############################################################################ # apps/Application.mk # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The # ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the # License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http:#www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # ############################################################################ # If this is an executable program (with MAINSRC), we must build it as a # loadable module for the KERNEL build (always) or if the tristate module # has the value "m" ifneq ($(MAINSRC),) ifeq ($(MODULE),m) BUILD_MODULE = y endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_BUILD_KERNEL),y) BUILD_MODULE = y endif endif # The GNU make CURDIR will always be a POSIX-like path with forward slashes # as path segment separators. If we know that this is a native build, then # we need to fix up the path so the DELIM will match the actual delimiter. ifeq ($(CONFIG_WINDOWS_NATIVE),y) CWD = $(strip ${shell echo %CD% | cut -d: -f2}) else CWD = $(CURDIR) endif # Add the static application library to the linked libraries. LDLIBS += $(call CONVERT_PATH,$(BIN)) # When building a module, link with the compiler runtime. # This should be linked after libapps. Consider that mbedtls in libapps # uses __udivdi3. ifeq ($(BUILD_MODULE),y) # Revisit: This only works for gcc and clang. # Do other compilers have similar? COMPILER_RT_LIB = $(shell $(CC) $(ARCHCPUFLAGS) --print-libgcc-file-name) ifeq ($(wildcard $(COMPILER_RT_LIB)),) # if "--print-libgcc-file-name" unable to find the correct libgcc PATH # then go ahead and try "--print-file-name" COMPILER_RT_LIB := $(wildcard $(shell $(CC) $(ARCHCPUFLAGS) --print-file-name $(notdir $(COMPILER_RT_LIB)))) endif LDLIBS += $(COMPILER_RT_LIB) endif SUFFIX = $(subst $(DELIM),.,$(CWD)) PROGNAME := $(subst ",,$(PROGNAME)) # Object files RASRCS = $(filter %.s,$(ASRCS)) CASRCS = $(filter %.S,$(ASRCS)) RAOBJS = $(RASRCS:=$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT)) CAOBJS = $(CASRCS:=$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT)) COBJS = $(CSRCS:=$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT)) CXXOBJS = $(CXXSRCS:=$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT)) RUSTOBJS = $(RUSTSRCS:=$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT)) ZIGOBJS = $(ZIGSRCS:=$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT)) MAINCXXSRCS = $(filter %$(CXXEXT),$(MAINSRC)) MAINCSRCS = $(filter %.c,$(MAINSRC)) MAINRUSTSRCS = $(filter %$(RUSTEXT),$(MAINSRC)) MAINZIGSRCS = $(filter %$(ZIGEXT),$(MAINSRC)) MAINCXXOBJ = $(MAINCXXSRCS:=$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT)) MAINCOBJ = $(MAINCSRCS:=$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT)) MAINRUSTOBJ = $(MAINRUSTSRCS:=$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT)) MAINZIGOBJ = $(MAINZIGSRCS:=$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT)) SRCS = $(ASRCS) $(CSRCS) $(CXXSRCS) $(MAINSRC) OBJS = $(RAOBJS) $(CAOBJS) $(COBJS) $(CXXOBJS) $(RUSTOBJS) $(ZIGOBJS) $(EXTOBJS) ifneq ($(BUILD_MODULE),y) OBJS += $(MAINCOBJ) $(MAINCXXOBJ) $(MAINRUSTOBJ) $(MAINZIGOBJ) endif # Compile flags, notice the default flags only suitable for flat build ZIGELFFLAGS ?= $(ZIGFLAGS) RUSTELFFLAGS ?= $(RUSTFLAGS) DEPPATH += --dep-path . DEPPATH += --obj-path . VPATH += :. # Targets follow all:: $(OBJS) .PHONY: clean depend distclean .PRECIOUS: $(BIN) define ELFASSEMBLE $(ECHO_BEGIN)"AS: $1 " $(Q) $(CC) -c $(AELFFLAGS) $($(strip $1)_AELFFLAGS) $1 -o $2 $(ECHO_END) endef define ELFCOMPILE $(ECHO_BEGIN)"CC: $1 " $(Q) $(CC) -c $(CELFFLAGS) $($(strip $1)_CELFFLAGS) $1 -o $2 $(ECHO_END) endef define ELFCOMPILEXX $(ECHO_BEGIN)"CXX: $1 " $(Q) $(CXX) -c $(CXXELFFLAGS) $($(strip $1)_CXXELFFLAGS) $1 -o $2 $(ECHO_END) endef define ELFCOMPILERUST $(ECHO_BEGIN)"RUSTC: $1 " $(Q) $(RUSTC) --emit obj $(RUSTELFFLAGS) $($(strip $1)_RUSTELFFLAGS) $1 -o $2 $(ECHO_END) endef define ELFCOMPILEZIG $(ECHO_BEGIN)"ZIG: $1 " # Remove target suffix here since zig compiler add .o automatically $(Q) $(ZIG) build-obj $(ZIGELFFLAGS) $($(strip $1)_ZIGELFFLAGS) --name $(basename $2) $1 $(ECHO_END) endef define ELFLD $(ECHO_BEGIN)"LD: $2 " $(Q) $(LD) $(LDELFFLAGS) $(LDLIBPATH) $(ARCHCRT0OBJ) $1 $(LDSTARTGROUP) $(LDLIBS) $(LDENDGROUP) -o $2 $(ECHO_END) endef $(RAOBJS): %.s$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT): %.s $(if $(and $(CONFIG_BUILD_LOADABLE),$(AELFFLAGS)), \ $(call ELFASSEMBLE, $<, $@), $(call ASSEMBLE, $<, $@)) $(CAOBJS): %.S$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT): %.S $(if $(and $(CONFIG_BUILD_LOADABLE),$(AELFFLAGS)), \ $(call ELFASSEMBLE, $<, $@), $(call ASSEMBLE, $<, $@)) $(COBJS): %.c$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT): %.c $(if $(and $(CONFIG_BUILD_LOADABLE),$(CELFFLAGS)), \ $(call ELFCOMPILE, $<, $@), $(call COMPILE, $<, $@)) $(CXXOBJS): %$(CXXEXT)$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT): %$(CXXEXT) $(if $(and $(CONFIG_BUILD_LOADABLE),$(CXXELFFLAGS)), \ $(call ELFCOMPILEXX, $<, $@), $(call COMPILEXX, $<, $@)) $(RUSTOBJS): %$(RUSTEXT)$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT): %$(RUSTEXT) $(if $(and $(CONFIG_BUILD_LOADABLE),$(CELFFLAGS)), \ $(call ELFCOMPILERUST, $<, $@), $(call COMPILERUST, $<, $@)) $(ZIGOBJS): %$(ZIGEXT)$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT): %$(ZIGEXT) $(if $(and $(CONFIG_BUILD_LOADABLE), $(CELFFLAGS)), \ $(call ELFCOMPILEZIG, $<, $@), $(call COMPILEZIG, $<, $@)) archive: $(call ARCHIVE_ADD, $(call CONVERT_PATH,$(BIN)), $(OBJS)) ifeq ($(BUILD_MODULE),y) $(MAINCXXOBJ): %$(CXXEXT)$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT): %$(CXXEXT) $(if $(and $(CONFIG_BUILD_LOADABLE),$(CXXELFFLAGS)), \ $(call ELFCOMPILEXX, $<, $@), $(call COMPILEXX, $<, $@)) $(MAINCOBJ): %.c$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT): %.c $(if $(and $(CONFIG_BUILD_LOADABLE),$(CELFFLAGS)), \ $(call ELFCOMPILE, $<, $@), $(call COMPILE, $<, $@)) PROGLIST := $(wordlist 1,$(words $(MAINCOBJ) $(MAINCXXOBJ) $(MAINRUSTOBJ)),$(PROGNAME)) PROGLIST := $(addprefix $(BINDIR)$(DELIM),$(PROGLIST)) PROGOBJ := $(MAINCOBJ) $(MAINCXXOBJ) $(MAINRUSTOBJ) $(PROGLIST): $(MAINCOBJ) $(MAINCXXOBJ) $(MAINRUSTOBJ) $(Q) mkdir -p $(BINDIR) $(call ELFLD,$(firstword $(PROGOBJ)),$(call CONVERT_PATH,$(firstword $(PROGLIST)))) $(Q) chmod +x $(firstword $(PROGLIST)) ifneq ($(CONFIG_DEBUG_SYMBOLS),y) $(Q) $(STRIP) $(firstword $(PROGLIST)) endif $(eval PROGLIST=$(filter-out $(firstword $(PROGLIST)),$(PROGLIST))) $(eval PROGOBJ=$(filter-out $(firstword $(PROGOBJ)),$(PROGOBJ))) install:: $(PROGLIST) else MAINNAME := $(addsuffix _main,$(PROGNAME)) $(MAINCXXOBJ): %$(CXXEXT)$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT): %$(CXXEXT) $(eval MAIN=$(word $(call GETINDEX,$<,$(MAINCXXSRCS)),$(MAINNAME))) $(eval $<_CXXFLAGS += ${shell $(DEFINE) "$(CXX)" main=$(MAIN)}) $(eval $<_CXXELFFLAGS += ${shell $(DEFINE) "$(CXX)" main=$(MAIN)}) $(if $(and $(CONFIG_BUILD_LOADABLE),$(CXXELFFLAGS)), \ $(call ELFCOMPILEXX, $<, $@), $(call COMPILEXX, $<, $@)) $(MAINCOBJ): %.c$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT): %.c $(eval MAIN=$(word $(call GETINDEX,$<,$(MAINCSRCS)),$(MAINNAME))) $(eval $<_CFLAGS += ${DEFINE_PREFIX}main=$(MAIN)) $(eval $<_CELFFLAGS += ${DEFINE_PREFIX}main=$(MAIN)) $(if $(and $(CONFIG_BUILD_LOADABLE),$(CELFFLAGS)), \ $(call ELFCOMPILE, $<, $@), $(call COMPILE, $<, $@)) $(MAINRUSTOBJ): %$(RUSTEXT)$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT): %$(RUSTEXT) $(if $(and $(CONFIG_BUILD_LOADABLE),$(CELFFLAGS)), \ $(call ELFCOMPILERUST, $<, $@), $(call COMPILERUST, $<, $@)) $(MAINZIGOBJ): %$(ZIGEXT)$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT): %$(ZIGEXT) $(if $(and $(CONFIG_BUILD_LOADABLE),$(CELFFLAGS)), \ $(call ELFCOMPILEZIG, $<, $@), $(call COMPILEZIG, $<, $@)) install:: endif # BUILD_MODULE context:: ifneq ($(PROGNAME),) REGLIST := $(addprefix $(BUILTIN_REGISTRY)$(DELIM),$(addsuffix .bdat,$(PROGNAME))) APPLIST := $(PROGNAME) $(REGLIST): $(DEPCONFIG) Makefile $(call REGISTER,$(firstword $(APPLIST)),$(firstword $(PRIORITY)),$(firstword $(STACKSIZE)),$(if $(BUILD_MODULE),,$(firstword $(APPLIST))_main)) $(eval APPLIST=$(filter-out $(firstword $(APPLIST)),$(APPLIST))) $(if $(filter-out $(firstword $(PRIORITY)),$(PRIORITY)),$(eval PRIORITY=$(filter-out $(firstword $(PRIORITY)),$(PRIORITY)))) $(if $(filter-out $(firstword $(STACKSIZE)),$(STACKSIZE)),$(eval STACKSIZE=$(filter-out $(firstword $(STACKSIZE)),$(STACKSIZE)))) register:: $(REGLIST) else register:: endif .depend: Makefile $(wildcard $(foreach SRC, $(SRCS), $(addsuffix /$(SRC), $(subst :, ,$(VPATH))))) $(DEPCONFIG) $(Q) $(MKDEP) $(DEPPATH) --obj-suffix .c$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT) "$(CC)" -- $(CFLAGS) -- $(filter %.c,$^) >Make.dep $(Q) $(MKDEP) $(DEPPATH) --obj-suffix .S$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT) "$(CC)" -- $(CFLAGS) -- $(filter %.S,$^) >>Make.dep $(Q) $(MKDEP) $(DEPPATH) --obj-suffix $(CXXEXT)$(SUFFIX)$(OBJEXT) "$(CXX)" -- $(CXXFLAGS) -- $(filter %$(CXXEXT),$^) >>Make.dep $(Q) touch $@ depend:: .depend clean:: $(call CLEAN) distclean:: clean $(call DELFILE, Make.dep) $(call DELFILE, .depend) -include Make.dep # Default values for WASM_BUILD from Application.mk WASM_BUILD ?= n include $(APPDIR)/tools/Wasm.mk