PCB-Logic PIC32MX LCD1602 driver now supports SLCD CODED; Added an SLCD ioctl command to get cursor position
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,14 +71,18 @@
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <nuttx/arch.h>
#include <nuttx/ascii.h>
#include <nuttx/fs/fs.h>
#include <nuttx/lcd/hd4478ou.h>
#include <nuttx/lcd/slcd_ioctl.h>
#include <nuttx/lcd/slcd_codec.h>
#include "up_arch.h"
#include "pic32mx-pmp.h"
@ -116,6 +120,13 @@
/* LCD **********************************************************************/
#define LCD_NROWS 2
#define LCD_NCOLUMNS 16
/* Debug ********************************************************************/
@ -130,20 +141,53 @@
* Private Type Definition
/* SLCD incoming stream structure */
struct lcd_instream_s
struct lib_instream_s stream;
FAR const char *buffer;
ssize_t nbytes;
/* Global LCD state */
struct lcd1602_2
bool initialized; /* True: Completed initialization sequence */
uint8_t currow; /* Current row */
uint8_t curcol; /* Current column */
* Private Function Protototypes
/* Debug */
static void lcd_dumpstate(FAR const char *msg);
# define lcd_dumpstate(msg)
/* Internal functions */
static int lcd_getstream(FAR struct lib_instream_s *instream);
static void lcd_wrcommand(uint8_t cmd);
static void lcd_wrdata(uint8_t data);
static uint8_t lcd_rddata(void);
static uint8_t lcd_readch(uint8_t row, uint8_t column);
static void lcd_writech(uint8_t ch, uint8_t row, uint8_t column);
static void lcd_appendch(uint8_t ch);
static void lcd_action(enum slcdcode_e code, uint8_t count);
/* Character driver operations */
static ssize_t lcd_read(FAR struct file *, FAR char *, size_t);
static ssize_t lcd_write(FAR struct file *, FAR const char *, size_t);
static int lcd_ioctl(FAR struct file *filp, int cmd, unsigned long arg);
static int lcd_poll(FAR struct file *filp, FAR struct pollfd *fds,
bool setup);
static int lcd_poll(FAR struct file *filp, FAR struct pollfd *fds, bool setup);
@ -159,7 +203,7 @@ static const struct file_operations g_lcdops =
lcd_read, /* read */
lcd_write, /* write */
0, /* seek */
0 /* ioctl */
lcd_ioctl /* ioctl */
, lcd_poll /* poll */
@ -173,6 +217,62 @@ static struct lcd1602_2 g_lcd1602;
* Private Functions
* Name: lcd_dumpstate
static void lcd_dumpstate(FAR const char *msg)
uint8_t buffer[LCD_NCOLUMNS];
uint8_t row;
uint8_t column;
lcdvdbg("%s:\n", msg);
lcdvdbg(" currow: %d curcol: %d\n",
g_lcd1602.currow, g_lcd1602.curcol);
for (row = 0, column = 0; row < LCD_NROWS; )
buffer[column] = lcd_readch(row, column);
if (++column >= LCD_NCOLUMNS)
lcdvdbg(" %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\n",
buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3],
buffer[4], buffer[5], buffer[6], buffer[7],
buffer[8], buffer[9], buffer[10], buffer[11],
buffer[12], buffer[13], buffer[14], buffer[15]);
column = 0;
* Name: lcd_getstream
* Description:
* Get one character from the keyboard.
static int lcd_getstream(FAR struct lib_instream_s *instream)
FAR struct lcd_instream_s *lcdstream = (FAR struct lcd_instream_s *)instream;
DEBUGASSERT(lcdstream && lcdstream->buffer);
if (lcdstream->nbytes > 0)
return (int)*lcdstream->buffer++;
return EOF;
* Name: lcd_wrcommand
@ -230,37 +330,486 @@ static uint8_t lcd_rddata(void)
return (uint8_t)getreg32(PIC32MX_PMP_DIN);
* Name: lcd_readch
static uint8_t lcd_readch(uint8_t row, uint8_t column)
uint8_t addr;
/* Set the cursor position. Internally, the HD44780U supports a display
* size of up to 2x40 addressed as follows:
* Column 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... 39
* Row 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f ... 27
* Ro1 1 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f ... 67
addr = column;
if (row > 0)
addr |= HD4478OU_DDRAM_ROW1;
/* And write the character here */
return lcd_rddata();
* Name: lcd_writech
static void lcd_writech(uint8_t ch, uint8_t row, uint8_t column)
uint8_t addr;
/* Set the cursor position. Internally, the HD44780U supports a display
* size of up to 2x40 addressed as follows:
* Column 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... 39
* Row 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f ... 27
* Ro1 1 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f ... 67
addr = column;
if (row > 0)
addr |= HD4478OU_DDRAM_ROW1;
/* And write the character here */
* Name: lcd_appendch
static void lcd_appendch(uint8_t ch)
if (g_lcd1602.curcol < LCD_NCOLUMNS)
lcd_writech(ch, g_lcd1602.currow, g_lcd1602.curcol);
* Name: lcd_action
static void lcd_action(enum slcdcode_e code, uint8_t count)
lcdvdbg("Action: %d count: %d\n", code, count);
lcd_dumpstate("BEFORE ACTION");
switch (code)
/* Erasure */
case SLCDCODE_BACKDEL: /* Backspace (backward delete) N characters */
/* If we are at the home position, then ignore the action */
if (g_lcd1602.curcol < 1)
/* Otherwise, BACKDEL is like moving the cursor back one then doing a
* forward deletion. Decrement the cursor position and fall through.
case SLCDCODE_FWDDEL: /* DELete (forward delete) N characters moving text */
uint8_t ch;
int i;
/* Move all characters after the current cursor position left by one */
for (i = g_lcd1602.curcol + 1; i < LCD_NCOLUMNS - 1; i++)
ch = lcd_readch(g_lcd1602.currow, i);
lcd_writech(ch, g_lcd1602.currow, i - 1);
/* Erase the last character on the display */
lcd_writech(' ', g_lcd1602.currow, LCD_NCOLUMNS - 1);
case SLCDCODE_ERASE: /* Erase N characters from the cursor position */
int last;
int i;
/* Get the last position to clear and make sure that the last
* position is on the SLCD.
last = g_lcd1602.curcol + count - 1;
if (last >= LCD_NCOLUMNS)
last = LCD_NCOLUMNS - 1;
/* Erase N characters after the current cursor position left by one */
for (i = g_lcd1602.curcol; i < last; i++)
lcd_writech(' ', g_lcd1602.currow, i);
case SLCDCODE_CLEAR: /* Home the cursor and erase the entire display */
/* Clear the display */
/* And home the cursor */
g_lcd1602.currow = 0;
g_lcd1602.curcol = 0;
case SLCDCODE_ERASEEOL: /* Erase from the cursor position to the end of line */
int i;
/* Erase characters after the current cursor position to the end of the line */
for (i = g_lcd1602.curcol; i < LCD_NCOLUMNS; i++)
lcd_writech(' ', g_lcd1602.currow, i);
/* Cursor movement */
case SLCDCODE_HOME: /* Cursor home */
g_lcd1602.currow = 0;
g_lcd1602.curcol = 0;
case SLCDCODE_END: /* Cursor end */
g_lcd1602.curcol = LCD_NCOLUMNS - 1;
case SLCDCODE_LEFT: /* Cursor left by N characters */
/* Don't permit movement past the beginning of the SLCD */
if (g_lcd1602.curcol > 0)
case SLCDCODE_RIGHT: /* Cursor right by N characters */
/* Don't permit movement past the end of the SLCD */
if (g_lcd1602.curcol < (LCD_NCOLUMNS - 1))
case SLCDCODE_UP: /* Cursor up by N lines */
/* Don't permit movement past the top of the SLCD */
if (g_lcd1602.currow > 0)
case SLCDCODE_DOWN: /* Cursor down by N lines */
/* Don't permit movement past the bottom of the SLCD */
if (g_lcd1602.curcol < (LCD_NCOLUMNS - 1))
case SLCDCODE_PAGEUP: /* Cursor up by N pages */
case SLCDCODE_PAGEDOWN: /* Cursor down by N pages */
break; /* Not supportable on this SLCD */
/* Blinking */
case SLCDCODE_BLINKSTART: /* Start blinking with current cursor position */
case SLCDCODE_BLINKEND: /* End blinking after the current cursor position */
case SLCDCODE_BLINKOFF: /* Turn blinking off */
break; /* Not implemented */
/* These are actually unreportable errors */
case SLCDCODE_NORMAL: /* Not a special keycode */
lcd_dumpstate("AFTER ACTION");
* Name: lcd_read
static ssize_t lcd_read(FAR struct file *filp, FAR char *buffer, size_t len)
int i;
uint8_t row;
uint8_t column;
int nread;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
/* Try to read the entire display. Notice that the seek offset
* (filp->f_pos) is ignored. It probably should be taken into account
* and also updated after each read and write.
row = 0;
column = 0;
for (nread = 0; nread < len; nread++)
*buffer++ = lcd_rddata();
*buffer++ = lcd_readch(row, column);
if (++column >= LCD_NCOLUMNS)
column = 0;
if (++row >= LCD_NROWS)
return len;
return nread;
* Name: lcd_write
static ssize_t lcd_write(FAR struct file *filp, FAR const char *buffer, size_t len)
static ssize_t lcd_write(FAR struct file *filp, FAR const char *buffer,
size_t len)
int i;
struct lcd_instream_s instream;
struct slcdstate_s state;
enum slcdret_e result;
uint8_t ch;
uint8_t count;
uint8_t prev = ' ';
bool valid = false;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
/* Initialize the stream for use with the SLCD CODEC */
instream.stream.get = lcd_getstream;
instream.stream.nget = 0;
instream.buffer = buffer;
instream.nbytes = len;
/* Prime the pump */
memset(&state, 0, sizeof(struct slcdstate_s));
result = slcd_decode(&instream.stream, &state, &prev, &count);
lcdvdbg("slcd_decode returned result=%d char=%d count=%d\n",
result, prev, count);
switch (result)
uint8_t data = *buffer++;
valid = true;
lcd_action((enum slcdcode_e)prev, count);
prev = ' ';
return 0;
return len;
/* Now decode and process every byte in the input buffer */
while ((result = slcd_decode(&instream.stream, &state, &ch, &count)) != SLCDRET_EOF)
lcdvdbg("slcd_decode returned result=%d char=%d count=%d\n",
result, ch, count);
if (result == SLCDRET_CHAR) /* A normal character was returned */
/* Check for ASCII control characters */
if (ch < ASCII_SPACE)
/* All are ignored except for backspace and carriage return */
if (ch == ASCII_BS)
lcd_action(SLCDCODE_BACKDEL, 1);
else if (ch == ASCII_CR)
lcd_action(SLCDCODE_HOME, 0);
/* Handle characters decoreated with a period or a colon */
else if (ch == '.')
/* Write the previous character with the decimal point appended */
prev = ' ';
valid = false;
else if (ch == ':')
/* Write the previous character with the colon appended */
prev = ' ';
valid = false;
/* Handle ASCII_DEL */
else if (ch == ASCII_DEL)
lcd_action(SLCDCODE_FWDDEL, 1);
/* The rest of the 7-bit ASCII characters are fair game */
else if (ch < 128)
/* Write the previous character if it valid */
if (valid)
/* There is now a valid output character */
prev = ch;
valid = true;
else /* (result == SLCDRET_SPEC) */ /* A special SLCD action was returned */
lcd_action((enum slcdcode_e)ch, count);
/* Handle any unfinished output */
if (valid)
/* Assume that the entire input buffer was processed */
return (ssize_t)len;
* Name: lcd_ioctl
static int lcd_ioctl(FAR struct file *filp, int cmd, unsigned long arg)
switch (cmd)
/* SLCDIOC_GEOMETRY: Get the SLCD geometry (rows x characters)
* argument: Pointer to struct slcd_geometry_s in which values will be
* returned
FAR struct slcd_geometry_s *geo = (FAR struct slcd_geometry_s *)((uintptr_t)arg);
lcdvdbg("SLCDIOC_GEOMETRY: nrows=%d ncolumns=%d\n", LCD_NROWS, LCD_NCOLUMNS);
if (!geo)
return -EINVAL;
geo->nrows = LCD_NROWS;
geo->ncolumns = LCD_NCOLUMNS;
geo->nbars = 0;
/* SLCDIOC_CURPOS: Get the SLCD cursor positioni (rows x characters)
* argument: Pointer to struct slcd_curpos_s in which values will be
* returned
FAR struct slcd_curpos_s *curpos = (FAR struct slcd_curpos_s *)((uintptr_t)arg);
lcdvdbg("SLCDIOC_CURPOS: row=%d column=%d\n", g_lcd1602.currow, g_lcd1602.curcol);
if (!curpos)
return -EINVAL;
curpos->row = g_lcd1602.currow;
curpos->column = g_lcd1602.curcol;
case SLCDIOC_SETBAR: /* SLCDIOC_SETBAR: Set bars on a bar display */
case SLCDIOC_GETCONTRAST: /* SLCDIOC_GETCONTRAST: Get the current contrast setting */
case SLCDIOC_MAXCONTRAST: /* SLCDIOC_MAXCONTRAST: Get the maximum contrast setting */
case SLCDIOC_SETCONTRAST: /* SLCDIOC_SETCONTRAST: Set the contrast to a new value */
return -ENOTTY;
return OK;
@ -338,7 +887,7 @@ int up_lcd1602_initialize(void)
* Enable PMRD/PMWR, PMENB, and the PMP.
@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ Configuration sub-directories
4. To enable SLCD support:
Board Selection:
CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS=y : Disable LED support
CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS=n : Disable LED support
Library Routines:
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
#include <nuttx/ascii.h>
#include <nuttx/streams.h>
#include <nuttx/fs/fs.h>
#include <nuttx/lcd/slcd_ioctl.h>
#include <nuttx/lcd/slcd_codec.h>
#include "up_arch.h"
@ -313,8 +314,8 @@ static void slcd_writebar(void);
static inline uint16_t slcd_mapch(uint8_t ch);
static inline void slcd_writemem(uint16_t segset, int curpos);
static void slcd_writech(uint8_t ch, uint8_t curpos, uint8_t options);
static inline void slcd_appendch(uint8_t ch, uint8_t options);
static inline void slcd_action(enum slcdcode_e code, uint8_t count);
static void slcd_appendch(uint8_t ch, uint8_t options);
static void slcd_action(enum slcdcode_e code, uint8_t count);
/* Character driver methods */
@ -999,7 +1000,7 @@ static void slcd_action(enum slcdcode_e code, uint8_t count)
case SLCDCODE_RIGHT: /* Cursor right by N characters */
/* Don't permit movement past the lcd of the SLCD */
/* Don't permit movement past the end of the SLCD */
if (g_slcdstate.curpos < (SLCD_NCHARS - 1))
@ -1040,6 +1041,11 @@ static ssize_t slcd_read(FAR struct file *filp, FAR char *buffer, size_t len)
int ret = 0;
int i;
/* Try to read the entire display. Notice that the seek offset
* (filp->f_pos) is ignored. It probably should be taken into account
* and also updated after each read and write.
for (i = 0; i < SLCD_NCHARS && ret < len; i++)
/* Return the character */
@ -1233,6 +1239,29 @@ static int slcd_ioctl(FAR struct file *filp, int cmd, unsigned long arg)
/* SLCDIOC_CURPOS: Get the SLCD cursor positioni (rows x characters)
* argument: Pointer to struct slcd_curpos_s in which values will be
* returned
FAR struct slcd_curpos_s *curpos = (FAR struct slcd_curpos_s *)((uintptr_t)arg);
lcdvdbg("SLCDIOC_CURPOS: row=0 column=%d\n", g_slcdstate.curpos);
if (!curpos)
return -EINVAL;
curpos->row = 0;
curpos->column = g_slcdstate.curpos;
/* SLCDIOC_SETBAR: Set bars on a bar display
* argument: 32-bit bitset, with each bit corresponding to one bar.
@ -1477,7 +1506,7 @@ int stm32_slcd_initialize(void)
/* Register the LCD device driver */
ret = register_driver("/dev/slcd", &g_slcdops, 0644, (FAR struct file_operations *)&g_slcdops);
ret = register_driver("/dev/slcd", &g_slcdops, 0644, &g_slcdstate);
g_slcdstate.initialized = true;
/* Then clear the display */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user