This option, which resolves to -w when CONFIG_CYGWIN_WINTOOL is configured, is now appended to INCDIR in tools/ See git commit # 5eae32577e5d5226e5d3027c169eeb369f83f77d in the main
Graphics / lvgl
Import with #include <lvgl/lvgl.h>
or #include <lvgl.h>
Upstream example ported to NuttX is present at examples/lvgldemo
LVGL can be used with framebuffer device. To find example boards with this
preconfigured, search for CONFIG_GRAPHICS_LVGL=y
in defconfig
files. All of
them have also CONFIG_VIDEO_FB=y
As a second option, LVGL can talk to a display driver and explicitly draw line by line. For this case, there is no preconfigured board present. Go to Porting section of upstream documentation for more hints.