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@echo off
rem tools/define.bat
rem Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
rem contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
rem this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The
rem ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
rem "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
rem License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
rem http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
rem Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
rem distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
rem WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
rem License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
rem under the License.
rem Handle command line options
rem [-h] <compiler-path> <def1> [-val <val1>] [<def2> [-val <val2>] [<def3> [-val <val3>] ...]]
rem [-w] [-d] ignored for compatibility with define.sh
set progname=%0
if "%1"=="-d" goto :NextArg
if "%1"=="-w" goto :NextArg
if "%1"=="-h" goto :ShowUsage
goto :CheckCompilerPath
goto :ArgLoop
if "%1"=="" (
echo Missing compiler path
goto :ShowUsage
set ccpath=%1
set compiler=
for /F %%i in ("%ccpath%") do set compiler=%%~ni
if "%1"=="" (
echo Missing definition list
goto :ShowUsage
rem Check for some well known, non-GCC Windows native tools that require
rem a special output format as well as special paths
set fmt=std
if "%compiler%"=="ez8cc" goto :SetZdsFormt
if "%compiler%"=="zneocc" goto :SetZdsFormt
if "%compiler%"=="ez80cc" goto :SetZdsFormt
goto :ProcessDefinitions
set fmt=zds
rem Now process each directory in the directory list
set response=
if "%1"=="" goto :Done
set varname=%1
rem Handle the output depending on if there is a value for the variable or not
if "%1"=="-val" goto :GetValue
rem Handle the output using the selected format
if "%fmt%"=="zds" goto :NoValueZDS
rem Treat the first definition differently
if "%response%"=="" (
set response=-D%varname%
goto :DefinitionLoop
set response=%response% -D%varname%
goto :DefinitionLoop
rem Treat the first definition differently
if "%response%"=="" (
set response=-define:%varname%
goto :DefinitionLoop
set response=%response% -define:%varname%
goto :DefinitionLoop
rem Get value following the variable name
set varvalue=%1
rem Handle the output using the selected format
if "%fmt%"=="zds" goto :ValueZDS
rem Treat the first definition differently
if "%response%"=="" (
set response=-D%varname%=%varvalue%
goto :DefinitionLoop
set response=%response% -D%varname%=%varvalue%
goto :DefinitionLoop
rem Treat the first definition differently
if "%response%"=="" (
set response=-define:%varname%=%varvalue%
goto :DefinitionLoop
set response=%response% -define:%varname%=%varvalue%
goto :DefinitionLoop
echo %response%
goto :End
echo %progname% is a tool for flexible generation of command line pre-processor
echo definitions arguments for a variety of diffent ccpaths in a variety of
echo compilation environments"
echo USAGE:%progname% [-h] ^<compiler-path^> [-val ^<^val1^>] [^<def2^> [-val ^<val2^>] [^<def3^> [-val ^<val3^>] ...]]
echo Where:"
echo ^<compiler-path^>
echo The full path to your ccpath
echo ^<def1^> ^<def2^> ^<def3^> ...
echo A list of pre-preprocesser variable names to be defined.
echo [-val ^<val1^>] [-val ^<val2^>] [-val ^<val3^>] ...
echo optional values to be assigned to each pre-processor variable.
echo If not supplied, the variable will be defined with no explicit value.
echo -h
echo Show this text and exit