Author: anchao <> apps/, most main() function: Correct CONFIG_BUILD_LOADABLE usage Loadable apps/: Correct loadable symbol table generate apps/system/ubloxmodem: Fix build break apps/examples/ostest: start restart/waitpid/user test from main loop apps/nshlib: Expand reboot and poweroff commands to include a second, optional mode argument Author: Gregory Nutt <> An attempt to fix build issues. Does not work. apps/examples/ostest: Fix some inappropriate renaming of static functions introduced with recent patches. apps/builtin/exec_builtin.c: Fix a error introduced by recent comments. Found in build testing. Author: anchao <> apps/builtin/exec_builtin.c: Try posix_spawn if builtin apps do not have have an entry point. apps/ introduce MODULE config to simplify tristate(m) apps/nsh: Change the nuttx shell module type to tristate apps: Add loadable application support script/mksymtab: Generate symbol table name by default apps/builtin: Allow loadable applications can register with apps/builtin.
3752 lines
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3752 lines
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* apps/system/vi/vi.c
* Copyright (C) 2014 Gregory Nutt. All rights reserved.
* Author: Gregory Nutt <>
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
* the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* distribution.
* 3. Neither the name NuttX nor the names of its contributors may be
* used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
* Included Files
#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <nuttx/ascii.h>
#include <nuttx/vt100.h>
* Pre-processor Definitions
/* Some environments may return CR as end-of-line, others LF, and others
* both. If not specified, the logic here assumes either (but not both) as
* the default.
#if defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_CR)
#elif defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_LF)
#elif defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_BOTH_CRLF)
/* Control characters */
#undef CTRL
#define CTRL(a) ((a) & 0x1f)
#define VI_BEL(vi) vi_putch(vi,CTRL('G'))
/* Sizes of things */
#define MAX_STRING 64 /* The maximum size of a filename or search string */
#define SCRATCH_BUFSIZE 128 /* The maximum size of the scratch buffer */
#define TEXT_GULP_SIZE 512 /* Text buffer allocations are managed with this unit */
#define TEXT_GULP_MASK 511 /* Mask for aligning buffer allocation sizes */
#define TABSIZE 8 /* A TAB is eight characters */
#define TABMASK 7 /* Mask for TAB alignment */
#define NEXT_TAB(p) (((p) + TABSIZE) & ~TABMASK)
/* Parsed command action bits */
#define CMD_READ (1 << 0) /* Bit 0: Read */
#define CMD_WRITE_MASK (3 << 1) /* Bits 1-2: x1=Write operation */
# define CMD_WRITE (1 << 1) /* 01=Write (without overwriting) */
# define CMD_OWRITE (3 << 1) /* 11=Overwrite */
#define CMD_QUIT_MASK (3 << 3) /* Bits 3-4: x1=Quite operation */
# define CMD_QUIT (1 << 3) /* 01=Quit if saved */
# define CMD_DISCARD (3 << 3) /* 11=Quit without saving */
#define CMD_NONE (0) /* No command */
#define CMD_WRITE_QUIT (CMD_WRITE | CMD_QUIT) /* Write file and quit command */
#define CMD_OWRITE_QUIT (CMD_OWRITE | CMD_QUIT) /* Overwrite file and quit command */
#define IS_READ(a) (((uint8_t)(a) & CMD_READ) != 0)
#define IS_WRITE(a) (((uint8_t)(a) & CMD_WRITE) != 0)
#define IS_OWRITE(a) (((uint8_t)(a) & CMD_WRITE_MASK) == CMD_OWRITE)
#define IS_NOWRITE(a) (((uint8_t)(a) & CMD_WRITE_MASK) == CMD_WRITE)
#define IS_QUIT(a) (((uint8_t)(a) & CMD_QUIT) != 0)
#define IS_DISCARD(a) (((uint8_t)(a) & CMD_QUIT_MASK) == CMD_DISCARD)
#define IS_NDISCARD(a) (((uint8_t)(a) & CMD_QUIT_MASK) == CMD_QUIT)
#define USES_FILE(a) (((uint8_t)(a) & CMD_FILE_MASK) != 0)
/* Debug */
# define vidbg(format, ...) \
syslog(LOG_DEBUG, EXTRA_FMT format EXTRA_ARG, ##__VA_ARGS__)
# define vvidbg(format, ap) \
vsyslog(LOG_DEBUG, format, ap)
# else
# define vidbg(x...)
# define vvidbg(x...)
# endif
# define viinfo(format, ...) \
syslog(LOG_DEBUG, EXTRA_FMT format EXTRA_ARG, ##__VA_ARGS__)
# else
# define viinfo(x...)
# endif
# define vidbg vi_debug
# define vvidbg vi_vdebug
# else
# define vidbg (void)
# define vvidbg (void)
# endif
# define viinfo vi_debug
# else
# define viinfo (void)
# endif
* Private Types
/* VI Key Bindings */
enum vi_cmdmode_key_e
KEY_CMDMODE_BEGINLINE = '0', /* Move cursor to start of current line */
KEY_CMDMODE_APPEND = 'a', /* Enter insertion mode after current character */
KEY_CMDMODE_DEL_LINE = 'd', /* "dd" deletes a lines */
KEY_CMDMODE_LEFT = 'h', /* Move left one character */
KEY_CMDMODE_INSERT = 'i', /* Enter insertion mode before current character */
KEY_CMDMODE_DOWN = 'j', /* Move down one line */
KEY_CMDMODE_UP = 'k', /* Move up one line */
KEY_CMDMODE_RIGHT = 'l', /* Move right one character */
KEY_CMDMODE_MARK = 'm', /* Place a mark beginning at the current cursor position */
KEY_CMDMODE_OPENBELOW = 'o', /* Enter insertion mode in new line below current */
KEY_CMDMODE_PASTE = 'p', /* Paste line(s) from into text after current line */
KEY_CMDMODE_REPLACECH = 'r', /* Replace character(s) under cursor */
KEY_CMDMODE_YANK = 'y', /* "yy" yanks the current line(s) into the buffer */
KEY_CMDMODE_DEL = 'x', /* Delete a single character */
KEY_CMDMODE_APPENDEND = 'A', /* Enter insertion mode at the end of the current line */
KEY_CMDMODE_GOTO = 'G', /* Got to line */
KEY_CMDMODE_INSBEGIN = 'I', /* Enter insertion mode at the beginning of the current */
KEY_CMDMODE_OPENABOVE = 'O', /* Enter insertion mode in new line above current line */
KEY_CMDMODE_REPLACE = 'R', /* Replace character(s) under cursor until ESC */
KEY_CMDMODE_COLONMODE = ':', /* The next character command prefaced with a colon */
KEY_CMDMODE_FINDMODE = '/', /* Enter forward search string */
KEY_CMDMODE_ENDLINE = '$', /* Move cursor to end of current line */
KEY_CMDMODE_PAGEUP = CTRL('b'), /* Move backward one screen */
KEY_CMDMODE_HALFDOWN = CTRL('d'), /* Move down (forward) one half screen */
KEY_CMDMODE_PAGEDOWN = CTRL('f'), /* Move forward one screen */
KEY_CMDMODE_REDRAW = CTRL('l'), /* Redraws the screen */
KEY_CMDMODE_REDRAW2 = CTRL('r'), /* Redraws the screen, removing deleted lines */
KEY_CMDMODE_HALFUP = CTRL('u') /* Move up (back) one half screen */
enum vi_insmode_key_e
KEY_INSMODE_QUOTE = '\\', /* The next character is quote (use literal value) */
enum vi_colonmode_key_e
KEY_COLMODE_READ = 'r', /* Read file */
KEY_COLMODE_QUIT = 'q', /* Quit vi */
KEY_COLMODE_WRITE = 'w', /* Write file */
KEY_COLMODE_FORCE = '!', /* Force operation */
KEY_COLMODE_QUOTE = '\\' /* The next character is quote (use literal value) */
enum vi_findmode_key_e
KEY_FINDMODE_QUOTE = '\\' /* The next character is quote (use literal value) */
/* VI modes */
enum vi_mode_s
MODE_COMMAND = 0, /* ESC Command mode */
SUBMODE_COLON, /* : Command sub-mode */
SUBMODE_FIND, /* / Search sub-mode */
SUBMODE_REPLACECH, /* r Replace sub-mode 1 */
MODE_INSERT, /* i,I,a,A,o,O Insert mode */
MODE_REPLACE /* R Replace sub-mode 2 */
/* This structure represents a cursor position */
struct vi_pos_s
uint16_t row;
uint16_t column;
/* This structure describes the overall state of the editor */
struct vi_s
struct vi_pos_s cursor; /* Current cursor position */
struct vi_pos_s cursave; /* Saved cursor position */
struct vi_pos_s display; /* Display size */
off_t curpos; /* The current cursor offset into the text buffer */
off_t textsize; /* The size of the text buffer */
off_t winpos; /* Offset corresponding to the start of the display */
off_t prevpos; /* Previous display position */
uint16_t hscroll; /* Horizontal display offset */
uint16_t value; /* Numeric value entered prior to a command */
uint8_t mode; /* See enum vi_mode_s */
uint8_t cmdlen; /* Length of the command in the scratch[] buffer */
bool modified; /* True: The file has modified */
bool error; /* True: There is an error message on the last line */
bool delarm; /* One more 'd' and the line(s) will be deleted */
bool yankarm; /* One more 'y' and the line(s) will be yanked */
/* Buffers */
FAR char *text; /* Dynamically allocated text buffer */
size_t txtalloc; /* Current allocated size of the text buffer */
FAR char *yank; /* Dynamically allocated yank buffer */
size_t yankalloc; /* Current allocated size of the yank buffer */
char filename[MAX_STRING]; /* Holds the currently selected filename */
char findstr[MAX_STRING]; /* Holds the current search string */
char scratch[SCRATCH_BUFSIZE]; /* For general, scratch usage */
* Private Function Prototypes
/* Low-level display and data entry functions */
static void vi_write(FAR struct vi_s *vi, FAR const char *buffer,
size_t buflen);
static void vi_putch(FAR struct vi_s *vi, char ch);
static char vi_getch(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
#if 0 /* Not used */
static void vi_blinkon(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_boldon(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_reverseon(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_attriboff(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_cursoron(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_cursoroff(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
#if 0 /* Not used */
static void vi_cursorhome(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_setcursor(FAR struct vi_s *vi, uint16_t row,
uint16_t column);
static void vi_clrtoeol(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
#if 0 /* Not used */
static void vi_clrscreen(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
/* Error display */
static void vi_error(FAR struct vi_s *vi, FAR const char *fmt, ...);
/* Line positioning */
static off_t vi_linebegin(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t pos);
static off_t vi_prevline(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t pos);
static off_t vi_lineend(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t pos);
static off_t vi_nextline(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t pos);
/* Text buffer management */
static bool vi_extendtext(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t pos,
size_t increment);
static void vi_shrinkpos(off_t delpos, size_t delsize, FAR off_t *pos);
static void vi_shrinktext(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t pos, size_t size);
/* File access */
static bool vi_insertfile(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t pos,
FAR const char *filename);
static bool vi_savetext(FAR struct vi_s *vi, FAR const char *filename,
off_t pos, size_t size);
static bool vi_checkfile(FAR struct vi_s *vi, FAR const char *filename);
/* Mode management */
static void vi_setmode(FAR struct vi_s *vi, uint8_t mode, long value);
static void vi_setsubmode(FAR struct vi_s *vi, uint8_t mode,
char prompt, long value);
static void vi_exitsubmode(FAR struct vi_s *vi, uint8_t mode);
/* Display management */
static void vi_windowpos(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t start, off_t end,
uint16_t *pcolumn, off_t *ppos);
static void vi_scrollcheck(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_showtext(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
/* Command mode */
static void vi_cusorup(FAR struct vi_s *vi, int nlines);
static void vi_cursordown(FAR struct vi_s *vi, int nlines);
static off_t vi_cursorleft(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t curpos,
int ncolumns);
static off_t vi_cursorright(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t curpos,
int ncolumns);
static void vi_delforward(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_delbackward(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_linerange(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t *start, off_t *end);
static void vi_delline(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_yank(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_paste(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_gotoline(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_cmd_mode(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
/* Command sub-modes */
static void vi_cmdch(FAR struct vi_s *vi, char ch);
static void vi_cmdbackspace(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_parsecolon(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_cmd_submode(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static bool vi_findstring(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_parsefind(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_find_submode(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_replacech(FAR struct vi_s *vi, char ch);
static void vi_replacech_submode(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
/* Insert and replace modes */
static void vi_insertch(FAR struct vi_s *vi, char ch);
static void vi_insert_mode(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_replace_mode(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
/* Command line processing */
static void vi_release(FAR struct vi_s *vi);
static void vi_showusage(FAR struct vi_s *vi, FAR const char *progname,
int exitcode);
* Private Data
/* VT100 escape sequences */
static const char g_cursoron[] = VT100_CURSORON;
static const char g_cursoroff[] = VT100_CURSOROFF;
#if 0 /* Not used */
static const char g_cursorhome[] = VT100_CURSORHOME;
static const char g_erasetoeol[] = VT100_CLEAREOL;
#if 0 /* Not used */
static const char g_clrscreen[] = VT100_CLEARSCREEN;
static const char g_index[] = VT100_INDEX;
static const char g_revindex[] = VT100_REVINDEX;
static const char g_attriboff[] = VT100_MODESOFF;
static const char g_boldon[] = VT100_BOLD;
static const char g_reverseon[] = VT100_REVERSE;
#if 0 /* Not used */
static const char g_blinkon[] = VT100_BLINK;
static const char g_boldoff[] = VT100_BOLDOFF;
static const char g_reverseoff[] = VT100_REVERSEOFF;
static const char g_blinkoff[] = VT100_BLINKOFF;
static const char g_fmtcursorpos[] = VT100_FMT_CURSORPOS;
/* Error format strings */
static const char g_fmtallocfail[] = "Failed to allocate memory";
static const char g_fmtcmdfail[] = "%s failed: %d";
static const char g_fmtnotfile[] = "%s is not a regular file";
static const char g_fmtfileexists[] = "File exists (add ! to override)";
static const char g_fmtmodified[] = "No write since last change (add ! to override)";
static const char g_fmtnotvalid[] = "Command not valid";
static const char g_fmtnotcmd[] = "Not an editor command: %s";
* Private Functions
* Name: vi_vdebug and vi_debug
* Description:
* Print a debug message to the syslog
static inline int vi_vdebug(FAR const char *fmt, va_list ap)
return vsyslog(LOG_DEBUG, fmt, ap);
static int vi_debug(FAR const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
int ret;
/* Let vsyslog do the real work */
va_start(ap, fmt);
ret = vsyslog(LOG_DEBUG, fmt, ap);
return ret;
* Low-level display and data entry functions
* Name: vi_write
* Description:
* Write a sequence of bytes to the console device (stdout, fd = 1).
static void vi_write(FAR struct vi_s *vi, FAR const char *buffer,
size_t buflen)
ssize_t nwritten;
size_t nremaining = buflen;
//viinfo("buffer=%p buflen=%d\n", buffer, (int)buflen);
/* Loop until all bytes have been successfully written (or until a
* unrecoverable error is encountered)
/* Take the next gulp */
nwritten = write(1, buffer, buflen);
/* Handle write errors. write() should neve return 0. */
if (nwritten <= 0)
/* EINTR is not really an error; it simply means that a signal was
* received while waiting for write.
int errcode = errno;
if (nwritten == 0 || errcode != EINTR)
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: write to stdout failed: %d\n",
/* Decrement the count of bytes remaining to be sent (to handle the
* case of a partial write)
nremaining -= nwritten;
while (nremaining > 0);
* Name: vi_putch
* Description:
* Write a single character to the console device.
static void vi_putch(FAR struct vi_s *vi, char ch)
vi_write(vi, &ch, 1);
* Name: vi_getch
* Description:
* Get a single character from the console device (stdin, fd = 0).
static char vi_getch(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
char buffer;
ssize_t nread;
/* Loop until we successfully read a character (or until an unexpected
* error occurs).
/* Read one character from the incoming stream */
nread = read(0, &buffer, 1);
/* Check for error or end-of-file. */
if (nread <= 0)
/* EINTR is not really an error; it simply means that a signal we
* received while waiting for input.
int errcode = errno;
if (nread == 0 || errcode != EINTR)
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: read from stdin failed: %d\n",
while (nread < 1);
/* On success, return the character that was read */
viinfo("Returning: %c[%02x]\n", isprint(buffer) ? buffer : '.', buffer);
return buffer;
* Name: vi_blinkon
* Description:
* Enable the blinking attribute at the current cursor location
#if 0 /* Not used */
static void vi_blinkon(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
/* Send the VT100 BLINKON command */
vi_write(vi, g_blinkon, sizeof(g_blinkon));
* Name: vi_boldon
* Description:
* Enable the blinking attribute at the current cursor location
static void vi_boldon(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
/* Send the VT100 BOLDON command */
vi_write(vi, g_boldon, sizeof(g_boldon));
* Name: vi_reverseon
* Description:
* Enable the blinking attribute at the current cursor location
static void vi_reverseon(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
/* Send the VT100 REVERSON command */
vi_write(vi, g_reverseon, sizeof(g_reverseon));
* Name: vi_attriboff
* Description:
* Disable all previously selected attributes.
static void vi_attriboff(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
/* Send the VT100 ATTRIBOFF command */
vi_write(vi, g_attriboff, sizeof(g_attriboff));
* Name: vi_cursoron
* Description:
* Turn on the cursor
static void vi_cursoron(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
/* Send the VT100 CURSORON command */
vi_write(vi, g_cursoron, sizeof(g_cursoron));
* Name: vi_cursoroff
* Description:
* Turn off the cursor
static void vi_cursoroff(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
/* Send the VT100 CURSOROFF command */
vi_write(vi, g_cursoroff, sizeof(g_cursoroff));
* Name: vi_cursorhome
* Description:
* Move the current cursor to the upper left hand corner of the display
#if 0 /* Not used */
static void vi_cursorhome(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
/* Send the VT100 CURSORHOME command */
vi_write(vi, g_cursorhome, sizeof(g_cursorhome));
* Name: vi_setcursor
* Description:
* Move the current cursor position to position (row,col)
static void vi_setcursor(FAR struct vi_s *vi, uint16_t row, uint16_t column)
char buffer[16];
int len;
viinfo("row=%d column=%d\n", row, column);
/* Format the cursor position command. The origin is (1,1). */
len = snprintf(buffer, 16, g_fmtcursorpos, row + 1, column + 1);
/* Send the VT100 CURSORPOS command */
vi_write(vi, buffer, len);
* Name: vi_clrtoeol
* Description:
* Clear the display from the current cursor position to the end of the
* current line.
static void vi_clrtoeol(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
/* Send the VT100 ERASETOEOL command */
vi_write(vi, g_erasetoeol, sizeof(g_erasetoeol));
* Name: vi_clrscreen
* Description:
* Clear the entire display
#if 0 /* Not used */
static void vi_clrscreen(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
/* Send the VT100 CLRSCREEN command */
vi_write(vi, g_clrscreen, sizeof(g_clrscreen));
* Name: vi_scrollup
* Description:
* Scroll the display up 'nlines' by sending the VT100 INDEX command.
static void vi_scrollup(FAR struct vi_s *vi, uint16_t nlines)
viinfo("nlines=%d\n", nlines);
/* Scroll for the specified number of lines */
for (; nlines; nlines--)
/* Send the VT100 INDEX command */
vi_write(vi, g_index, sizeof(g_index));
* Name: vi_scrolldown
* Description:
* Scroll the display down 'nlines' by sending the VT100 REVINDEX command.
static void vi_scrolldown(FAR struct vi_s *vi, uint16_t nlines)
viinfo("nlines=%d\n", nlines);
/* Scroll for the specified number of lines */
for (; nlines; nlines--)
/* Send the VT100 REVINDEX command */
vi_write(vi, g_revindex, sizeof(g_revindex));
* Name: vi_error
* Description:
* Show a highlighted error message at the final line of the display.
static void vi_error(FAR struct vi_s *vi, FAR const char *fmt, ...)
struct vi_pos_s cursor;
va_list ap;
int len;
/* Save the current cursor position */
cursor.row = vi->cursor.row;
cursor.column = vi->cursor.column;
/* Set up for a reverse text message on the final line */
vi_setcursor(vi, vi->display.row - 1, 0);
/* Expand the error message in the scratch buffer */
len = snprintf(vi->scratch, SCRATCH_BUFSIZE, "ERROR: ");
va_start(ap, fmt);
len += vsnprintf(vi->scratch + len, SCRATCH_BUFSIZE - len, fmt, ap);
vvidbg(fmt, ap);
/* Write the error message to the display in reverse text */
vi_write(vi, vi->scratch, len);
/* Restore normal attributes */
/* Reposition the cursor */
vi_setcursor(vi, cursor.row, cursor.column);
/* Remember that there is an error message on the last line of the display.
* When the display is refreshed, the last line will not be altered until
* the error is cleared.
vi->error = true;
* Line positioning
* Name: vi_linebegin
* Description:
* Search backward for the beginning of the current line
static off_t vi_linebegin(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t pos)
/* Search backward to find the previous newline character (or, possibly,
* the beginning of the text buffer).
while (pos && vi->text[pos - 1] != '\n')
viinfo("Return pos=%ld\n", (long)pos);
return pos;
* Name: vi_prevline
* Description:
* Search backward for the beginning of the previous line
static off_t vi_prevline(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t pos)
/* Find the beginning the of current line */
pos = vi_linebegin(vi, pos);
/* If this not the first line, then back up one more character to position
* at the last byte of the previous line.
if (pos > 0)
pos = vi_linebegin(vi, pos - 1);
viinfo("Return pos=%ld\n", (long)pos);
return pos;
* Name: vi_lineend
* Description:
* Search forward for the end of the current line
static off_t vi_lineend(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t pos)
/* Search forward to find the next newline character. (or, possibly,
* the end of the text buffer).
while (pos < vi->textsize && vi->text[pos] != '\n')
viinfo("Return pos=%ld\n", (long)pos);
return pos;
* Name: vi_nextline
* Description:
* Search backward for the start of the next line
static off_t vi_nextline(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t pos)
/* Position at the end of the current line */
pos = vi_lineend(vi, pos);
/* If this is not the last byte in the buffer, then increment by one
* for position of the first byte of the next line.
if (pos < vi->textsize)
viinfo("Return pos=%ld\n", (long)pos);
return pos;
* Text buffer management
* Name: vi_extendtext
* Description:
* Reallocate the in-memory file memory by (at least) 'increment' and make
* space for new text of size 'increment' at the specified cursor position.
static bool vi_extendtext(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t pos, size_t increment)
FAR char *alloc;
int i;
viinfo("pos=%ld increment=%ld\n", (long)pos, (long)increment);
/* Check if we need to reallocate */
if (!vi->text || vi->textsize + increment > vi->txtalloc)
/* Allocate in chunksize so that we do not have to reallocate so
* often.
size_t allocsize = ALIGN_GULP(vi->textsize + increment);
alloc = realloc(vi->text, allocsize);
if (!alloc)
/* Reallocation failed */
vi_error(vi, g_fmtallocfail);
return false;
/* Save the new buffer information */
vi->text = alloc;
vi->txtalloc = allocsize;
/* Move text to make space for new text of size 'increment' at the current
* cursor position
for (i = vi->textsize - 1; i >= pos; i--)
vi->text[i + increment] = vi->text[i];
/* Adjust end of file position */
vi->textsize += increment;
vi->modified = true;
return true;
* Name: vi_shrinkpos
* Description:
* This is really part of vi_shrinktext. When any text is deleted, any
* positions lying beyond the deleted region in the text buffer must be
* adjusted.
* Input Parameters:
* delpos The position where text was deleted
* delsize The number of bytes deleted.
* pos A pointer to a position that may need to be adjusted.
static void vi_shrinkpos(off_t delpos, size_t delsize, FAR off_t *pos)
viinfo("delpos=%ld delsize=%ld pos=%ld\n",
(long)delpos, (long)delsize, (long)*pos);
/* Check if the position is beyond the deleted region */
if (*pos > delpos + delsize)
/* Yes... just subtract the size of the deleted region */
*pos -= delsize;
/* What if the position is within the deleted region? Set it to the
* beginning of the deleted region.
else if (*pos > delpos)
*pos = delpos;
* Name: vi_shrinktext
* Description:
* Delete a region in the text buffer by copying the end of the text buffer
* over the deleted region and adjusting the size of the region. The text
* region may be reallocated in order to recover the unused memory.
static void vi_shrinktext(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t pos, size_t size)
FAR char *alloc;
size_t allocsize;
int i;
viinfo("pos=%ld size=%ld\n", (long)pos, (long)size);
/* Close up the gap to remove 'size' characters at 'pos' */
for (i = pos + size; i < vi->textsize; i++)
vi->text[i - size] = vi->text[i];
/* Adjust sizes and positions */
vi->textsize -= size;
vi->modified = true;
vi_shrinkpos(pos, size, &vi->curpos);
vi_shrinkpos(pos, size, &vi->winpos);
vi_shrinkpos(pos, size, &vi->prevpos);
/* Reallocate the buffer to free up memory no longer in use */
allocsize = ALIGN_GULP(vi->textsize);
if (allocsize < vi->txtalloc)
alloc = realloc(vi->text, allocsize);
if (!alloc)
vi_error(vi, g_fmtallocfail);
/* Save the new buffer information */
vi->text = alloc;
vi->txtalloc = allocsize;
* File access
* Name: vi_insertfile
* Description:
* Insert the contents of a file into the text buffer
static bool vi_insertfile(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t pos,
FAR const char *filename)
struct stat buf;
FILE *stream;
off_t filesize;
size_t nread;
int result;
bool ret;
viinfo("pos=%ld filename=\"%s\"\n", (long)pos, filename);
/* Get the size of the file */
result = stat(filename, &buf);
if (result < 0)
vi_error(vi, g_fmtcmdfail, "stat", errno);
return false;
/* Check for zero-length file */
filesize = buf.st_size;
if (filesize < 1)
return false;
/* Open the file for reading*/
stream = fopen(filename, "r");
if (!stream)
vi_error(vi, g_fmtcmdfail, "open", errno);
return false;
/* [Re]allocate the text buffer to hold the file contents at the current
* cursor position.
ret = false;
if (vi_extendtext(vi, pos, filesize))
/* Read the contents of the file into the text buffer at the
* current cursor position.
nread = fread(vi->text + pos, 1, filesize, stream);
if (nread < filesize)
/* Report the error (or partial read), EINTR is not handled */
vi_error(vi, g_fmtcmdfail, "fread", errno);
vi_shrinktext(vi, pos, filesize);
ret = true;
return ret;
* Name: vi_savetext
* Description:
* Save a region of the text buffer to 'filename'
static bool vi_savetext(FAR struct vi_s *vi, FAR const char *filename,
off_t pos, size_t size)
FILE *stream;
size_t nwritten;
viinfo("filename=\"%s\" pos=%ld size=%ld\n",
filename, (long)pos, (long)size);
/* Open the file for writing */
stream = fopen(filename, "w");
if (!stream)
vi_error(vi, g_fmtcmdfail, "fopen", errno);
return false;
/* Write the region of the text buffer beginning at pos and extending
* through pos + size -1.
nwritten = fwrite(vi->text + pos, 1, size, stream);
if (nwritten < size)
/* Report the error (or partial write). EINTR is not handled. */
vi_error(vi, g_fmtcmdfail, "fwrite", errno);
return false;
return true;
* Name: vi_checkfile
* Description:
* Check if a file by this name already exists.
static bool vi_checkfile(FAR struct vi_s *vi, FAR const char *filename)
struct stat buf;
int ret;
viinfo("filename=\"%s\"\n", filename);
/* Get the size of the file */
ret = stat(filename, &buf);
if (ret < 0)
/* The file does not exist */
return false;
/* It exists, but is it a regular file */
if (!S_ISREG(buf.st_mode))
/* Report the error... there is really no good return value in
* this case.
vi_error(vi, g_fmtnotfile, filename);
return true;
* Mode Management Functions
* Name: vi_setmode
* Description:
* Set the new mode (or command sub-mode) and reset all other common state
* variables. NOTE that a numeric value may be passed to the new mode in
* the value field.
static void vi_setmode(FAR struct vi_s *vi, uint8_t mode, long value)
viinfo("mode=%d value=%ld\n", mode, value);
/* Set the mode and clear mode-dependent states that are not preserved
* across mode changes.
vi->mode = mode;
vi->delarm = false;
vi->yankarm = false;
//vi->error = false; need to preserve until vi_showtext is called
vi->value = value;
vi->cmdlen = 0;
* Name: vi_setsubmode
* Description:
* Set up one of the data entry sub-modes of the command mode. These are
* modes in which commands or search data will be entered on the final line
* of the display.
static void vi_setsubmode(FAR struct vi_s *vi, uint8_t mode, char prompt,
long value)
viinfo("mode=%d prompt='%c' value=%ld\n", mode, prompt, value);
/* Set up the new mode */
vi_setmode(vi, mode, value);
/* Save the previous cursor position (not required by all modes) */
vi->cursave.row = vi->cursor.row;
vi->cursave.column = vi->cursor.column;
/* Set up for data entry on the final line */
vi->cursor.row = vi->display.row - 1;
vi->cursor.column = 0;
vi_setcursor(vi, vi->cursor.row, vi->cursor.column);
/* Output the prompt character in bold text */
vi_putch(vi, prompt);
/* Clear to the end of the line */
/* Update the cursor position */
vi->cursor.column = 1;
* Name: vi_exitsubmode
* Description:
* Exit the data entry sub-mode and return to normal command mode.
static void vi_exitsubmode(FAR struct vi_s *vi, uint8_t mode)
viinfo("mode=%d\n", mode);
/* Set up the new mode */
vi_setmode(vi, mode, 0);
/* Restore the saved cursor position */
vi->cursor.row = vi->cursave.row;
vi->cursor.column = vi->cursave.column;
* Display Management
* Name: vi_windowpos
* Description:
* Based on the position of the cursor in the text buffer, determine the
* horizontal display cursor position, performing TAB expansion as
* necessary.
static void vi_windowpos(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t start, off_t end,
uint16_t *pcolumn, off_t *ppos)
uint16_t column;
off_t pos;
viinfo("start=%ld end=%ld\n", (long)start, (long)end);
/* Make sure that the end position is not beyond the end of the text. We
* assume that the start position is okay.
if (end > vi->textsize)
end = vi->textsize;
/* Loop incrementing the text buffer position while text buffer position
* is within range.
for (pos = start, column = 0; pos < end; pos++)
/* Is there a newline terminator at this position? */
if (vi->text[pos] == '\n')
/* Yes... break out of the loop return the cursor column */
/* No... Is there a TAB at this position? */
else if (vi->text[pos] == '\t')
/* Yes.. expand the TAB */
column = NEXT_TAB(column);
/* No, then just increment the cursor column by one character */
/* Now return the requested values */
if (ppos)
*ppos = pos;
if (pcolumn)
*pcolumn = column;
* Name: vi_scrollcheck
* Description:
* Check if any operations will require that we scroll the display.
static void vi_scrollcheck(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
off_t curline;
off_t pos;
uint16_t tmp;
int column;
int nlines;
/* Get the text buffer offset to the beginning of the current line */
curline = vi_linebegin(vi, vi->curpos);
/* Check if the current line is above the first line on the display */
while (curline < vi->winpos)
/* Yes.. move the window position up to the beginning of the previous
* line line and check again */
vi->winpos = vi_prevline(vi, vi->winpos);
/* Reset the cursor row position so that it is relative to the
* top of the display.
vi->cursor.row = 0;
for (pos = vi->winpos; pos < curline; pos = vi_nextline(vi, pos))
/* Check if the cursor row position is below the bottom of the display */
for (; vi->cursor.row >= vi->display.row; vi->cursor.row--)
/* Yes.. move the window position down by one line and check again */
vi->winpos = vi_nextline(vi, vi->winpos);
/* Check if the cursor column is on the display. vi_windowpos returns the
* unrestricted column number of cursor. hscroll is the horizontal offset
* in characters.
vi_windowpos(vi, curline, vi->curpos, &tmp, NULL);
column = (int)tmp - (int)vi->hscroll;
/* Force the cursor column to lie on the display. First check if the
* column lies to the left of the horizontal scrolling position. If it
* does, move the scroll position to the left by tabs until the cursor
* lies on the display.
while (column < 0)
column += TABSIZE;
vi->hscroll -= TABSIZE;
/* If the cursor column lies to the right of the display, then adjust
* the horizontal scrolling position so that the cursor position does
* lie on the display.
while (column >= vi->display.column)
column -= TABSIZE;
vi->hscroll += TABSIZE;
/* That final adjusted position is the display cursor column */
vi->cursor.column = column;
/* Check if new window position is below the previous position.
* In this case, we will need to scroll up until the new window
* position is at the top of the display.
if (vi->winpos > vi->prevpos)
/* We will need to scroll up. Count how many lines we
* need to scroll.
for (nlines = 0, pos = vi->prevpos;
pos != vi->winpos && nlines < vi->display.row;
pos = vi_nextline(vi, pos);
/* Then scroll up that number of lines */
if (nlines < vi->display.row)
vi_scrollup(vi, nlines);
/* Check if new window position is above the previous position.
* In this case, we will need to scroll down until the new window
* position is at the top of the display.
else if (vi->winpos < vi->prevpos)
for (nlines = 0, pos = vi->prevpos;
pos != vi->winpos && nlines < vi->display.row;
pos = vi_prevline(vi, pos);
/* Then scroll down that number of lines */
if (nlines < vi->display.row)
vi_scrolldown(vi, nlines);
/* Save the previous top-of-display position for next time around.
* This can be modified asynchronously by text deletion operations.
vi->prevpos = vi->winpos;
viinfo("winpos=%ld hscroll=%d\n",
(long)vi->winpos, (long)vi->hscroll);
* Name: vi_showtext
* Description:
* Update the display based on the last operation. This function is
* called at the beginning of the processing loop in Command and Insert
* modes (and also in the continuous replace mode).
static void vi_showtext(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
off_t pos;
uint16_t row;
uint16_t endrow;
uint16_t column;
uint16_t endcol;
uint16_t tabcol;
/* Check if any of the preceding operations will cause the display to
* scroll.
/* If there is an error message at the bottom of the display, then
* do not update the last line.
endrow = vi->display.row;
if (vi->error)
/* Make sure that all character attributes are disabled; Turn off the
* cursor during the update.
/* Write each line to the display, handling horizontal scrolling and
* tab expansion.
for (pos = vi->winpos, row = 0;
pos < vi->textsize && row < endrow;
/* Get the last column on this row. Avoid writing into the last byte
* on the screen which may trigger a scroll.
endcol = vi->display.column;
if (row >= vi->display.row - 1)
/* Get the position into this line corresponding to display column 0,
* accounting for horizontal scrolling and tab expansion. Add that to
* the line start offset to get the first offset to consider for
* display.
vi_windowpos(vi, pos, pos + vi->hscroll, NULL, &pos);
/* Set the cursor position to the beginning of this row and clear to
* the end of the line.
vi_setcursor(vi, row, 0);
/* Loop for each column */
for (column = 0; pos < vi->textsize && column < endcol; pos++)
/* Break out of the loop if we encounter the newline before the
* last column is encountered.
if (vi->text[pos] == '\n')
/* Perform TAB expansion */
else if (vi->text[pos] == '\t')
tabcol = NEXT_TAB(column);
if (tabcol < endcol)
for (; column < tabcol; column++)
vi_putch(vi, ' ');
/* Break out of the loop... there is nothing left on the
* line but whitespace.
/* Add the normal character to the display */
vi_putch(vi, vi->text[pos]);
/* Skip to the beginning of the next line */
pos = vi_nextline(vi, pos);
/* If there was not enough text to fill the display, clear the
* remaining lines (except for any possible error line at the
* bottom of the display).
for (; row < endrow; row++)
/* Set the cursor position to the beginning of the row and clear to
* the end of the line.
vi_setcursor(vi, row, 0);
/* Turn the cursor back on */
* Command Mode Functions
* Name: vi_cusorup
* Description:
* Move the cursor up one line in the text buffer.
static void vi_cusorup(FAR struct vi_s *vi, int nlines)
int remaining;
off_t start;
off_t end;
viinfo("nlines=%d\n", nlines);
/* How many lines do we need to move? Zero means 1 (so does 1) */
remaining = (nlines < 1 ? 1 : nlines);
/* Get the offset to the start of the current line */
start = vi_linebegin(vi, vi->curpos);
/* Now move the cursor position back the correct number of lines */
for (; remaining > 0; remaining--)
/* Get the start position of the previous line */
start = vi_prevline(vi, start);
/* Find the cursor position on the next line corresponding to the
* cursor position on the current line.
end = start + vi->cursor.column + vi->hscroll;
vi_windowpos(vi, start, end, NULL, &vi->curpos);
* Name: vi_cursordown
* Description:
* Move the cursor down one line in the text buffer
static void vi_cursordown(FAR struct vi_s *vi, int nlines)
int remaining;
off_t start;
off_t end;
viinfo("nlines=%d\n", nlines);
/* How many lines do we need to move? Zero means 1 (so does 1) */
remaining = (nlines < 1 ? 1 : nlines);
/* Get the offset to the start of the current line */
start = vi_linebegin(vi, vi->curpos);
/* Now move the cursor position forward the correct number of lines */
for (; remaining > 0; remaining--)
/* Get the start of the next line. */
start = vi_nextline(vi, start);
/* Find the cursor position on the next line corresponding to the
* cursor position on the current line.
end = start + vi->cursor.column + vi->hscroll;
vi_windowpos(vi, start, end, NULL, &vi->curpos);
* Name: vi_cursorleft
* Description:
* Move the cursor left 'ncolumns' columns in the text buffer (without moving
* to the preceding line). Note that a repetition count of 0 means to
* perform the movement once.
static off_t vi_cursorleft(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t curpos, int ncolumns)
int remaining;
viinfo("curpos=%ld ncolumns=%d\n", curpos, ncolumns);
/* Loop decrementing the cursor position for each repetition count. Break
* out early if we hit either the beginning of the text buffer, or the end
* of the previous line.
for (remaining = (ncolumns < 1 ? 1 : ncolumns);
curpos > 0 && remaining > 0 && vi->text[curpos - 1] != '\n';
curpos--, remaining--);
return curpos;
* Name: vi_cursorright
* Description:
* Move the cursor right 'ncolumns' columns in the text buffer (without
* moving to the next line). Note that a repetition count of 0 means to
* perform the movement once.
static off_t vi_cursorright(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t curpos, int ncolumns)
int remaining;
viinfo("curpos=%ld ncolumns=%d\n", curpos, ncolumns);
/* Loop incrementing the cursor position for each repetition count. Break
* out early if we hit either the end of the text buffer, or the end of the line.
for (remaining = (ncolumns < 1 ? 1 : ncolumns);
curpos < vi->textsize && remaining > 0 && vi->text[curpos] != '\n';
curpos++, remaining--);
return curpos;
* Name: vi_delforward
* Description:
* Delete characters from the current cursor position forward
static void vi_delforward(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
off_t end;
size_t size;
viinfo("curpos=%ld value=%ld\n", (long)vi->curpos, vi->value);
/* Get the cursor position as if we would have move the cursor right N
* times (which might be <N characters).
end = vi_cursorright(vi, vi->curpos, vi->value);
/* The difference from the current position then is the number of
* characters to be deleted.
size = end - vi->curpos;
vi_shrinktext(vi, vi->curpos, size);
* Name: vi_delbackward
* Description:
* Delete characters before the current cursor position
static void vi_delbackward(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
off_t start;
off_t end;
size_t size;
viinfo("curpos=%ld value=%ld\n", (long)vi->curpos, vi->value);
/* Back up one character. This is where the deletion will end */
end = vi_cursorleft(vi, vi->curpos, 1);
/* Get the cursor position as if we would have move the cursor left N
* times (which might be <N characters).
start = vi_cursorleft(vi, end, vi->value);
/* The difference from the current position then is the number of
* characters to be deleted.
size = end - start;
vi_shrinktext(vi, start, size);
* Name: vi_linerange
* Description:
* Return the start and end positions for N lines in the text buffer,
* beginning at the current line. This is logic common to yanking and
* deleting lines.
static void vi_linerange(FAR struct vi_s *vi, off_t *start, off_t *end)
off_t next;
int nlines;
/* Get the offset in the text buffer to the beginning of the current line */
*start = vi_linebegin(vi, vi->curpos);
/* Move one line unless a repetition count was provided */
nlines = (vi->value > 0 ? vi->value : 1);
/* Search ahead to find the end of the last line to yank */
for (next = *start; nlines > 1; nlines--)
next = vi_nextline(vi, next);
*end = vi_lineend(vi, next);
* Name: vi_delline
* Description:
* Delete N lines from the text buffer, beginning at the current line.
static void vi_delline(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
off_t delsize;
off_t start;
off_t end;
/* Get the offset in the text buffer corresponding to the range of lines to
* be deleted
vi_linerange(vi, &start, &end);
viinfo("start=%ld end=%ld\n", (long)start, (long)end);
/* Remove the text from the text buffer */
delsize = end - start + 1;
vi_shrinktext(vi, start, delsize);
* Name: vi_yank
* Description:
* Remove N lines from the text buffer, beginning at the current line and
* copy the lines to an allocated yank buffer.
static void vi_yank(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
off_t start;
off_t end;
/* Get the offset in the text buffer corresponding to the range of lines to
* be yanked
vi_linerange(vi, &start, &end);
viinfo("start=%ld end=%ld\n", (long)start, (long)end);
/* Free any previously yanked lines */
if (vi->yank)
/* Allocate a yank buffer biggest enough to hold the lines */
vi->yankalloc = end - start + 1;
vi->yank = (FAR char *)malloc(vi->yankalloc);
if (!vi->yank)
vi_error(vi, g_fmtallocfail);
vi->yankalloc = 0;
/* Copy the block from the text buffer to the yank buffer */
memcpy(vi->yank, &vi->text[start], vi->yankalloc);
/* Remove the yanked text from the text buffer */
vi_shrinktext(vi, start, vi->yankalloc);
* Name: vi_paste
* Description:
* Copy line(s) from the yank buffer, and past them after the current line.
* The contents of the yank buffer are released.
static void vi_paste(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
off_t start;
viinfo("curpos=%ld yankalloc=%d\n", (long)vi->curpos, (long)vi->yankalloc);
/* Make sure there is something to be yanked */
if (!vi->yank || vi->yankalloc <= 0)
/* Paste at the beginning of the next line */
start = vi_nextline(vi, vi->curpos);
/* Reallocate the text buffer to hold the yank buffer contents at the
* the beginning of the next line.
if (vi_extendtext(vi, start, vi->yankalloc))
/* Copy the contents of the yank buffer into the text buffer at the
* position where the start of the next line was.
memcpy(&vi->text[start], vi->yank, vi->yankalloc);
/* Free the yank buffer in any event */
vi->yank = NULL;
vi->yankalloc = 0;
* Name: vi_gotoline
* Description:
* Position the cursor at the line specified by vi->value. If
* vi->value is zero, then the cursor is position at the end of the text
* buffer.
static void vi_gotoline(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
viinfo("curpos=%ld value=%ld\n", (long)vi->curpos, vi->value);
/* Special case the first line */
if (vi->value == 1)
vi->curpos = 0;
/* Work harder to position to lines in the middle */
else if (vi->value > 0)
uint32_t line;
/* Got to the line == value */
for (line = vi->value, vi->curpos = 0;
--line > 0 && vi->curpos < vi->textsize;
vi->curpos = vi_nextline(vi, vi->curpos);
/* No value means to go to beginning of the last line */
/* Get the beginning of the last line */
vi->curpos = vi_linebegin(vi, vi->textsize);
* Name: vi_cmd_mode
* Description:
* Command mode loop
static void vi_cmd_mode(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
viinfo("Enter command mode\n");
/* Loop while we are in command mode */
while (vi->mode == MODE_COMMAND)
bool preserve;
int ch;
/* Make sure that the display reflects the current state */
vi_setcursor(vi, vi->cursor.row, vi->cursor.column);
/* Get the next character from the input */
ch = vi_getch(vi);
/* Anything other than 'd' disarms line deletion */
if (ch != 'd')
vi->delarm = false;
/* Anything other than 'y' disarms line yanking */
if (ch != 'y')
vi->yankarm = false;
/* Any key press clears the error message */
vi->error = false;
/* Handle numeric input. Zero (0) with no preceding value is a
* special case: It means to go to the beginning o the line.
if (isdigit(ch) && (vi->value > 0 || ch != '0'))
uint32_t tmp = 10 * vi->value + (ch - '0');
if (tmp > UINT16_MAX)
tmp = UINT16_MAX;
/* Update the command repetition count */
vi->value = tmp;
viinfo("Value=%ld\n", vi->value);
/* Then handle the non-numeric character. Normally the accumulated
* value will be reset after processing the command. There are a few
* exceptions; 'preserve' will be set to 'true' in those exceptional
* cases.
preserve = false;
switch (ch)
case KEY_CMDMODE_UP: /* Move the cursor up one line */
vi_cusorup(vi, vi->value);
case KEY_CMDMODE_DOWN: /* Move the cursor down one line */
vi_cursordown(vi, vi->value);
case KEY_CMDMODE_LEFT: /* Move the cursor left N characters */
vi->curpos = vi_cursorleft(vi, vi->curpos, vi->value);
case KEY_CMDMODE_RIGHT: /* Move the cursor right one character */
vi->curpos = vi_cursorright(vi, vi->curpos, vi->value);
case KEY_CMDMODE_BEGINLINE: /* Move cursor to start of current line */
vi->curpos = vi_linebegin(vi, vi->curpos);
case KEY_CMDMODE_ENDLINE: /* Move cursor to end of current line */
vi->curpos = vi_lineend(vi, vi->curpos);
case KEY_CMDMODE_PAGEUP: /* Move up (backward) one screen */
vi_cusorup(vi, vi->display.row);
case KEY_CMDMODE_PAGEDOWN: /* Move down (forward) one screen */
vi_cursordown(vi, vi->display.row);
case KEY_CMDMODE_HALFUP: /* Move up (backward) one screen */
vi_cusorup(vi, vi->display.row >> 1);
case KEY_CMDMODE_HALFDOWN: /* Move down (forward) one half screen */
vi_cursordown(vi, vi->display.row >> 1);
case KEY_CMDMODE_DEL: /* Delete N characters at the cursor */
case ASCII_BS: /* Delete N characters before the cursor */
case KEY_CMDMODE_DEL_LINE: /* Delete the current line */
if (vi->delarm)
vi->delarm = false;
vi->delarm = true;
preserve = true;
case KEY_CMDMODE_YANK: /* Yank the current line(s) into the buffer */
if (vi->yankarm)
vi->yankarm = false;
vi->yankarm = true;
preserve = true;
case KEY_CMDMODE_PASTE: /* Paste line(s) from into text after current line */
case KEY_CMDMODE_REPLACECH: /* Replace character(s) under cursor */
vi_setmode(vi, SUBMODE_REPLACECH, vi->value);
preserve = true;
case KEY_CMDMODE_REPLACE: /* Replace character(s) under cursor until ESC */
vi_setmode(vi, MODE_REPLACE, 0);
break; /* Not implemented */
case KEY_CMDMODE_OPENBELOW: /* Enter insertion mode in new line below current */
/* Go forward to the end of the current line */
vi->curpos = vi_lineend(vi, vi->curpos);
/* Insert a newline to break the line. The cursor now points
* beginning of the new line.
vi_insertch(vi, '\n');
/* Then enter insert mode */
vi_setmode(vi, MODE_INSERT, 0);
case KEY_CMDMODE_OPENABOVE: /* Enter insertion mode in new line above current */
/* Back up to the beginning of the end of the previous line */
off_t pos = vi_prevline(vi, vi->curpos);
vi->curpos = vi_lineend(vi, pos);
/* Insert a newline to open the line. The cursor will now point to the
* beginning of newly openly line before the current line.
vi_insertch(vi, '\n');
/* Then enter insert mode */
vi_setmode(vi, MODE_INSERT, 0);
case KEY_CMDMODE_APPEND: /* Enter insertion mode after the current cursor position */
vi->curpos = vi_cursorright(vi, vi->curpos, 1);
vi_setmode(vi, MODE_INSERT, 0);
case KEY_CMDMODE_APPENDEND: /* Enter insertion mode at the end of the current line */
vi->curpos = vi_lineend(vi, vi->curpos);
vi_setmode(vi, MODE_INSERT, 0);
case KEY_CMDMODE_INSBEGIN: /* Enter insertion mode at the beginning of the current line */
vi->curpos = vi_linebegin(vi, vi->curpos);
/* Fall through */
case KEY_CMDMODE_INSERT: /* Enter insertion mode before the current cursor position */
vi_setmode(vi, MODE_INSERT, 0);
case KEY_CMDMODE_COLONMODE: /* Enter : command sub-mode */
vi_setsubmode(vi, SUBMODE_COLON, ':', 0);
case KEY_CMDMODE_FINDMODE: /* Enter / find sub-mode */
vi_setsubmode(vi, SUBMODE_FIND, '/', 0);
case KEY_CMDMODE_GOTO: /* Go to line specified by the accumulated value */
/* Unimplemented and invalid commands */
case KEY_CMDMODE_REDRAW: /* Redraws the screen */
case KEY_CMDMODE_REDRAW2: /* Redraws the screen, removing deleted lines */
case KEY_CMDMODE_MARK: /* Place a mark beginning at the current cursor position */
/* Any non-numeric input will reset the accumulated value (after it has
* been used). There are a few exceptions:
* - For the double character sequences, we need to retain the value
* until the next character is entered.
* - If we are changing modes, then we may need to preserve the 'value'
* as well; in some cases settings are passed to the new mode in
* 'value' (vi_setmode() will have set or cleared 'value'
* appropriately).
if (!preserve)
vi->value = 0;
* Common Sub-Mode Functions
* Name: vi_cmdch
* Description:
* Insert one character into the data entry line
static void vi_cmdch(FAR struct vi_s *vi, char ch)
int index = vi->cmdlen;
int next = index + 1;
viinfo("cmdlen=%d ch=%c[%02x]\n", vi->cmdlen, isprint(ch) ? ch : '.', ch);
/* Abort gracelessly if the scratch buffer becomes full */
if (next >= SCRATCH_BUFSIZE)
vi_exitsubmode(vi, MODE_COMMAND);
/* Add the new character to the scratch buffer */
vi->scratch[index] = ch;
vi->cmdlen = next;
/* Update the cursor position */
vi->cursor.column = next + 1;
/* And add the new character to the display */
vi_putch(vi, ch);
* Name: vi_cmdbackspace
* Description:
* Process a backspace character in the data entry line
static void vi_cmdbackspace(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
viinfo("cmdlen=%d\n", vi->cmdlen);
if (vi->cmdlen > 0)
vi_setcursor(vi, vi->display.row - 1, vi->cmdlen);
/* Update the command index and cursor position */
vi->cursor.column = vi->cmdlen;
/* Decrement the number of characters on in the command */
* Colon Data Entry Sub-Mode Functions
* Name: vi_parsecolon
* Description:
* Parse the colon command collected in the scratch buffer
static void vi_parsecolon(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
FAR const char *filename = NULL;
uint8_t cmd = CMD_NONE;
bool done = false;
bool forced;
int col;
int ch;
viinfo("Parse: \"%s\"\n", vi->scratch);
/* NUL terminate the command */
vi->scratch[vi->cmdlen] = '\0';
/* Then parse the contents of the scratch buffer */
for (col = 0; col < vi->cmdlen && !done; col++)
/* Get the next command character from the scratch buffer */
ch = vi->scratch[col];
/* Check if the next after that is KEY_COLMODE_FORCE */
forced = false;
if (col < vi->cmdlen && vi->scratch[col + 1] == KEY_COLMODE_FORCE)
/* Yes.. the operation is forced */
forced = true;
/* Then process the command character */
switch (ch)
/* Reading a file should not be forced */
if (cmd == CMD_NONE && !forced)
cmd = CMD_READ;
/* The read operation is not compatible with writing or
* quitting
goto errout_bad_command;
/* Are we just writing? Or writing then quitting? */
if (cmd == CMD_NONE)
/* Just writing.. do we force overwriting? */
cmd = (forced ? CMD_OWRITE : CMD_WRITE);
else if (cmd == CMD_QUIT)
/* Both ... do we force overwriting the file? */
cmd = (forced ? CMD_OWRITE_QUIT : CMD_WRITE_QUIT);
/* Anything else, including a forced quit is a syntax error */
goto errout_bad_command;
/* Are we just quitting? Or writing then quitting? */
if (cmd == CMD_NONE)
/* Just quitting... should we discard any changes? */
cmd = (forced ? CMD_DISCARD : CMD_QUIT);
/* If we are also writing, then it makes no sense to force the
* quit operation.
else if (cmd == CMD_WRITE && !forced)
else if (cmd == CMD_OWRITE && !forced)
/* Quit is not compatible with reading */
goto errout_bad_command;
/* Ignore whitespace */
if (ch != ' ')
/* Anything else terminates the loop */
done = true;
/* If there is anything else on the line, then it must be
* a file name. If we are writing (or reading with an
* empty text buffer), then we will need to copy the file
* into the filename storage area.
if (ch != '\0')
/* For now, just remember where the file is in the
* scratch buffer.
filename = &vi->scratch[col];
/* Did we find any valid command? A read command requires a filename.
* A filename where one is not needed is also an error.
viinfo("cmd=%d filename=\"%s\"\n", cmd, vi->filename);
if (cmd == CMD_NONE || (IS_READ(cmd) && !filename) ||
(!USES_FILE(cmd) && filename))
goto errout_bad_command;
/* Are we writing to a new filename? If we are not forcing the write,
* then we have to check if the file exists.
if (filename && IS_NOWRITE(cmd))
/* Check if the file exists */
if (vi_checkfile(vi, filename))
/* It does... show an error and exit */
vi_error(vi, g_fmtfileexists);
goto errout;
/* Check if we are trying to quit with un-saved changes. The user must
* force quitting in this case.
if (vi->modified && IS_NDISCARD(cmd))
/* Show an error and exit */
vi_error(vi, g_fmtmodified);
goto errout;
/* Are we now committed to reading the file? */
if (IS_READ(cmd))
/* Was the text buffer empty? */
bool empty = (vi->textsize == 0);
/* Yes.. get the cursor position of the beginning of the next line */
off_t pos = vi_nextline(vi, vi->curpos);
/* Then read the file into the text buffer at that position. */
if (vi_insertfile(vi, pos, filename))
/* Was the text buffer empty before we inserted the file? */
if (empty)
/* Yes.. then we want to save the filename and mark the text
* as unmodified.
strncpy(vi->filename, filename, MAX_STRING - 1);
/* Make sure that the (possibly truncated) file name is NUL
* terminated
vi->filename[MAX_STRING - 1] = '\0';
vi->modified = false;
/* No.. then we want to retain the filename and mark the text
* as modified.
vi->modified = true;
/* Are we now committed to writing the file? */
if (IS_WRITE(cmd))
/* If we are writing to a new file, then we need to copy the filename
* from the scratch buffer to the filename buffer.
if (filename)
strncpy(vi->filename, filename, MAX_STRING - 1);
/* Make sure that the (possibly truncated) file name is NUL
* terminated
vi->filename[MAX_STRING - 1] = '\0';
/* If it is not a new file and if there are no changes to the text
* buffer, then ignore the write.
if (filename || vi->modified)
/* Now, finally, we can save the file */
if (!vi_savetext(vi, vi->filename, 0, vi->textsize))
/* An error occurred while saving the file and we are
* not forcing the quit operation. So error out without
* quitting until the user decides what to do about
* the save failure.
goto errout;
/* The text buffer contents are no longer modified */
vi->modified = false;
/* Are we committed to exit-ing? */
if (IS_QUIT(cmd))
/* Yes... free resources and exit */
/* Otherwise, revert to command mode */
vi_exitsubmode(vi, MODE_COMMAND);
vi_error(vi, g_fmtnotcmd, vi->scratch);
vi_exitsubmode(vi, MODE_COMMAND);
* Name: vi_cmd_submode
* Description:
* Colon command sub-mode of the command mode processing
static void vi_cmd_submode(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
int ch;
viinfo("Enter colon command sub-mode\n");
/* Loop while we are in colon command mode */
while (vi->mode == SUBMODE_COLON)
/* Get the next character from the input */
ch = vi_getch(vi);
/* Handle the newly received character */
switch (ch)
case KEY_COLMODE_QUOTE: /* Quoted character follows */
/* Insert the next character unconditionally */
vi_cmdch(vi, vi_getch(vi));
case ASCII_BS: /* Delete the character(s) before the cursor */
case ASCII_ESC: /* Escape exits colon mode */
vi_exitsubmode(vi, MODE_COMMAND);
/* What do we do with carriage returns? line feeds? */
#if defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_CR)
case '\r': /* CR terminates line */
#elif defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_BOTH_CRLF)
case '\r': /* Wait for the LF */
#if defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_LF) || defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_BOTH_CRLF)
case '\n': /* LF terminates line */
case '\r': /* Either CR or LF terminates line */
case '\n':
/* Ignore all but printable characters */
if (isprint(ch))
/* Insert the filtered character into the scratch buffer */
vi_cmdch(vi, ch);
* Find Data Entry Sub-Mode Functions
* Name: vi_findstring
* Description:
* Find the string in the findstr buffer by searching for a matching
* sub-string in the text buffer, starting at the current cursor position.
static bool vi_findstring(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
off_t pos;
int len;
viinfo("findstr: \"%s\"\n", vi->findstr);
/* The search string is in the find buffer */
len = strlen(vi->findstr);
if (!len)
return false;
/* Search from the current cursor position forward for a
* matching sub-string. Stop loo
for (pos = vi->curpos;
pos + len <= vi->textsize;
/* Check for the matching sub-string */
if (strncmp(vi->text + pos, vi->scratch, len) == 0)
/* Found it... save the cursor position and
* return success.
vi->curpos = pos;
return true;
/* If we get here, then the search string was not found anywhere after the
* current cursor position.
return false;
* Name: vi_parsefind
* Description:
* Find the string collected in the scratch buffer.
static void vi_parsefind(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
/* Make certain that the scratch buffer contents are NUL terminated */
vi->scratch[vi->cmdlen] = '\0';
/* Is there anything in the scratch buffer? If not, then we will use the
* string from the previous find operation.
viinfo("scratch: \"%s\"\n", vi->scratch);
if (vi->cmdlen > 0)
/* Copy the new search string from the scratch to the find buffer */
strncpy(vi->findstr, vi->scratch, MAX_STRING - 1);
/* Make sure that the (possibly truncated) search string is NUL
* terminated
vi->findstr[MAX_STRING - 1] = '\0';
/* Then attempt to find the string */
/* Exit the sub-mode and revert to command mode */
vi_exitsubmode(vi, MODE_COMMAND);
* Name: vi_find_submode
* Description:
* Find command sub-mode of the command mode processing
static void vi_find_submode(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
int ch;
viinfo("Enter find sub-mode\n");
/* Loop while we are in find mode */
while (vi->mode == SUBMODE_FIND)
/* Get the next character from the input */
ch = vi_getch(vi);
/* Handle the newly received character */
switch (ch)
case KEY_FINDMODE_QUOTE: /* Quoted character follows */
/* Insert the next character unconditionally */
vi_cmdch(vi, vi_getch(vi));
case ASCII_BS: /* Delete the character before the cursor */
case ASCII_ESC: /* Escape exits find mode */
vi_exitsubmode(vi, MODE_COMMAND);
/* What do we do with carriage returns? line feeds? */
#if defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_CR)
case '\r': /* CR terminates line */
#elif defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_BOTH_CRLF)
case '\r': /* Wait for the LF */
#if defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_LF) || defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_BOTH_CRLF)
case '\n': /* LF terminates line */
case '\r': /* Either CR or LF terminates line */
case '\n':
/* Ignore all but printable characters */
if (isprint(ch))
/* Insert the filtered character into the scratch buffer */
vi_cmdch(vi, ch);
* Replace Text Sub-Mode Functions
* Name: vi_replacech
* Description:
* Replace the character at the current position. If the current position
* is the end of line, then insert the character.
static void vi_replacech(FAR struct vi_s *vi, char ch)
viinfo("curpos=%ld ch=%c[%02x]\n", vi->curpos, isprint(ch) ? ch : '.', ch);
/* Is there a newline at the current cursor position? */
if (vi->text[vi->curpos] == '\n')
/* Yes, then insert the new character before the newline */
vi_insertch(vi, ch);
/* No, just replace the character and increment the cursor position */
vi->text[vi->curpos++] = ch;
* Name: vi_replacech_submode
* Description:
* Replace character command sub-mode of the command mode processing
static void vi_replacech_submode(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
off_t end;
long nchars;
bool found = false;
int ch = 0;
/* Get the number of characters to replace */
nchars = (vi->value > 0 ? vi->value : 1);
viinfo("Enter replaces character(s) sub-mode: nchars=%d\n", nchars);
/* Are there that many characters left on the line to be replaced? */
end = vi_lineend(vi, vi->curpos);
if (vi->curpos + nchars > end)
vi_error(vi, g_fmtnotvalid);
vi_setmode(vi, MODE_COMMAND, 0);
/* Loop until we get the replacement character */
while (vi->mode == SUBMODE_REPLACECH && !found)
/* Get the next character from the input */
ch = vi_getch(vi);
/* Handle the newly received character */
switch (ch)
case KEY_FINDMODE_QUOTE: /* Quoted character follows */
/* Insert the next character unconditionally */
ch = vi_getch(vi);
found = true;
case ASCII_ESC: /* Escape exits replace mode */
vi_setmode(vi, MODE_COMMAND, 0);
/* What do we do with carriage returns? line feeds? */
#if defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_CR)
case '\r': /* CR terminates line */
ch = '\n';
found = true;
#elif defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_BOTH_CRLF)
case '\r': /* Wait for the LF */
#if defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_LF) || defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_BOTH_CRLF)
case '\n': /* LF terminates line */
found = true;
case '\r': /* Either CR or LF terminates line */
case '\n':
ch = '\n';
found = true;
/* Ignore all but printable characters and tab */
if (isprint(ch) || ch == '\t')
found = true;
/* Now replace with the character nchar times */
for (; nchars > 0; nchars--)
vi_replacech(vi, ch);
/* Revert to command mode */
vi_setmode(vi, MODE_COMMAND, 0);
* Insert and Replace Mode Functions
* Name: vi_insertch
* Description:
* Insert one character into the text buffer
static void vi_insertch(FAR struct vi_s *vi, char ch)
viinfo("curpos=%ld ch=%c[%02x]\n", vi->curpos, isprint(ch) ? ch : '.', ch);
/* Make space in the buffer for the new character */
if (vi_extendtext(vi, vi->curpos, 1))
/* Add the new character to the buffer */
vi->text[vi->curpos++] = ch;
* Name: vi_insert_mode
* Description:
* Insert mode loop
static void vi_insert_mode(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
int ch;
viinfo("Enter insert mode\n");
/* Loop while we are in insert mode */
while (vi->mode == MODE_INSERT)
/* Make sure that the display reflects the current state */
vi_setcursor(vi, vi->cursor.row, vi->cursor.column);
/* Get the next character from the input */
ch = vi_getch(vi);
/* Any key press clears the error message */
vi->error = false;
/* Handle the newly received character */
switch (ch)
case KEY_INSMODE_QUOTE: /* Quoted character follows */
/* Insert the next character unconditionally */
vi_insertch(vi, vi_getch(vi));
if (vi->curpos < vi->textsize)
vi_shrinktext(vi, vi->curpos, 1);
case ASCII_BS:
if (vi->curpos > 0)
vi_shrinktext(vi, --vi->curpos, 1);
case ASCII_ESC: /* Escape exits insert mode */
vi_setmode(vi, MODE_COMMAND, 0);
/* What do we do with carriage returns? */
#if defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_CR)
case '\r': /* CR terminates line */
vi_insertch(vi, '\n');
#elif defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_BOTH_CRLF)
case '\r': /* Wait for the LF */
#if defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_LF) || defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_BOTH_CRLF)
case '\n': /* LF terminates line */
vi_insertch(vi, '\n');
case '\r': /* Either CR or LF terminates line */
case '\n':
vi_insertch(vi, '\n');
/* Ignore all control characters except for tab and newline */
if (!iscntrl(ch) || ch == '\t')
/* Insert the filtered character into the buffer */
vi_insertch(vi, ch);
* Name: vi_replace_mode
* Description:
* Replace mode loop
static void vi_replace_mode(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
off_t start = vi->curpos;
int ch;
viinfo("Enter replace mode\n");
/* Loop until ESC is pressed */
while (vi->mode == MODE_REPLACE)
/* Make sure that the display reflects the current state */
vi_setcursor(vi, vi->cursor.row, vi->cursor.column);
/* Get the next character from the input */
ch = vi_getch(vi);
/* Any key press clears the error message */
vi->error = false;
/* Handle the newly received character */
switch (ch)
case KEY_FINDMODE_QUOTE: /* Quoted character follows */
/* Replace the next character unconditionally */
vi_replacech(vi, ch);
case ASCII_BS: /* Delete the character before the cursor */
if (vi->curpos > start)
vi->curpos = vi_cursorleft(vi, vi->curpos, 1);
case ASCII_ESC: /* Escape exits find mode */
vi_setmode(vi, MODE_COMMAND, 0);
/* What do we do with carriage returns? line feeds? */
#if defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_CR)
case '\r': /* CR terminates line */
vi_replacech(vi, '\n');
#elif defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_BOTH_CRLF)
case '\r': /* Wait for the LF */
#if defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_LF) || defined(CONFIG_EOL_IS_BOTH_CRLF)
case '\n': /* LF terminates line */
vi_replacech(vi, '\n');
case '\r': /* Either CR or LF terminates line */
case '\n':
vi_replacech(vi, '\n');
/* Ignore all but printable characters and TABs */
if (isprint(ch) || ch == '\t')
/* Insert the filtered character into the text buffer */
vi_replacech(vi, ch);
* Command line processing
* Name: vi_showusage
* Description:
* Show command line arguments and exit.
static void vi_release(FAR struct vi_s *vi)
if (vi)
if (vi->text)
if (vi->yank)
* Name: vi_showusage
* Description:
* Show command line arguments and exit.
static void vi_showusage(FAR struct vi_s *vi, FAR const char *progname,
int exitcode)
fprintf(stderr, "\nUSAGE:\t%s [-c <columns] [-r <rows>] [<filename>]\n",
fprintf(stderr, "\nUSAGE:\t%s -h\n\n",
fprintf(stderr, "Where:\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t<filename>:\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t\tOptional name of the file to open\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-c <columns>:\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t\tOptional width of the display in columns. Default: %d\n",
fprintf(stderr, "\t-r <rows>:\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t\tOptional height of the display in rows. Default: %d\n",
fprintf(stderr, "\t-h:\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t\tShows this message and exits.\n");
/* Release all allocated resources and exit */
* Public Functions
* Name: vi_main
* Description:
* The main entry point into vi.
int main(int argc, FAR char *argv[])
int vi_main(int argc, char **argv)
FAR struct vi_s *vi;
int option;
/* Allocate a vi state structure */
vi = (FAR struct vi_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct vi_s));
if (!vi)
vi_error(vi, g_fmtallocfail);
/* Initialize non-zero elements of the vi state structure */
vi->display.row = CONFIG_SYSTEM_VI_ROWS;
vi->display.column = CONFIG_SYSTEM_VI_COLS;
/* Parse command line arguments */
while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, ":c:r:h")) != ERROR)
switch (option)
case 'c': /* Display width in columns */
unsigned long value = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10);
if (value <= UINT16_MAX)
vi->display.column = (uint16_t)value;
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Column value out of range: %lu\n",
vi_showusage(vi, argv[0], EXIT_FAILURE);
case 'r': /* Display width in columns */
unsigned long value = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10);
if (value <= UINT16_MAX)
vi->display.row = (uint16_t)value;
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Row value out of range: %lu\n",
vi_showusage(vi, argv[0], EXIT_FAILURE);
case 'h':
vi_showusage(vi, argv[0], EXIT_SUCCESS);
case ':':
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Missing parameter argument\n");
vi_showusage(vi, argv[0], EXIT_FAILURE);
case '?':
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unrecognized parameter\n");
vi_showusage(vi, argv[0], EXIT_FAILURE);
/* There may be one additional argument on the command line: The filename */
if (optind < argc)
/* Copy the file name into the file name buffer */
strncpy(vi->filename, argv[optind], MAX_STRING - 1);
/* Make sure that the (possibly truncated) file name is NUL terminated */
vi->filename[MAX_STRING - 1] = '\0';
/* Load the file into memory */
(void)vi_insertfile(vi, 0, vi->filename);
/* Skip over the filename argument. There should nothing after this */
if (optind != argc)
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Too many arguments\n");
vi_showusage(vi, argv[0], EXIT_FAILURE);
/* The editor loop */
for (;;)
/* We loop, processing each mode change */
viinfo("mode=%d\n", vi->mode);
switch (vi->mode)
case MODE_COMMAND: /* Command mode */
case SUBMODE_COLON: /* Colon data entry in command mode */
case SUBMODE_FIND: /* Find data entry in command mode */
case SUBMODE_REPLACECH: /* Replace characters in command mode */
case MODE_INSERT: /* Insert mode */
case MODE_REPLACE: /* Replace character(s) under cursor until ESC */
/* We won't get here */