# Application Folder ## Contents - General - Directory Location - Built-In Applications - NuttShell (NSH) Built-In Commands - Synchronous Built-In Commands - Application Configuration File - Example Built-In Application - Building NuttX with Board-Specific Pieces Outside the Source Tree ## General This folder provides various applications found in sub-directories. These applications are not inherently a part of NuttX but are provided to help you develop your own applications. The `apps/` directory is a _break away_ part of the configuration that you may choose to use or not. ## Directory Location The default application directory used by the NuttX build should be named `apps/` (or `apps-x.y.z/` where `x.y.z` is the NuttX version number). This `apps/` directory should appear in the directory tree at the same level as the NuttX directory. Like: ``` . |- nuttx | `- apps ``` If all of the above conditions are TRUE, then NuttX will be able to find the application directory. If your application directory has a different name or is location at a different position, then you will have to inform the NuttX build system of that location. There are several ways to do that: 1) You can define `CONFIG_APPS_DIR` to be the full path to your application directory in the NuttX configuration file. 2) You can provide the path to the application directory on the command line like: `make APPDIR=<path>` or `make CONFIG_APPS_DIR=<path>` 3) When you configure NuttX using `tools/configure.sh`, you can provide that path to the application directory on the configuration command line like: `./configure.sh -a <app-dir> <board-name>:<config-name>` ## Built-In Applications NuttX also supports applications that can be started using a name string. In this case, application entry points with their requirements are gathered together in two files: - `builtin/builtin_proto.h` – Entry points, prototype function - `builtin/builtin_list.h` – Application specific information and requirements The build occurs in several phases as different build targets are executed: (1) context, (2) depend, and (3) default (all). Application information is collected during the make context build phase. To execute an application function: `exec_builtin()` is defined in the `apps/include/builtin/builtin.h`. ## NuttShell (NSH) Built-In Commands One use of builtin applications is to provide a way of invoking your custom application through the NuttShell (NSH) command line. NSH will support a seamless method invoking the applications, when the following option is enabled in the NuttX configuration file: ```conf CONFIG_NSH_BUILTIN_APPS=y ``` Applications registered in the `apps/builtin/builtin_list.h` file will then be accessible from the NSH command line. If you type `help` at the NSH prompt, you will see a list of the registered commands. ## Synchronous Built-In Commands By default, built-in commands started from the NSH command line will run asynchronously with NSH. If you want to force NSH to execute commands then wait for the command to execute, you can enable that feature by adding the following to the NuttX configuration file: ```conf CONFIG_SCHED_WAITPID=y ``` The configuration option enables support for the `waitpid()` RTOS interface. When that interface is enabled, NSH will use it to wait, sleeping until the built-in command executes to completion. Of course, even with `CONFIG_SCHED_WAITPID=y` defined, specific commands can still be forced to run asynchronously by adding the ampersand (`&`) after the NSH command. ## Application Configuration File The NuttX configuration uses `kconfig-frontends` tools and the NuttX configuration file (`.config`) file. For example, the NuttX `.config` may have: ```conf CONFIG_EXAMPLES_HELLO=y ``` This will select the `apps/examples/hello` in the following way: - The top-level make will include `apps/examples/Make.defs` - `apps/examples/Make.defs` will set `CONFIGURED_APPS += $(APPDIR)/examples/hello` like this: ```makefile ifneq ($(CONFIG_EXAMPLES_HELLO),) CONFIGURED_APPS += $(APPDIR)/examples/hello endif ``` ## Example Built-In Application An example application skeleton can be found under the `examples/hello` sub-directory. This example shows how a builtin application can be added to the project. One must: 1. Create sub-directory as: progname 2. In this directory there should be: - A `Make.defs` file that would be included by the `apps/Makefile` - A `Kconfig` file that would be used by the configuration tool (see the file `kconfig-language.txt` in the NuttX tools repository). This `Kconfig` file should be included by the `apps/Kconfig` file - A `Makefile`, and - The application source code. 3. The application source code should provide the entry point: ```c main() ``` 4. Set the requirements in the file: `Makefile`, specially the lines: ```makefile PROGNAME = progname PRIORITY = SCHED_PRIORITY_DEFAULT STACKSIZE = 768 ASRCS = asm source file list as a.asm b.asm ... CSRCS = C source file list as foo1.c foo2.c .. ``` 5. The `Make.defs` file should include a line like: ```makefile ifneq ($(CONFIG_PROGNAME),) CONFIGURED_APPS += progname endif ``` ## Building NuttX with Board-Specific Pieces Outside the Source Tree Q: Has anyone come up with a tidy way to build NuttX with board- specific pieces outside the source tree? A: Here are three: 1) There is a make target called `make export`. It will build NuttX, then bundle all of the header files, libraries, startup objects, and other build components into a `.zip` file. You can move that `.zip` file into any build environment you want. You can even build NuttX under a DOS `CMD` window. This make target is documented in the top level `nuttx/README.txt`. 2) You can replace the entire `apps/` directory. If there is nothing in the `apps/` directory that you need, you can define `CONFIG_APPS_DIR` in your `.config` file so that it points to a different, custom application directory. You can copy any pieces that you like from the old apps/directory to your custom apps directory as necessary. This is documented in `NuttX/boards/README.txt` and `nuttx/Documentation/NuttXPortingGuide.html` (Online at https://bitbucket.org/nuttx/nuttx/src/master/Documentation/NuttXPortingGuide.html#apndxconfigs under _Build options_). And in the `apps/README.txt` file. 3) If you like the random collection of stuff in the `apps/` directory but just want to expand the existing components with your own, external sub-directory then there is an easy way to that too: You just create a symbolic link in the `apps/` directory that redirects to your application sub-directory. In order to be incorporated into the build, the directory that you link under the `apps/` directory should contain (1) a `Makefile` that supports the `clean` and `distclean` targets (see other `Makefile`s for examples), and (2) a tiny `Make.defs` file that simply adds the custom build directories to the variable `CONFIGURED_APPS` like: ```makefile CONFIGURED_APPS += my_directory1 my_directory2 ``` The `apps/Makefile` will always automatically check for the existence of subdirectories containing a `Makefile` and a `Make.defs` file. The `Makefile` will be used only to support cleaning operations. The Make.defs file provides the set of directories to be built; these directories must also contain a `Makefile`. That `Makefile` must be able to build the sources and add the objects to the `apps/libapps.a` archive. (see other `Makefile`s for examples). It should support the all, install, context, and depend targets. `apps/Makefile` does not depend on any hardcoded lists of directories. Instead, it does a wildcard search to find all appropriate directories. This means that to install a new application, you simply have to copy the directory (or link it) into the `apps/` directory. If the new directory includes a `Makefile` and `Make.defs` file, then it will automatically be included in the build. If the directory that you add also includes a `Kconfig` file, then it will automatically be included in the NuttX configuration system as well. `apps/Makefile` uses a tool at `apps/tools/mkkconfig.sh` that dynamically builds the `apps/Kconfig` file at pre-configuration time. You could, for example, create a script called `install.sh` that installs a custom application, configuration, and board specific directory: a) Copy `MyBoard` directory to `boards/MyBoard`. b) Add a symbolic link to `MyApplication` at `apps/external`. c) Configure NuttX, usually by: ```bash tools/configure.sh MyBoard:MyConfiguration ``` Use of the name `apps/external` is suggested because that name is included in the `.gitignore` file and will save you some nuisance when working with GIT. # Export restrictions This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check your country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is permitted. See <http://www.wassenaar.org/> for more information. The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), has classified this software as Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1, which includes information security software using or performing cryptographic functions with asymmetric algorithms. The form and manner of this Apache Software Foundation distribution makes it eligible for export under the License Exception ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU) exception (see the BIS Export Administration Regulations, Section 740.13) for both object code and source code. The following provides more details on the included cryptographic software: https://tls.mbed.org/supported-ssl-ciphersuites.