############################################################################ # apps/system/embedlog/Makefile # # Copyright (C) Michał Łyszczek. All rights reserved. # Author: Michał Łyszczek <michal.lyszczek@bofc.pl> # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # 3. Neither the name NuttX nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS # OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ############################################################################ include $(APPDIR)/Make.defs CP = cp -R UNPACK = tar -xzf PACKEXT = .tar.gz NXTOOLSDIR = $(APPDIR)/tools EMBEDLOG_URL = https://distfiles.kurwinet.pl/embedlog EMBEDLOG_VERSION = 0.4.0 EMBEDLOG_SRC_SHA256 = 832c50e0f99d730bed25caed1c4745eca02882a9204c6ad41f715a269293c5a8 EMBEDLOG_EXT = tar.gz EMBEDLOG_SOURCES = embedlog-$(EMBEDLOG_VERSION) EMBEDLOG_TARBALL = $(EMBEDLOG_SOURCES).$(EMBEDLOG_EXT) CFLAGS += ${shell $(INCDIR) "$(CC)" $(APPDIR)$(DELIM)include$(DELIM)system} CSRCS = embedlog/src/el-options.c \ embedlog/src/el-perror.c \ embedlog/src/el-pmemory.c \ embedlog/src/el-print.c \ embedlog/src/el-puts.c \ embedlog/src/el-ts.c # compile-time configuration of embedlog ifeq ($(CONFIG_EMBEDLOG_ENABLE_TIMESTAMP),y) CFLAGS += -DENABLE_TIMESTAMP CFLAGS += -DENABLE_REALTIME ifeq ($(CONFIG_CLOCK_MONOTONIC),y) CFLAGS += -DENABLE_MONOTONIC else CFLAGS += -DENABLE_MONOTONIC=0 endif endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_EMBEDLOG_ENABLE_FRACTIONS),y) CFLAGS += -DENABLE_FRACTIONS else CFLAGS += -DENABLE_FRACTIONS=0 endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_EMBEDLOG_ENABLE_COLORS),y) CFLAGS += -DENABLE_COLORS else CFLAGS += -DENABLE_COLORS=0 endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_EMBEDLOG_ENABLE_PREFIX),y) CFLAGS += -DENABLE_PREFIX CFLAGS += -DEL_PREFIX_MAX=$(CONFIG_EMBEDLOG_PREFIX_MAX) else CFLAGS += -DENABLE_PREFIX=0 CFLAGS += -DEL_PREFIX_MAX=0 endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_EMBEDLOG_ENABLE_FINFO),y) CFLAGS += -DENABLE_FINFO CFLAGS += -DNOFINFO=0 CFLAGS += -DEL_FLEN_MAX=$(CONFIG_EMBEDLOG_FLEN_MAX) else CFLAGS += -DENABLE_FINFO=0 CFLAGS += -DNOFINFO CFLAGS += -DEL_FLEN_MAX=0 endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_EMBEDLOG_ENABLE_OUT_CUSTOM),y) CFLAGS += -DENABLE_OUT_CUSTOM else CFLAGS += -DENABLE_OUT_CUSTOM=0 endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_EMBEDLOG_ENABLE_OUT_STDERR),y) CFLAGS += -DENABLE_OUT_STDERR else CFLAGS += -DENABLE_OUT_STDERR=0 endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_EMBEDLOG_ENABLE_OUT_FILE),y) CFLAGS += -DENABLE_OUT_FILE CSRCS += embedlog/src/el-file.c else CFLAGS += -DENABLE_OUT_FILE=0 endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_EMBEDLOG_ENABLE_BINARY_LOGS),y) CFLAGS += -DENABLE_BINARY_LOGS CSRCS += embedlog/src/el-pbinary.c CSRCS += embedlog/src/el-encode-number.c else CFLAGS += -DENABLE_BINARY_LOGS=0 endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_EMBEDLOG_ENABLE_OUT_TTY),y) CFLAGS += -DENABLE_OUT_TTY CSRCS += embedlog/src/el-tty.c else CFLAGS += -DENABLE_OUT_TTY=0 endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_SERIAL_TERMIOS),y) CFLAGS += -DHAVE_TERMIOS_H else CFLAGS += -DHAVE_TERMIOS_H=0 endif CFLAGS += -DEL_LOG_MAX=$(CONFIG_EMBEDLOG_LOG_MAX) CFLAGS += -DEL_MEM_LINE_SIZE=$(CONFIG_EMBEDLOG_MEM_LINE_SIZE) # config.h is available only when building with autotools CFLAGS += -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=0 # embedlog uses access(path, F_OK) to determine if file exists or not and since # nuttx always returns OK here, we mark access as not working and make embedlog # to use stat() for that purpose CFLAGS += -DHAVE_ACCESS=0 # tell embedlog which features are available in nuttx os CFLAGS += -DENABLE_REENTRANT CFLAGS += -DENABLE_OUT_SYSLOG CFLAGS += -DHAVE_STAT CFLAGS += -DHAVE_UNISTD_H CFLAGS += -DHAVE_FSYNC CFLAGS += -DHAVE_FILENO CFLAGS += -DENABLE_COLORS_EXTENDED=0 # nuttx has its own snprintf implementation, disable internal snprintf # implementation CFLAGS += -DPREFER_PORTABLE_SNPRINTF=0 CFLAGS += -DNEED_SNPRINTF_ONLY=0 CFLAGS += -DHAVE_SNPRINTF # not yet implemented features - silent compiler warnings CFLAGS += -DENABLE_OUT_NET=0 # nuttx does not implement clock() function CFLAGS += -DENABLE_CLOCK=0 # building of embedlog $(EMBEDLOG_TARBALL): @echo "Downloading: $@" $(Q) curl -L -o $@ $(EMBEDLOG_URL)/$@ ${Q} $(NXTOOLSDIR)/check-hash.sh sha256 $(EMBEDLOG_SRC_SHA256) $@ $(EMBEDLOG_SOURCES): $(EMBEDLOG_TARBALL) @echo "Unpacking $< -> $@" $(Q) $(call DELDIR, $@) $(Q) $(UNPACK) $< $(Q) touch $@ embedlog: $(EMBEDLOG_SOURCES) $(call DELDIR, $@) $(Q) $(CP) $< $@ create_includes: $(Q) $(CP) $(EMBEDLOG_SOURCES)/include/embedlog.h $(APPDIR)/include/system context:: embedlog $(Q) $(MAKE) create_includes clean:: $(Q) $(call DELFILE, $(APPDIR)/include/system/embedlog.h) $(Q) $(foreach COBJ, $(COBJS), $(call DELFILE, $(COBJ))) distclean:: $(Q) $(call DELDIR, embedlog) $(Q) $(call DELDIR, $(EMBEDLOG_SOURCES)) $(Q) $(call DELDIR, $(EMBEDLOG_TARBALL)) include $(APPDIR)/Application.mk