git-svn-id: svn:// 42af7a65-404d-4744-a932-0658087f49c3
Application Folder ================== Contents -------- General Directory Location Named Applications Named Startup main() function NuttShell (NSH) Built-In Commands Application Configuration File Example Named Application General ------- This folder provides various applications found in sub-directories. These applications are not inherently a part of NuttX but are provided you help you develop your own applications. The apps/ directory is a "break away" part of the configuration that you may chose to use or not. Directory Location ------------------ The default application directory used by the NuttX build should be named apps/ (or apps-x.y/ where x.y is the NuttX version number). This apps/ directoy should appear in the directory tree at the same level as the NuttX directory. Like: . |- nuttx | `- apps If all of the above conditions are TRUE, then NuttX will be able to find the application directory. If your application directory has a different name or is location at a different position, then you will have to inform the NuttX build system of that location. There are several ways to do that: 1) You can define CONFIG_APPS_DIR to be the full path to your application directory in the NuttX configuration file. 2) You can provide the path to the application directory on the command line like: make APPDIR=<path> or make CONFIG_APPS_DIR=<path> 3) When you configure NuttX using tools/, you can provide that path to the application directory on the configuration command line like: ./ -a <app-dir> <board-name>/<config-name> Named Applications ------------------ NuttX also supports applications that can be started using a name string. In this case, zpplication entry points with their requirements are gathered together in two files: - namedapp/namedapp_proto.h Entry points, prototype function - namedapp/namedapp_list.h Application specific information and requirements The build occurs in several phases as different build targets are executed: (1) context, (2) depend, and (3) default (all). Application information is collected during the make context build phase. To execute an application function: exec_namedapp() is defined in the nuttx/include/apps/apps.h NuttShell (NSH) Built-In Commands --------------------------------- One use of named applications is to provide a way of invoking your custom application through the NuttShell (NSH) command line. NSH will support a seamless method invoking the applications, when the following option is enabled in the NuttX configuration file: CONFIG_NSH_BUILTIN_APPS=y Application Configuration File ------------------------------ A special configuration file is used to configure which applications are to be included in the build. The source for this file is configs/<board>/<configuration>/appconfig. The existence of the appconfig file in the board configuration directory is sufficient to enable building of applications. The appconfig file is copied into the apps/ directory as .config when NuttX is configured. .config is included in the toplevel apps/Makefile. As a minimum, this configuration file must define files to add to the CONFIGURED_APPS list like: CONFIGURED_APPS += vsn/hello vsn/poweroff vsn/jvm Named Start-Up main() function ------------------------------ A named application can even be used as the main, start-up entry point into your embedded software. When the user defines this option in the NuttX configuration file: CONFIG_BUILTIN_APP_START=<application name> that application shall be invoked immediately after system starts *instead* of the normal, default "user_start" entry point. Note that <application name> must be provided as: "hello", will call: int hello_main(int argc, char *argv[]) Example Named Application ------------------------- An example application skeleton can be found under the vsn/hello sub-directory. This example shows how a named application can be added to the project. One must define: 1. create sub-directory as: appname 2. provide entry point: appname_main() 3. set the requirements in the file: Makefile, specially the lines: APPNAME = appname PRIORITY = SCHED_PRIORITY_DEFAULT STACKSIZE = 768 ASRCS = asm source file list as a.asm b.asm ... CSRCS = C source file list as foo1.c foo2.c .. 4. add application in the apps/.config