/**************************************************************************** * apps/examples/pdcurses/tui.c * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The * ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Adapted from the original public domain pdcurses by Gregory Nutt ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Included Files ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "graphics/curses.h" #include "tui.h" /**************************************************************************** * Pre-processor Definitions ****************************************************************************/ #ifdef A_COLOR # define TITLECOLOR 1 /* color pair indices */ # define MAINMENUCOLOR (2 | A_BOLD) # define MAINMENUREVCOLOR (3 | A_BOLD | A_REVERSE) # define SUBMENUCOLOR (4 | A_BOLD) # define SUBMENUREVCOLOR (5 | A_BOLD | A_REVERSE) # define BODYCOLOR 6 # define STATUSCOLOR (7 | A_BOLD) # define INPUTBOXCOLOR 8 # define EDITBOXCOLOR (9 | A_BOLD | A_REVERSE) #else # define TITLECOLOR 0 /* color pair indices */ # define MAINMENUCOLOR (A_BOLD) # define MAINMENUREVCOLOR (A_BOLD | A_REVERSE) # define SUBMENUCOLOR (A_BOLD) # define SUBMENUREVCOLOR (A_BOLD | A_REVERSE) # define BODYCOLOR 0 # define STATUSCOLOR (A_BOLD) # define INPUTBOXCOLOR 0 # define EDITBOXCOLOR (A_BOLD | A_REVERSE) #endif #define th 1 /* title window height */ #define mh 1 /* main menu height */ #define sh 2 /* status window height */ #define bh (LINES - th - mh - sh) /* body window height */ #define bw COLS /* body window width */ /**************************************************************************** * Private Data ****************************************************************************/ static WINDOW *wtitl; static WINDOW *wmain; static WINDOW *wbody; static WINDOW *wstat; static int nextx; static int nexty; static int key = ERR; static int ch = ERR; static bool quit = false; static bool incurses = false; /**************************************************************************** * Private Functions ****************************************************************************/ static char *padstr(char *s, int length) { static char buf[MAXSTRLEN]; char fmt[10]; sprintf(fmt, (int)strlen(s) > length ? "%%.%ds" : "%%-%ds", length); sprintf(buf, fmt, s); return buf; } static char *prepad(char *s, int length) { int i; char *p = s; if (length > 0) { memmove((void *)(s + length), (const void *)s, strlen(s) + 1); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { *p++ = ' '; } } return s; } static void rmline(WINDOW *win, int nr) /* keeps box lines intact */ { #ifdef CONFIG_PDCURSES_MULTITHREAD FAR struct pdc_context_s *ctx = PDC_ctx(); #endif mvwaddstr(win, nr, 1, padstr(" ", bw - 2)); wrefresh(win); } static void initcolor(void) { #ifdef A_COLOR if (has_colors()) { start_color(); } /* foreground, background */ init_pair(TITLECOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_CYAN); init_pair(MAINMENUCOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_CYAN); init_pair(MAINMENUREVCOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(SUBMENUCOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_CYAN); init_pair(SUBMENUREVCOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(BODYCOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); init_pair(STATUSCOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_CYAN); init_pair(INPUTBOXCOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_CYAN); init_pair(EDITBOXCOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); #endif } static void setcolor(WINDOW *win, chtype color) { chtype attr = color & A_ATTR; /* extract Bold, Reverse, Blink bits */ #ifdef A_COLOR attr &= ~A_REVERSE; /* ignore reverse, use colors instead! */ wattrset(win, COLOR_PAIR(color & A_CHARTEXT) | attr); #else attr &= ~A_BOLD; /* ignore bold, gives messy display on HP-UX */ wattrset(win, attr); #endif } static void colorbox(WINDOW *win, chtype color, int hasbox) { int maxy; chtype attr = color & A_ATTR; /* extract Bold, Reverse, Blink bits */ setcolor(win, color); #ifdef A_COLOR if (has_colors()) { wbkgd(win, COLOR_PAIR(color & A_CHARTEXT) | (attr & ~A_REVERSE)); } else #endif { wbkgd(win, attr); } werase(win); maxy = getmaxy(win); if (hasbox && (maxy > 2)) { box(win, 0, 0); } touchwin(win); wrefresh(win); } static void idle(void) { char buf[MAXSTRLEN]; time_t t; struct tm *tp; #ifdef CONFIG_PDCURSES_MULTITHREAD FAR struct pdc_context_s *ctx = PDC_ctx(); #endif if (time(&t) == -1) { return; /* time not available */ } tp = localtime(&t); sprintf(buf, " %.2d-%.2d-%.4d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d", tp->tm_mday, tp->tm_mon + 1, tp->tm_year + 1900, tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec); mvwaddstr(wtitl, 0, bw - strlen(buf) - 2, buf); wrefresh(wtitl); } static void menudim(const menu *mp, int *lines, int *columns) { int n; int l; int mmax = 0; for (n = 0; mp->func; n++, mp++) { if ((l = strlen(mp->name)) > mmax) { mmax = l; } } *lines = n; *columns = mmax + 2; } static void setmenupos(int y, int x) { nexty = y; nextx = x; } static void getmenupos(int *y, int *x) { *y = nexty; *x = nextx; } static int hotkey(const char *s) { int c0 = *s; /* if no upper case found, return first char */ for (; *s; s++) { if (isupper((unsigned char)*s)) { break; } } return *s ? *s : c0; } static void repaintmenu(WINDOW *wmenu, const menu *mp) { int i; const menu *p = mp; for (i = 0; p->func; i++, p++) { mvwaddstr(wmenu, i + 1, 2, p->name); } touchwin(wmenu); wrefresh(wmenu); } static void repaintmainmenu(int width, menu *mp) { int i; menu *p = mp; for (i = 0; p->func; i++, p++) { mvwaddstr(wmain, 0, i * width, prepad(padstr(p->name, width - 1), 1)); } touchwin(wmain); wrefresh(wmain); } static void mainhelp(void) { #ifdef ALT_X statusmsg("Use arrow keys and Enter to select (Alt-X to quit)"); #else statusmsg("Use arrow keys and Enter to select"); #endif } static void mainmenu(menu *mp) { int nitems; int barlen; int c; int cur0; int old = -1; int cur = 0; menudim(mp, &nitems, &barlen); repaintmainmenu(barlen, mp); while (!quit) { if (cur != old) { if (old != -1) { mvwaddstr(wmain, 0, old * barlen, prepad(padstr(mp[old].name, barlen - 1), 1)); statusmsg(mp[cur].desc); } else { mainhelp(); } setcolor(wmain, MAINMENUREVCOLOR); mvwaddstr(wmain, 0, cur * barlen, prepad(padstr(mp[cur].name, barlen - 1), 1)); setcolor(wmain, MAINMENUCOLOR); old = cur; wrefresh(wmain); } switch (c = (key != ERR ? key : waitforkey())) { case KEY_DOWN: case '\n': /* menu item selected */ touchwin(wbody); wrefresh(wbody); rmerror(); setmenupos(th + mh, cur * barlen); curs_set(1); (mp[cur].func) (); /* perform function */ curs_set(0); switch (key) { case KEY_LEFT: cur = (cur + nitems - 1) % nitems; key = '\n'; break; case KEY_RIGHT: cur = (cur + 1) % nitems; key = '\n'; break; default: key = ERR; } repaintmainmenu(barlen, mp); old = -1; break; case KEY_LEFT: cur = (cur + nitems - 1) % nitems; break; case KEY_RIGHT: cur = (cur + 1) % nitems; break; case KEY_ESC: mainhelp(); break; default: cur0 = cur; do { cur = (cur + 1) % nitems; } while ((cur != cur0) && (hotkey(mp[cur].name) != toupper(c))); if (hotkey(mp[cur].name) == toupper(c)) { key = '\n'; } } } rmerror(); touchwin(wbody); wrefresh(wbody); } static void cleanup(void) /* cleanup curses settings */ { if (incurses) { delwin(wtitl); delwin(wmain); delwin(wbody); delwin(wstat); curs_set(1); endwin(); incurses = false; } } /**************************************************************************** * Public Functions ****************************************************************************/ void clsbody(void) { werase(wbody); wmove(wbody, 0, 0); } int bodylen(void) { return getmaxy(wbody); } WINDOW *bodywin(void) { return wbody; } void rmerror(void) { rmline(wstat, 0); } void rmstatus(void) { rmline(wstat, 1); } void titlemsg(char *msg) { #ifdef CONFIG_PDCURSES_MULTITHREAD FAR struct pdc_context_s *ctx = PDC_ctx(); #endif mvwaddstr(wtitl, 0, 2, padstr(msg, bw - 3)); wrefresh(wtitl); } void bodymsg(char *msg) { waddstr(wbody, msg); wrefresh(wbody); } void errormsg(char *msg) { #ifdef CONFIG_PDCURSES_MULTITHREAD FAR struct pdc_context_s *ctx = PDC_ctx(); #endif beep(); mvwaddstr(wstat, 0, 2, padstr(msg, bw - 3)); wrefresh(wstat); } void statusmsg(char *msg) { #ifdef CONFIG_PDCURSES_MULTITHREAD FAR struct pdc_context_s *ctx = PDC_ctx(); #endif mvwaddstr(wstat, 1, 2, padstr(msg, bw - 3)); wrefresh(wstat); } bool keypressed(void) { ch = wgetch(wbody); return ch != ERR; } int getkey(void) { int c = ch; ch = ERR; #ifdef ALT_X quit = (c == ALT_X); /* PC only ! */ #endif return c; } int waitforkey(void) { do { idle(); } while (!keypressed()); return getkey(); } void tui_exit(void) /* terminate program */ { quit = true; } void domenu(const menu *mp) { int x; int y; int nitems; int barlen; int mheight; int mw; int old = -1; int cur = 0; int cur0; bool stop = false; WINDOW *wmenu; curs_set(0); getmenupos(&y, &x); menudim(mp, &nitems, &barlen); mheight = nitems + 2; mw = barlen + 2; wmenu = newwin(mheight, mw, y, x); colorbox(wmenu, SUBMENUCOLOR, 1); repaintmenu(wmenu, mp); key = ERR; while (!stop && !quit) { if (cur != old) { if (old != -1) { mvwaddstr(wmenu, old + 1, 1, prepad(padstr(mp[old].name, barlen - 1), 1)); } setcolor(wmenu, SUBMENUREVCOLOR); mvwaddstr(wmenu, cur + 1, 1, prepad(padstr(mp[cur].name, barlen - 1), 1)); setcolor(wmenu, SUBMENUCOLOR); statusmsg(mp[cur].desc); old = cur; wrefresh(wmenu); } switch (key = ((key != ERR) ? key : waitforkey())) { case '\n': /* menu item selected */ touchwin(wbody); wrefresh(wbody); setmenupos(y + 1, x + 1); rmerror(); key = ERR; curs_set(1); (mp[cur].func) (); /* perform function */ curs_set(0); repaintmenu(wmenu, mp); old = -1; break; case KEY_UP: cur = (cur + nitems - 1) % nitems; key = ERR; break; case KEY_DOWN: cur = (cur + 1) % nitems; key = ERR; break; case KEY_ESC: case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_RIGHT: if (key == KEY_ESC) { key = ERR; /* return to prev submenu */ } stop = true; break; default: cur0 = cur; do { cur = (cur + 1) % nitems; } while ((cur != cur0) && (hotkey(mp[cur].name) != toupper((int)key))); key = (hotkey(mp[cur].name) == toupper((int)key)) ? '\n' : ERR; } } rmerror(); delwin(wmenu); touchwin(wbody); wrefresh(wbody); } void startmenu(menu *mp, char *mtitle) { #ifdef CONFIG_PDCURSES_MULTITHREAD FAR struct pdc_context_s *ctx = PDC_ctx(); #endif traceon(); initscr(); quit = false; incurses = true; initcolor(); wtitl = subwin(stdscr, th, bw, 0, 0); wmain = subwin(stdscr, mh, bw, th, 0); wbody = subwin(stdscr, bh, bw, th + mh, 0); wstat = subwin(stdscr, sh, bw, th + mh + bh, 0); colorbox(wtitl, TITLECOLOR, 0); colorbox(wmain, MAINMENUCOLOR, 0); colorbox(wbody, BODYCOLOR, 0); colorbox(wstat, STATUSCOLOR, 0); if (mtitle) { titlemsg(mtitle); } cbreak(); /* direct input (no newline required)... */ noecho(); /* ... without echoing */ curs_set(0); /* hide cursor (if possible) */ nodelay(wbody, true); /* don't wait for input... */ halfdelay(10); /* ...well, no more than a second, anyway */ keypad(wbody, true); /* enable cursor keys */ scrollok(wbody, true); /* enable scrolling in main window */ leaveok(stdscr, true); leaveok(wtitl, true); leaveok(wmain, true); leaveok(wstat, true); mainmenu(mp); cleanup(); } static void repainteditbox(WINDOW *win, int x, char *buf) { int maxx; maxx = getmaxx(win); werase(win); mvwprintw(win, 0, 0, "%s", padstr(buf, maxx)); wmove(win, 0, x); wrefresh(win); } /* weditstr() - edit string * * Description: * The initial value of 'str' with a maximum length of 'field' - 1, * which is supplied by the calling routine, is edited. The user's * erase (^H), kill (^U) and delete word (^W) chars are interpreted. * The PC insert or Tab keys toggle between insert and edit mode. * Escape aborts the edit session, leaving 'str' unchanged. * Enter, Up or Down Arrow are used to accept the changes to 'str'. * NOTE: editstr(), mveditstr(), and mvweditstr() are macros. * * Return Value: * Returns the input terminating character on success (Escape, * Enter, Up or Down Arrow) and ERR on error. * * Errors: * It is an error to call this function with a NULL window pointer. * The length of the initial 'str' must not exceed 'field' - 1. * */ int weditstr(WINDOW *win, char *buf, int field) { char org[MAXSTRLEN]; char *tp; char *bp = buf; bool defdisp = true; bool stop = false; bool insert = false; int cury; int curx; int begy; int begx; int oldattr; int c = 0; WINDOW *wedit; if ((field >= MAXSTRLEN) || (buf == NULL) || ((int)strlen(buf) > field - 1)) { return ERR; } strlcpy(org, buf, sizeof(org)); /* save original */ wrefresh(win); getyx(win, cury, curx); getbegyx(win, begy, begx); wedit = subwin(win, 1, field, begy + cury, begx + curx); oldattr = wedit->_attrs; colorbox(wedit, EDITBOXCOLOR, 0); keypad(wedit, true); curs_set(1); while (!stop) { idle(); repainteditbox(wedit, bp - buf, buf); switch (c = wgetch(wedit)) { case ERR: break; case KEY_ESC: strcpy(buf, org); /* restore original */ stop = true; break; case '\n': case KEY_UP: case KEY_DOWN: stop = true; break; case KEY_LEFT: if (bp > buf) bp--; break; case KEY_RIGHT: defdisp = false; if (bp - buf < (int)strlen(buf)) bp++; break; case '\t': /* TAB -- because insert is broken on HPUX */ case KEY_IC: /* enter insert mode */ case KEY_EIC: /* exit insert mode */ defdisp = false; insert = !insert; curs_set(insert ? 2 : 1); break; case KEY_DC: if (*bp != 0) { memmove((void *)(bp), (const void *)(bp + 1), strlen(bp)); } break; default: if (c == erasechar()) /* backspace, ^H */ { if (bp > buf) { memmove((void *)(bp - 1), (const void *)bp, strlen(bp) + 1); bp--; } } else if (c == killchar()) /* ^U */ { bp = buf; *bp = '\0'; } else if (c == wordchar()) /* ^W */ { tp = bp; while ((bp > buf) && (*(bp - 1) == ' ')) bp--; while ((bp > buf) && (*(bp - 1) != ' ')) bp--; memmove((void *)bp, (const void *)tp, strlen(tp) + 1); } else if (isprint(c)) { if (defdisp) { bp = buf; *bp = '\0'; defdisp = false; } if (insert) { if ((int)strlen(buf) < field - 1) { memmove((void *)(bp + 1), (const void *)bp, strlen(bp) + 1); *bp++ = c; } } else if (bp - buf < field - 1) { /* append new string terminator */ if (!*bp) bp[1] = '\0'; *bp++ = c; } } break; } } curs_set(0); wattrset(wedit, oldattr); repainteditbox(wedit, bp - buf, buf); delwin(wedit); return c; } WINDOW *winputbox(WINDOW *win, int nlines, int ncols) { WINDOW *winp; int cury; int curx; int begy; int begx; getyx(win, cury, curx); getbegyx(win, begy, begx); winp = newwin(nlines, ncols, begy + cury, begx + curx); colorbox(winp, INPUTBOXCOLOR, 1); return winp; } int getstrings(const char *desc[], char *buf[], int field) { WINDOW *winput; int oldy; int oldx; int maxy; int maxx; int nlines; int ncols; int i; int n; int l; int mmax = 0; int c = 0; bool stop = false; for (n = 0; desc[n]; n++) { if ((l = strlen(desc[n])) > mmax) { mmax = l; } } nlines = n + 2; ncols = mmax + field + 4; getyx(wbody, oldy, oldx); getmaxyx(wbody, maxy, maxx); winput = mvwinputbox(wbody, (maxy - nlines) / 2, (maxx - ncols) / 2, nlines, ncols); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { mvwprintw(winput, i + 1, 2, "%s", desc[i]); } i = 0; while (!stop) { switch (c = mvweditstr(winput, i + 1, mmax + 3, buf[i], field)) { case KEY_ESC: stop = true; break; case KEY_UP: i = (i + n - 1) % n; break; case '\n': case '\t': case KEY_DOWN: if (++i == n) { stop = true; /* all passed? */ } break; } } delwin(winput); touchwin(wbody); wmove(wbody, oldy, oldx); wrefresh(wbody); return c; }