xtensa/esp32s3: Add support for Oneshot timer
Signed-off-by: Gustavo Henrique Nihei <gustavo.nihei@espressif.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ config ESP32S3_RWDT
endmenu # ESP32-S3 Peripheral Selection
menu "UART configuration"
menu "UART Configuration"
depends on ESP32S3_UART
if ESP32S3_UART0
@ -469,7 +469,19 @@ config ESP32S3_UART2_CTSPIN
endif # ESP32S3_UART2
endmenu # UART configuration
endmenu # UART Configuration
menu "Timer/Counter Configuration"
depends on ESP32S3_TIMER
config ESP32S3_ONESHOT
bool "One-shot wrapper"
default n
Enable a wrapper around the low level timer/counter functions to
support one-shot timer.
endmenu # Timer/Counter Configuration
menu "Application Image Configuration"
@ -83,3 +83,10 @@ endif
CHIP_CSRCS += esp32s3_wdt_lowerhalf.c
ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32S3_ONESHOT),y)
CHIP_CSRCS += esp32s3_oneshot.c
ifeq ($(CONFIG_ONESHOT),y)
CHIP_CSRCS += esp32s3_oneshot_lowerhalf.c
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
* arch/xtensa/src/esp32s3/esp32s3_oneshot.c
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The
* ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Included Files
#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <nuttx/arch.h>
#include <nuttx/clock.h>
#include <nuttx/timers/oneshot.h>
#include "esp32s3_clockconfig.h"
#include "esp32s3_oneshot.h"
#include "esp32s3_tim.h"
#include "hardware/esp32s3_soc.h"
* Pre-processor Definitions
#define MAX_TIMER_COUNTER (UINT64_C(1) << 53)
* Private Function Prototypes
static int oneshot_handler(int irq, void *context, void *arg);
* Private Data
* Private Functions
* Name: oneshot_handler
* Description:
* Oneshot interrupt handler. When any oneshot timer interrupt
* expires, this function will be triggered. It will forward the call to
* the next level up.
* Input Parameters:
* irq - IRQ associated to that interrupt
* context - Interrupt register state save info
* arg - A pointer to the argument provided when the interrupt was
* registered.
* Returned Value:
* Zero on success; a negated errno value on failure.
static int oneshot_handler(int irq, void *context, void *arg)
int ret = OK;
struct esp32s3_oneshot_s *oneshot = (struct esp32s3_oneshot_s *)arg;
oneshot_handler_t handler;
void *handler_arg;
DEBUGASSERT(oneshot->handler != NULL);
tmrinfo("Oneshot handler triggered\n");
/* Disable interrupts */
/* Detach handler */
ret = ESP32S3_TIM_SETISR(oneshot->tim, NULL, NULL);
/* Clear the Interrupt */
/* The timer is no longer running */
oneshot->running = false;
/* Forward the event, clearing out any vestiges */
handler = (oneshot_handler_t)oneshot->handler;
oneshot->handler = NULL;
handler_arg = (void *)oneshot->arg;
oneshot->arg = NULL;
/* Call the callback */
return ret;
* Public Functions
* Name: esp32s3_oneshot_initialize
* Description:
* Initialize the oneshot timer wrapper.
* Input Parameters:
* oneshot Caller allocated instance of the oneshot state structure.
* chan Timer counter channel to be used.
* resolution The required resolution of the timer in units of
* microseconds. NOTE that the range is restricted to the
* range of uint16_t (excluding zero).
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) is returned on success; a negated errno value is returned
* on failure.
int esp32s3_oneshot_initialize(struct esp32s3_oneshot_s *oneshot,
int chan, uint16_t resolution)
int ret = OK;
tmrinfo("chan=%d resolution=%d usecs\n", chan, resolution);
DEBUGASSERT(resolution > 0);
oneshot->chan = chan;
oneshot->tim = esp32s3_tim_init(chan);
if (oneshot->tim == NULL)
tmrerr("ERROR: Failed to allocate TIM %d\n", chan);
ret = -EBUSY;
uint16_t pre;
/* Initialize the remaining fields in the state structure. */
oneshot->running = false;
oneshot->handler = NULL;
oneshot->arg = NULL;
oneshot->resolution = resolution;
/* Ensure timer is disabled.
* Change the prescaler divider with the timer enabled can lead to
* unpredictable results.
ESP32S3_TIM_CLK_SRC(oneshot->tim, ESP32S3_TIM_APB_CLK);
/* Calculate the suitable prescaler according to the current APB
* frequency to generate a period equals to resolution.
pre = (esp_clk_apb_freq() * resolution) / USEC_PER_SEC;
/* Configure TIMER prescaler */
ESP32S3_TIM_SETPRE(oneshot->tim, pre);
return ret;
* Name: esp32s3_oneshot_max_delay
* Description:
* Return the maximum delay supported by the timer.
* Input Parameters:
* oneshot Caller allocated instance of the oneshot state structure. This
* structure must have been previously initialized via a call to
* esp32s3_oneshot_initialize();
* Output Parameters:
* usec The location in which to return the maximum delay in us.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK).
int esp32s3_oneshot_max_delay(struct esp32s3_oneshot_s *oneshot,
uint64_t *usec)
/* In theory, Maximum delay (us) = resolution (us) * MAX_TIMER_COUNTER
* But if the resolution is bigger than 1 us, the value will not fit
* in a uint64_t. So, this function assumes the max delay using a
* resolution of 1 us.
return OK;
* Name: esp32s3_oneshot_start
* Description:
* Start the oneshot timer
* Input Parameters:
* oneshot Caller allocated instance of the oneshot state structure. This
* structure must have been previously initialized via a call to
* esp32s3_oneshot_initialize();
* handler The function to call when when the oneshot timer expires.
* arg An opaque argument that will accompany the callback.
* ts Provides the duration of the one shot timer.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) is returned on success; a negated errno value is returned
* on failure.
int esp32s3_oneshot_start(struct esp32s3_oneshot_s *oneshot,
oneshot_handler_t handler, void *arg,
const struct timespec *ts)
uint64_t timeout_us;
int ret = OK;
tmrinfo("handler=%p arg=%p, ts=(%lu, %lu)\n",
handler, arg, (unsigned long)ts->tv_sec,
(unsigned long)ts->tv_nsec);
if (oneshot->running)
tmrinfo("Oneshot timer already in use. Cancelling it...\n");
/* If the oneshot timer was already started, cancel it and then
* restart.
esp32s3_oneshot_cancel(oneshot, NULL);
/* Save the new callback and its argument */
oneshot->handler = handler;
oneshot->arg = arg;
/* Retrieve the duration from timespec in microsecond */
timeout_us = (uint64_t)ts->tv_sec * USEC_PER_SEC +
(uint64_t)(ts->tv_nsec / NSEC_PER_USEC);
/* Verify if it is a multiple of the configured resolution.
* In case it isn't, warn the user.
if ((timeout_us % oneshot->resolution) != 0)
tmrwarn("Warning: The interval is not multiple of the resolution.\n"
"Adjust the resolution in your bringup file.\n");
/* Set the timer */
/* Ensure timer is stopped */
/* Configure TIMER mode */
ESP32S3_TIM_SETMODE(oneshot->tim, ESP32S3_TIM_MODE_UP);
/* Clear TIMER counter value */
/* Disable autoreload */
ESP32S3_TIM_SETARLD(oneshot->tim, false);
/* Set the timeout */
ESP32S3_TIM_SETALRVL(oneshot->tim, timeout_us / oneshot->resolution);
/* Enable TIMER alarm */
ESP32S3_TIM_SETALRM(oneshot->tim, true);
/* Clear Interrupt Bits Status */
/* Set the interrupt */
/* Register the handler that calls the callback */
ret = ESP32S3_TIM_SETISR(oneshot->tim, oneshot_handler, oneshot);
if (ret == OK)
/* Finally, start the TIMER */
oneshot->running = true;
return ret;
* Name: esp32s3_oneshot_cancel
* Description:
* Cancel the oneshot timer and return the time remaining on the timer.
* Input Parameters:
* oneshot Caller allocated instance of the oneshot state structure. This
* structure must have been previously initialized via a call to
* esp32s3_oneshot_initialize();
* ts The location in which to return the time remaining on the
* oneshot timer. A time of zero is returned if the timer is
* not running. ts may be zero in which case the time remaining
* is not returned.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) is returned on success. A call to up_timer_cancel() when
* the timer is not active should also return success; a negated errno
* value is returned on any failure.
int esp32s3_oneshot_cancel(struct esp32s3_oneshot_s *oneshot,
struct timespec *ts)
int ret = OK;
uint64_t current_us;
uint64_t remaining_us;
uint64_t timeout_us;
uint64_t counter_value;
uint64_t alarm_value;
if (!oneshot->running)
tmrinfo("Trying to cancel a non started oneshot timer.\n");
ts->tv_sec = 0;
ts->tv_nsec = 0;
/* Stop timer */
/* Disable int */
/* Detach handler */
ret = ESP32S3_TIM_SETISR(oneshot->tim, NULL, NULL);
if (ts != NULL)
/* Get the current counter value */
ESP32S3_TIM_GETCTR(oneshot->tim, &counter_value);
/* Get the current configured timeout */
ESP32S3_TIM_GETALRVL(oneshot->tim, &alarm_value);
current_us = counter_value * oneshot->resolution;
timeout_us = alarm_value * oneshot->resolution;
/* Remaining time (us) = timeout (us) - current (us) */
remaining_us = timeout_us - current_us;
ts->tv_sec = remaining_us / USEC_PER_SEC;
remaining_us = remaining_us - ts->tv_sec * USEC_PER_SEC;
ts->tv_nsec = remaining_us * NSEC_PER_USEC;
oneshot->running = false;
oneshot->handler = NULL;
oneshot->arg = NULL;
return ret;
* Name: esp32s3_oneshot_current
* Description:
* Get the current time.
* Input Parameters:
* oneshot Caller allocated instance of the oneshot state structure. This
* structure must have been previously initialized via a call to
* esp32s3_oneshot_initialize();
* Output Parameters:
* usec The location in which to return the current time in us.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK).
int esp32s3_oneshot_current(struct esp32s3_oneshot_s *oneshot,
uint64_t *usec)
/* Get the current counter value */
ESP32S3_TIM_GETCTR(oneshot->tim, usec);
*usec = *usec * (uint64_t)oneshot->resolution;
return OK;
#endif /* CONFIG_ESP32S3_ONESHOT */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
* arch/xtensa/src/esp32s3/esp32s3_oneshot.h
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The
* ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Included Files
#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "esp32s3_tim.h"
* Pre-processor Definitions
* Public Types
/* This describes the callback function that will be invoked when the oneshot
* timer expires. The oneshot fires, the client will receive:
* arg - The opaque argument provided when the interrupt was registered
typedef void (*oneshot_handler_t)(void *arg);
/* The oneshot client must allocate an instance of this structure and call
* esp32s3_oneshot_initialize() before using the oneshot facilities. The
* client should not access the contents of this structure directly since
* the contents are subject to change.
struct esp32s3_oneshot_s
uint8_t chan; /* The timer/counter in use */
volatile bool running; /* True: the timer is running */
struct esp32s3_tim_dev_s *tim; /* Pointer returned by
* esp32s3_tim_init() */
volatile oneshot_handler_t handler; /* Oneshot expiration callback */
volatile void *arg; /* The argument that will accompany
* the callback */
uint32_t resolution; /* us */
* Public Data
#undef EXTERN
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#define EXTERN extern "C"
extern "C"
#define EXTERN extern
* Public Function Prototypes
* Name: esp32s3_oneshot_initialize
* Description:
* Initialize the oneshot timer wrapper.
* Input Parameters:
* oneshot Allocated instance of the oneshot state structure.
* chan Timer counter channel to be used.
* resolution The required resolution of the timer in units of
* microseconds. NOTE that the range is restricted to the
* range of uint16_t (excluding zero).
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) is returned on success; a negated errno value is returned
* on failure.
int esp32s3_oneshot_initialize(struct esp32s3_oneshot_s *oneshot,
int chan, uint16_t resolution);
* Name: esp32s3_oneshot_max_delay
* Description:
* Determine the maximum delay of the one-shot timer (in microseconds).
* Input Parameters:
* oneshot Allocated instance of the oneshot state structure.
* Output Parameters:
* usec The location in which to return the maximum delay in us.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) is returned on success; a negated errno value is returned
* on failure.
int esp32s3_oneshot_max_delay(struct esp32s3_oneshot_s *oneshot,
uint64_t *usec);
* Name: esp32s3_oneshot_start
* Description:
* Start the oneshot timer
* Input Parameters:
* oneshot Allocated instance of the oneshot state structure. This
* structure must have been previously initialized via a call to
* esp32s3_oneshot_initialize();
* handler The function to call when the oneshot timer expires.
* arg An opaque argument that will accompany the callback.
* ts Provides the duration of the one shot timer.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) is returned on success; a negated errno value is returned
* on failure.
int esp32s3_oneshot_start(struct esp32s3_oneshot_s *oneshot,
oneshot_handler_t handler, void *arg,
const struct timespec *ts);
* Name: esp32s3_oneshot_cancel
* Description:
* Cancel the oneshot timer and return the time remaining on the timer.
* Input Parameters:
* oneshot Allocated instance of the oneshot state structure. This
* structure must have been previously initialized via a call to
* esp32s3_oneshot_initialize();
* ts The location in which to return the time remaining on the
* oneshot timer. A time of zero is returned if the timer is
* not running.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) is returned on success. A call to up_timer_cancel() when
* the timer is not active should also return success; a negated errno
* value is returned on any failure.
int esp32s3_oneshot_cancel(struct esp32s3_oneshot_s *oneshot,
struct timespec *ts);
* Name: esp32s3_oneshot_current
* Description:
* Get the current time.
* Input Parameters:
* oneshot Caller allocated instance of the oneshot state structure. This
* structure must have been previously initialized via a call to
* esp32s3_oneshot_initialize();
* Output Parameters:
* usec The location in which to return the current time in us.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK).
int esp32s3_oneshot_current(struct esp32s3_oneshot_s *oneshot,
uint64_t *usec);
#undef EXTERN
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* CONFIG_ESP32S3_ONESHOT */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
* arch/xtensa/src/esp32s3/esp32s3_oneshot_lowerhalf.c
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The
* ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Included Files
#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <nuttx/arch.h>
#include <nuttx/timers/oneshot.h>
#include <nuttx/kmalloc.h>
#include "esp32s3_oneshot.h"
* Pre-processor Definitions
* Private Types
struct esp32s3_oneshot_lowerhalf_s
/* This is the part of the lower-half driver that is visible to the upper-
* half client of the driver. This must be the first thing in this
* struct so that pointers to struct oneshot_lowerhalf_s are cast
* compatible to struct esp32s3_oneshot_lowerhalf_s and vice versa.
struct oneshot_lowerhalf_s lh; /* Lower-half instance */
struct esp32s3_oneshot_s oneshot; /* ESP32-S3-specific oneshot state */
oneshot_callback_t callback; /* Upper-half Interrupt callback */
void *arg; /* Argument passed to handler */
uint16_t resolution;
* Private Function Prototypes
static void oneshot_lh_handler(void *arg);
/* "Lower-half" driver methods **********************************************/
static int oneshot_lh_max_delay(struct oneshot_lowerhalf_s *lower,
struct timespec *ts);
static int oneshot_lh_start(struct oneshot_lowerhalf_s *lower,
oneshot_callback_t callback,
void *arg,
const struct timespec *ts);
static int oneshot_lh_cancel(struct oneshot_lowerhalf_s *lower,
struct timespec *ts);
static int oneshot_lh_current(struct oneshot_lowerhalf_s *lower,
struct timespec *ts);
* Private Data
/* "Lower-half" driver methods */
static const struct oneshot_operations_s g_esp32s3_timer_ops =
.max_delay = oneshot_lh_max_delay,
.start = oneshot_lh_start,
.cancel = oneshot_lh_cancel,
.current = oneshot_lh_current
* Private Functions
* Name: oneshot_lh_handler
* Description:
* Timer expiration handler.
* Input Parameters:
* arg - Should be the same argument provided when esp32s3_oneshot_start()
* was called.
static void oneshot_lh_handler(void *arg)
struct esp32s3_oneshot_lowerhalf_s *priv =
(struct esp32s3_oneshot_lowerhalf_s *)arg;
oneshot_callback_t callback;
FAR void *cb_arg;
DEBUGASSERT(priv->callback != NULL);
tmrinfo("Oneshot LH handler triggered\n");
/* Sample and nullify BEFORE executing callback (in case the callback
* restarts the oneshot).
callback = priv->callback;
cb_arg = priv->arg;
priv->callback = NULL;
priv->arg = NULL;
/* Then perform the callback */
callback(&priv->lh, cb_arg);
* Name: oneshot_lh_max_delay
* Description:
* Determine the maximum delay of the oneshot timer (in microseconds).
* Input Parameters:
* lower An instance of the lower-half oneshot state structure. This
* structure must have been previously initialized via a call to
* oneshot_initialize().
* ts The location in which to return the maximum delay.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) is returned on success; a negated errno value is returned
* on failure.
static int oneshot_lh_max_delay(struct oneshot_lowerhalf_s *lower,
struct timespec *ts)
/* The real maximum delay surpass the limit that timespec can represent.
* Even using the better case: a resolution of 1 us.
* Therefore, here, set the timespec with the maximum value it represent.
ts->tv_sec = UINT32_MAX;
ts->tv_nsec = NSEC_PER_SEC - 1;
tmrinfo("max sec=%" PRIu32 "\n", ts->tv_sec);
tmrinfo("max nsec=%ld\n", ts->tv_nsec);
return OK;
* Name: oneshot_lh_start
* Description:
* Start the oneshot timer.
* Input Parameters:
* lower An instance of the lower-half oneshot state structure. This
* structure must have been previously initialized via a call to
* oneshot_initialize().
* callback The function to call when when the oneshot timer expires.
* Inside the handler scope.
* arg A pointer to the argument that will accompany the callback.
* ts Provides the duration of the one shot timer.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) is returned on success; a negated errno value is returned
* on failure.
static int oneshot_lh_start(struct oneshot_lowerhalf_s *lower,
oneshot_callback_t callback,
void *arg,
const struct timespec *ts)
struct esp32s3_oneshot_lowerhalf_s *priv =
(struct esp32s3_oneshot_lowerhalf_s *)lower;
int ret;
irqstate_t flags;
DEBUGASSERT(callback != NULL);
/* Save the callback information and start the timer */
flags = enter_critical_section();
priv->callback = callback;
priv->arg = arg;
ret = esp32s3_oneshot_start(&priv->oneshot, oneshot_lh_handler,
priv, ts);
if (ret < 0)
tmrerr("Failed to start oneshot timer: %d\n", ret);
return ret;
* Name: oneshot_lh_cancel
* Description:
* Cancel the oneshot timer and return the time remaining on the timer.
* NOTE: This function may execute at a high rate with no timer running (as
* when pre-emption is enabled and disabled).
* Input Parameters:
* lower Caller allocated instance of the oneshot state structure. This
* structure must have been previously initialized via a call to
* oneshot_initialize().
* ts The location in which to return the time remaining on the
* oneshot timer. A time of zero is returned if the timer is
* not running.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) is returned on success. A call to up_timer_cancel() when
* the timer is not active should also return success; a negated errno
* value is returned on any failure.
static int oneshot_lh_cancel(struct oneshot_lowerhalf_s *lower,
struct timespec *ts)
struct esp32s3_oneshot_lowerhalf_s *priv =
(struct esp32s3_oneshot_lowerhalf_s *)lower;
irqstate_t flags;
int ret;
/* Cancel the timer */
flags = enter_critical_section();
ret = esp32s3_oneshot_cancel(&priv->oneshot, ts);
priv->callback = NULL;
priv->arg = NULL;
if (ret < 0)
tmrerr("Failed to cancel oneshot timer: %d\n", ret);
return ret;
* Name: oneshot_lh_current
* Description:
* Get the current time.
* Input Parameters:
* lower Caller allocated instance of the oneshot state structure. This
* structure must have been previously initialized via a call to
* oneshot_initialize().
* ts The location in which to return the current time. A time of zero
* is returned for the initialization moment.
* Returned Value:
* Zero (OK) is returned on success, a negated errno value is returned on
* any failure.
static int oneshot_lh_current(struct oneshot_lowerhalf_s *lower,
struct timespec *ts)
struct esp32s3_oneshot_lowerhalf_s *priv =
(struct esp32s3_oneshot_lowerhalf_s *)lower;
uint64_t current_us;
esp32s3_oneshot_current(&priv->oneshot, ¤t_us);
ts->tv_sec = current_us / USEC_PER_SEC;
current_us = current_us - ts->tv_sec * USEC_PER_SEC;
ts->tv_nsec = current_us * NSEC_PER_USEC;
return OK;
* Public Functions
* Name: oneshot_initialize
* Description:
* Initialize the oneshot timer and return a oneshot lower-half driver
* instance.
* Input Parameters:
* chan Timer counter channel to be used.
* resolution The required resolution of the timer in units of
* microseconds. NOTE that the range is restricted to the
* range of uint16_t (excluding zero).
* Returned Value:
* On success, a non-NULL instance of the oneshot lower-half driver is
* returned. NULL is return on any failure.
struct oneshot_lowerhalf_s *oneshot_initialize(int chan, uint16_t resolution)
struct esp32s3_oneshot_lowerhalf_s *priv;
int ret;
/* Allocate an instance of the lower-half driver */
priv = (struct esp32s3_oneshot_lowerhalf_s *)kmm_zalloc(
sizeof(struct esp32s3_oneshot_lowerhalf_s));
if (priv == NULL)
tmrerr("Failed to allocate oneshot state structure\n");
return NULL;
priv->lh.ops = &g_esp32s3_timer_ops; /* Pointer to the LH operations */
priv->callback = NULL; /* No callback yet */
priv->arg = NULL; /* No arg yet */
priv->resolution = resolution; /* Configured resolution */
/* Initialize esp32s3_oneshot_s structure */
ret = esp32s3_oneshot_initialize(&priv->oneshot, chan, resolution);
if (ret < 0)
tmrerr("Failed to initialize oneshot timer driver: %d\n", ret);
return NULL;
return &priv->lh;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user