apps/testing README file ======================== The apps/testing directory is used to include external testing frameworks examples/ostest ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is the NuttX 'qualification' suite. It attempts to exercise a broad set of OS functionality. Its coverage is not very extensive as of this writing, but it is used to qualify each NuttX release. The behavior of the ostest can be modified with the following settings in the configs/<board-name>/defconfig file: * CONFIG_NSH_BUILTIN_APPS Build the OS test example as an NSH built-in application. * CONFIG_TESTING_OSTEST_LOOPS Used to control the number of executions of the test. If undefined, the test executes one time. If defined to be zero, the test runs forever. * CONFIG_TESTING_OSTEST_STACKSIZE Used to create the ostest task. Default is 8192. * CONFIG_TESTING_OSTEST_NBARRIER_THREADS Specifies the number of threads to create in the barrier test. The default is 8 but a smaller number may be needed on systems without sufficient memory to start so many threads. * CONFIG_TESTING_OSTEST_RR_RANGE During round-robin scheduling test two threads are created. Each of the threads searches for prime numbers in the configurable range, doing that configurable number of times. This value specifies the end of search range and together with number of runs allows to configure the length of this test - it should last at least a few tens of seconds. Allowed values [1; 32767], default 10000 * CONFIG_TESTING_OSTEST_RR_RUNS During round-robin scheduling test two threads are created. Each of the threads searches for prime numbers in the configurable range, doing that configurable number of times. testing/unity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Unity is a unit testing framework for C developed by