examples/camera ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This sample is implemented as 'camera' command on NuttX Shell. The synopsys of the command is as below. nsh> camera ([-jpg]) ([capture num]) -jpg : this option is set for storing JPEG file into a strage. : If this option isn't set capturing raw YUV422 data in a file. : raw YUV422 is default. capture num : this option instructs number of taking pictures. : 10 is default. Storage will be selected automatically based on the available storage option. Execution example: nsh> camera nximage_listener: Connected nximage_initialize: Screen resolution (320,240) Take 10 pictures as YUV file in /mnt/sd0 after 5000 mili-seconds. After finishing taking pictures, this app will be finished after 10000 mili-seconds. Expier time is pasted. Start captureing... FILENAME:/mnt/sd0/VIDEO001.YUV FILENAME:/mnt/sd0/VIDEO002.YUV FILENAME:/mnt/sd0/VIDEO003.YUV FILENAME:/mnt/sd0/VIDEO004.YUV FILENAME:/mnt/sd0/VIDEO005.YUV FILENAME:/mnt/sd0/VIDEO006.YUV FILENAME:/mnt/sd0/VIDEO007.YUV FILENAME:/mnt/sd0/VIDEO008.YUV FILENAME:/mnt/sd0/VIDEO009.YUV FILENAME:/mnt/sd0/VIDEO010.YUV Finished captureing... Expier time is pasted. nximage_listener: Lost server connection: 117