include/sensors: import public pre-processor definitions types and to uorb.h

Signed-off-by: dongjiuzhu1 <>
This commit is contained in:
dongjiuzhu1 2024-04-12 09:43:21 +08:00 committed by Xiang Xiao
parent 33f3c3552f
commit cccdaf8f88
2 changed files with 662 additions and 618 deletions

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@ -33,289 +33,13 @@
#include <time.h>
#include <nuttx/fs/fs.h>
#include <nuttx/sensors/ioctl.h>
#include <nuttx/clock.h>
#include <nuttx/uorb.h>
* Pre-processor Definitions
/* sensor type definition */
/* Custom Sensor
* Some special sensor whose event size is not fixed or dynamically change,
* are called sensor of custom type. You should treat its events as byte
* streams and use sensor_custom_register to register character device
* with specific path, ex: "/dev/uorb/custom_dummy".
/* Accelerometer
* All values are in SI units (m/s^2), and measure the acceleration of the
* device minus the acceleration dut to gravity.
/* Magneric Field
* All values are in micro-Tesla (uT) and measure the geomagnetic field
* in X, Y and Z axis.
/* Gyroscope
* All values are in radians/second and measure the rate of rotation around
* the X, Y and Z axis.
/* Ambient Light
* The ambient light sensor value is returned in SI units lux.
/* Barometer
* All values are in hectopascal (hPa) and measure the athmospheric pressure.
* You can calculate altitude by perssure.
/* Proximity
* The values correspond to the distance to the nearest
* object in centimeters.
/* Relative Humidity
* A relative humidity sensor measure relative ambient air humidity and
* return a value in percent.
/* Ambient Temperature
* The ambient (room) temperature in degree Celsius
/* RGB
* We use these values of RGB to weighted to obtain the color of LED.
* These values is in unit percent.
/* Hall
* All values are in bool type (0 or 1) and it often is used to as switch.
* A values of 1 indicates that switch on.
/* IR (Infrared Ray)
* This sensor can detect a human approach and outputs a signal from
* interrupt pins. This sensor value is in lux.
#define SENSOR_TYPE_IR 11
/* GPS
* A sensor of this type returns gps data. Include latitude, longitude,
* altitude, horizontal position accuracy, vertical position accuracy,
* horizontal dilution of precision, vertical dilution of precision...
#define SENSOR_TYPE_GPS 12
/* Ultraviolet light sensor
* This sensor can identify the UV index in ambient light help people
* to effectively protect themselves from sunburns, cancer or eye damage.
* This value range is 0 - 15.
/* Noise Loudness
* A sensor of this type returns the loudness of noise in SI units (db)
/* PM25
* A sensor of this type returns the content of pm2.5 in the air
* This value is in SI units (ug/m^3)
#define SENSOR_TYPE_PM25 15
/* PM1P0
* A sensor of this type returns the content of pm1.0 in the air
* This value is in SI units (ug/m^3)
#define SENSOR_TYPE_PM1P0 16
/* PM10
* A sensor of this type returns the content of pm10 in the air
* This value is in SI units (ug/m^3)
#define SENSOR_TYPE_PM10 17
/* CO2
* A sensor of this type returns the content of CO2 in the air
* This value is in units (ppm-part per million).
#define SENSOR_TYPE_CO2 18
* The HCHO pollution is an important indicator of household air
* pollution. This value is in units (ppm-part per million).
/* TVOC (total volatile organic compounds)
* The indoor TVOC is cause indoor air pollution is one of the
* main reasons why. This value is in units (ppb-part per billion).
/* PH
* The acid-base degree describes the strength of the aqueous
* solution, expressed by pH. In the thermodynamic standard
* condition, the aqueous solution with pH=7 is neutral,
* pH<7 is acidic, and pH>7 is alkaline.
#define SENSOR_TYPE_PH 21
/* Dust
* A sensor of this type returns the content of dust in the air
* values is in ug/m^3.
/* Heart Rate
* A sensor of this type returns the current heart rate.
* Current heart rate is in beats per minute (BPM).
/* Heart Beat
* A sensor of this type returns an event evetytime
* a hear beat peek is detected. Peak here ideally corresponds
* to the positive peak in the QRS complex of and ECG signal.
/* ECG (Electrocardiogram)
* A sensor of this type returns the ECG voltage in μV. Sensors may amplify
* the input ECG signal. Here the ECG voltage is the un-amplified ECG
* voltage.
#define SENSOR_TYPE_ECG 25
/* PPG Dual (2-channel photoplethysmography)
* A sensor of this type returns the 2 channels PPG measurements in ADC
* counts and their corresponding LED current and ADC gains. The PPG
* measurements come from photodiodes and following current amplifiers and
* ADCs, where a photodiode switches reflected light intensity to current.
* The LED current decides the lightness of LED, which is the input of PPG
* measurements. The ADC gains are multipled on the output and affect SNR.
/* PPG Quad (4-channel photoplethysmography)
* A sensor of this type returns the 4 channels PPG measurements in ADC
* counts and their corresponding LED current and ADC gains. The PPG
* measurements come from photodiodes and following current amplifiers and
* ADCs, where a photodiode switches reflected light intensity to current.
* The LED current decides the lightness of LED, which is the input of PPG
* measurements. The ADC gains are multipled on the output and affect SNR.
/* Imdepance
* A sensor of this type returns the impedance measurements. An impedance
* is a complex number, which consists of a real part(resistance) and an
* imaginary part(reactance). Both of them are in uint Ohm(Ω).
/* OTS (Optical tracking sensor)
* A sensor of this type returns the OTS measurements in counts. It
* integrates an optical chip and a LASER light source in a single miniature
* package. It provies wide depth of field range on glossy surface, and
* design flexibility into a compact device.
#define SENSOR_TYPE_OTS 29
/* Sensor of gps satellite
* A sensor of this type returns the gps satellite information.
/* Wake gesture
* A sensor enabling waking up the device based on a device specific
* motion. 0: the device should sleep, 1: the device should wake up.
* Other values are uncalibrated values reported by the driver to
* uncalibrated topics.
/* CAP (Capacitive proximity sensor)
* The purpose of the proximity sensing interface is to detect when a
* conductive object (usually a body part i.e. finger, palm, face, etc.)
* is in the proximity of the system.
#define SENSOR_TYPE_CAP 32
/* Gas sensor
* This sensor measures the gas resistance, indicating the presence
* of volatile organic compounds in the air.
#define SENSOR_TYPE_GAS 33
/* Force
* A sensor of this type measures the force on it, and additionally
* compares the force with one or more specified thresholds. The sensor
* can output the force value directly. Moreover, it's usually applied
* as a press key. In that case, when it detects a force greater than
* some given threshold, a corresponding event is reported.
/* The total number of sensor */
/* The additional sensor open flags */
#define SENSOR_REMOTE (1u << 31)
#define SENSOR_PERSIST (1u << 30)
/* Body coordinate system position P0:
* +y
@ -435,10 +159,6 @@
/* GPS satellite info slots */
* Inline Functions
@ -455,294 +175,6 @@ static inline uint64_t sensor_get_timestamp(void)
* Public Types
/* These structures prefixed with sensor_event are sensor data, and member
* that are not used must be written as NAN or INT_MIN/INT_MAX, than
* reported.
struct sensor_accel /* Type: Accerometer */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float x; /* Axis X in m/s^2 */
float y; /* Axis Y in m/s^2 */
float z; /* Axis Z in m/s^2 */
float temperature; /* Temperature in degrees celsius */
struct sensor_gyro /* Type: Gyroscope */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float x; /* Axis X in rad/s */
float y; /* Axis Y in rad/s */
float z; /* Axis Z in rad/s */
float temperature; /* Temperature in degrees celsius */
struct sensor_mag /* Type: Magnetic Field */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float x; /* Axis X in Gauss or micro Tesla (uT) */
float y; /* Axis Y in Gauss or micro Tesla (uT) */
float z; /* Axis Z in Gauss or micro Tesla (uT) */
float temperature; /* Temperature in degrees celsius */
int32_t status; /* Status of calibration */
struct sensor_baro /* Type: Barometer */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float pressure; /* pressure measurement in millibar or hpa */
float temperature; /* Temperature in degrees celsius */
struct sensor_prox /* Type: proximity */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float proximity; /* distance to the nearest object in centimeters */
struct sensor_light /* Type: Light */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float light; /* in SI lux units */
float ir; /* in SI lux units */
struct sensor_humi /* Type: Relative Humidity */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float humidity; /* in percent */
struct sensor_temp /* Type: Ambient Temperature */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float temperature; /* Temperature in degrees celsius */
struct sensor_rgb /* Type: RGB */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float r; /* Units is percent */
float g; /* Units is percent */
float b; /* Units is percent */
struct sensor_hall /* Type: HALL */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
int32_t hall; /* Hall state */
struct sensor_ir /* Type: Infrared Ray */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float ir; /* in SI units lux */
struct sensor_gps /* Type: Gps */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Time since system start, Units is microseconds */
/* This is the timestamp which comes from the gps module. It might be
* unavailable right after cold start, indicated by a value of 0,
* Units is microseconds
uint64_t time_utc;
float latitude; /* Unit is degrees */
float longitude; /* Unit is degrees */
float altitude; /* Altitude above MSL(mean seal level), Unit is SI m */
float altitude_ellipsoid; /* Altitude bove Ellipsoid, Unit is SI m */
float eph; /* GPS horizontal position accuracy (metres) */
float epv; /* GPS vertical position accuracy (metres) */
float hdop; /* Horizontal dilution of precision */
float pdop; /* Position dilution of precision */
float vdop; /* Vertical dilution of precision */
float ground_speed; /* GPS ground speed, Unit is m/s */
/* Course over ground (NOT heading, but direction of movement),
* Unit is Si degrees
float course;
uint32_t satellites_used; /* Number of satellites used */
struct sensor_uv /* Type: Ultraviolet Light */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float uvi; /* the value range is 0 - 15 */
struct sensor_noise /* Type: Noise Loudness */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float db; /* in SI units db */
struct sensor_pm25 /* Type: PM25 */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float pm25; /* in SI units ug/m^3 */
struct sensor_pm10 /* Type: PM10 */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float pm10; /* in SI units ug/m^3 */
struct sensor_pm1p0 /* Type: PM1P0 */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float pm1p0; /* in SI units ug/m^3 */
struct sensor_co2 /* Type: CO2 */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float co2; /* in SI units ppm */
struct sensor_hcho /* Type: HCHO */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float hcho; /* in SI units ppm */
struct sensor_tvoc /* Type: TVOC */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float tvoc; /* in SI units ppm */
struct sensor_ph /* Type: PH */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float ph; /* PH = 7.0 neutral, PH < 7.0 acidic, PH > 7.0 alkaline */
struct sensor_dust /* Type: DUST */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float dust; /* is SI units ug/m^3 */
struct sensor_hrate /* Type: Heart Rate */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float bpm; /* is SI units BPM */
struct sensor_hbeat /* Type: Heart Beat */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float beat; /* Units is times/minutes */
struct sensor_ecg /* Type: ECG */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Unit is microseconds */
float ecg; /* Unit is μV */
uint32_t status; /* Status info */
struct sensor_ppgd /* Type: PPGD */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Unit is microseconds */
uint32_t ppg[2]; /* PPG from 2 channels. Units are ADC counts. */
uint32_t current; /* LED current. Unit is uA. */
uint16_t gain[2]; /* ADC gains of channels. Units are V/V or V/A. */
struct sensor_ppgq /* Type: PPDQ */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Unit is microseconds */
uint32_t ppg[4]; /* PPG from 4 channels. Units are ADC counts. */
uint32_t current; /* LED current. Unit is uA. */
uint16_t gain[4]; /* ADC gains of channels. Units are V/V or V/A. */
struct sensor_impd /* Type: Impedance */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Unit is microseconds */
float real; /* Real part, unit is Ohm(Ω) */
float imag; /* Imaginary part, unit is Ohm(Ω) */
struct sensor_ots /* Type: OTS */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Unit is microseconds */
int32_t x; /* Axis X in counts */
int32_t y; /* Axis Y in counts */
struct sensor_gps_satellite
uint64_t timestamp; /* Time since system start, Units is microseconds */
uint32_t count; /* Total number of messages of satellites visible */
uint32_t satellites; /* Total number of satellites in view */
struct satellite
uint32_t svid; /* Space vehicle ID */
/* Elevation (0: right on top of receiver,
* 90: on the horizon) of satellite
uint32_t elevation;
/* Direction of satellite, 0: 0 deg, 255: 360 deg. */
uint32_t azimuth;
/* dBHz, Signal to noise ratio of satellite C/N0, range 0..99,
* zero when not tracking this satellite
uint32_t snr;
struct sensor_wake_gesture /* Type: Wake gesture */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
/* wake gesture event, 0: sleep, 1: wake,
* others: Uncalibrated status value.
uint32_t event;
struct sensor_cap /* Type: Capacitance */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Unit is microseconds */
int32_t status; /* Detection status */
int32_t rawdata[4]; /* in SI units pF */
struct sensor_gas /* Type: Gas */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float gas_resistance; /* Gas resistance in kOhm */
struct sensor_force /* Type: Force */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Unit is microseconds */
float force; /* Force value, units is N */
int32_t event; /* Force event */
/* The sensor lower half driver interface */
struct sensor_lowerhalf_s;
@ -1119,55 +551,6 @@ struct sensor_lowerhalf_s
bool persist;
/* This structure describes the state for the sensor device */
struct sensor_state_s
unsigned long esize; /* The element size of circular buffer */
unsigned long nbuffer; /* The number of events that the circular buffer can hold */
unsigned long min_latency; /* The minimum batch latency for sensor, in us */
unsigned long min_interval; /* The minimum subscription interval for sensor, in us */
unsigned long nsubscribers; /* The number of subcribers */
unsigned long nadvertisers; /* The number of advertisers */
unsigned long generation; /* The recent generation of circular buffer */
FAR void *priv; /* The pointer to private data of userspace user */
/* This structure describes the state for the sensor user */
struct sensor_ustate_s
unsigned long esize; /* The element size of circular buffer */
unsigned long latency; /* The batch latency for user, in us */
unsigned long interval; /* The subscription interval for user, in us */
unsigned long generation; /* The recent generation of circular buffer */
/* This structure describes the register info for the user sensor */
struct sensor_reginfo_s
FAR const char *path; /* The path of user sensor */
unsigned long esize; /* The element size of user sensor */
unsigned long nbuffer; /* The number of queue buffered elements */
/* The flag is used to indicate that the validity of sensor data
* is persistent.
bool persist;
/* This structure describes the context custom ioctl for device */
struct sensor_ioctl_s
size_t len; /* The length of argument of ioctl */
char data[1]; /* The argument buf of ioctl */
* Public Function Prototypes

include/nuttx/uorb.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
* include/nuttx/uorb.h
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The
* ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Included Files
#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <nuttx/sensors/ioctl.h>
* Pre-processor Definitions
/* sensor type definition */
/* Custom Sensor
* Some special sensor whose event size is not fixed or dynamically change,
* are called sensor of custom type. You should treat its events as byte
* streams and use sensor_custom_register to register character device
* with specific path, ex: "/dev/uorb/custom_dummy".
/* Accelerometer
* All values are in SI units (m/s^2), and measure the acceleration of the
* device minus the acceleration dut to gravity.
/* Magneric Field
* All values are in micro-Tesla (uT) and measure the geomagnetic field
* in X, Y and Z axis.
/* Gyroscope
* All values are in radians/second and measure the rate of rotation around
* the X, Y and Z axis.
/* Ambient Light
* The ambient light sensor value is returned in SI units lux.
/* Barometer
* All values are in hectopascal (hPa) and measure the athmospheric pressure.
* You can calculate altitude by perssure.
/* Proximity
* The values correspond to the distance to the nearest
* object in centimeters.
/* Relative Humidity
* A relative humidity sensor measure relative ambient air humidity and
* return a value in percent.
/* Ambient Temperature
* The ambient (room) temperature in degree Celsius
/* RGB
* We use these values of RGB to weighted to obtain the color of LED.
* These values is in unit percent.
/* Hall
* All values are in bool type (0 or 1) and it often is used to as switch.
* A values of 1 indicates that switch on.
/* IR (Infrared Ray)
* This sensor can detect a human approach and outputs a signal from
* interrupt pins. This sensor value is in lux.
#define SENSOR_TYPE_IR 11
/* GPS
* A sensor of this type returns gps data. Include latitude, longitude,
* altitude, horizontal position accuracy, vertical position accuracy,
* horizontal dilution of precision, vertical dilution of precision...
#define SENSOR_TYPE_GPS 12
/* Ultraviolet light sensor
* This sensor can identify the UV index in ambient light help people
* to effectively protect themselves from sunburns, cancer or eye damage.
* This value range is 0 - 15.
/* Noise Loudness
* A sensor of this type returns the loudness of noise in SI units (db)
/* PM25
* A sensor of this type returns the content of pm2.5 in the air
* This value is in SI units (ug/m^3)
#define SENSOR_TYPE_PM25 15
/* PM1P0
* A sensor of this type returns the content of pm1.0 in the air
* This value is in SI units (ug/m^3)
#define SENSOR_TYPE_PM1P0 16
/* PM10
* A sensor of this type returns the content of pm10 in the air
* This value is in SI units (ug/m^3)
#define SENSOR_TYPE_PM10 17
/* CO2
* A sensor of this type returns the content of CO2 in the air
* This value is in units (ppm-part per million).
#define SENSOR_TYPE_CO2 18
* The HCHO pollution is an important indicator of household air
* pollution. This value is in units (ppm-part per million).
/* TVOC (total volatile organic compounds)
* The indoor TVOC is cause indoor air pollution is one of the
* main reasons why. This value is in units (ppb-part per billion).
/* PH
* The acid-base degree describes the strength of the aqueous
* solution, expressed by pH. In the thermodynamic standard
* condition, the aqueous solution with pH=7 is neutral,
* pH<7 is acidic, and pH>7 is alkaline.
#define SENSOR_TYPE_PH 21
/* Dust
* A sensor of this type returns the content of dust in the air
* values is in ug/m^3.
/* Heart Rate
* A sensor of this type returns the current heart rate.
* Current heart rate is in beats per minute (BPM).
/* Heart Beat
* A sensor of this type returns an event evetytime
* a hear beat peek is detected. Peak here ideally corresponds
* to the positive peak in the QRS complex of and ECG signal.
/* ECG (Electrocardiogram)
* A sensor of this type returns the ECG voltage in μV. Sensors may amplify
* the input ECG signal. Here the ECG voltage is the un-amplified ECG
* voltage.
#define SENSOR_TYPE_ECG 25
/* PPG Dual (2-channel photoplethysmography)
* A sensor of this type returns the 2 channels PPG measurements in ADC
* counts and their corresponding LED current and ADC gains. The PPG
* measurements come from photodiodes and following current amplifiers and
* ADCs, where a photodiode switches reflected light intensity to current.
* The LED current decides the lightness of LED, which is the input of PPG
* measurements. The ADC gains are multipled on the output and affect SNR.
/* PPG Quad (4-channel photoplethysmography)
* A sensor of this type returns the 4 channels PPG measurements in ADC
* counts and their corresponding LED current and ADC gains. The PPG
* measurements come from photodiodes and following current amplifiers and
* ADCs, where a photodiode switches reflected light intensity to current.
* The LED current decides the lightness of LED, which is the input of PPG
* measurements. The ADC gains are multipled on the output and affect SNR.
/* Imdepance
* A sensor of this type returns the impedance measurements. An impedance
* is a complex number, which consists of a real part(resistance) and an
* imaginary part(reactance). Both of them are in uint Ohm(Ω).
/* OTS (Optical tracking sensor)
* A sensor of this type returns the OTS measurements in counts. It
* integrates an optical chip and a LASER light source in a single miniature
* package. It provies wide depth of field range on glossy surface, and
* design flexibility into a compact device.
#define SENSOR_TYPE_OTS 29
/* Sensor of gps satellite
* A sensor of this type returns the gps satellite information.
/* Wake gesture
* A sensor enabling waking up the device based on a device specific
* motion. 0: the device should sleep, 1: the device should wake up.
* Other values are uncalibrated values reported by the driver to
* uncalibrated topics.
/* CAP (Capacitive proximity sensor)
* The purpose of the proximity sensing interface is to detect when a
* conductive object (usually a body part i.e. finger, palm, face, etc.)
* is in the proximity of the system.
#define SENSOR_TYPE_CAP 32
/* Gas sensor
* This sensor measures the gas resistance, indicating the presence
* of volatile organic compounds in the air.
#define SENSOR_TYPE_GAS 33
/* Force
* A sensor of this type measures the force on it, and additionally
* compares the force with one or more specified thresholds. The sensor
* can output the force value directly. Moreover, it's usually applied
* as a press key. In that case, when it detects a force greater than
* some given threshold, a corresponding event is reported.
/* The total number of sensor */
/* The additional sensor open flags */
#define SENSOR_REMOTE (1u << 31)
#define SENSOR_PERSIST (1u << 30)
/* GPS satellite info slots */
* Public Types
/* These structures prefixed with sensor_event are sensor data, and member
* that are not used must be written as NAN or INT_MIN/INT_MAX, than
* reported.
struct sensor_accel /* Type: Accerometer */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float x; /* Axis X in m/s^2 */
float y; /* Axis Y in m/s^2 */
float z; /* Axis Z in m/s^2 */
float temperature; /* Temperature in degrees celsius */
struct sensor_gyro /* Type: Gyroscope */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float x; /* Axis X in rad/s */
float y; /* Axis Y in rad/s */
float z; /* Axis Z in rad/s */
float temperature; /* Temperature in degrees celsius */
struct sensor_mag /* Type: Magnetic Field */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float x; /* Axis X in Gauss or micro Tesla (uT) */
float y; /* Axis Y in Gauss or micro Tesla (uT) */
float z; /* Axis Z in Gauss or micro Tesla (uT) */
float temperature; /* Temperature in degrees celsius */
int32_t status; /* Status of calibration */
struct sensor_baro /* Type: Barometer */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float pressure; /* pressure measurement in millibar or hpa */
float temperature; /* Temperature in degrees celsius */
struct sensor_prox /* Type: proximity */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float proximity; /* distance to the nearest object in centimeters */
struct sensor_light /* Type: Light */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float light; /* in SI lux units */
float ir; /* in SI lux units */
struct sensor_humi /* Type: Relative Humidity */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float humidity; /* in percent */
struct sensor_temp /* Type: Ambient Temperature */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float temperature; /* Temperature in degrees celsius */
struct sensor_rgb /* Type: RGB */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float r; /* Units is percent */
float g; /* Units is percent */
float b; /* Units is percent */
struct sensor_hall /* Type: HALL */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
int32_t hall; /* Hall state */
struct sensor_ir /* Type: Infrared Ray */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float ir; /* in SI units lux */
struct sensor_gps /* Type: Gps */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Time since system start, Units is microseconds */
/* This is the timestamp which comes from the gps module. It might be
* unavailable right after cold start, indicated by a value of 0,
* Units is microseconds
uint64_t time_utc;
float latitude; /* Unit is degrees */
float longitude; /* Unit is degrees */
float altitude; /* Altitude above MSL(mean seal level), Unit is SI m */
float altitude_ellipsoid; /* Altitude bove Ellipsoid, Unit is SI m */
float eph; /* GPS horizontal position accuracy (metres) */
float epv; /* GPS vertical position accuracy (metres) */
float hdop; /* Horizontal dilution of precision */
float pdop; /* Position dilution of precision */
float vdop; /* Vertical dilution of precision */
float ground_speed; /* GPS ground speed, Unit is m/s */
/* Course over ground (NOT heading, but direction of movement),
* Unit is Si degrees
float course;
uint32_t satellites_used; /* Number of satellites used */
struct sensor_uv /* Type: Ultraviolet Light */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float uvi; /* the value range is 0 - 15 */
struct sensor_noise /* Type: Noise Loudness */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float db; /* in SI units db */
struct sensor_pm25 /* Type: PM25 */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float pm25; /* in SI units ug/m^3 */
struct sensor_pm10 /* Type: PM10 */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float pm10; /* in SI units ug/m^3 */
struct sensor_pm1p0 /* Type: PM1P0 */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float pm1p0; /* in SI units ug/m^3 */
struct sensor_co2 /* Type: CO2 */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float co2; /* in SI units ppm */
struct sensor_hcho /* Type: HCHO */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float hcho; /* in SI units ppm */
struct sensor_tvoc /* Type: TVOC */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float tvoc; /* in SI units ppm */
struct sensor_ph /* Type: PH */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float ph; /* PH = 7.0 neutral, PH < 7.0 acidic, PH > 7.0 alkaline */
struct sensor_dust /* Type: DUST */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float dust; /* is SI units ug/m^3 */
struct sensor_hrate /* Type: Heart Rate */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float bpm; /* is SI units BPM */
struct sensor_hbeat /* Type: Heart Beat */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float beat; /* Units is times/minutes */
struct sensor_ecg /* Type: ECG */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Unit is microseconds */
float ecg; /* Unit is μV */
uint32_t status; /* Status info */
struct sensor_ppgd /* Type: PPGD */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Unit is microseconds */
uint32_t ppg[2]; /* PPG from 2 channels. Units are ADC counts. */
uint32_t current; /* LED current. Unit is uA. */
uint16_t gain[2]; /* ADC gains of channels. Units are V/V or V/A. */
struct sensor_ppgq /* Type: PPDQ */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Unit is microseconds */
uint32_t ppg[4]; /* PPG from 4 channels. Units are ADC counts. */
uint32_t current; /* LED current. Unit is uA. */
uint16_t gain[4]; /* ADC gains of channels. Units are V/V or V/A. */
struct sensor_impd /* Type: Impedance */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Unit is microseconds */
float real; /* Real part, unit is Ohm(Ω) */
float imag; /* Imaginary part, unit is Ohm(Ω) */
struct sensor_ots /* Type: OTS */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Unit is microseconds */
int32_t x; /* Axis X in counts */
int32_t y; /* Axis Y in counts */
struct sensor_gps_satellite
uint64_t timestamp; /* Time since system start, Units is microseconds */
uint32_t count; /* Total number of messages of satellites visible */
uint32_t satellites; /* Total number of satellites in view */
struct satellite
uint32_t svid; /* Space vehicle ID */
/* Elevation (0: right on top of receiver,
* 90: on the horizon) of satellite
uint32_t elevation;
/* Direction of satellite, 0: 0 deg, 255: 360 deg. */
uint32_t azimuth;
/* dBHz, Signal to noise ratio of satellite C/N0, range 0..99,
* zero when not tracking this satellite
uint32_t snr;
struct sensor_wake_gesture /* Type: Wake gesture */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
/* wake gesture event, 0: sleep, 1: wake,
* others: Uncalibrated status value.
uint32_t event;
struct sensor_cap /* Type: Capacitance */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Unit is microseconds */
int32_t status; /* Detection status */
int32_t rawdata[4]; /* in SI units pF */
struct sensor_gas /* Type: Gas */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Units is microseconds */
float gas_resistance; /* Gas resistance in kOhm */
struct sensor_force /* Type: Force */
uint64_t timestamp; /* Unit is microseconds */
float force; /* Force value, units is N */
int32_t event; /* Force event */
/* This structure describes the state for the sensor device */
struct sensor_state_s
unsigned long esize; /* The element size of circular buffer */
unsigned long nbuffer; /* The number of events that the circular buffer can hold */
unsigned long min_latency; /* The minimum batch latency for sensor, in us */
unsigned long min_interval; /* The minimum subscription interval for sensor, in us */
unsigned long nsubscribers; /* The number of subcribers */
unsigned long nadvertisers; /* The number of advertisers */
unsigned long generation; /* The recent generation of circular buffer */
FAR void *priv; /* The pointer to private data of userspace user */
/* This structure describes the state for the sensor user */
struct sensor_ustate_s
unsigned long esize; /* The element size of circular buffer */
unsigned long latency; /* The batch latency for user, in us */
unsigned long interval; /* The subscription interval for user, in us */
unsigned long generation; /* The recent generation of circular buffer */
/* This structure describes the register info for the user sensor */
struct sensor_reginfo_s
FAR const char *path; /* The path of user sensor */
unsigned long esize; /* The element size of user sensor */
unsigned long nbuffer; /* The number of queue buffered elements */
/* The flag is used to indicate that the validity of sensor data
* is persistent.
bool persist;
/* This structure describes the context custom ioctl for device */
struct sensor_ioctl_s
size_t len; /* The length of argument of ioctl */
char data[1]; /* The argument buf of ioctl */