#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import os import platform import re import subprocess import sys # Custom argparse actions # class validate_flags_arg(argparse.Action): """ Custom argparse action to validate the number of parameters passed to the --flags argument. Exactly three parameters are required. """ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if len(values) != 3: raise argparse.ArgumentError( self, "Invalid number of parameters for --flags. Exactly three parameters are required.", ) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) # Common functions # def eprint(*args, **kwargs): """ Prints the arguments passed to stderr. """ print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) def get_installed_packages(): """ Gets the list of packages installed on the host system. This function works on Linux (Debian, Red Hat, and Arch-based distros), Windows, and macOS. Args: None. Returns: list: Packages (with version) installed on the host system. """ packages = [] if platform.system() == "Linux": package_managers = [ { "name": "Dpkg", "command": ["dpkg", "-l"], "skip_lines": 5, "info_name": 1, "info_version": 2, }, { "name": "Rpm", "command": ["rpm", "-qa", "--queryformat", '"%{NAME} %{VERSION}\\n"'], "skip_lines": 0, "info_name": 0, "info_version": 1, }, { "name": "Pacman", "command": ["pacman", "-Q", "--queryformat", '"%n %v\\n"'], "skip_lines": 0, "info_name": 0, "info_version": 1, }, ] for manager in package_managers: try: process = subprocess.Popen(manager["command"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = process.communicate() lines = output.decode("utf-8").splitlines() # Skip the specified number of lines based on the package manager if lines: lines = lines[manager["skip_lines"] :] current_packages = [] for line in lines: package_info = line.split() package = package_info[manager["info_name"]] version = package_info[manager["info_version"]] current_packages.append(f"{package} ({version})") if current_packages: packages.extend(current_packages) break except (FileNotFoundError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): pass elif platform.system() == "Windows": try: output = subprocess.check_output( [ "powershell", "Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\" + "CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion", ] ) output = output.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore").split("\r\n") for line in output[3:]: line = line.strip() if line: match = re.match(r"^(.*?)(\s{2,}[^ ]+)?$", line) if match: name = match.group(1).strip() version = ( match.group(2).strip() if match.group(2) else "Unknown" ) packages.append(f"{name} ({version})") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: eprint("Error: Failed to get installed packages.") elif platform.system() == "Darwin": try: output = subprocess.check_output(["pkgutil", "--pkgs"]) output = output.decode("utf-8").split("\n") for package in output: if "." in package: try: info = subprocess.check_output( ["pkgutil", "--pkg-info", package] ) info = info.decode("utf-8") version = info.split("version: ")[1].split("\n")[0] except subprocess.CalledProcessError: version = "Unknown" packages.append(f"{package} ({version})") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: eprint("Error: Failed to get installed packages.") packages.sort() return packages def get_python_modules(): """ Gets the list of python modules installed on the host system. Args: None. Returns: list: Python modules (with version) installed on the host system. """ modules = [] output = subprocess.check_output( ["pip", "list", "--format=freeze"], universal_newlines=True ) for line in output.splitlines(): if line.startswith("#"): continue package_info = line.split("==") if len(package_info) > 1: modules.append("{}-{}".format(package_info[0], package_info[1])) else: modules.append(package_info[0]) return modules def get_system_path(): """ Gets the PATH environment variable. Args: None. Returns: str: The PATH environment variable. """ return os.environ.get("PATH", "") def get_os_version(): """ Gets the OS distribution and version. This function works on Linux, Windows, and macOS. On Linux, if the distro package is installed, it will be used to get the OS distribution. Args: None. Returns: str: The OS distribution and version. """ os_name = platform.system() sys_id = "" if os_name == "Windows": os_distro = "Windows" os_version = platform.win32_ver()[0] sys_id = f"{os_distro} {os_version}" elif os_name == "Darwin": os_distro = "macOS" os_uname = " ".join(platform.uname()) os_version = platform.mac_ver()[0] sys_id = f"{os_distro} {os_version} {os_uname}" elif os_name == "Linux": os_uname = " ".join(platform.uname()) try: import distro sys_id = distro.name(pretty=True) + " " + os_uname except ImportError: sys_id = os_uname return sys_id def get_compilation_flags(flags): """ Gets the compilation flags used to compile the NuttX source code and splits them into a list. Args: arg (str): The compilation flags. Returns: list: The compilation flags. """ if not flags: return [""] flag_list = flags.split(" -") flag_list[0] = flag_list[0][1:] flag_list = ["-" + flag for flag in flag_list] return flag_list def generate_header(args): """ Generates the sysinfo.h header file that contains information about the host system and NuttX configuration that can be used by NuttX applications. Args: args (argparse.Namespace): The command line arguments. Returns: str: The contents of the sysinfo.h header file. """ info = {} output = "" output += "/****************************************************************************\n" output += " * sysinfo.h\n" output += " *\n" output += " * Auto-generated by a Python script. Do not edit!\n" output += " *\n" output += ( " * This file contains information about the host and target systems that\n" ) output += " * can be used by NuttX applications.\n" output += " *\n" output += " ****************************************************************************/\n\n" output += "#ifndef __SYSTEM_INFO_H\n" output += "#define __SYSTEM_INFO_H\n\n" # NuttX Compilation Flags if args.flags: cflags, cxxflags, ldflags = args.flags if cflags: cflags = cflags[1:-1] if cxxflags: cxxflags = cxxflags[1:-1] if ldflags: ldflags = ldflags[1:-1] info["NUTTX_CFLAGS"] = get_compilation_flags(cflags) info["NUTTX_CXXFLAGS"] = get_compilation_flags(cxxflags) info["NUTTX_LDFLAGS"] = get_compilation_flags(ldflags) output += "#define NUTTX_CFLAGS_ARRAY_SIZE {}\n".format( len(info["NUTTX_CFLAGS"]) ) output += "static const char *NUTTX_CFLAGS[NUTTX_CFLAGS_ARRAY_SIZE] =\n{\n" for i in range(len(info["NUTTX_CFLAGS"])): output += ' "' + info["NUTTX_CFLAGS"][i] + '",\n' output += "};\n\n" output += "#define NUTTX_CXXFLAGS_ARRAY_SIZE {}\n".format( len(info["NUTTX_CXXFLAGS"]) ) output += "static const char *NUTTX_CXXFLAGS[NUTTX_CXXFLAGS_ARRAY_SIZE] =\n{\n" for i in range(len(info["NUTTX_CXXFLAGS"])): output += ' "' + info["NUTTX_CXXFLAGS"][i] + '",\n' output += "};\n\n" output += "#define NUTTX_LDFLAGS_ARRAY_SIZE {}\n".format( len(info["NUTTX_LDFLAGS"]) ) output += "static const char *NUTTX_LDFLAGS[NUTTX_LDFLAGS_ARRAY_SIZE] =\n{\n" for i in range(len(info["NUTTX_LDFLAGS"])): output += ' "' + info["NUTTX_LDFLAGS"][i] + '",\n' output += "};\n\n" # NuttX Configuration if args.config: info["NUTTX_CONFIG"] = [] config_path = os.path.abspath("./.config") try: with open(config_path, "r") as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith("#"): continue info["NUTTX_CONFIG"].append(line) output += "#define NUTTX_CONFIG_ARRAY_SIZE {}\n".format( len(info["NUTTX_CONFIG"]) ) output += "static const char *NUTTX_CONFIG[NUTTX_CONFIG_ARRAY_SIZE] =\n{\n" for i in range(len(info["NUTTX_CONFIG"])): output += ' "' + info["NUTTX_CONFIG"][i].replace('"', '\\"') + '",\n' output += "};\n\n" except FileNotFoundError: print("Error: NuttX configuration file not found: {}".format(config_path)) sys.exit(1) # OS Version info["OS_VERSION"] = get_os_version() output += 'static const char OS_VERSION[] = "{}";\n\n'.format(info["OS_VERSION"]) # System Path if args.path: info["SYSTEM_PATH"] = str(get_system_path()).split(":") output += "#define SYSTEM_PATH_ARRAY_SIZE {}\n".format(len(info["SYSTEM_PATH"])) output += "static const char *SYSTEM_PATH[SYSTEM_PATH_ARRAY_SIZE] =\n{\n" for i in range(len(info["SYSTEM_PATH"])): output += ' "' + info["SYSTEM_PATH"][i] + '",\n' output += "};\n\n" # Installed Packages if args.packages: info["INSTALLED_PACKAGES"] = [str(x) for x in get_installed_packages()] output += "#define INSTALLED_PACKAGES_ARRAY_SIZE {}\n".format( len(info["INSTALLED_PACKAGES"]) ) output += "static const char *INSTALLED_PACKAGES[INSTALLED_PACKAGES_ARRAY_SIZE] =\n{\n" for i in range(len(info["INSTALLED_PACKAGES"])): output += ' "' + info["INSTALLED_PACKAGES"][i] + '",\n' output += "};\n\n" # Python Modules if args.modules: info["PYTHON_MODULES"] = [str(x) for x in get_python_modules()] output += "#define PYTHON_MODULES_ARRAY_SIZE {}\n".format( len(info["PYTHON_MODULES"]) ) output += "static const char *PYTHON_MODULES[PYTHON_MODULES_ARRAY_SIZE] =\n{\n" for i in range(len(info["PYTHON_MODULES"])): output += ' "' + info["PYTHON_MODULES"][i] + '",\n' output += "};\n\n" # Vendor Specific # Espressif if args.espressif: # Espressif bootloader version info["ESPRESSIF_BOOTLOADER"] = get_espressif_bootloader_version( args.espressif[0] ) output += "#define ESPRESSIF_BOOTLOADER_ARRAY_SIZE {}\n".format( len(info["ESPRESSIF_BOOTLOADER"]) ) output += "static const char *ESPRESSIF_BOOTLOADER[ESPRESSIF_BOOTLOADER_ARRAY_SIZE] =\n{\n" for key, value in info["ESPRESSIF_BOOTLOADER"].items(): output += ' "{}: {}",\n'.format(key, value) output += "};\n\n" # Espressif toolchain version info["ESPRESSIF_TOOLCHAIN"] = get_espressif_toolchain_version() output += "#define ESPRESSIF_TOOLCHAIN_ARRAY_SIZE {}\n".format( len(info["ESPRESSIF_TOOLCHAIN"]) ) output += "static const char *ESPRESSIF_TOOLCHAIN[ESPRESSIF_TOOLCHAIN_ARRAY_SIZE] =\n{\n" for key, value in info["ESPRESSIF_TOOLCHAIN"].items(): output += ' "{}: {}",\n'.format(key, value) output += "};\n\n" # Espressif esptool version info["ESPRESSIF_ESPTOOL"] = next( (s for s in get_python_modules() if "esptool" in s), "Not found" ) output += 'static const char ESPRESSIF_ESPTOOL[] = "{}";\n\n'.format( info["ESPRESSIF_ESPTOOL"].split("-")[1] ) output += "#endif /* __SYSTEM_INFO_H */\n" return output # Vendor specific functions # def get_espressif_bootloader_version(bindir): """ Get the bootloader version for Espressif chips from the bootloader binary. This function works on Linux, Windows, and macOS. Args: bindir (str): The path to the bootloader binary directory. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the bootloader version for each chip. """ regex = r"^(?=.*\bv\d+(\.\d+){1,2}\b).+$" bootloader_chips = [ "esp32", "esp32s2", "esp32s3", "esp32c2", "esp32c3", "esp32c6", "esp32h2", ] bootloader_version = {} for chip in bootloader_chips: file = "bootloader-{}.bin".format(chip) path = os.path.join(bindir, file) if os.path.isfile(path): if platform.system() == "Linux": process = subprocess.Popen(["strings", path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) elif platform.system() == "Windows": process = subprocess.Popen( [ "powershell", "Get-Content -Raw -Encoding Byte {} |".format(path) + " % { [char[]]$_ -join \"\" } | Select-String -Pattern '[\\x20-\\x7E]+'" + " -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Value }", ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) elif platform.system() == "Darwin": process = subprocess.Popen( ["strings", "-", path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) else: bootloader_version[chip] = "Not supported on host OS" break output, error = process.communicate() strings_out = output.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore") matches = re.finditer(regex, strings_out, re.MULTILINE) try: bootloader_version[chip] = next(matches).group(0) except StopIteration: bootloader_version[chip] = "Unknown" else: bootloader_version[chip] = "Bootloader image not found" return bootloader_version def get_espressif_toolchain_version(): """ Get the version of different toolchains used by Espressif chips. Args: None. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the toolchain version for each toolchain. """ toolchain_version = {} toolchain_bins = [ "clang", "gcc", "xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc", "xtensa-esp32s2-elf-gcc", "xtensa-esp32s3-elf-gcc", "riscv32-esp-elf-gcc", "riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc", ] for binary in toolchain_bins: try: version_output = subprocess.check_output( [binary, "--version"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True ) version_lines = version_output.split("\n") version = version_lines[0].strip() toolchain_version[binary] = version except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError): toolchain_version[binary] = "Not found" return toolchain_version # Main # if __name__ == "__main__": """ Main function for the script. This function is called when the script is executed directly. It parses the command line arguments and calls the appropriate functions. It also prints the output generated to stdout. Required arguments: nuttx_path: The path to the NuttX source directory. Optional arguments: The command line arguments. The available arguments are: -h, --help: Show the help message and exit. -m, --modules: Get the list of installed Python modules. -k, --packages: Get the list of installed system packages. -p, --path: Get the system PATH environment variable. -c, --config: Get the NuttX compilation configurations used. -f, --flags : Provide the NuttX compilation flags used. --espressif : Get Espressif specific information. Requires the path to the bootloader binary directory. """ # Generic arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument("nuttx_path", help="NuttX source directory path.") parser.add_argument( "-h", "--help", action="help", default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help="Show this help message and exit.", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--modules", action="store_true", help="Get the list of installed Python modules.", ) parser.add_argument( "-k", "--packages", action="store_true", help="Get the list of installed system packages.", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--path", action="store_true", help="Get the system PATH environment variable.", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--config", action="store_true", help="Get the NuttX compilation configurations used.", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--flags", nargs=3, default=[], metavar=("CFLAGS", "CXXFLAGS", "LDFLAGS"), action=validate_flags_arg, help="Provide the NuttX compilation and linker flags used.", ) # Vendor specific arguments parser.add_argument( "--espressif", nargs=1, default=[], metavar="ESPTOOL_BINDIR", help="Get Espressif specific information. Requires the path to the bootloader binary directory.", ) # Parse arguments if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) args = parser.parse_args() os.chdir(args.nuttx_path) header = generate_header(args) print(header)