Finish logic to update open writer after packing
git-svn-id: svn:// 42af7a65-404d-4744-a932-0658087f49c3
This commit is contained in:
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ int nxffs_ioctl(FAR struct file *filep, int cmd, unsigned long arg)
goto errout;
/* Only a reformat command is supported */
/* Only a reformat and optimize commands are supported */
if (cmd == FIOC_REFORMAT)
@ -126,12 +126,22 @@ int nxffs_ioctl(FAR struct file *filep, int cmd, unsigned long arg)
/* Re-format the volume -- all is lost */
ret = nxffs_reformat(volume);
goto errout_with_semaphore;
/* No other commands supported */
else if (cmd == FIOC_OPTIMIZE)
fvdbg("Optimize command\n");
ret = -ENOTTY;
/* Pack the volume */
ret = nxffs_pack(volume);
/* No other commands supported */
ret = -ENOTTY;
@ -726,26 +726,29 @@ static void nxffs_wrdathdr(FAR struct nxffs_volume_s *volume,
uint16_t iooffset;
uint32_t crc;
/* Get the offset in the block corresponding to the location of the data
* block header. NOTE: This must lie in the same block as we currently have
* buffered.
if (pack->dest.blklen > 0)
/* Get the offset in the block corresponding to the location of the data
* block header. NOTE: This must lie in the same block as we currently have
* buffered.
ioblock = nxffs_getblock(volume, pack->dest.blkoffset);
iooffset = nxffs_getoffset(volume, pack->dest.blkoffset, ioblock);
DEBUGASSERT(pack->dest.blkoffset && ioblock == pack->ioblock);
ioblock = nxffs_getblock(volume, pack->dest.blkoffset);
iooffset = nxffs_getoffset(volume, pack->dest.blkoffset, ioblock);
DEBUGASSERT(pack->dest.blkoffset && ioblock == pack->ioblock);
/* Write the data block header to memory */
/* Write the data block header to memory */
dathdr = (FAR struct nxffs_data_s *)&pack->iobuffer[iooffset];
memcpy(dathdr->magic, g_datamagic, NXFFS_MAGICSIZE);
nxffs_wrle32(dathdr->crc, 0);
nxffs_wrle16(dathdr->datlen, pack->dest.blklen);
dathdr = (FAR struct nxffs_data_s *)&pack->iobuffer[iooffset];
memcpy(dathdr->magic, g_datamagic, NXFFS_MAGICSIZE);
nxffs_wrle32(dathdr->crc, 0);
nxffs_wrle16(dathdr->datlen, pack->dest.blklen);
/* Update the entire data block CRC (including the header) */
/* Update the entire data block CRC (including the header) */
crc = crc32(&pack->iobuffer[iooffset], pack->dest.blklen + SIZEOF_NXFFS_DATA_HDR);
nxffs_wrle32(dathdr->crc, crc);
crc = crc32(&pack->iobuffer[iooffset], pack->dest.blklen + SIZEOF_NXFFS_DATA_HDR);
nxffs_wrle32(dathdr->crc, crc);
/* Setup state to allocate the next data block */
@ -754,6 +757,95 @@ static void nxffs_wrdathdr(FAR struct nxffs_volume_s *volume,
pack->dest.blkpos = 0;
* Name: nxffs_packtransfer
* Description:
* Transfer data from the source to the destination buffer.
* Input Parameters:
* volume - The volume to be packed
* pack - The volume packing state structure.
* Returned Values:
* None.
static void nxffs_packtransfer(FAR struct nxffs_volume_s *volume,
FAR struct nxffs_pack_s *pack)
/* Determine how much data is available in the dest pack buffer */
uint16_t destlen = volume->geo.blocksize - pack->iooffset;
/* Dermined how much data is available in the src data block */
uint16_t srclen = pack->src.blklen - pack->src.blkpos;
/* Transfer the smaller of the two amounts data */
uint16_t xfrlen = MIN(srclen, destlen);
if (xfrlen > 0)
nxffs_ioseek(volume, pack->src.blkoffset + SIZEOF_NXFFS_DATA_HDR + pack->src.blkpos);
memcpy(&pack->iobuffer[pack->iooffset], &volume->cache[volume->iooffset], xfrlen);
/* Increment counts and offset for this data transfer */
pack->src.fpos += xfrlen; /* Source data offsets */
pack->src.blkpos += xfrlen;
pack->dest.fpos += xfrlen; /* Destination data offsets */
pack->dest.blkpos += xfrlen;
pack->dest.blklen += xfrlen; /* Destination data block size */
pack->iooffset += xfrlen; /* Destination I/O block offset */
volume->iooffset += xfrlen; /* Source I/O block offset */
volume->froffset += xfrlen; /* Free FLASH offset */
* Name: nxffs_endsrcblock
* Description:
* The end of a source data block has been encountered. Locate the next
* source block and setup to continue the transfer.
* Input Parameters:
* volume - The volume to be packed
* pack - The volume packing state structure.
* Returned Values:
* Zero on success; Otherwise, a negated errno value is returned to
* indicate the nature of the failure.
static int nxffs_endsrcblock(FAR struct nxffs_volume_s *volume,
FAR struct nxffs_pack_s *pack)
struct nxffs_blkentry_s blkentry;
off_t offset;
int ret;
/* Yes.. find the next data block in the source input stream. */
offset = pack->src.blkoffset + SIZEOF_NXFFS_DATA_HDR + pack->src.blklen;
ret = nxffs_nextblock(volume, offset, &blkentry);
if (ret < 0)
fdbg("Failed to find next data block: %d\n", -ret);
return ret;
/* Set up the source stream */
pack->src.blkoffset = blkentry.hoffset;
pack->src.blklen = blkentry.datlen;
pack->src.blkpos = 0;
return OK;
* Name: nxffs_packblock
@ -801,9 +893,9 @@ static inline int nxffs_packblock(FAR struct nxffs_volume_s *volume,
ret = nxffs_destsetup(volume, pack);
if (ret < 0)
/* -ENOSPC is a special return value which simply means that all of the
* has been used up to the end. We need to return OK in this case and
* resume at the next block.
/* -ENOSPC is a special return value which simply means that all of
* the FLASH has been used up to the end of the current. We need to
* return OK in this case and resume at the next block.
if (ret == -ENOSPC)
@ -824,115 +916,91 @@ static inline int nxffs_packblock(FAR struct nxffs_volume_s *volume,
for (;;)
/* Determine how much data is available in the dest pack buffer */
/* Transfer data from the source buffer to the destination buffer */
uint16_t destlen = volume->geo.blocksize - pack->iooffset;
nxffs_packtransfer(volume, pack);
/* Dermined how much data is available in the src data block */
/* Now, either the (1) src block has been fully transferred, (2) all
* of the source data has been transferred, or (3) the the destination
* block is full, .. or all three.
* Check if all of the bytes in the source inode have been transferred.
uint16_t srclen = pack->src.blklen - pack->src.blkpos;
if (pack->src.fpos >= pack->src.entry.datlen)
/* Write the final destination data block header and inode
* headers.
/* Transfer the smaller of the two amounts data */
nxffs_wrdathdr(volume, pack);
nxffs_wrinodehdr(volume, pack);
uint16_t xfrlen = MIN(srclen, destlen);
if (xfrlen > 0)
nxffs_ioseek(volume, pack->src.blkoffset + SIZEOF_NXFFS_DATA_HDR + pack->src.blkpos);
memcpy(&pack->iobuffer[pack->iooffset], &volume->cache[volume->iooffset], xfrlen);
/* Find the next valid source inode */
/* Increment counts and offset for this data transfer */
offset = pack->src.blkoffset + pack->src.blklen;
memset(&pack->src, 0, sizeof(struct nxffs_packstream_s));
pack->src.fpos += xfrlen; /* Source data offsets */
pack->src.blkpos += xfrlen;
pack->dest.fpos += xfrlen; /* Destination data offsets */
pack->dest.blkpos += xfrlen;
pack->dest.blklen += xfrlen; /* Destination data block size */
pack->iooffset += xfrlen; /* Destination I/O block offset */
volume->iooffset += xfrlen; /* Source I/O block offset */
volume->froffset += xfrlen; /* Free FLASH offset */
ret = nxffs_nextentry(volume, offset, &pack->src.entry);
if (ret < 0)
/* No more valid inode entries. Just return an end-of-flash error
* indication.
/* Now, either the (1) src block has been fully transferred, (2) all
* of the source data has been transferred, or (3) the the destination
* block is full, .. or all three.
* Check if all of the bytes in the source inode have been transferred.
return -ENOSPC;
if (pack->src.fpos >= pack->src.entry.datlen)
/* Write the final destination data block header and inode
* headers.
/* Setup the new source stream */
nxffs_wrdathdr(volume, pack);
ret = nxffs_srcsetup(volume, pack, pack->src.entry.doffset);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
/* Find the next valid source inode */
/* Setup the dest stream */
offset = pack->src.blkoffset + pack->src.blklen;
memset(&pack->src, 0, sizeof(struct nxffs_packstream_s));
memset(&pack->dest, 0, sizeof(struct nxffs_packstream_s));
pack-> = pack->;
pack->dest.entry.utc = pack->src.entry.utc;
pack->dest.entry.datlen = pack->src.entry.datlen;
pack-> = NULL;
ret = nxffs_nextentry(volume, offset, &pack->src.entry);
if (ret < 0)
/* No more valid inode entries. Just return an end-of-flash error
* indication.
/* Is there sufficient space at the end of the I/O block to hold
* the inode header?
return -ENOSPC;
if (pack->iooffset + SIZEOF_NXFFS_INODE_HDR > volume->geo.blocksize)
/* No, just return success... we will handle this condition when
* this function is called on the next I/O block.
/* Setup the new source stream */
ret = nxffs_srcsetup(volume, pack, pack->src.entry.doffset);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
/* Setup the dest stream */
memset(&pack->dest, 0, sizeof(struct nxffs_packstream_s));
pack-> = pack->;
pack->dest.entry.utc = pack->src.entry.utc;
pack->dest.entry.datlen = pack->src.entry.datlen;
pack-> = NULL;
/* Is there sufficient space at the end of the I/O block to hold
* the inode header?
if (pack->iooffset + SIZEOF_NXFFS_INODE_HDR > volume->geo.blocksize)
/* No, just return success... we will handle this condition when
* this function is called on the next I/O block.
return OK;
return OK;
/* Configure the destination stream */
/* Configure the destination stream */
ret = nxffs_destsetup(volume, pack);
if (ret < 0)
/* -ENOSPC is a special return value which simply means that all of the
* has been used up to the end. We need to return OK in this case and
* resume at the next block.
ret = nxffs_destsetup(volume, pack);
if (ret < 0)
/* -ENOSPC is a special return value which simply means that all of the
* has been used up to the end. We need to return OK in this case and
* resume at the next block.
if (ret == -ENOSPC)
return OK;
fdbg("Failed to configure the dest stream: %d\n", -ret);
return ret;
if (ret == -ENOSPC)
return OK;
fdbg("Failed to configure the dest stream: %d\n", -ret);
return ret;
/* Not at the end of the source data stream. Check if we are at the
* end of the current source data block.
@ -940,23 +1008,11 @@ static inline int nxffs_packblock(FAR struct nxffs_volume_s *volume,
else if (pack->src.blkpos >= pack->src.blklen)
struct nxffs_blkentry_s blkentry;
/* Yes.. find the next data block in the source input stream. */
offset = pack->src.blkoffset + SIZEOF_NXFFS_DATA_HDR + pack->src.blklen;
ret = nxffs_nextblock(volume, offset, &blkentry);
ret = nxffs_endsrcblock(volume, pack);
if (ret < 0)
fdbg("Failed to find next data block: %d\n", -ret);
return ret;
/* Set up the source stream */
pack->src.blkoffset = blkentry.hoffset;
pack->src.blklen = blkentry.datlen;
pack->src.blkpos = 0;
/* Check if the destination block is full */
@ -973,6 +1029,70 @@ static inline int nxffs_packblock(FAR struct nxffs_volume_s *volume,
return -ENOSYS;
* Name: nxffs_setupwriter
* Description:
* Writing is performed at the end of the free FLASH region. When we
* finish packing the other inodes, we still need to pack the partially
* written file at the end of FLASH. This function performs the setup
* necessary to perform that packing phase.
* Input Parameters:
* volume - The volume to be packed
* pack - The volume packing state structure.
* Returned Values:
* If there is an active writer of the volume, its open file instance is
* returned. NULL is returned otherwise.
static FAR struct nxffs_wrfile_s *
nxffs_setupwriter(FAR struct nxffs_volume_s *volume,
FAR struct nxffs_pack_s *pack)
FAR struct nxffs_wrfile_s *wrfile;
/* Is there a writer? */
wrfile = nxffs_findwriter(volume);
if (wrfile)
/* Yes... It is the activity of this write that probably initiated
* this packing activity. The writer may have failed in one of several
* different stages:
* hoffset == 0: The write failed early before even FLASH for the inode
* header was set aside.
* noffset == 0: The write failed after the inode header was set aside,
* but before the inode name was written.
* doffset == 0: The write failed after writing the inode name, bue
* before any data blocks were written to FLASH.
* If no FLASH has been set aside for the write, then we don't need to
* do anything here.
if (wrfile->ofile.entry.hoffset > 0)
/* Initialize for the packing operation. */
memset(&pack->dest, 0, sizeof(struct nxffs_packstream_s));
pack-> = strdup(wrfile->;
pack->dest.entry.utc = wrfile->ofile.entry.utc;
pack->dest.entry.datlen = wrfile->ofile.entry.datlen;
memset(&pack->src, 0, sizeof(struct nxffs_packstream_s));
memcpy(&pack->src.entry, &wrfile->ofile.entry, sizeof(struct nxffs_entry_s));
pack-> = NULL;
return wrfile;
return NULL;
* Name: nxffs_packwriter
@ -1000,8 +1120,112 @@ static inline int nxffs_packwriter(FAR struct nxffs_volume_s *volume,
FAR struct nxffs_pack_s *pack,
FAR struct nxffs_wrfile_s *wrfile)
#warning "Missing logic"
return OK;
int ret;
/* Are we currently processing a block from the source stream? */
if (pack->src.blkoffset == 0)
/* No.. setup the source stream */
ret = nxffs_srcsetup(volume, pack, pack->src.entry.doffset);
if (ret < 0)
fdbg("Failed to configure the src stream: %d\n", -ret);
return ret;
/* We enter here on a new block every time, so we always have to setup
* the dest data stream. There should never be data block allocated at
* this point in time.
DEBUGASSERT(pack->dest.blkoffset == 0 && pack->dest.blkpos == 0);
ret = nxffs_destsetup(volume, pack);
if (ret < 0)
/* -ENOSPC is a special return value which simply means that all of the
* has been used up to the end. We need to return OK in this case and
* resume at the next block.
if (ret == -ENOSPC)
return OK;
fdbg("Failed to configure the dest stream: %d\n", -ret);
return ret;
/* Loop, transferring data from the source block to the destination pack
* buffer until either (1) the source stream is exhausted, (2) the destination
* block is full, or (3) an error occurs.
for (;;)
/* Transfer data from the source buffer to the destination buffer */
nxffs_packtransfer(volume, pack);
/* Now, either the (1) src block has been fully transferred, (2) all
* of the source data has been transferred, or (3) the the destination
* block is full, .. or all three.
* Check if all of the bytes in the source inode have been transferred.
if (pack->src.fpos >= pack->src.entry.datlen)
/* Write the final destination data block header and inode
* headers.
nxffs_wrdathdr(volume, pack);
/* Set the new offsets in the open file instance. */
wrfile->ofile.entry.hoffset = pack->dest.entry.hoffset;
wrfile->ofile.entry.noffset = pack->dest.entry.noffset;
wrfile->ofile.entry.doffset = pack->dest.entry.doffset;
/* Return an end-of-flash error to indicate that all of the write
* data has been transferred.
return -ENOSPC;
/* Not at the end of the source data stream. Check if we are at the
* end of the current source data block.
else if (pack->src.blkpos >= pack->src.blklen)
ret = nxffs_endsrcblock(volume, pack);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
/* Check if the destination block is full */
if (pack->iooffset >= volume->geo.blocksize)
/* Yes.. Write the destination data block header and return success */
nxffs_wrdathdr(volume, pack);
return OK;
return -ENOSYS;
@ -1084,7 +1308,7 @@ int nxffs_pack(FAR struct nxffs_volume_s *volume)
* the partially written file at the end of FLASH.
wrfile = nxffs_findwriter(volume);
wrfile = nxffs_setupwriter(volume, &pack);
/* Otherwise return OK.. meaning that there is nothing more we can
@ -1190,7 +1414,7 @@ int nxffs_pack(FAR struct nxffs_volume_s *volume)
* and so will not be found by nxffs_packblock().
wrfile = nxffs_findwriter(volume);
wrfile = nxffs_setupwriter(volume, &pack);
@ -97,6 +97,9 @@
#define FIOC_REFORMAT _FIOC(0x0002) /* IN: None
* OUT: None
#define FIOC_OPTIMIZE _FIOC(0x0003) /* IN: None
* OUT: None
/* NuttX file system ioctl definitions */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user