Add CSD decode logic
git-svn-id: svn:// 42af7a65-404d-4744-a932-0658087f49c3
This commit is contained in:
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
#define IS_MMC(t) (((t) & MMCSD_CARDTYPE_MMC) != 0)
#define IS_SD(t) (((t) & (MMCSD_CARDTYPE_SDV1|MMCSD_CARDTYPE_SDV2)) != 0)
#define IS_SDV1(t) (((t) & MMCSD_CARDTYPE_SDV1) != 0)
#define IS_SDV2(t) (((t) & MMCSD_CARDTYPE_SDV2) != 0)
#define IS_BLOCK(t) (((t) & MMCSD_CARDTYPE_BLOCK) != 0)
@ -114,8 +114,7 @@ struct mmcsd_state_s
/* Memory card geometry (extracted from the CSD) */
uint16 rdblocklen; /* Read block length (== block size) */
uint16 wrblocklen; /* Write block length */
uint16 blocksize; /* Read block length (== block size) */
size_t nblocks; /* Number of blocks */
size_t capacity; /* Total capacity of volume */
@ -137,9 +136,9 @@ static int mmcsd_sendcmdpoll(struct mmcsd_state_s *priv, uint32 cmd, uint32
static int mmcsd_recvR1(struct mmcsd_state_s *priv, uint32 cmd);
static void mmcsd_decodecsd(struct mmcsd_state_s *priv, uint32 csd[4]);
#if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG) && defined (CONFIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE) && defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS)
static void mmcsd_decodecid(uint32 cid[4]);
static void mmcsd_decodecid(struct mmcsd_state_s *priv, uint32 cid[4]);
# define mmcsd_decodecid(cid)
# define mmcsd_decodecid(priv,cid)
static int mmcsd_verifystandby(struct mmcsd_state_s *priv);
@ -227,7 +226,7 @@ static int mmcsd_sendcmdpoll(struct mmcsd_state_s *priv, uint32 cmd, uint32 arg)
ret = SDIO_WAITRESPONSE(priv->dev, cmd);
if (ret != OK)
fdbg("ERROR: Wait for response to cmd=%08x failed: %d\n", cmd, ret);
fdbg("ERROR: Wait for response to cmd: %08x failed: %d\n", cmd, ret);
return ret;
@ -311,8 +310,7 @@ static int mmcsd_recvR1(struct mmcsd_state_s *priv, uint32 cmd)
* values will be set in the driver state structure:
* priv->dsrimp TRUE: card supports CMD4/DSR setting (from CSD)
* priv->rdblocklen Read block length (== block size)
* priv->wrblocklen Write block length
* priv->blocksize Read block length (== block size)
* priv->nblocks Number of blocks
* priv->capacity Total capacity of volume
@ -320,8 +318,248 @@ static int mmcsd_recvR1(struct mmcsd_state_s *priv, uint32 cmd)
static void mmcsd_decodecsd(struct mmcsd_state_s *priv, uint32 csd[4])
#warning "Not Implemented"
return -ENOSYS;
#if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG) && defined (CONFIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE) && defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS)
struct mmcsd_csd_s decoded;
unsigned int readbllen;
/* Word 1: Bits 127-96:
* CSD_STRUCTURE 127:126 CSD structure
* SPEC_VERS 125:122 (MMC) Spec version
* TAAC 119:112 Data read access-time-1
* TIME_VALUE 6:3 Time mantissa
* TIME_UNIT 2:0 Time exponent
* NSAC 111:104 Data read access-time-2 in CLK cycle(NSAC*100)
* TRAN_SPEED 103:96 Max. data transfer rate
* TIME_VALUE 6:3 Rate exponent
* TRANSFER_RATE_UNIT 2:0 Rate mantissa
#if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG) && defined (CONFIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE) && defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS)
decoded.csdstructure = csd[0] >> 30;
decoded.mmcspecvers = (csd[0] >> 26) & 0x0f;
decoded.taac.timevalue = (csd[0] >> 19) & 0x0f;
decoded.taac.timeunit = (csd[0] >> 16) & 7;
decoded.nsac = (csd[0] >> 8) & 0xff;
decoded.transpeed.timevalue = (csd[0] >> 3) & 0x0f;
decoded.transpeed.transferrateunit = csd[0] & 7;
/* Word 2: Bits 64:95
* CCC 95:84 Card command classes
* READ_BL_LEN 83:80 Max. read data block length
* READ_BL_PARTIAL 79:79 Partial blocks for read allowed
* WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN 78:78 Write block misalignment
* READ_BLK_MISALIGN 77:77 Read block misalignment
* DSR_IMP 76:76 DSR implemented
* Byte addressed SD and MMC:
* C_SIZE 73:62 Device size
* Block addressed SD:
* 75:70 (reserved)
* C_SIZE 48:69 Device size
priv->dsrimp = (csd[1] >> 12) & 1;
readbllen = (csd[1] >> 16) & 0x0f;
#if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG) && defined (CONFIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE) && defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS)
decoded.ccc = (csd[1] >> 20) & 0x0fff;
decoded.readbllen = (csd[1] >> 16) & 0x0f;
decoded.readblpartial = (csd[1] >> 15) & 1;
decoded.writeblkmisalign = (csd[1] >> 14) & 1;
decoded.readblkmisalign = (csd[1] >> 13) & 1;
decoded.dsrimp = priv->dsrimp;
/* Word 3: Bits 32-63
* Byte addressed SD:
* C_SIZE 73:62 Device size
* VDD_R_CURR_MIN 61:59 Max. read current at Vcc min
* VDD_R_CURR_MAX 58:56 Max. read current at Vcc max
* VDD_W_CURR_MIN 55:53 Max. write current at Vcc min
* VDD_W_CURR_MAX 52:50 Max. write current at Vcc max
* C_SIZE_MULT 49:47 Device size multiplier
* SD_ER_BLK_EN 46:46 Erase single block enable (SD only)
* SD_SECTOR_SIZE 45:39 Erase sector size
* SD_WP_GRP_SIZE 38:32 Write protect group size
* Block addressed SD:
* 75:70 (reserved)
* C_SIZE 48:69 Device size
* 47:47 (reserved)
* SD_ER_BLK_EN 46:46 Erase single block enable (SD only)
* SD_SECTOR_SIZE 45:39 Erase sector size
* SD_WP_GRP_SIZE 38:32 Write protect group size
* MMC:
* C_SIZE 73:62 Device size
* VDD_R_CURR_MIN 61:59 Max. read current at Vcc min
* VDD_R_CURR_MAX 58:56 Max. read current at Vcc max
* VDD_W_CURR_MIN 55:53 Max. write current at Vcc min
* VDD_W_CURR_MAX 52:50 Max. write current at Vcc max
* C_SIZE_MULT 49:47 Device size multiplier
* MMC_SECTOR_SIZE 46:42 Erase sector size
* MMC_ER_GRP_SIZE 41:37 Erase group size (MMC)
* MMC_WP_GRP_SIZE 36:32 Write protect group size
if (IS_BLOCK(priv->type))
/* C_SIZE: 69:64 from Word 2 and 63:48 from Word 3
* 512 = (1 << 9)
* 1024 = (1 << 10)
* 512*1024 = (1 << 19)
uint32 csize = ((csd[1] & 0x3f) << 16) | (csd[2] >> 16);
priv->capacity = (csize + 1) << 19;
priv->blocksize = 1 << 9;
priv->nblocks = priv->capacity >> 9;
#if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG) && defined (CONFIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE) && defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS)
decoded.u.sdblock.csize = csize;
decoded.u.sdblock.sderblen = (csd[2] >> 14) & 1;
decoded.u.sdblock.sdsectorsize = (csd[2] >> 7) & 0x7f;
decoded.u.sdblock.sdwpgrpsize = csd[2] & 0x7f;
/* C_SIZE: 73:64 from Word 2 and 63:62 from Word 3 */
uint16 csize = ((csd[1] & 0x03ff) << 2) | ((csd[2] >> 30) & 3);
ubyte csizemult = (csd[2] >> 15) & 7;
priv->nblocks = ((uint32)csize + 1) * (1 << (csizemult + 2));
priv->blocksize = (1 << readbllen);
priv->capacity = priv->nblocks * priv->blocksize;
#if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG) && defined (CONFIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE) && defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS)
if (IS_SD(priv->type))
decoded.u.sdbyte.csize = csize;
decoded.u.sdbyte.vddrcurrmin = (csd[2] >> 27) & 7;
decoded.u.sdbyte.vddrcurrmax = (csd[2] >> 24) & 7;
decoded.u.sdbyte.vddwcurrmin = (csd[2] >> 21) & 7;
decoded.u.sdbyte.vddwcurrmax = (csd[2] >> 18) & 7;
decoded.u.sdbyte.csizemult = csizemult;
decoded.u.sdbyte.sderblen = (csd[2] >> 14) & 1;
decoded.u.sdbyte.sdsectorsize = (csd[2] >> 7) & 0x7f;
decoded.u.sdbyte.sdwpgrpsize = csd[2] & 0x7f;
else if (IS_MMC(priv->type))
decoded.u.mmc.csize = csize;
decoded.u.mmc.vddrcurrmin = (csd[2] >> 27) & 7;
decoded.u.mmc.vddrcurrmax = (csd[2] >> 24) & 7;
decoded.u.mmc.vddwcurrmin = (csd[2] >> 21) & 7;
decoded.u.mmc.vddwcurrmax = (csd[2] >> 18) & 7;
decoded.u.mmc.csizemult = csizemult;
|||| = (csd[2] >> 10) & 0x1f;
|||| = (csd[2] >> 5) & 0x1f;
decoded.u.mmc.mmcwpgrpsize = csd[2] & 0x1f;
/* Word 4: Bits 0-31
* WP_GRP_EN 31:31 Write protect group enable
* MMC DFLT_ECC 30:29 Manufacturer default ECC (MMC only)
* R2W_FACTOR 28:26 Write speed factor
* WRITE_BL_LEN 25:22 Max. write data block length
* WRITE_BL_PARTIAL 21:21 Partial blocks for write allowed
* FILE_FORMAT_GROUP 15:15 File format group
* COPY 14:14 Copy flag (OTP)
* PERM_WRITE_PROTECT 13:13 Permanent write protection
* TMP_WRITE_PROTECT 12:12 Temporary write protection
* FILE_FORMAT 10:11 File format
* ECC 9:8 ECC (MMC only)
* CRC 7:1 CRC
* Not used 0:0
#if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG) && defined (CONFIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE) && defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS)
decoded.wpgrpen = csd[3] >> 31;
decoded.mmcdfltecc = (csd[3] >> 29) & 3;
decoded.r2wfactor = (csd[3] >> 26) & 7;
decoded.writebllen = (csd[3] >> 22) & 0x0f;
decoded.writeblpartial = (csd[3] >> 21) & 1;
decoded.fileformatgrp = (csd[3] >> 15) & 1;
decoded.copy = (csd[3] >> 14) & 1;
decoded.permwriteprotect = (csd[3] >> 13) & 1;
decoded.tmpwriteprotect = (csd[3] >> 12) & 1;
decoded.fileformat = (csd[3] >> 10) & 3;
decoded.mmcecc = (csd[3] >> 8) & 3;
decoded.crc = (csd[3] >> 1) & 0x7f;
fvdbg(" CSD_STRUCTURE: %d SPEC_VERS: %d (MMC)\n",
decoded.csdstructure, decoded.mmcspecvers);
fvdbg(" TAAC {TIME_UNIT: %d TIME_UNIT: %d} NSAC: %d\n",
decoded.taac.timeunit, decoded.taac.timevalue, decoded.nsac);
decoded.transpeed.transferrateunit, decoded.transpeed.timevalue);
fvdbg(" CCC: %d\n", decoded.ccc);
fvdbg(" READ_BL_LEN: %d READ_BL_PARTIAL: %d\n",
decoded.readbllen, decoded.readblpartial);
decoded.writeblkmisalign, decoded.readblkmisalign);
fvdbg(" DSR_IMP: %d\n",
if (IS_BLOCK(priv->type))
fvdbg(" SD Block Addressing:\n");
fvdbg(" C_SIZE: %d SD_ER_BLK_EN: %d\n",
decoded.u.sdblock.csize, decoded.u.sdblock.sderblen);
fvdbg(" SD_SECTOR_SIZE: %d SD_WP_GRP_SIZE: %d\n",
decoded.u.sdblock.sdsectorsize, decoded.u.sdblock.sdwpgrpsize);
else if (IS_SD(priv->type))
fvdbg(" SD Byte Addressing:\n");
fvdbg(" C_SIZE: %d C_SIZE_MULT: %d\n",
decoded.u.sdbyte.csize, decoded.u.sdbyte.csizemult);
fvdbg(" VDD_R_CURR_MIN: %d VDD_R_CURR_MAX: %d\n",
decoded.u.sdbyte.vddrcurrmin, decoded.u.sdbyte.vddrcurrmax);
fvdbg(" VDD_W_CURR_MIN: %d VDD_W_CURR_MAX: %d\n",
decoded.u.sdbyte.vddwcurrmin, decoded.u.sdbyte.vddwcurrmax);
fvdbg(" SD_ER_BLK_EN: %d SD_SECTOR_SIZE: %d (SD) SD_WP_GRP_SIZE: %d\n",
decoded.u.sdbyte.sderblen, decoded.u.sdbyte.sdsectorsize, decoded.u.sdbyte.sdwpgrpsize);
else if (IS_MMC(priv->type))
fvdbg(" MMC:\n");
fvdbg(" C_SIZE: %d C_SIZE_MULT: %d\n",
decoded.u.mmc.csize, decoded.u.mmc.csizemult);
fvdbg(" VDD_R_CURR_MIN: %d VDD_R_CURR_MAX: %d\n",
decoded.u.mmc.vddrcurrmin, decoded.u.mmc.vddrcurrmax);
fvdbg(" VDD_W_CURR_MIN: %d VDD_W_CURR_MAX: %d\n",
decoded.u.mmc.vddwcurrmin, decoded.u.mmc.vddwcurrmax);
fvdbg(" WP_GRP_EN: %d MMC DFLT_ECC: %d (MMC) R2W_FACTOR: %d\n",
decoded.wpgrpen, decoded.mmcdfltecc, decoded.r2wfactor);
fvdbg(" WRITE_BL_LEN: %d WRITE_BL_PARTIAL: %d\n",
decoded.writebllen, decoded.writeblpartial);
fvdbg(" FILE_FORMAT_GROUP: %d COPY: %d\n",
decoded.fileformatgrp, decoded.copy);
decoded.permwriteprotect, decoded.tmpwriteprotect);
fvdbg(" FILE_FORMAT: %d ECC: %d (MMC) CRC: %d\n",
decoded.fileformat, decoded.mmcecc, decoded.crc);
fvdbg("Capacity: %dKb, Block size: %db, nblocks: %d\n",
priv->capacity / 1024, priv->blocksize, priv->nblocks);
@ -333,7 +571,7 @@ static void mmcsd_decodecsd(struct mmcsd_state_s *priv, uint32 csd[4])
#if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG) && defined (CONFIG_DEBUG_VERBOSE) && defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS)
static void mmcsd_decodecid(uint32 cid[4])
static void mmcsd_decodecid(struct mmcsd_state_s *priv, uint32 cid[4])
struct mmcsd_cid_s decoded;
@ -345,7 +583,7 @@ static void mmcsd_decodecid(uint32 cid[4])
decoded.mid = cid[0] >> 24;
decoded.oid = (cid[0] >> 8) & 0xffff;
decoded.oid = (cid[0] >> 16) & 0xffff;
decoded.pnm[0] = cid[0] & 0xff;
/* Word 2: Bits 64:95
@ -377,13 +615,13 @@ static void mmcsd_decodecid(uint32 cid[4])
* crc - 7:1 7-bit CRC7
decoded.psn |= cid[3] >> 24;
decoded.psn |= cid[3] >> 24;
decoded.mdt = (cid[3] >> 8) & 0x0fff;
decoded.crc = (cid[3] >> 1) & 0x7f;
fvdbg("mid=%02x oid=%04x pnm=%s prv=%d psn=%d mdt=%02x crc=%02x\n",
priv->cid.mid, priv->cid.oid, priv->cid.pnm, priv->cid.prv,
priv->cid.psn, priv->cid.mdt, priv->cid.crc);
fvdbg("mid: %02x oid: %04x pnm: %s prv: %d psn: %d mdt: %02x crc: %02x\n",
decoded.mid, decoded.oid, decoded.pnm, decoded.prv,
decoded.psn, decoded.mdt, decoded.crc);
@ -578,7 +816,7 @@ static int mmcsd_geometry(FAR struct inode *inode, struct geometry *geometry)
geometry->geo_writeenabled = FALSE;
geometry->geo_nsectors = priv->nblocks;
geometry->geo_sectorsize = priv->rdblocklen;
geometry->geo_sectorsize = priv->blocksize;
fvdbg("available: TRUE mediachanged: %s writeenabled: %s\n",
geometry->geo_mediachanged ? "TRUE" : "FALSE",
@ -688,7 +926,7 @@ static inline int mmcsd_mmcinitialize(struct mmcsd_state_s *priv)
fdbg("ERROR: SDIO_RECVR2 for MMC CID failed: %d\n", ret);
return ret;
mmcsd_decodecid(priv, cid);
/* Send CMD3 = SET_RELATIVE_ADDR. This command is used to assign a logical
* address to the card. For MMC, the host assigns the address. CMD3 causes
@ -732,9 +970,6 @@ static inline int mmcsd_mmcinitialize(struct mmcsd_state_s *priv)
mmcsd_decodecsd(priv, csd);
fvdbg("Capacity: %dKb, Block size: %db, nblocks=%d\n",
priv->capacity / 1024, priv->rdblocklen, priv->nblocks);
/* Set the Driver Stage Register (DSR) if (1) a CONFIG_MMCSD_DSR has been
* provided and (2) the card supports a DSR register. If no DSR value
* the card default value (0x0404) will be used.
@ -843,7 +1078,7 @@ static inline int mmcsd_cardidentify(struct mmcsd_state_s *priv)
fdbg("ERROR: R7: %08x\n", r7);
fdbg("ERROR: R7: %08x\n", response);
return -EIO;
@ -1026,7 +1261,7 @@ static int mmcsd_probe(struct mmcsd_state_s *priv)
int ret;
fvdbg("type=%d probed=%d\n", priv->type, priv->probed);
fvdbg("type: %d probed: %d\n", priv->type, priv->probed);
/* If we have reliable card detection events and if we have
* already probed the card, then we don't need to do anything
@ -1134,15 +1369,14 @@ static int mmcsd_removed(struct mmcsd_state_s *priv)
* be), and that the card has never been initialized.
priv->capacity = 0; /* Capacity=0 sometimes means no media */
priv->rdblocklen = 0;
priv->wrblocklen = 0;
priv->capacity = 0; /* Capacity=0 sometimes means no media */
priv->blocksize = 0;
priv->mediachanged = FALSE;
priv->probed = FALSE;
priv->selected = FALSE;
priv->rca = 0;
priv->selblocklen = 0;
priv->probed = FALSE;
priv->selected = FALSE;
priv->rca = 0;
priv->selblocklen = 0;
/* Go back to the default 1-bit data bus. */
@ -168,6 +168,102 @@ struct mmcsd_cid_s
/* 0:0 1-bit (not used) */
/* Decoded CSD register */
struct mmcsd_csd_s
ubyte csdstructure; /* 127:126 CSD structure */
ubyte mmcspecvers; /* 125:122 MMC Spec version (MMC only) */
ubyte timeunit; /* 2:0 Time exponent */
ubyte timevalue; /* 6:3 Time mantissa */
} taac; /* 119:112 Data read access-time-1 */
ubyte nsac; /* 111:104 Data read access-time-2 in CLK cycle(NSAC*100) */
ubyte transferrateunit; /* 2:0 Rate exponent */
ubyte timevalue; /* 6:3 Rate mantissa */
} transpeed; /* 103:96 Max. data transfer rate */
uint16 ccc; /* 95:84 Card command classes */
ubyte readbllen; /* 83:80 Max. read data block length */
ubyte readblpartial; /* 79:79 Partial blocks for read allowed */
ubyte writeblkmisalign; /* 78:78 Write block misalignment */
ubyte readblkmisalign; /* 77:77 Read block misalignment */
ubyte dsrimp; /* 76:76 DSR implemented */
uint16 csize; /* 73:62 Device size */
ubyte vddrcurrmin; /* 61:59 Max. read current at Vdd min */
ubyte vddrcurrmax; /* 58:56 Max. read current at Vdd max */
ubyte vddwcurrmin; /* 55:53 Max. write current at Vdd min */
ubyte vddwcurrmax; /* 52:50 Max. write current at Vdd max */
ubyte csizemult; /* 49:47 Device size multiplier */
struct /* MMC system specification version 3.1 */
ubyte ergrpsize; /* 46:42 Erase group size (MMC 3.1) */
ubyte ergrpmult; /* 41:37 Erase group multiplier (MMC 3.1) */
} mmc31;
struct /* MMC system specification version 2.2 */
ubyte sectorsize; /* 46:42 Erase sector size (MMC 2.2) */
ubyte ergrpsize; /* 41:37 Erase group size (MMC 2.2) */
} mmc22;
} er;
ubyte mmcwpgrpsize; /* 36:32 Write protect group size (MMC) */
} mmc;
uint16 csize; /* 73:62 Device size */
ubyte vddrcurrmin; /* 61:59 Max. read current at Vdd min */
ubyte vddrcurrmax; /* 58:56 Max. read current at Vdd max */
ubyte vddwcurrmin; /* 55:53 Max. write current at Vdd min */
ubyte vddwcurrmax; /* 52:50 Max. write current at Vdd max */
ubyte csizemult; /* 49:47 Device size multiplier */
ubyte sderblen; /* 46:46 Erase single block enable (SD) */
ubyte sdsectorsize; /* 45:39 Erase sector size (SD) */
ubyte sdwpgrpsize; /* 38:32 Write protect group size (SD) */
} sdbyte;
/* 73:70 (reserved) */
uint32 csize; /* 69:48 Device size */
/* 47:47 (reserved) */
ubyte sderblen; /* 46:46 Erase single block enable (SD) */
ubyte sdsectorsize; /* 45:39 Erase sector size (SD) */
ubyte sdwpgrpsize; /* 38:32 Write protect group size (SD) */
} sdblock;
} u;
ubyte wpgrpen; /* 31:31 Write protect group enable */
ubyte mmcdfltecc; /* 30:29 Manufacturer default ECC (MMC) */
ubyte r2wfactor; /* 28:26 Write speed factor */
ubyte writebllen; /* 25:22 Max. write data block length */
ubyte writeblpartial; /* 21:21 Partial blocks for write allowed */
ubyte fileformatgrp; /* 15:15 File format group */
ubyte copy; /* 14:14 Copy flag (OTP) */
ubyte permwriteprotect; /* 13:13 Permanent write protection */
ubyte tmpwriteprotect; /* 12:12 Temporary write protection */
ubyte fileformat; /* 10:11 File format */
ubyte mmcecc; /* 9:8 ECC (MMC) */
ubyte crc; /* 7:1 CRC */
/* 0:0 Not used */
* Public Data
Reference in New Issue
Block a user