2023-04-24 20:32:13 +08:00
# libs/libm/openlibm/Make.defs
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The
# ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
2023-11-23 18:21:46 +09:00
ifeq ($(wildcard openlibm/openlibm/.git),)
2023-04-24 20:32:13 +08:00
$(call DOWNLOAD,https://github.com/JuliaMath/openlibm/archive/refs/tags,v$(OPENLIBM_VERSION).zip,openlibm.zip)
openlibm/openlibm: openlibm-$(OPENLIBM_VERSION).zip
$(Q) unzip -o openlibm.zip
$(Q) mv openlibm-$(OPENLIBM_VERSION) openlibm/openlibm
$(Q) patch -p0 < openlibm/0001-fix-build-float_t-error-float_t-has-not-been-declare.patch
$(Q) patch -p0 < openlibm/0002-add-math.h-and-complex.h-to-openlibm.patch
2023-11-23 18:21:46 +09:00
2023-04-24 20:32:13 +08:00
2023-11-23 18:21:46 +09:00
$(Q) $(DIRUNLINK) $(TOPDIR)/include/openlibm
ifeq ($(wildcard openlibm/openlibm/.git),)
2023-04-24 20:32:13 +08:00
$(call DELFILE, openlibm.zip)
$(call DELDIR, openlibm/openlibm)
2023-11-23 18:21:46 +09:00
$(TOPDIR)/include/openlibm: openlibm/openlibm
$(Q) $(DIRLINK) $(CURDIR)/openlibm/openlibm/include $@
context:: $(TOPDIR)/include/openlibm
2023-04-24 20:32:13 +08:00
# OS-specific stuff
# Get ARCH, it is used to read source code file list form $(ARCH)/Make.files
ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH),sim)
ifeq ($(CONFIG_SIM_M32),y)
ARCH = i387
else ifeq ($(CONFIG_HOST_ARM64),y)
ARCH = aarch64
else ifeq ($(CONFIG_HOST_ARM),y)
ARCH = arm
else ifeq ($(CONFIG_HOST_X86),y)
ARCH = i387
ARCH = amd64
else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH),risc-v)
ARCH = riscv64
else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH),arm)
ARCH = arm
else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH),arm64)
ARCH = arm64
else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH),x86)
ARCH = i387
else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH),x86_64)
ARCH = amd64
# Get source code lits from Make.files,and append to variable SRCS
# (1) Override CUR_SRCS to xxx_SRCS(for example src_SRCS etc.), then in xxx/Make.files CUR_SRCS is changed to xxx_SRCS.
# (2) Include Make.files
# (3) Get variable xxx_SRCS from Make.files, and append it to variable SRCS
define INC_template
ifneq ($(wildcard $(1)/Make.files),)
override CUR_SRCS = $(2)_SRCS
include $(1)/Make.files
SRCS += $$($(2)_SRCS)
# Determines whether `long double` is the same as `double` on this arch.
# linux x86_64, for instance, `long double` is 80 bits wide, whereas on macOS aarch64,
# `long double` is the same as `double`.
ifneq ($(filter $(ARCH),i387 amd64),) # Add ld80 directory on x86 and x64
$(eval $(call INC_template,openlibm/openlibm/ld80))
VPATH += :openlibm/openlibm/ld80
else ifneq ($(filter $(ARCH),aarch64),) # Add ld128 directory on aarch64
$(eval $(call INC_template,openlibm/openlibm/ld128))
VPATH += :openlibm/openlibm/ld128
$(eval $(call INC_template,openlibm/openlibm/src,src))
$(eval $(call INC_template,openlibm/openlibm/$(ARCH),$(ARCH)))
$(eval $(call INC_template,openlibm/openlibm/bsdsrc,bsdsrc))
VPATH += :openlibm/openlibm/src
VPATH += :openlibm/openlibm/$(ARCH)
VPATH += :openlibm/openlibm/bsdsrc
CFLAGS += ${INCDIR_PREFIX}openlibm/openlibm
CFLAGS += ${INCDIR_PREFIX}openlibm/openlibm/$(ARCH)
CFLAGS += ${INCDIR_PREFIX}openlibm/openlibm/src
AFLAGS += ${INCDIR_PREFIX}openlibm/openlibm
AFLAGS += ${INCDIR_PREFIX}openlibm/openlibm/$(ARCH)
AFLAGS += ${INCDIR_PREFIX}openlibm/openlibm/src
CSRCS := $(sort $(filter %.c,$(SRCS)))
ASRCS := $(sort $(filter %.S,$(SRCS)))
# CSRCS and ASRCS have the same name files, we use .S files,so remove them from CSRCS
CSRCS := $(filter-out $(patsubst %.S,%.c,$(ASRCS)),$(CSRCS))