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2020-07-20 19:18:26 -03:00
NX Fonts Support (``NXFONTS``)
.. c:struct:: nx_fontmetric_s
This structures provides the metrics for one glyph:
.. code-block:: c
struct nx_fontmetric_s
uint32_t stride : 2; /* Width of one font row in bytes */
uint32_t width : 6; /* Width of the font in bits */
uint32_t height : 6; /* Height of the font in rows */
uint32_t xoffset : 6; /* Top, left-hand corner X-offset in pixels */
uint32_t yoffset : 6; /* Top, left-hand corner y-offset in pixels */
uint32_t unused : 6;
.. c:struct:: nx_fontbitmap_s
This structure binds the glyph metrics to the glyph bitmap:
.. code-block:: c
struct nx_fontbitmap_s
struct nx_fontmetric_s metric; /* Character metrics */
FAR const uint8_t *bitmap; /* Pointer to the character bitmap */
.. c:struct:: nx_fontset_s
This structure describes one contiguous grouping of glyphs that can be
described by an array starting with encoding ``first`` and extending
through (``first`` + ``nchars`` - 1).
.. code-block:: c
struct nx_fontset_s
uint8_t first; /* First bitmap character code */
uint8_t nchars; /* Number of bitmap character codes */
FAR const struct nx_fontbitmap_s *bitmap;
.. c:struct:: nx_font_s
This structure describes the overall fontset.
.. code-block:: c
struct nx_font_s
uint8_t mxheight; /* Max height of one glyph in rows */
uint8_t mxwidth; /* Max width of any glyph in pixels */
uint8_t mxbits; /* Max number of bits per character code */
uint8_t spwidth; /* The width of a space in pixels */
.. c:function:: NXHANDLE nxf_getfonthandle(enum nx_fontid_e fontid);
Given a numeric font ID, return a handle that may be
subsequently be used to access the font data sets.
:param fontid: Identifies the font set to use
:return: A handle that may be subsequently be used to access the font data sets.
.. c:function:: FAR const struct nx_font_s *nxf_getfontset(NXHANDLE handle);
Return information about the current font set.
:param handle: A font handle previously returned by :c:func:`nxf_getfonthandle`.
:return: An instance of ``struct nx_font_s`` describing the font set.
.. c:function:: FAR const struct nx_fontbitmap_s *nxf_getbitmap(NXHANDLE handle, uint16_t ch)
Return font bitmap information for the selected
character encoding.
:param ch: The char code for the requested bitmap.
:param handle: A font handle previously returned by :c:func:`nxf_getfonthandle`.
:return: An instance of :c:struct:`nx_fontbitmap_s` describing the glyph.
.. c:function:: int nxf_convert_2bpp(FAR uint8_t *dest, uint16_t height, \
uint16_t width, uint16_t stride, \
FAR const struct nx_fontbitmap_s *bm, \
nxgl_mxpixel_t color);
.. c:function:: int nxf_convert_4bpp(FAR uint8_t *dest, uint16_t height, \
uint16_t width, uint16_t stride, \
FAR const struct nx_fontbitmap_s *bm, \
nxgl_mxpixel_t color);
.. c:function:: int nxf_convert_8bpp(FAR uint8_t *dest, uint16_t height, \
uint16_t width, uint16_t stride, \
FAR const struct nx_fontbitmap_s *bm, \
nxgl_mxpixel_t color);
.. c:function:: int nxf_convert_16bpp(FAR uint16_t *dest, uint16_t height, \
uint16_t width, uint16_t stride, \
FAR const struct nx_fontbitmap_s *bm, \
nxgl_mxpixel_t color);
.. c:function:: int nxf_convert_24bpp(FAR uint32_t *dest, uint16_t height, \
uint16_t width, uint16_t stride, \
FAR const struct nx_fontbitmap_s *bm, \
nxgl_mxpixel_t color);
.. c:function:: int nxf_convert_32bpp(FAR uint32_t *dest, uint16_t height, \
uint16_t width, uint16_t stride, \
FAR const struct nx_fontbitmap_s *bm, \
nxgl_mxpixel_t color);
Convert the 1BPP font to a new pixel depth.
:param dest: The destination buffer provided by the caller.
:param height: The max height of the returned char in rows.
:param width: The max width of the returned char in pixels.
:param stride: The width of the destination buffer in bytes.
:param bm: Describes the character glyph to convert
:param color: The color to use for '1' bits in the font bitmap (0 bits are transparent).
:return: ``OK`` on success; ``ERROR`` on failure with ``errno`` set appropriately.