypt2 $ypt1 set ypt4 $ypt3 if {$editpoint == "3"} { setyscale $ypt3 } ast_edit "y" $ypt1 $editheight } default { set zpt3 [expr $zpt1 + $height] if {$zpt3 > $zmax} { set zpt3 $zmax set editheight [expr $zpt3 - $zpt1] } set zpt2 $zpt1 set zpt4 $zpt3 if {$editpoint == "3"} { setzscale $zpt3 } ast_edit "z" $zpt1 $editheight } } } } proc newscale { scale } { global scaleno set scaleno $scale newattribute } proc newtexture { value } { newattribute } proc newzoom { newzoom } { global xscale xmin xmax xpos global yscale ymin ymax ypos global zscale zmin zmax zpos set tmpxscale [eval "getxscale $xscale"] set tmpyscale [eval "getyscale $yscale"] set tmpzscale [eval "getzscale $zscale"] set screenwidth [expr 32768 / $newzoom] set halfwidth [expr $screenwidth / 2] if { $xpos < $halfwidth } { set xmin 0 set xmax [expr $screenwidth - 1] } else { if { [expr $xpos + $halfwidth] > 32767 } { set xmax 32767 set xmin [expr $xmax - $screenwidth] } else { set xmin [expr $xpos - $halfwidth] set xmax [expr $xmin + $screenwidth - 1] } } if { $ypos < $halfwidth } { set ymin 0 set ymax [expr $screenwidth - 1] } else { if { [expr $ypos + $halfwidth] > 32767 } { set ymax 32767 set ymin [expr $ymax - $screenwidth] } else { set ymin [expr $ypos - $halfwidth] set ymax [expr $ymin + $screenwidth - 1] } } if { $zpos < $halfwidth } { set zmin 0 set zmax [expr $screenwidth - 1] } else { if { [expr $zpos + $halfwidth] > 32767 } { set zmax 32767 set zmin [expr $zmax - $screenwidth] } else { set zmin [expr $zpos - $halfwidth] set zmax [expr $zmin + $screenwidth - 1] } } setxscale $tmpxscale setyscale $tmpyscale setzscale $tmpzscale ast_zoom $screenwidth $xmin $ymin $zmin } # Set slider variables proc setvars { xvar yvar zvar } { global $xvar $yvar $zvar eval "setxscale \$$xvar" eval "setyscale \$$yvar" eval "setzscale \$$zvar" } # Setup to control position world proc selectpos {} { global xpos ypos zpos setvars xpos ypos zpos configentry .c.scale normal {x y z} configentry .c.coords.edt1 disabled {pos edit add del} configentry .c.coords.edt2 normal {newx newy newz save} configentry .c.coords.pt1 disabled {b} configentry .c.coords.pos normal {x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt1 disabled {b x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt2 disabled {b x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt3 disabled {b x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt4 disabled {b x y z} configentry .c.edit.edt3.w disabled {x l} configentry .c.edit.edt3.h disabled {x l} configentry .c.edit.edt4.shaded disabled {y n l} configentry .c.edit.edt4.transp disabled {y n l} configentry .c.edit.edt4.door disabled {y n l} configentry .c.edit.edt5.scale disabled {x l} configentry .c.edit.edt5.zoom normal {x l} configentry .c.edit.edt5.texture disabled {x l} seteditmode "POS" "ALL" } # Configure for edit mode proc configedit { mode plane } { global xnull ynull znull global editpoint setvars xnull ynull znull configentry .c.scale disabled {x y z} configentry .c.coords.edt1 normal {pos add} configentry .c.coords.edt1 disabled {edit del} configentry .c.coords.edt2 disabled {newx newy newz save} configentry .c.coords.pos normal {b} configentry .c.coords.pos disabled {x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt1 normal {b} configentry .c.coords.pt1 disabled {x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt2 normal {b} configentry .c.coords.pt2 disabled {x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt3 normal {b} configentry .c.coords.pt3 disabled {x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt4 disabled {b x y z} configentry .c.edit.edt3.w normal {x l} configentry .c.edit.edt3.h normal {x l} configentry .c.edit.edt4.shaded normal {y n l} configentry .c.edit.edt4.transp normal {y n l} configentry .c.edit.edt4.door normal {y n l} configentry .c.edit.edt5.scale normal {x l} configentry .c.edit.edt5.zoom normal {x l} configentry .c.edit.edt5.texture normal {x l} seteditmode $mode $plane set editpoint "NONE" } # Setup to add a new plane proc selectnew { plane } { configedit "NEW" $plane } # Setup to edit the selected plane proc selectedit {} { configedit "EDIT" "NONE" } # Add the current plane proc selectadd {} { ast_addrectangle selectpos } # Setup to delete the selected plane proc selectdel {} { } # Select to control point 1-4 of the rectangle proc selectpt1 {} { global xpt1 ypt1 zpt1 global editpoint setvars xpt1 ypt1 zpt1 set editpoint "1" configeditplane .c.scale configentry .c.coords.pos disabled {x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt1 disabled {b} configeditplane .c.coords.pt1 configentry .c.coords.pt2 normal {b} configentry .c.coords.pt2 disabled {x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt3 normal {b} configentry .c.coords.pt3 disabled {x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt4 disabled {b x y z} } proc selectpt2 {} { global xpt2 ypt2 zpt2 global editpoint setvars xpt2 ypt2 zpt2 set editpoint "2" configeditplane .c.scale configentry .c.coords.pos disabled {x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt1 normal {b} configentry .c.coords.pt1 disabled {x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt2 disabled {b} configeditplane .c.coords.pt2 configentry .c.coords.pt3 normal {b} configentry .c.coords.pt3 disabled {x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt4 disabled {b x y z} } proc selectpt3 {} { global xpt3 ypt3 zpt3 global editpoint setvars xpt3 ypt3 zpt3 set editpoint "3" configeditplane .c.scale configentry .c.coords.pos disabled {x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt1 normal {b} configentry .c.coords.pt1 disabled {x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt2 normal {b} configentry .c.coords.pt2 disabled {x y z} configentry .c.coords.pt3 disabled {b} configeditplane .c.coords.pt3 configentry .c.coords.pt4 disabled {b x y z} } proc selectpt4 {} { puts stderr "ERROR: We should never get here" } # Create one coordinate set proc coords { w label xvar yvar zvar command } { global $xvar $yvar $zvar frame $w button $w.b -width 6 -text "$label" -relief raised -command "$command" entry $w.x -width 8 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -textvariable $xvar entry $w.y -width 8 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -textvariable $yvar entry $w.z -width 8 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -textvariable $zvar pack $w.b -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w.x -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w.y -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w.z -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w -anchor w -fill both -expand on bind $w.x "newxentry $xvar" bind $w.y "newyentry $yvar" bind $w.z "newzentry $zvar" } # Create edit buttons proc edit1 { w } { frame $w button $w.pos -width 8 -text "POS" -relief raised -command selectpos button $w.edit -width 8 -text "EDIT" -relief raised -command selectedit button $w.add -width 8 -text "ADD" -relief raised -command selectadd button $w.del -width 8 -text "DEL" -relief raised -command selectdel pack $w.pos -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w.edit -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w.add -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w.del -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w -anchor w -fill both -expand on } proc edit2 { w } { frame $w button $w.newx -width 8 -text "NEWX" -relief raised -command "selectnew x" button $w.newy -width 8 -text "NEWY" -relief raised -command "selectnew y" button $w.newz -width 8 -text "NEWZ" -relief raised -command "selectnew z" button $w.save -width 8 -text "SAVE" -relief raised -command ast_save pack $w.newx -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w.newy -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w.newz -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w.save -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w -anchor w -fill both -expand on } proc edit3 { w } { global editwidth editheight frame $w int $w.w "Width" editwidth newwidth int $w.h "Height" editheight newheight pack $w.w -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w.h -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w -anchor w -fill both -expand on } proc edit4 { w } { global shaded transparent door frame $w bool $w.shaded "Shaded" shaded newattribute bool $w.transp "Transparent" transparent newattribute bool $w.door "Door" door newattribute pack $w.shaded -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w.transp -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w.door -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w -anchor w -fill both -expand on } proc edit5 { w } { global scaling global zoom frame $w minimenu $w.scale "Scale" scaling menu $w.scale.x.menu -title "Scaling" $w.scale.x.menu add radiobutton -label "1x" -variable scaling \ -value "1x" -command "newscale 0" $w.scale.x.menu add radiobutton -label "2x" -variable scaling \ -value "2x" -command "newscale 1" $w.scale.x.menu add radiobutton -label "4x" -variable scaling \ -value "4x" -command "newscale 2" minimenu $w.zoom "Zoom" zoom menu $w.zoom.x.menu -title "Zoom" $w.zoom.x.menu add radiobutton -label "1x" -variable zoom \ -value "1x" -command "newzoom 1" $w.zoom.x.menu add radiobutton -label "2x" -variable zoom \ -value "2x" -command "newzoom 2" $w.zoom.x.menu add radiobutton -label "4x" -variable zoom \ -value "4x" -command "newzoom 4" $w.zoom.x.menu add radiobutton -label "8x" -variable zoom \ -value "8x" -command "newzoom 8" $w.zoom.x.menu add radiobutton -label "16x" -variable zoom \ -value "16x" -command "newzoom 16" $w.zoom.x.menu add radiobutton -label "32x" -variable zoom \ -value "32x" -command "newzoom 32" $w.zoom.x.menu add radiobutton -label "64x" -variable zoom \ -value "64x" -command "newzoom 64" $w.zoom.x.menu add radiobutton -label "128x" -variable zoom \ -value "128x" -command "newzoom 128" int $w.texture "Texture" texture newtexture pack $w.scale -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w.zoom -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w.texture -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w -anchor w -fill both -expand on } # Create Bottom part of edit controls proc xyzedit { w } { frame $w edit3 $w.edt3 edit4 $w.edt4 edit5 $w.edt5 pack $w.edt3 -anchor w -side left -fill y pack $w.edt4 -anchor w -side left -fill y pack $w.edt5 -anchor w -side left -fill y pack $w -anchor w -fill both -expand on } # Create middle part of edit controls proc xyzcoords { w } { global xpos ypos zpos global xpt1 ypt1 zpt1 global xpt2 ypt2 zpt2 global xpt3 ypt3 zpt3 global xpt4 ypt4 zpt4 frame $w coords $w.pos "POS" xpos ypos zpos selectpos coords $w.pt1 "PT 1" xpt1 ypt1 zpt1 selectpt1 coords $w.pt2 "PT 2" xpt2 ypt2 zpt2 selectpt2 coords $w.pt3 "PT 3" xpt3 ypt3 zpt3 selectpt3 coords $w.pt4 "PT 4" xpt4 ypt4 zpt4 selectpt4 edit1 $w.edt1 edit2 $w.edt2 pack $w.pos -anchor w -side left -fill y pack $w.pt1 -anchor w -side left -fill y pack $w.pt2 -anchor w -side left -fill y pack $w.pt3 -anchor w -side left -fill y pack $w.pt4 -anchor w -side left -fill y pack $w.edt1 -anchor w -side left -fill y pack $w.edt2 -anchor w -side left -fill y pack $w -anchor w -fill both -expand on } # Create sliders in upper part of edit controls proc xyzscale { w } { global xscale yscale zscale frame $w scale $w.x -from 0 -to 32767 -length 512 -variable xscale \ -orient horizontal -showvalue false -command "newxscale" scale $w.y -from 0 -to 32767 -length 512 -variable yscale \ -orient horizontal -showvalue false -command "newyscale" scale $w.z -from 0 -to 32767 -length 512 -variable zscale \ -orient horizontal -showvalue false -command "newzscale" pack $w.x -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w.y -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w.z -anchor w -side top -fill y pack $w -anchor w -fill both -expand on } # Create edit controls proc editcontrols { w } { frame $w xyzscale $w.scale xyzcoords $w.coords xyzedit $w.edit pack $w.scale -side top -fill both -expand true pack $w.coords -side top -fill both -expand true pack $w -side top -fill both -expand true } set xnull 0; set ynull 0; set znull 0 set xpos 16384; set ypos 16384; set zpos 16384 set zcurrent zpos set xpt1 0; set ypt1 0; set zpt1 0 set xpt2 0; set ypt2 0; set zpt2 0 set xpt3 0; set ypt3 0; set zpt3 0 set xpt4 0; set ypt4 0; set zpt4 0 set editwidth 0; set editheight 0 set shaded 0; set transparent 0; set door 0 set scaleno 0; set scaling 1x; set zoom 1x; set texture 0 set xmin 0; set xmax 32767 set ymin 0; set ymax 32767 set zmin 0; set zmax 32767 editcontrols .c selectpos