Get help to use ./ -h ./ -h usage: [-h] [-k KBLOCKSIZE] [-t TTY] [-b BAUDRATE] [-r [RECVFROM ...]] [-s SENDTO] [--debug DEBUG] [filelist ...] positional arguments: filelist if filelist is valid, that is sb, else is rb options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -k KBLOCKSIZE, --kblocksize KBLOCKSIZE This opthin can set a customsize block size to transfer -t TTY, --tty TTY Serial path -b BAUDRATE, --baudrate BAUDRATE -r [RECVFROM ...], --recvfrom [RECVFROM ...] recvfile from board path like this: ./ -r <file1 [file2 [file 3]...]> -t /dev/ttyUBS0 -s SENDTO, --sendto SENDTO send file to board path like this: ./ -s <path on board> -t /dev/ttyUBS0 <file1 [file2 [file3] ...]> --debug DEBUG This opthin is save debug log on host Signed-off-by: anjiahao <>
This is ymodem protocal. According to it, the sb rb application is realized, which is used to send files and receive files respectively
Common Usage
In the ubuntu system, lszrz needs to be installed, can use sudo apt install lszrz
Use minicom to communicate with the board.
Advanced Usage
In order to achieve a faster transmission speed,
I added a specific HEADER STC
to the YMODEM protocol to represent the custom length.
Using the sb
and rb
commands on the board, you can use the -k
option to set the length
of the custom packet, and the unit is KB. Therefore, you need to use
for file transfer,
and you need
-k to set the same length as the board. According to my test,
when using -k 32, it can reach 93% of the baud rate,
and is fully compatible with the original ymodem protocol.
First, you need to add a soft link to, for example sudo ln -s /home/<name>/.../<nuttxwork>/apps/system/ymodem/ /usr/bin
and then can be configured into minicom.<Ctrl + a> z o
then chose File transfer protocols
crate two option cmd is ' -k 32'. like this
Name | Program | Name | U/D | FullScr | IO-Red. | Multi |
ymodem-k | -k 32 | Y | U | N | Y | Y |
ymodem-k | -k 32 | N | D | N | Y | Y |
usb sb -k 32
or rb -k 32
for file transfer on board.
Sendfile to pc
use sb command like this nsh> sb /tmp/test.c ...
, this command support send multiple files together
then use <Ctrl + a> , r
chose ymodem
to receive board file.
Sendfile to board
use rb cmd like this nsh> rb
, this command support receive multiple files together
then use <Ctrl + a> , s
chose ymodem
, then chose what file need to send.
can use sb -h
or rb -h
get help.
Because the serial port is used for communication, the log is printed to the debug file
set debug file path.