/**************************************************************************** * apps/testing/drivertest/drivertest_touchpanel.c * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The * ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Included Files ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef CONFIG_LV_USE_NUTTX_LIBUV #include #endif /**************************************************************************** * Private Types ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Pre-processor Definitions ****************************************************************************/ #define SQUARE_X 40 #define SQUARE_Y 80 #define CIRCULAR_PIX 25 #define SQUARE_PIX 20 #define DISTANCE_PIX 15 /**************************************************************************** * Private Types ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct { int fd; lv_indev_t *indev; bool is_square; union { struct { lv_obj_t *canvas; lv_layer_t layer; bool left_top; bool right_top; bool left_bottom; bool right_bottom; float line_k; /* left_top to right_bottom */ float line_b_up_1; float line_b_down_1; /* right_top to left_bottom */ float line_b_up_2; float line_b_down_2; }; struct { lv_obj_t *slider_h; lv_obj_t *slider_v; lv_obj_t *arc_slider; int16_t diameter; lv_point_t arc_indic_pos; lv_obj_t *label_pass; }; }; }touchpad_s; /**************************************************************************** * Private Functions ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Name: canvas_frame ****************************************************************************/ void darw_canvas_frame(touchpad_s *touchpad) { lv_draw_rect_dsc_t rect_dsc; int i_hor; int j_ver; lv_draw_line_dsc_t line_dsc; lv_area_t rect_area; /* Draw squares */ int sum_x = LV_HOR_RES / SQUARE_X; int sum_y = LV_VER_RES / SQUARE_Y; lv_draw_rect_dsc_init(&rect_dsc); rect_dsc.bg_opa = LV_OPA_COVER; rect_dsc.bg_color = lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_GREY); rect_dsc.border_width = 1; /* Draw HOR top and middle and bottom */ for (i_hor = 0; i_hor < sum_x; i_hor++) { rect_area.x1 = i_hor * SQUARE_X; rect_area.x2 = SQUARE_X; rect_area.y1 = 0; rect_area.y2 = SQUARE_Y; lv_draw_rect(&touchpad->layer, &rect_dsc, &rect_area); rect_area.y1 = LV_VER_RES - SQUARE_Y; lv_draw_rect(&touchpad->layer, &rect_dsc, &rect_area); } /* Draw VER left and middle and right */ for (j_ver = 0; j_ver < sum_y; j_ver++) { rect_area.x1 = 0; rect_area.y1 = j_ver * SQUARE_Y; lv_draw_rect(&touchpad->layer, &rect_dsc, &rect_area); rect_area.x1 = LV_HOR_RES - SQUARE_X; lv_draw_rect(&touchpad->layer, &rect_dsc, &rect_area); } /* Draw line diagonal */ lv_draw_line_dsc_init(&line_dsc); line_dsc.color = lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED); line_dsc.width = 4; line_dsc.round_end = 1; line_dsc.round_start = 1; /* left_top to right_bottom */ line_dsc.p1.x = SQUARE_Y / 2; line_dsc.p1.y = 0; line_dsc.p2.x = LV_HOR_RES; line_dsc.p2.y = LV_VER_RES - SQUARE_Y / 2; lv_draw_line(&touchpad->layer, &line_dsc); line_dsc.p1.x = 0; line_dsc.p1.y = SQUARE_Y / 2; line_dsc.p2.x = LV_HOR_RES - SQUARE_Y / 2; line_dsc.p2.y = LV_VER_RES; lv_draw_line(&touchpad->layer, &line_dsc); /* right_top to left_bottom */ line_dsc.p1.x = LV_HOR_RES - SQUARE_Y / 2; line_dsc.p1.y = 0; line_dsc.p2.x = 0; line_dsc.p2.y = LV_VER_RES - SQUARE_Y / 2; lv_draw_line(&touchpad->layer, &line_dsc); line_dsc.p1.x = LV_HOR_RES; line_dsc.p1.y = SQUARE_Y / 2; line_dsc.p2.x = SQUARE_Y / 2; line_dsc.p2.y = LV_VER_RES; lv_draw_line(&touchpad->layer, &line_dsc); /* left_top to right_bottom */ touchpad->line_k = (LV_VER_RES - SQUARE_Y / 2) / (float)(LV_HOR_RES - SQUARE_X / 2); touchpad->line_b_up_1 = (SQUARE_Y / 2 - LV_VER_RES) / (float)(LV_HOR_RES - SQUARE_X / 2) * (SQUARE_X / 2); touchpad->line_b_down_1 = SQUARE_Y / 2; /* right_top to left_bottom */ touchpad->line_b_up_2 = LV_VER_RES - SQUARE_Y / 2; touchpad->line_b_down_2 = (LV_HOR_RES * LV_VER_RES - (SQUARE_Y * SQUARE_Y / 4)) / (float)(LV_HOR_RES - SQUARE_X / 2); } /**************************************************************************** * Name: draw_track_line ****************************************************************************/ void draw_track_line(lv_obj_t *canvas, lv_point_t pos) { int index_x; int index_y; for (index_x = pos.x - 1; index_x < pos.x + 2; index_x++) { for (index_y = pos.y - 1; index_y < pos.y + 2; index_y++) { lv_canvas_set_px(canvas, index_x, index_y, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED), LV_OPA_COVER); } } } /**************************************************************************** * Name: draw_touch_fill ****************************************************************************/ void draw_touch_fill(touchpad_s *touchpad, lv_point_t pos) { lv_draw_rect_dsc_t rect_dsc; lv_draw_line_dsc_t line_dsc; lv_area_t rect_area; if (pos.x < 1 || pos.x > LV_HOR_RES || pos.y < 1 || pos.y > LV_VER_RES) { return; } /* Calculate square index */ int x_index = pos.x / SQUARE_X; int y_index = pos.y / SQUARE_Y; lv_draw_rect_dsc_init(&rect_dsc); rect_dsc.bg_opa = LV_OPA_COVER; rect_dsc.bg_color = lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_BLUE); rect_dsc.border_width = 1; if (x_index == 0 || x_index == LV_HOR_RES / SQUARE_X - 1 || y_index == 0 || y_index == LV_VER_RES / SQUARE_Y - 1) { rect_area.x1 = x_index * SQUARE_X; rect_area.x2 = y_index * SQUARE_Y; rect_area.y1 = SQUARE_X; rect_area.y2 = SQUARE_Y; lv_draw_rect(&touchpad->layer, &rect_dsc, &rect_area); draw_track_line(touchpad->canvas, pos); } /* left_top */ if (pos.x < SQUARE_X && pos.y < SQUARE_Y) { touchpad->left_top = true; } /* right_bottom */ if (pos.x > (LV_HOR_RES - SQUARE_X) && pos.y > (LV_VER_RES - SQUARE_Y)) { touchpad->right_bottom = true; } /* right_top */ if (pos.x > (LV_HOR_RES - SQUARE_X) && pos.y < SQUARE_Y) { touchpad->right_top = true; } /* left_bottom */ if (pos.x < SQUARE_X && pos.y > (LV_VER_RES - SQUARE_Y)) { touchpad->left_bottom = true; } if (touchpad->left_top || touchpad->right_bottom) { if (pos.y < (touchpad->line_k * pos.x + touchpad->line_b_up_1) || pos.y > (touchpad->line_k * pos.x + touchpad->line_b_down_1)) { touchpad->left_top = false; touchpad->right_bottom = false; } else { draw_track_line(touchpad->canvas, pos); } } if (touchpad->right_top || touchpad->left_bottom) { if (pos.y < (-touchpad->line_k * pos.x + touchpad->line_b_up_2) || pos.y > (-touchpad->line_k * pos.x + touchpad->line_b_down_2)) { touchpad->right_top = false; touchpad->left_bottom = false; } else { draw_track_line(touchpad->canvas, pos); } } /* fill blue color: left_top to right_bottom */ if (touchpad->left_top && touchpad->right_bottom) { lv_draw_line_dsc_init(&line_dsc); line_dsc.opa = LV_OPA_COVER; line_dsc.color = lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_BLUE); line_dsc.width = SQUARE_Y; line_dsc.p1.x = 0; line_dsc.p1.y = 0; line_dsc.p2.x = LV_HOR_RES; line_dsc.p2.y = LV_VER_RES; lv_draw_line(&touchpad->layer, &line_dsc); } /* fill blue color: right_top to left_bottom */ if (touchpad->left_bottom && touchpad->right_top) { lv_draw_line_dsc_init(&line_dsc); line_dsc.opa = LV_OPA_COVER; line_dsc.color = lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_BLUE); line_dsc.width = SQUARE_Y; line_dsc.p1.x = LV_HOR_RES; line_dsc.p1.y = 0; line_dsc.p2.x = 0; line_dsc.p2.y = LV_VER_RES; lv_draw_line(&touchpad->layer, &line_dsc); } } /**************************************************************************** * Name: create_slider ****************************************************************************/ lv_obj_t *create_slider(bool is_horizontal) { lv_obj_t *slider = lv_slider_create(lv_scr_act()); if (is_horizontal) { lv_obj_set_size(slider, LV_HOR_RES, lv_pct(3)); lv_obj_set_pos(slider, 0, LV_VER_RES / 2); lv_slider_set_range(slider, 0, LV_HOR_RES); } else { lv_obj_set_size(slider, lv_pct(3), LV_VER_RES); lv_obj_set_pos(slider, LV_HOR_RES / 2, 0); lv_slider_set_range(slider, 0, LV_VER_RES); } lv_slider_set_value(slider, SQUARE_PIX, LV_ANIM_OFF); return slider; } /**************************************************************************** * Name: create_arc ****************************************************************************/ lv_obj_t *create_arc(int16_t diameter) { lv_obj_t *arc_slider = lv_arc_create(lv_scr_act()); lv_obj_set_size(arc_slider, diameter, diameter); lv_arc_set_rotation(arc_slider, 180); lv_arc_set_bg_angles(arc_slider, 0, 360); lv_arc_set_range(arc_slider, 0, diameter * 2); lv_arc_set_value(arc_slider, 0); lv_obj_center(arc_slider); return arc_slider; } /**************************************************************************** * Name: circle_hit_test ****************************************************************************/ bool circle_hit_test(touchpad_s *touchpad, lv_point_t pos) { int16_t distance; if (abs(pos.x - touchpad->arc_indic_pos.x) < CIRCULAR_PIX && abs(pos.y - touchpad->arc_indic_pos.y) < CIRCULAR_PIX) { distance = sqrt((pos.x - LV_HOR_RES / 2) * (pos.x - LV_HOR_RES / 2) + (pos.y - LV_VER_RES / 2) * (pos.y - LV_VER_RES / 2)); return abs(distance - touchpad->diameter / 2) <= SQUARE_PIX; } return false; } /**************************************************************************** * Name: touchpad_read ****************************************************************************/ void touchpad_read(lv_indev_t *indev, lv_indev_data_t *data) { touchpad_s *touchpad = lv_indev_get_driver_data(indev); LV_ASSERT_NULL(touchpad); struct touch_sample_s sample; lv_point_t pos; int nbytes; uint8_t touch_flags; /* Read one sample */ nbytes = read(touchpad->fd, &sample, sizeof(struct touch_sample_s)); /* Handle unexpected return values */ if (nbytes != sizeof(struct touch_sample_s)) { return; } touch_flags = sample.point[0].flags; if (touch_flags & TOUCH_DOWN || touch_flags & TOUCH_MOVE) { pos.x = sample.point[0].x; pos.y = sample.point[0].y; if (touchpad->is_square == true) { draw_touch_fill(touchpad, pos); } else { if (touchpad->slider_v == NULL && pos.x - lv_slider_get_value(touchpad->slider_h) > 0 && pos.x - lv_slider_get_value(touchpad->slider_h) < DISTANCE_PIX && abs(pos.y - LV_VER_RES / 2 - DISTANCE_PIX) < SQUARE_PIX) { lv_slider_set_value(touchpad->slider_h, pos.x, LV_ANIM_ON); } else if (touchpad->arc_slider == NULL && LV_HOR_RES - lv_slider_get_value(touchpad->slider_h) < SQUARE_PIX) { if (touchpad->slider_v == NULL) { touchpad->slider_v = create_slider(false); } if (LV_VER_RES - pos.y - lv_slider_get_value(touchpad->slider_v) > 0 && LV_VER_RES - pos.y - lv_slider_get_value(touchpad->slider_v) < DISTANCE_PIX && abs(pos.x - LV_HOR_RES / 2 - DISTANCE_PIX) < SQUARE_PIX) { lv_slider_set_value(touchpad->slider_v, LV_VER_RES - pos.y, LV_ANIM_ON); } } if (touchpad->slider_v && LV_VER_RES - lv_slider_get_value(touchpad->slider_v) < SQUARE_PIX) { if (touchpad->arc_slider == NULL) { touchpad->arc_slider = create_arc(touchpad->diameter); } if (circle_hit_test(touchpad, pos)) { int16_t diff = pos.x - touchpad->arc_indic_pos.x; if (pos.y > LV_VER_RES / 2) { diff = -diff; } lv_arc_set_value(touchpad->arc_slider, lv_arc_get_value(touchpad->arc_slider) + diff); touchpad->arc_indic_pos.x = pos.x; touchpad->arc_indic_pos.y = pos.y; } } if (touchpad->arc_slider && touchpad->diameter * 2 - lv_arc_get_value(touchpad->arc_slider) < DISTANCE_PIX) { if (touchpad->label_pass == NULL) { static lv_style_t style; lv_style_init(&style); lv_style_set_bg_color(&style, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_GREEN)); lv_obj_add_style(lv_scr_act(), &style, 0); touchpad->label_pass = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act()); lv_obj_set_size(touchpad->label_pass, LV_HOR_RES, LV_VER_RES); lv_label_set_text(touchpad->label_pass, "PASS"); lv_obj_set_style_text_align(touchpad->label_pass, LV_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 0); lv_obj_center(touchpad->label_pass); } } } } else if (touch_flags & TOUCH_UP) { if (touchpad->is_square == true) { touchpad->left_top = false; touchpad->right_top = false; touchpad->left_bottom = false; touchpad->right_bottom = false; } } } /**************************************************************************** * Name: touchpad_init ****************************************************************************/ bool touchpad_init(touchpad_s **touchpad, const char * input_path, int screen_shape) { touchpad_s *tmp_touchpad; if (touchpad == NULL) { LV_LOG_ERROR("touchpad is NULL"); return false; } tmp_touchpad = malloc(sizeof(touchpad_s)); if (tmp_touchpad == NULL) { LV_LOG_ERROR("touchpad_s malloc failed"); return false; } *touchpad = tmp_touchpad; tmp_touchpad->fd = open(input_path, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); if (tmp_touchpad->fd < 0) { LV_LOG_ERROR("touchpad %s open failed: %d", input_path, errno); return false; } tmp_touchpad->is_square = (bool)screen_shape; tmp_touchpad->indev = lv_indev_create(); if (tmp_touchpad->indev == NULL) { LV_LOG_ERROR("touchpad indev is NULL"); return false; } lv_indev_set_type(tmp_touchpad->indev, LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER); lv_indev_set_read_cb(tmp_touchpad->indev, touchpad_read); lv_indev_set_driver_data(tmp_touchpad->indev, tmp_touchpad); if (tmp_touchpad->is_square == true) { tmp_touchpad->canvas = lv_canvas_create(lv_scr_act()); tmp_touchpad->left_top = false; tmp_touchpad->right_top = false; tmp_touchpad->left_bottom = false; tmp_touchpad->right_bottom = false; lv_obj_set_size(tmp_touchpad->canvas, LV_HOR_RES, LV_VER_RES); /* Create a buffer for the canvas */ lv_draw_buf_t * draw_buf = lv_draw_buf_create(LV_HOR_RES, LV_VER_RES, LV_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB8888, LV_STRIDE_AUTO); if (draw_buf == NULL) { LV_LOG_ERROR("malloc failed for canvas buffer"); return false; } lv_canvas_set_draw_buf(tmp_touchpad->canvas, draw_buf); lv_canvas_init_layer(tmp_touchpad->canvas, &tmp_touchpad->layer); lv_canvas_fill_bg(tmp_touchpad->canvas, lv_palette_lighten(LV_PALETTE_GREY, 3), LV_OPA_COVER); lv_obj_center(tmp_touchpad->canvas); darw_canvas_frame(tmp_touchpad); } else { /* Create and configure a horizontal slider */ tmp_touchpad->slider_h = create_slider(true); tmp_touchpad->slider_v = NULL; tmp_touchpad->arc_slider = NULL; tmp_touchpad->label_pass = NULL; tmp_touchpad->diameter = LV_HOR_RES > LV_VER_RES ? LV_VER_RES : LV_HOR_RES; tmp_touchpad->diameter = tmp_touchpad->diameter * 3 / 4; tmp_touchpad->arc_indic_pos.x = (LV_HOR_RES - tmp_touchpad->diameter) / 2; tmp_touchpad->arc_indic_pos.y = LV_VER_RES / 2; } return true; } void touchpad_deinit(touchpad_s *touchpad) { if (touchpad == NULL) { return; } if (touchpad->indev) { lv_indev_delete(touchpad->indev); } if (touchpad->fd > 0) { close(touchpad->fd); } free(touchpad); } /**************************************************************************** * Name: show_usage ****************************************************************************/ static void show_usage(void) { LV_LOG_USER("Usage: -s 0 -- circular screen\n"); LV_LOG_USER("Usage: -s 1 -- square screen\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /**************************************************************************** * Name: lv_nuttx_uv_loop ****************************************************************************/ #ifdef CONFIG_LV_USE_NUTTX_LIBUV static void lv_nuttx_uv_loop(uv_loop_t *loop, lv_nuttx_result_t *result) { lv_nuttx_uv_t uv_info; void *data; uv_loop_init(loop); lv_memset(&uv_info, 0, sizeof(uv_info)); uv_info.loop = loop; uv_info.disp = result->disp; uv_info.indev = result->indev; #ifdef CONFIG_UINPUT_TOUCH uv_info.uindev = result->utouch_indev; #endif data = lv_nuttx_uv_init(&uv_info); uv_run(loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT); lv_nuttx_uv_deinit(&data); } #endif /**************************************************************************** * Name: touchpanel_main ****************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, FAR char *argv[]) { lv_nuttx_dsc_t info; lv_nuttx_result_t result; touchpad_s *touchpad = NULL; int ch; int screen_shape = 0; #ifdef CONFIG_LV_USE_NUTTX_LIBUV uv_loop_t ui_loop; #endif while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hs::")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'h': show_usage(); break; case 's': screen_shape = atoi(optarg); break; } } if (screen_shape != 0 && screen_shape != 1) { show_usage(); return 1; } /* LVGL initialization */ lv_init(); lv_nuttx_dsc_init(&info); lv_nuttx_init(&info, &result); if (result.disp == NULL) { LV_LOG_ERROR("touchpad_init initialization failure!"); return 1; } if (!touchpad_init(&touchpad, info.input_path, screen_shape)) { LV_LOG_ERROR("touchpad_init init failed"); goto errout; } /* Handle LVGL tasks */ #ifdef CONFIG_LV_USE_NUTTX_LIBUV lv_nuttx_uv_loop(&ui_loop, &result); #else while (1) { lv_timer_handler(); usleep(10 * 1000); } #endif errout: touchpad_deinit(touchpad); lv_disp_remove(result.disp); lv_deinit(); LV_LOG_USER("Terminating!\n"); return 0; }