diff --git a/configs/pcblogic-pic32mx/README.txt b/configs/pcblogic-pic32mx/README.txt index d24c8395c6..b6a4d54da3 100644 --- a/configs/pcblogic-pic32mx/README.txt +++ b/configs/pcblogic-pic32mx/README.txt @@ -9,10 +9,157 @@ MCU plus voltage regulation, debug interface, and an OTG connector. Contents ======== + PIC32MX460F512L Pin Out + MAX3232 Connection Toolchains PIC32MX Configuration Options Configurations +PIC32MX460F512L Pin Out +======================= + + PIC32MX460F512L 100-Pin TQFP (USB) Pin Out. The mapping to the pins on + the PCL Logic board are very simple, each pin is brought out to a connector + label with the PIC32MX460F512L pin number. + + On board logic only manages power, crystal, and USB signals. + + LEFT SIDE, TOP-TO-BOTTOM (if pin 1 is in upper left) + PIN NAME + ---- ---------------------------- + 1 RG15 + 2 Vdd + 3 PMD5/RE5 + 4 PMD6/RE6 + 5 PMD7/RE7 + 6 T2CK/RC1 + 7 T3CK/RC2 + 8 T4CK/RC3 + 9 T5CK/SDI1/RC4 + 10 SCK2/PMA5/CN8/RG6 + 11 SDI2/PMA4/CN9/RG7 + 12 SDO2/PMA3/CN10/RG8 + 13 MCLR + 14 SS2/PMA2/CN11/RG9 + 15 Vss + 16 Vdd + 17 TMS/RA0 + 18 INT1/RE8 + 19 INT2/RE9 + 20 AN5/C1IN+/VBUSON/CN7/RB5 + 21 AN4/C1IN-/CN6/RB4 + 22 AN3/C2IN+/CN5/RB3 + 23 AN2/C2IN-/CN4/RB2 + 24 PGEC1/AN1/CN3/RB1 + 25 PGED1/AN0/CN2/RB0 + + BOTTOM SIDE, LEFT-TO-RIGHT (if pin 1 is in upper left) + PIN NAME + ---- ---------------------------- + 26 PGEC2/AN6/OCFA/RB6 + 27 PGED2/AN7/RB7 + 28 VREF-/CVREF-/PMA7/RA9 + 29 VREF+/CVREF+/PMA6/RA10 + 30 AVdd + 31 AVss + 32 AN8/C1OUT/RB8 + 33 AN9/C2OUT/RB9 + 34 AN10/CVREFOUT/PMA13/RB10 + 35 AN11/PMA12/RB11 + 36 Vss + 37 Vdd + 38 TCK/RA1 + 39 U2RTS/RF13 + 40 U2CTS/RF12 + 41 AN12/PMA11/RB12 + 42 AN13/PMA10/RB13 + 43 AN14/PMALH/PMA1/RB14 + 44 AN15/OCFB/PMALL/PMA0/CN12/RB15 + 45 Vss + 46 Vdd + 47 U1CTS/CN20/RD14 + 48 U1RTS/CN21/RD15 + 49 U2RX/PMA9/CN17/RF4 + 50 U2TX/PMA8/CN18/RF5 + + RIGHT SIDE, TOP-TO-BOTTOM (if pin 1 is in upper left) + PIN NAME + ---- ---------------------------- + 75 Vss + 74 SOSCO/T1CK/CN0/RC14 + 73 SOSCI/CN1/RC13 + 72 SDO1/OC1/INT0/RD0 + 71 IC4/PMCS1/PMA14/RD11 + 70 SCK1/IC3/PMCS2/PMA15/RD10 + 69 SS1/IC2/RD9 + 68 RTCC/IC1/RD8 + 67 SDA1/INT4/RA15 + 66 SCL1/INT3/RA14 + 65 Vss + 64 OSC2/CLKO/RC15 + 63 OSC1/CLKI/RC12 + 62 Vdd + 61 TDO/RA5 + 60 TDI/RA4 + 59 SDA2/RA3 + 58 SCL2/RA2 + 57 D+/RG2 + 56 D-/RG3 + 55 VUSB + 54 VBUS + 53 U1TX/RF8 + 52 U1RX/RF2 + 51 USBID/RF3 + + TOP SIDE, LEFT-TO-RIGHT (if pin 1 is in upper left) + PIN NAME + ---- ---------------------------- + 100 PMD4/RE4 + 99 PMD3/RE3 + 98 PMD2/RE2 + 97 TRD0/RG13 + 96 TRD1/RG12 + 95 TRD2/RG14 + 94 PMD1/RE1 + 93 PMD0/RE0 + 92 TRD3/RA7 + 91 TRCLK/RA6 + 90 PMD8/RG0 + 89 PMD9/RG1 + 88 PMD10/RF1 + 87 PMD11/RF0 + 86 ENVREG + 85 Vcap/Vddcore + 84 PMD15/CN16/RD7 + 83 PMD14/CN15/RD6 + 82 PMRD/CN14/RD5 + 81 OC5/PMWR/CN13/RD4 + 80 PMD13/CN19/RD13 + 79 IC5/PMD12/RD12 + 78 OC4/RD3 + 77 OC3/RD2 + 76 OC2/RD1 + + Additional Signals available from the board: + + PROGRAM CONNECTOR: Vpp Vdd GND PGED1 PGEC1 NC PGED2 PGEC2 + POWER POINTS: +5Vin +3.3V AVdd AGND Vdd GND USB+5V + +MAX3232 Connection +================== + + I use a tiny, MAX3232 board that I got from the eBay made by NKC + Electronics (http://www.nkcelectronics.com/). As of this writing, it + is also available here: http://www.nkcelectronics.com/rs232-to-ttl-3v--55v-convert232356.html + + CTS -- Not connected + RTS -- Not connected + TX -- Pin 53: U1TX/RF8 + RX -- Pin 52: U1RX/RF2 + GND -- POWER POINT: GND + Vcc -- POWER POINT: Vdd (3.3V) -- Or P32_VBUS (+5V) + -- Or +5V from a USB PC port. + Toolchains ========== @@ -66,7 +213,7 @@ Toolchains building on C:), then you may need to modify tools/mkdeps.sh PIC32MX Configuration Options -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +============================= General Architecture Settings: @@ -246,7 +393,7 @@ PIC32MX Configuration Options PIC32MXx USB Host Configuration (the PIC32MX does not support USB Host) Configurations -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +============== Each PIC32MX configuration is maintained in a sudirectory and can be selected as follow: