134 lines
8.2 KiB
134 lines
8.2 KiB
#ifndef ERROR_H
#define ERROR_H
//#include "config.h"
#include <libintl.h>
#define _(String) gettext(String)
#define _(String) String
#define STATIC 100
#define ALREADYDECLARED STATIC+ 0, _("Formal parameter already declared")
#define ALREADYLOCAL STATIC+ 1, _("Variable already declared as `local'")
#define BADIDENTIFIER STATIC+ 2, _("Identifier can not be declared as %s")
#define BADRANGE STATIC+ 3, _("Ranges must be constructed from single letter identifiers")
#define INVALIDLINE STATIC+ 4, _("Missing line number at the beginning of text line %d")
#define INVALIDUOPERAND STATIC+ 5, _("Invalid unary operand")
#define INVALIDOPERAND STATIC+ 6, _("Invalid binary operand")
#define MISSINGAS STATIC+ 7, _("Missing `as'")
#define MISSINGCOLON STATIC+ 8, _("Missing colon `:'")
#define MISSINGCOMMA STATIC+ 9, _("Missing comma `,'")
#define MISSINGCP STATIC+10, _("Missing right parenthesis `)'")
#define MISSINGDATAINPUT STATIC+11, _("Missing `data' input")
#define MISSINGDECINCIDENT STATIC+12, _("Missing `dec'/`inc' variable identifier")
#define MISSINGEQ STATIC+13, _("Missing equal sign `='")
#define MISSINGEXPR STATIC+14, _("Expected %s expression")
#define MISSINGFILE STATIC+15, _("Missing `file'")
#define MISSINGGOTOSUB STATIC+16, _("Missing `goto' or `gosub'")
#define MISSINGVARIDENT STATIC+17, _("Missing variable identifier")
#define MISSINGPROCIDENT STATIC+18, _("Missing procedure identifier")
#define MISSINGFUNCIDENT STATIC+19, _("Missing function identifier")
#define MISSINGARRIDENT STATIC+20, _("Missing array variable identifier")
#define MISSINGSTRIDENT STATIC+21, _("Missing string variable identifier")
#define MISSINGLOOPIDENT STATIC+22, _("Missing loop variable identifier")
#define MISSINGFORMIDENT STATIC+23, _("Missing formal parameter identifier")
#define MISSINGREADIDENT STATIC+24, _("Missing `read' variable identifier")
#define MISSINGSWAPIDENT STATIC+25, _("Missing `swap' variable identifier")
#define MISSINGMATIDENT STATIC+26, _("Missing matrix variable identifier")
#define MISSINGINCREMENT STATIC+27, _("Missing line increment")
#define MISSINGLEN STATIC+28, _("Missing `len'")
#define MISSINGLINENUMBER STATIC+29, _("Missing line number")
#define MISSINGOP STATIC+30, _("Missing left parenthesis `('")
#define MISSINGSEMICOLON STATIC+31, _("Missing semicolon `;'")
#define MISSINGSEMICOMMA STATIC+32, _("Missing semicolon `;' or comma `,'")
#define MISSINGMULT STATIC+33, _("Missing star `*'")
#define MISSINGSTATEMENT STATIC+34, _("Missing statement")
#define MISSINGTHEN STATIC+35, _("Missing `then'")
#define MISSINGTO STATIC+36, _("Missing `to'")
#define NESTEDDEFINITION STATIC+37, _("Nested definition")
#define NOPROGRAM STATIC+38, _("No program")
#define NOSUCHDATALINE STATIC+39, _("No such `data' line")
#define NOSUCHLINE STATIC+40, _("No such line")
#define REDECLARATION STATIC+41, _("Redeclaration as different kind of symbol")
#define STRAYCASE STATIC+42, _("`case' without `select case'")
#define STRAYDO STATIC+43, _("`do' without `loop'")
#define STRAYDOcondition STATIC+44, _("`do while' or `do until' without `loop'")
#define STRAYELSE1 STATIC+45, _("`else' without `if'")
#define STRAYELSE2 STATIC+46, _("`else' without `end if'")
#define STRAYENDIF STATIC+47, _("`end if' without multiline `if' or `else'")
#define STRAYSUBEND STATIC+49, _("`subend', `end sub' or `endproc' without `sub' or `def proc' inside %s")
#define STRAYSUBEXIT STATIC+50, _("`subexit' without `sub' inside %s")
#define STRAYENDSELECT STATIC+51, _("`end select' without `select case'")
#define STRAYENDFN STATIC+52, _("`end function' without `def fn' or `function'")
#define STRAYENDEQ STATIC+53, _("`=' returning from function without `def fn'")
#define STRAYEXITDO STATIC+54, _("`exit do' without `do'")
#define STRAYEXITFOR STATIC+55, _("`exit for' without `for'")
#define STRAYFNEND STATIC+56, _("`fnend' without `def fn'")
#define STRAYFNEXIT STATIC+57, _("`exit function' outside function declaration")
#define STRAYFNRETURN STATIC+58, _("`fnreturn' without `def fn'")
#define STRAYFOR STATIC+59, _("`for' without `next'")
#define STRAYFUNC STATIC+60, _("Function/procedure declaration without end")
#define STRAYIF STATIC+61, _("`if' without `end if'")
#define STRAYLOCAL STATIC+62, _("`local' without `def fn' or `def proc'")
#define STRAYLOOP STATIC+63, _("`loop' without `do'")
#define STRAYLOOPUNTIL STATIC+64, _("`loop until' without `do'")
#define STRAYNEXT STATIC+65, _("`next' without `for' inside %s")
#define STRAYREPEAT STATIC+66, _("`repeat' without `until'")
#define STRAYSELECTCASE STATIC+67, _("`select case' without `end select'")
#define STRAYUNTIL STATIC+68, _("`until' without `repeat'")
#define STRAYWEND STATIC+69, _("`wend' without `while' inside %s")
#define STRAYWHILE STATIC+70, _("`while' without `wend'")
#define SYNTAX STATIC+71, _("Syntax")
#define TOOFEW STATIC+72, _("Too few parameters")
#define TOOMANY STATIC+73, _("Too many parameters")
#define TYPEMISMATCH1 STATIC+74, _("Type mismatch (has %s, need %s)")
#define TYPEMISMATCH2 STATIC+75, _("Type mismatch of argument %d")
#define TYPEMISMATCH3 STATIC+76, _("%s of argument %d")
#define TYPEMISMATCH4 STATIC+77, _("Type mismatch (need string variable)")
#define TYPEMISMATCH5 STATIC+78, _("Type mismatch (need numeric variable)")
#define TYPEMISMATCH6 STATIC+79, _("Type mismatch (need numeric value)")
#define UNDECLARED STATIC+80, _("Undeclared function or variable")
#define UNNUMBERED STATIC+81, _("Use `renum' to number program first")
#define OUTOFSCOPE STATIC+82, _("Line out of scope")
#define VOIDVALUE STATIC+83, _("Procedures do not return values")
#define UNREACHABLE STATIC+84, _("Unreachable statement")
#define WRONGMODE STATIC+85, _("Wrong access mode")
#define FORMISMATCH STATIC+86, _("`next' variable does not match `for' variable")
#define NOSUCHIMAGELINE STATIC+87, _("No such `image' line")
#define MISSINGFMT STATIC+88, _("Missing `image' format")
#define MISSINGRELOP STATIC+89, _("Missing relational operator")
#define RUNTIME 200
#define MISSINGINPUTDATA RUNTIME+0, _("Missing `input' data")
#define MISSINGCHARACTER RUNTIME+1, _("Missing character after underscore `_' in format string")
#define NOTINDIRECTMODE RUNTIME+2, _("Not allowed in interactive mode")
#define NOTINPROGRAMMODE RUNTIME+3, _("Not allowed in program mode")
#define BREAK RUNTIME+4, _("Break")
#define UNDEFINED RUNTIME+5, _("%s is undefined")
#define OUTOFRANGE RUNTIME+6, _("%s is out of range")
#define STRAYRESUME RUNTIME+7, _("`resume' without exception")
#define STRAYRETURN RUNTIME+8, _("`return' without `gosub'")
#define BADCONVERSION RUNTIME+9, _("Bad %s conversion")
#define IOERROR RUNTIME+10,_("Input/Output error (%s)")
#define IOERRORCREATE RUNTIME+10,_("Input/Output error (Creating `%s' failed: %s)")
#define IOERRORCLOSE RUNTIME+10,_("Input/Output error (Closing `%s' failed: %s)")
#define IOERROROPEN RUNTIME+10,_("Input/Output error (Opening `%s' failed: %s)")
#define ENVIRONFAILED RUNTIME+11,_("Setting environment variable failed (%s)")
#define REDIM RUNTIME+12,_("Trying to redimension existing array")
#define FORKFAILED RUNTIME+13,_("Forking child process failed (%s)")
#define BADMODE RUNTIME+14,_("Invalid mode")
#define ENDOFDATA RUNTIME+15,_("end of `data'")
#define DIMENSION RUNTIME+16,_("Dimension mismatch")
#define NOMATRIX RUNTIME+17,_("Variable dimension must be 2 (is %d), base must be 0 or 1 (is %d)")
#define SINGULAR RUNTIME+18,_("Singular matrix")
#define BADFORMAT RUNTIME+19,_("Syntax error in print format")
#define OUTOFMEMORY RUNTIME+20,_("Out of memory")
#define RESTRICTED RUNTIME+21,_("Restricted")