Add support for lo- and hi-res RTC hardware
git-svn-id: svn:// 42af7a65-404d-4744-a932-0658087f49c3
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
* With extensions, modifications by:
* Copyright (C) 2011 Gregory Nutt. All rights reserved.
* Author: Gregroy Nutt <>
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@ -932,7 +933,7 @@ static inline void stm32_i2c_enablefsmc(uint32_t ahbenr)
# define stm32_i2c_disablefsmc() (0)
# define stm32_i2c_disablefsmc(priv) (0)
# define stm32_i2c_enablefsmc(ahbenr)
@ -33,14 +33,7 @@
/** \file
* \author Uros Platise
* \brief STM32 Real-Time Clock
* \addtogroup STM32_RTC
* \{
* The STM32 RTC Driver offers standard precision of 1 Hz or High Resolution
/* The STM32 RTC Driver offers standard precision of 1 Hz or High Resolution
* operating at rate up to 16384 Hz. It provides UTC time and alarm interface
* with external output pin (for wake-up).
@ -53,9 +46,13 @@
* - time is a combination of clock and upper bits stored in backuped domain
* with unit of 1 [s]
* \todo Error Handling in case LSE fails during start-up or during operation.
* TODO: Error Handling in case LSE fails during start-up or during operation.
* Included Files
#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <nuttx/arch.h>
#include <nuttx/irq.h>
@ -74,21 +71,78 @@
#include "stm32_rtc.h"
#include "stm32_waste.h"
* Pre-processor Definitions
/* Configuration ********************************************************************/
#if defined(CONFIG_STM32_BKP)
# elif CONFIG_RTC_FREQUENCY != 16384
# error "Only hi-res CONFIG_RTC_FREQUENCY of 16384Hz is supported"
# endif
# ifndef CONFIG_STM32_BKP
# error "CONFIG_STM32_BKP is required for CONFIG_RTC_HIRES"
# endif
# endif
# error "Only lo-res CONFIG_RTC_FREQUENCY of 1Hz is supported"
# endif
/* RTC/BKP Definitions *************************************************************/
* RTC pre-scalar value. The RTC is driven by a 32,768Hz input clock. This input
* value is divided by this value (plus one) to generate the RTC frequency.
* The BKP module register used to hold the RTC overflow value. Overflows are
* only handled in hi-res mode.
* The shift used to convert the hi-res timer LSB to one second. Not used with
* the lo-res timer.
# define RTC_CLOCKS_SHIFT 14
* Configuration of the RTC Backup Register (16-bit)
* Private Types
struct rtc_regvals_s
uint16_t cntl;
uint16_t cnth;
uint16_t ovf;
* Private Data
/** Variable determines the state of the LSE oscilator.
* Possible errors:
/* Callback to use when the alarm expires */
static alarmcb_t g_alarmcb;
* Public Data
/* Variable determines the state of the LSE oscilator.
* Possible errors:
* - on start-up
* - during operation, reported by LSE interrupt
@ -99,113 +153,265 @@ volatile bool g_rtc_enabled = false;
* Private Functions
* Name: stm32_rtc_beginwr
* Description:
* Enter configuration mode
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* None
static inline void stm32_rtc_beginwr(void)
/* Previous write is done? */
while( (getreg16(STM32_RTC_CRL) & RTC_CRL_RTOFF)==0 ) up_waste();
/* Previous write is done? */
/* Enter Config mode, Set Value and Exit */
modifyreg16(STM32_RTC_CRL, 0, RTC_CRL_CNF);
while ((getreg16(STM32_RTC_CRL) & RTC_CRL_RTOFF) == 0)
/* Enter Config mode, Set Value and Exit */
modifyreg16(STM32_RTC_CRL, 0, RTC_CRL_CNF);
* Name: stm32_rtc_endwr
* Description:
* Exit configuration mode
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* None
static inline void stm32_rtc_endwr(void)
modifyreg16(STM32_RTC_CRL, RTC_CRL_CNF, 0);
modifyreg16(STM32_RTC_CRL, RTC_CRL_CNF, 0);
/** Wait for registerred to synchronise with RTC module, call after power-up only */
* Name: stm32_rtc_wait4rsf
* Description:
* Wait for registers to synchronise with RTC module, call after power-up only
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* None
static inline void stm32_rtc_wait4rsf(void)
modifyreg16(STM32_RTC_CRL, RTC_CRL_RSF, 0);
while( !(getreg16(STM32_RTC_CRL) & RTC_CRL_RSF) ) up_waste();
modifyreg16(STM32_RTC_CRL, RTC_CRL_RSF, 0);
while (!(getreg16(STM32_RTC_CRL) & RTC_CRL_RSF))
* Interrupt Service Routines
* Name: up_rtc_breakout
* Description:
* Set the RTC to the provided time.
* Input Parameters:
* tp - the time to use
* Returned Value:
* None
static int stm32_rtc_overflow_isr(int irq, void *context)
static void up_rtc_breakout(FAR const struct timespec *tp,
FAR struct rtc_regvals_s *regvals)
uint16_t source = getreg16( STM32_RTC_CRL );
if (source & RTC_CRL_OWF) {
putreg16( getreg16(RTC_TIMEMSB_REG) + 1, RTC_TIMEMSB_REG );
if (source & RTC_CRL_ALRF) {
/* Alarm */
/* Clear pending flags, leave RSF high */
putreg16( RTC_CRL_RSF, STM32_RTC_CRL );
return 0;
uint64_t frac;
uint32_t cnt;
uint16_t ovf;
/* Break up the time in seconds + milleconds into the correct values for our use */
frac = ((uint64_t)tp->tv_nsec * CONFIG_RTC_FREQUENCY) / 1000000000;
cnt = (tp->tv_sec << RTC_CLOCKS_SHIFT) | ((uint32_t)frac & (CONFIG_RTC_FREQUENCY-1));
ovf = (tp->tv_sec >> (32 - RTC_CLOCKS_SHIFT));
/* Then return the broken out time */
regvals->cnth = cnt >> 16;
regvals->cntl = cnt & 0xffff;
regvals->ovf = ovf;
static inline void up_rtc_breakout(FAR const struct timespec *tp,
FAR struct rtc_regvals_s *regvals)
/* The low-res timer is easy... tv_sec holds exactly the value needed by the
* CNTH/CNTL registers.
regvals->cnth = (uint16_t)((uint32_t)tp->tv_sec >> 16);
regvals->cntl = (uint16_t)((uint32_t)tp->tv_sec & 0xffff);
* Public Function - Initialization
* Name: stm32_rtc_interrupt
* Description:
* RTC interrupt service routine
* Input Parameters:
* irq - The IRQ number that generated the interrupt
* context - Architecture specific register save information.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) on success; A negated errno value on failure.
#if defined(CONFIG_RTC_HIRES) || defined(CONFIG_RTC_ALARM)
static int stm32_rtc_interrupt(int irq, void *context)
uint16_t source = getreg16(STM32_RTC_CRL);
if ((source & RTC_CRL_OWF) != 0)
putreg16(getreg16(RTC_TIMEMSB_REG) + 1, RTC_TIMEMSB_REG);
if ((source & RTC_CRL_ALRF) != 0 && g_alarmcb != NULL)
/* Alarm callback */
g_alarmcb = NULL;
/* Clear pending flags, leave RSF high */
putreg16(RTC_CRL_RSF, STM32_RTC_CRL);
return 0;
* Public Functions
* Name: up_rtcinitialize
* Description:
* Initialize the hardware RTC per the select configuration. This function is
* called once during the OS initialization sequence
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno on failure
/** Power-up RTC
* \param prescaler A 20-bit value determines the time base, and is defined as:
* f = 32768 / (prescaler + 1)
* \return State of the RTC unit
* \retval OK If RTC has been successfully configured.
* \retval ERROR On error, if LSE does not start.
int up_rtcinitialize(void)
/* For this initial version we use predefined value */
/* For this initial version we use predefined value */
uint32_t prescaler = STM32_RTC_PRESCALER_MIN;
uint32_t prescaler = STM32_RTC_PRESCALER_MIN;
/* Set access to the peripheral, enable power and LSE */
// \todo Get state from this function, if everything is
// okay and whether it is already enabled (if it was disabled
// reset upper time register)
g_rtc_enabled = true;
/* Set access to the peripheral, enable power and LSE */
// \todo Possible stall? should we set the timeout period? and return with -1
/* Configure prescaler, note that these are write-only registers */
putreg16(prescaler >> 16, STM32_RTC_PRLH);
putreg16(prescaler & 0xFFFF, STM32_RTC_PRLL);
/* Configure Overflow Interrupt */
irq_attach(STM32_IRQ_RTC, stm32_rtc_overflow_isr);
/* TODO: Get state from this function, if everything is
* okay and whether it is already enabled (if it was disabled
* reset upper time register)
/* Previous write is done? This is required prior writing into CRH */
while( (getreg16(STM32_RTC_CRL) & RTC_CRL_RTOFF)==0 ) up_waste();
modifyreg16(STM32_RTC_CRH, 0, RTC_CRH_OWIE);
/* Alarm Int via EXTI Line */
// STM32_IRQ_RTCALR /* 41: RTC alarm through EXTI line interrupt */
g_rtc_enabled = true;
return OK;
/* TODO: Possible stall? should we set the timeout period? and return with -1 */
/* Configure prescaler, note that these are write-only registers */
putreg16(prescaler >> 16, STM32_RTC_PRLH);
putreg16(prescaler & 0xFFFF, STM32_RTC_PRLL);
/* Configure RTC interrupt to catch overflow and alarm interrupts. */
#if defined(CONFIG_RTC_HIRES) || defined(CONFIG_RTC_ALARM)
irq_attach(STM32_IRQ_RTC, stm32_rtc_interrupt);
/* Previous write is done? This is required prior writing into CRH */
while ((getreg16(STM32_RTC_CRL) & RTC_CRL_RTOFF) == 0)
modifyreg16(STM32_RTC_CRH, 0, RTC_CRH_OWIE);
/* Alarm Int via EXTI Line */
/* STM32_IRQ_RTCALR 41: RTC alarm through EXTI line interrupt */
return OK;
/** Get time (counter) value
* \return time, where the unit depends on the prescaler value
clock_t up_rtc_getclock(void)
* Name: up_rtc_time
* Description:
* Get the current time in seconds.
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* The current time in seconds
time_t up_rtc_time(void)
struct timespec ts;
/* In the hi-res case, this function is just a wrapper for up_rtc_gettime */
return ts.tv_sec;
time_t up_rtc_time(void)
irqstate_t flags;
uint16_t cnth;
@ -243,98 +449,176 @@ clock_t up_rtc_getclock(void)
while (cntl < tmp);
/* Then return the full 32-bit counter value */
/* Okay.. the samples should be as close together in time as possible and
* we can be assured that no clock rollover occurred between the samples.
* Return the time in seconds.
return ((uint32_t)cnth << 16) | (uint32_t)cntl;
return (time_t)cnth << 16 | (time_t)cntl;
/** Set time (counter) value
* \param time The unit depends on the prescaler value
* Name: up_rtc_gettime
* Description:
* Get the current time from the high resolution RTC clock.
* Input Parameters:
* tp - The location to return the high resolution time value.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno on failure
void up_rtc_setclock(clock_t newclock)
int up_rtc_gettime(FAR struct timespec *tp)
putreg16(newclock >> 16, STM32_RTC_CNTH);
putreg16(newclock & 0xFFFF, STM32_RTC_CNTL);
irqstate_t flags;
uint32_t ls;
uint32_t ms;
uint16_t ovf;
uint16_t cnth;
uint16_t cntl;
uint16_t tmp;
time_t up_rtc_gettime(void)
/* The RTC counter is read from two 16-bit registers to form one 32-bit
* value. Because these are non-atomic operations, many things can happen
* between the two reads: This thread could get suspended or interrrupted
* or the lower 16-bit counter could rollover between reads. Disabling
* interrupts will prevent suspensions and interruptions:
flags = irqsave();
/* And the following loop will handle any clock rollover events that may
* happen between samples. Most of the time (like 99.9%), the following
* loop will execute only once. In the rare rollover case, it should
* execute no more than 2 times.
tmp = getreg16(STM32_RTC_CNTL);
cnth = getreg16(STM32_RTC_CNTH);
ovf = getreg16(RTC_TIMEMSB_REG);
cntl = getreg16(STM32_RTC_CNTL);
/* The second sample of CNTL could be less than the first sample of CNTL
* only if rollover occurred. In that case, CNTH may or may not be out
* of sync. The best thing to do is try again until we know that no
* rollover occurred.
while (cntl < tmp);
/* Okay.. the samples should be as close together in time as possible and
* we can be assured that no clock rollover occurred between the samples.
* Create a 32-bit value from the LS and MS 16-bit RTC counter values and
* from the MS and overflow 16-bit counter values.
ls = (uint32_t)cnth << 16 | (uint32_t)cntl;
ms = (uint32_t)ovf << 16 | (uint32_t)cnth;
/* Then we can save the time in seconds and fractional seconds. */
tp->tv_sec = (ms << (32-RTC_CLOCKS_SHIFT-16)) | (ls >> (RTC_CLOCKS_SHIFT+16));
tp->tv_nsec = (ls & (CONFIG_RTC_FREQUENCY-1)) * (1000000000/CONFIG_RTC_FREQUENCY);
return OK;
* Name: up_rtc_settime
* Description:
* Set the RTC to the provided time.
* Input Parameters:
* tp - the time to use
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno on failure
int up_rtc_settime(FAR const struct timespec *tp)
/* Fetch time from LSB (hardware counter) and MSB (backup domain)
* Take care on overflow of the LSB:
* - it may overflow just after reading the up_rtc_getclock, transition
* from 0xFF...FF -> 0x000000
* - ISR would be generated to increment the RTC_TIMEMSB_REG
* - Wrong result would when: DR+1 and LSB is old, resulting in ~DR+2
* instead of just DR+1
struct rtc_regvals_s regvals;
irqstate_t flags;
irqstate_t irqs = irqsave();
uint32_t time_lsb = up_rtc_getclock();
uint32_t time_msb = getreg16(RTC_TIMEMSB_REG);
irqrestore( irqs );
/* Use the upper bits of the LSB and lower bits of the MSB
* structured as:
* time = time[31:18] from MSB[13:0] | time[17:0] from time_lsb[31:14]
time_lsb >>= RTC_CLOCKS_SHIFT;
time_msb <<= (32-RTC_CLOCKS_SHIFT);
time_msb &= ~((1<<(32-RTC_CLOCKS_SHIFT))-1);
return time_msb | time_lsb;
/* Break out the time values */
up_rtc_breakout(tp, ®vals);
/* Then write the broken out values to the RTC counter and BKP overflow register
* (hi-res mode only)
flags = irqsave();
putreg16(regvals.cnth, STM32_RTC_CNTH);
putreg16(regvals.cntl, STM32_RTC_CNTL);
putreg16(regvals.ovf, RTC_TIMEMSB_REG);
return OK;
void up_rtc_settime(time_t newtime)
* Name: up_rtc_setalarm
* Description:
* Set up a alarm.
* Input Parameters:
* tp - the time to set the alarm
* callback - the function to call when the alarm expires.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) on success; a negated errno on failure
int up_rtc_setalarm(FAR const struct timespec *tp, alarmcb_t callback);
/* Do reverse compared to gettime above */
uint32_t time_lsb = newtime << RTC_CLOCKS_SHIFT |
(up_rtc_getclock() & ((1<<RTC_CLOCKS_SHIFT)-1));
uint32_t time_msb = newtime >> (32-RTC_CLOCKS_SHIFT);
irqstate_t irqs = irqsave();
putreg16( time_msb, RTC_TIMEMSB_REG );
irqrestore( irqs );
struct rtc_regvals_s regvals;
irqstate_t flags;
int ret = -EBUSY;
/** Set ALARM at which time ALARM callback is going to be generated
* The function sets the alarm and return present time at the time
* of setting the alarm.
* Note that If actual time has already passed callback will not be
* generated and it is up to the higher level code to compare the
* returned (actual) time and desired time of alarm.
* \param attime The unit depends on the prescaler value
* \return presenttime, where the unit depends on the prescaler value
clock_t up_rtc_setalarm(clock_t atclock)
putreg16(atclock >> 16, STM32_RTC_ALRH);
putreg16(atclock & 0xFFFF, STM32_RTC_ALRL);
return up_rtc_getclock();
/* Is there already something waiting on the ALARM? */
/** Set alarm output pin */
void stm32_rtc_settalarmpin(bool activate)
if (g_alarmcb == NULL)
/* No.. Save the callback function pointer */
#endif // defined(CONFIG_STM32_BKP)
/** \} */
g_alarmcb = callback;
/* Break out the time values */
up_rtc_breakout(tp, ®vals);
/* The set the alarm */
flags = irqsave();
putreg16(regvals.cnth, STM32_RTC_ALRH);
putreg16(regvals.cntl, STM32_RTC_ALRL);
ret = OK;
return ret;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user