Prep for release 6.30
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<tr align="center" bgcolor="#e4e4e4">
<h1><big><font color="#3c34ec"><i>NuttX RTOS</i></font></big></h1>
<p>Last Updated: August 5, 2013</p>
<p>Last Updated: September 14, 2013</p>
@ -60,13 +60,6 @@
What kinds of host cross-development platforms can be used with NuttX?
<td valign="top" width="22"><img height="20" width="20" src="favicon.ico"></td>
<a href="#footprint">Memory Footprint</a>.<br>
Just how big is it? Do I have enough memory to use NuttX?
<td valign="top" width="22"><img height="20" width="20" src="favicon.ico"></td>
@ -78,9 +71,10 @@
<td valign="top" width="22"><img height="20" width="20" src="favicon.ico"></td>
<a href="#history">Release History</a><br>
<a href="">Release Notes</a>
What has changed in the last release of NuttX?
What unreleased changes are pending in GIT?
What has changed in previous releases of NuttX?
Are there any <a href="#pendingchanges">unreleased changes</a>.
@ -812,7 +806,7 @@
<li>Built-in <a href="UsbTrace.html">USB trace</a> functionality for USB debug.</li>
<li>Built-in <a href="UsbTrace.html">USB device</a> and USB host trace functionality for non-invasive USB debug.</li>
@ -1103,380 +1097,57 @@
<h2>NuttX-6.29 Release Notes</h2>
<h2>Git Repository</h2>
The 95<sup>th</sup> release of NuttX, Version 6.29, was made on July 31, 2013, and is available for download from the
The working version of NuttX is available from the SourceForge GIT repository <a href="">here</a>.
That same page provides the URLS and instructions for <i>cloning</i> the GIT repository.
<h2>Released Versions</h2>
In addition to the ever-changing GIT repository, there are frozen released versions of NuttX available.
The current release is NuttX 6.30.
NuttX 6.30 is the 97<sup>th</sup> release of NuttX.
It was released on September 14, 2013, and is available for download from the
<a href="">SourceForge</a> website.
Note that the release consists of two tarballs: <code>nuttx-6.29.tar.gz</code> and <code>apps-6.29.tar.gz</code>.
Both may be needed (see the top-level <code>nuttx/README.txt</code> file for build information)
The change log associated with the release is available <a href="#currentrelease">here</a>.
Note that the release consists of two tarballs: <code>nuttx-6.30.tar.gz</code> and <code>apps-6.20.tar.gz</code>.
Both may be needed (see the top-level <code>nuttx/README.txt</code> file for build information).
Release notes for NuttX 6.30 are avaialble <a href="">here</a>.
The change log associated with the release is available <a href="ChangeLog.txt">here</a>.
Unreleased changes after this release are available in GIT.
These unreleased changes are also listed <a href="#pendingchanges">here</a>.
<b>Additional new features and extended functionality</b>
<h2><a name="pendingchanges"><b>Unreleased Changes</b>:</a></h2>
The ChangeLog for the not-yet-released version of NuttX is available at the bottom of the ChangeLog file that can viewed in the <a href="">SourceForge GIT</a>.
Generalized the SSD1306 driver and added support UG-2832HSWEG04 which is very similar to the existing support for the UG-2864HSWEG01.
Added support for a generic bit-bang SPI driver.
This includes
both a common "upper half" driver as well as a platform-specific "lower half " drivers based on a common "template. "
<b>ARMv7-A, Cortex-A5</b>
The ChangeLog for the not-yet-released version of apps is available at the bottom of the ChangeLog file that can viewed in the <a href="">SourceForge GIT</a>.
Added support for the ARMv7-A architecture and the Cortex-A5 in particular.
<b>ARMv7-M, Cortex-M3/4</b>
The ChangeLog for the not-yet-released version of NxWidgets is available at the bottom of the ChangeLog file that can viewed in the <a href="">SourceForge GIT</a>.
Modified how some registers are copied during a context switch (with "lazy" FPU register saving).
This should save some context switching time when the context switch is due to interrupt level processing.
The ChangeLog for the not-yet-released version of pascal is available at the bottom of the ChangeLog file that can viewed in the <a href="">SourceForge GIT</a>.
Added support for a separate CCM memory heap.
This may be useful for segregating allocations for CCM memory (which cannot be used for DMA) from other allocations (that may be used used for DMA).
<b>STM32 Drivers</b>
The ChangeLog for the not-yet-released version of buildroot is available at the bottom of the ChangeLog file that can viewed in the <a href="">SourceForge GIT</a>.
DAC: Added support for DAC DMA (contributed by John Wharington).
I2C: An I2C driver for the STM32 F3 family (from John Wharington).
<b>Atmel AT91 SAM/4</b>
Add support for SAM3X and SAM3A chips
<b>Atmel AT91 SAM/4 Drivers</b>
Re-architect the SAM3/4 SPI driver so that is it compatible with the SPI drivers of other MCUs.
Added register definition file for the SAM4L LCD peripheral.
Added SAM4L PDCA register definition file
<b>Atmel AT91 SAM/4 Boards</b>
SAM4L-Xplained: Added support for the SPI-based SD card on the I/O1 module.
SAM4L-Xplained: Added a driver for the LED1 segment LCD module.
SAM4L-Xplained: Added support for the UG-2832HSWEG04 OLED on the SAM4L Xplained Pro's OLED1 module
SAM4S-Xplained: Added support for on-board 1MB SRAM.
Arduino Due: Basic support for the Arduino Due (SAM3X) is now included.
SAM3U-EK: The touchscreen is now functional.
<b>Atmel AT91 SAMA5D3</b>
Added support for the Atmel AT91SAMA5D3 Cortex-A5 chip family.
<b>Atmel AT91 SAMA5D3 Boards</b>
Added support for the Atmel SAMA5D3x-EK boards which use the AT91 SAMA5D3<i>x</i> chips (<i>x</i>=1,3,4,5).
<b>Freescale KL25Z Drivers</b>
Freescale KL25Z TSI register definitions and example TSI driver for the Freedom KL25Z board from Alan Carvalho de Assis.
Added SPI driver and register definitions for the Freescale KL25Z.
Added a framework for controlling SPI-related discrete inputs and outputs.
Taken from work by Alan Carvalho de Assis
<b>Build System</b>
New sub-directories to hold SPI-related files:
<code>includes/nuttx/spi.h</code> moved to <code>include/nuttx/spi/.</code>;
SPI-related configuration logic moved from <code>drivers/Kconfig</code> to <code>drivers/spi/kconfig</code>.
Finally... I changed the naming of configuration variables like <code>CONFIG_DRAM_</code> to <code>CONFIG_RAM_</code>.
This has bothered me for a long time since most boards don't have DRAM.
The more generic RAM naming should not produce so much <i>cognitive dissonance</i>.
Added CRC16 support.
Added Zmodem file transfer support.
This may be used as an embedded library or may be built as <code>sz</code> and <code>rz</code> commands that can be executed from the NSH command line.
C++ initializers should be set once and, preferably, in the context of the task that uses any C++ statically initialized classes.
This only becomes an issue if <code>cxxtest</code> or <code>helloxx</code> are built as NSH builtin applications.
Then you want the initialization done in the context of <code>cxxtext</code> or <code>helloxx</code> tasks and not in the NSH task context(and certainly not twice).
Added configuration options to control who does the C++ initialization.
NSH now does not do C++ initialization be default and must be configured to do otherwise. Conversely, <code>cxxtest</code> and <code>helloxx</code> will always do C++ initialization unless configured do otherwise.
<code>examples/cxxtext</code>: Add an <code>ostream</code> test as provided by Michael.
NSH: Added a <code>cmp</code> command that can be used to compare two files for equivalence.
Returns an indication if the files differ.
Contributed by Andrew Tridgell (via Lorenz Meier).
<b>Efforts In Progress</b>.
The following are features that are partially implemented but present in this release.
They are not likely be be completed soon.
<b>Audio System</b>
A complete audio subsystem include CODECs, higher level management, interface definitions, and audio drivers was contributed by Ken Pettit.
This work has not been completely verified as of this release and so is categorized as a work-in-progress.
At present, progress is blocked due to issues interfacing with the VS1053 audio DAC on the Mikroe STM32F4 board.
<b>kconfig-fronted Configuration</b>
Conversion of old configurations to use the <code>kconfig-frontends</code> tool is an ongoing effort that will continue for some time.
At this time, only 45% of the configurations have been converted to use the <code>kconfig-frontends</code> tools.
<b>Bugfixes</b> (see the change log for details).
Some of these are very important:
<b>File Systems</b>
Fixed compilation error if no file systems are enabled: Change <code>error</code> to <code>ERROR</code>.
Read-Ahead/Write buffering: Correct typos that can cause failures in some configurations (From Chia Cheng Tsao).
Remove the wait for the touchscreen busy bit in the ADS7843E driver.
From my reading of the ADS7843 spec, it would not be appropriate to wait for the BUSY bit to de-asserted anyway (since it is only de-asserted when we read the data).
Most boards do not even bother to provide the BUSY bit.
MMC/SD SPI based driver:
Driver needs to make sure that the SPI mode and data width are correct.
ENC28J60: Change buffer ordering to work around Errata.
From Dave (ziggurat29).
<b>USB Device Controller Drivers</b>
Fixed a typo in the composite device driver unitialization logic.
<code>DEV1</code> should be <code>DEV2</code> in one case.
<code>usbdev.h</code>: Fix some typos that cause compiler errors when <code>CONFIG_USBDEV_DMA</code> and <code>CONFIG_USBDEV_DMAMEMORY </code>are selected (From Chia Cheng Tsao).
Fix a bug (uninitialized register error) that crept in the ARM9 boot-up code several years ago.
Obviously no one has used the ARM9 NuttX port for years!
<b>STM32 Drivers</b>
Fix STM32 OTF FS endpoint allocation logic.
Apparently the same endpoint can be allocated as both an IN or an OUT endpoint.
The existing implementation only supported one allocation, either IN or OUT.
This resulted in failures to allocate endpoints when used with the CDC/ACM + MSC composite driver (From Chia Cheng Tsao).
SDIO: Add support for the data block end (<code>DBCKEND</code>) interrupt to terminate transfers (From Chia Cheng Tsao).
DAC: Fixed numerous DAC driver errors and added support for DAC DMA (contributed by John Wharington).
SAM4S: Correct configuration of PIO pins for SAM4S B and C peripherals.
Need to disable write protection before configuring PIO pins.
GPIO configuration logic must protect against re-entrancy.
Clocking must be applied to the SMC module for the 3X and 3A family in order for the NFC SRAM to be functional.
Fixed some errors for interrupts on ports D-F.
<b>SAM3/4 Drivers</b>
Common SPI driver: Fix SPI mode setting.
In the SAM3/4 family, the clock phase control (<code>CPHA</code>) is inverted (<code>NPHA</code>).
Also fixed an incorrect pointer test.
It was checking if the wrong pointer was NULL.
<b>SAM3/4 Boards</b>
SAM3U-EK: Fix polarity of the <code>/PENIRQ</code> signal (it is active low).
The SAM3U-EK board now runs at 96MHz.
<code>apps/examples/nxhello</code>: Minor fix for compilation error when the display resolution is low (< 8bpp) due to a typo that has been there for a long time.
Also Correct default colors when in Y1 code mode.
<code>apps/system/ramtest</code>: The RAM test was not correctly builtinto the configuration and build system.
<code>apps/examples/composite</code>: Change to prevent some false alarm debug assertions (From Chia Cheng Tao).
See the <a href="#currentrelease">ChangeLog</a> for additional, detailed changes.
<table width ="100%">
<tr bgcolor="#e4e4e4">
@ -1993,13 +1664,18 @@
Initial support for the SAMA5D3x-EK was released in NuttX-6.29.
This initial support is very minimal:
There are simple test configurations that run out of internal SRAM and two configurations that run out of the on-boar NOR FLASH:
That initial support was minimal:
There are simple test configurations that run out of internal SRAM and extended configurations that run out of the on-board NOR FLASH:
(1) An OS test configuration that verifies the correct port of NuttX to the part and
(2) a NuttShell (<a href="NuttShell.html">NSH</a>) configuration that might be the basis for further application development.
(2) A barebones NuttShell (<a href="NuttShell.html">NSH</a>) configuration that can be used as the basis for further application development.
(3) A full-loaded NuttShell (<a href="NuttShell.html">NSH</a>) configuration that demonstrates all of the SAMA5D3x features.
The following drivers and features were added in Nuttx 6.30:
DMA and PIO interrupts, drivers for SPI, AT25 Serial Flash, Two Wire Interface (TWI), and HSMCI memory cards included in NuttX-6.30.
NuttX-6.30 also introduces full USB support: High speed device controller driver, and OHCI (low- and full-speed) and EHCI (high-speed) host controller driver support.
Develop continues.
Support of DMA and PIO interrupts and drivers for SPI, AT25 Serial Flash, and HSMCI memory cards included in NuttX-6.30.
More device drivers are needed to make this a more complete port, particularly USB and networking.
Additional driver developement is underway (include LCD and networking) and there should be available in NuttX-6.31.
Refer to the NuttX board <a href="">README</a> file for further information.
<b>Development Environments:</b>
@ -2451,6 +2127,7 @@ nsh>
Configurations for the basic OS test and NSH are available and verified.
Networking is functional.
Support for an external ENCX24J600 network was added in NuttX 6.30.
@ -2884,7 +2561,7 @@ nsh>
<li>Easy access to most MCU pins.</li>
Refer to the <a href="">STMicro web site</a> for further information about this board and to
Refer to the <a href="">STMicro web site</a> for further information about this board and to
@ -4095,59 +3772,6 @@ if [ -x "$WINELOADER" ]; then exec "$WINELOADER" "$appname" "$@"; fi
<table width ="100%">
<tr bgcolor="#e4e4e4">
<a name="footprint"><h1>Memory Footprint</h1></a>
<p><b>C5471 (ARM7)</b>
The build for this ARM7 target that includes most of the OS features and
a broad range of OS tests. The size of this executable as given by the
Linux <tt>size</tt> command is (3/9/07):
text data bss dec hex filename
53272 428 3568 57268 dfb4 nuttx
<p><b>DM320 (ARM9)</b>
This build for the ARM9 target includes a significant subset of OS
features, a filesystem, Ethernet driver, full TCP/IP, UDP and (minimal)
ICMP stacks (via uIP) and a small network test application: (11/8/07,
configuration netconfig, apps/examples/nettest)
text data bss dec hex filename
49472 296 3972 53740 d1ec nuttx
Another build for the ARM9 target includes a minimal OS feature
set, Ethernet driver, full TCP/IP and (minimal) ICMP stacks, and
a small webserver: (11/20/07, configuration uipconfig, apps/examples/uip)
text data bss dec hex filename
52040 72 4148 56260 dbc4 nuttx
A reduced functionality OS test for the 8052 target requires only
about 18-19K:
Stack starts at: 0x21 (sp set to 0x20) with 223 bytes available.
Other memory:
Name Start End Size Max
---------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
EXTERNAL RAM 0x0100 0x02fd 510 7936
ROM/EPROM/FLASH 0x2100 0x6e55 19798 24384
<table width ="100%">
<tr bgcolor="#e4e4e4">
@ -4167,445 +3791,6 @@ Other memory:
<table width ="100%">
<tr bgcolor="#e4e4e4">
<a name="history"><h1>Release History</h1></a>
ChangeLog snapshots associated with the previous, current, and future release are available below.
<center><table width ="80%">
<td valign="top" width="22"><img height="20" width="20" src="favicon.ico"></td>
<a href="ChangeLog.txt">Change logs for previous NuttX releases</a><br>
<td valign="top" width="22"><img height="20" width="20" src="favicon.ico"></td>
<a href="#currentrelease">ChangeLog for the current NuttX releases</a><br>
<td valign="top" width="22"><img height="20" width="20" src="favicon.ico"></td>
<a href="#pendingchanges">Unreleased changes</a>
<table width ="100%">
<tr bgcolor="#e4e4e4">
<a name="currentrelease">ChangeLog for the Current Release</a>
6.29 2013-07-31 Gregory Nutt <>
* arch/arm/src/sam34/chip/sam4l_pinmap.h: Change naming of some pin
configurations to match names used with other SAM part (2013-6-15).
* arch/arm/src/sam34/sam4l_clockconfig.c: Corrected some typos
* configs/sam4l-xplained/src/sam_buttons.c: Eliminate a warning
* configs/sam4l-xplained/src/sam_mmcsd.c, sam_nsh.c, sam_spi.c,
sam3u-ek.h, Kconfig, Makefile, sam4l-xplained.h,
configs/sam4l-xplained/README.txt, and
configs/sam4l-xplained/include/board.h: Add support for the SPI-
based SD card on the I/O1 module (2013-6-15).
* arch/arm/src/sam34/sam_spi.c: Re-architect the SAM3/4 SPI driver
so that is it compatible with the SPI drivers of other MCUs
* configs/sam3u-ek/src/up_touchscreen.c and configs/sam4l-xplained/src/sam_mmcsd.c:
Changed needed because of the above change to the SAM3/4 SPI
interface (2013-6-16).
* drivers/input/ads7843e.c: Remove the wait for the touchscreen busy
bit. I don't see the busy bit changing on the SAM3U-EK board. But
maybe it is not supposed to. From my reading of the ADS7843 spec, it
would not be appropriate to wait for the BUSY bit to de-asserted
anyway (since it is only de-asserted when we read the data)
* configs/sam3u-ek/src/up_touchscreen.c: Fix polarity of the /PENIRQ
signal (it is active low) (2013-6-16).
* configs/sam3u-ek/include/board.h: The SAM3U-EK board now runs at
96MHz. This might have broken some things? (2013-6-17).
* drivers/mmcsd/mmcsd-spi.c: Driver need to make sure that the SPI mode
and data width are correct (2013-6-17).
* arch/arm/src/kinetis/kinetis_tsi.h: Corrections to the Kinetis
* arch/arm/src/sam34/sam_spi.c: Fix SPI mode setting. In the SAM3/4
family, the clock phase control (CPHA) is inverted (NPHA) (2013-6-18).
* arch/arm/src/kl/chip/kl_tsi.h: Freescale KL25Z TSI register
definitions from Alan Carvalho de Assis (2013-6-18).
* configs/freedom-kl25z/src/kl_tsi.c: Example TSI driver for the
Freedom KL25Z board from Alan Carvalho de Assis (2013-6-18).
* arch/arm/src/sam34/sam_spi.c: Correct an incorrect pointer test.
Was checking if the wrong pointer was NULL (2013-6-18).
* arch/arm/src/kl/kl_spi.c and chip/kl_spi.h: Add SPI driver and
register definitions for the Freescale KL25Z (2013-6-19).
* arm/src/sam34/chip/sam4l_lcdca.h: Register definition file for
the SAM4L LCD peripheral (2013-6-19).
* arm/src/sam34/chip/sam_spi.h: SPI register definition file updated
to include a few differences for the SAM4L (2013-6-19)
* arm/src/sam34/chip/sam4l_pdca.h: Add SAM4L PDCA register definition
file; also renamed sam_dmac.* files to sam3u_dmac.* to identify
them as SAM4U/4S only files (2013-6-19).
* configs/freedom-lk25z/src/kl_spi.c: Add the framework for
controlling SPI-related discrete inputs and outputs. Taken from
work by Alan Carvalho de Assis (2013-6-20).
* arch/arm/src/kl/kl_dumpgpio.c: Now compiles (2013-6-20).
* configs/: Several defconfig files were changed that had
CONFIG_HAVE_CXXINITIALIZE=y. Because of recent changes to
apps/examples, these configurations may need to have
CONFIG_EXAMPLES_NSH_CXXINITIALIZE=y so that they behave as they did
before, i.e., so that C++ initializers will be called when NSH starts
up (2013-6-21).
* configs/sam4l-xplained/src/sam_slcd.c: Beginning of a driver for the
LED1 segment LCD module. This driver is incomplete on initial check-
in (2013-6-21).
* drivers/net/enc28j60.c: Change buffer ordering to work around Errata
#5. From Dave (ziggurat29, 2013-6-22).
* configs/sam4l-xplained/src/sam_slcd.c: LED1 segment LCD module is now
functional (2013-6-23).
* drivers/lcd/ssd1306.c and include/nuttx/lcd/ssd1306.h. Renamed
ug-2864hsweg01.c and .h to ssd1306.c and .h. Extended to support the
UG-2832HSWEG04 which is very similar and also based on the SSD1306
controller (2013-6-23).
* configs/sam4l-xplained/src/sam_ug2832hsweg04.c: Add support for the
UG-2832HSWEG04 OLED on the SAM4L Xplained Pro's OLED1 module
* include/debug.h: Added macro DEBUGPANIC for forces crashes when debug
is enabled.
* drivers/lcd/ssd1306.c: Driver now appears to be function for the
UG-2832HSWEG04 in landscape mode (2013-6-24).
* drivers/lcd/ug-2864ambag01.c and ug-9664hswag01.c: Add/updated
support for reverse portrait mode from lessons learned with the
UG-2832HSWEG04. Untested changes! (2013-6-24).
* arch/arm/src/stm32/stm32_ccm.c and .h: Add support for a seperate CCM
heap. This may be useful for segregating allocations for CCM (which
cannot be used for DMA) from other allocations (that may be used used
for DMA) (2013-6-25).
* arch/arm/src/sam32/sam3u_gpio.h: Correct configuration of PIO pins
for SAM4S B and C peripherals (2013-6-26)
* configs/sam4s-xplained/src/sam_sram.c: Added support for on-board
1MB SRAM (2013-6-26).
* arch/arm/include/sam34/chip.h and sam3x_irq.h: Add support for
SAM3X and SAM3A chips (2013-6-26).
* arch/arm/src/sam34/chip/sam3x_vectors.h: Add support for SAM3X/3A
interrupt vectors (2013-6-26).
* arch/arm/src/sam34/sam3x_periphclks.h: Add peripheral clock
controls for the SAM3X/3A (2013-6-26).
* arch/arm/src/sam34/chip/sam3x_memorymap.h: Add SAM3X/3A memory map
* arch/arm/src/sam34/chip/sam3x_pinmap.h: Add SAM3X/3A pin
multi-plexing definitions (2013-6-26).
* arch/arm/src/sam34/sam3x_gpio.h: Add SAM3X/3A gpio encoding
macros. These differ from the SAM3U only in because of the
6 PIOs: PIOA-PIOF (2013-6-26).
* configs/arduino-due: This is an empty directory now with only
a README file in it but this directory will eventually hold a port
for the Arduino Due (2013-6-26).
* arch/arm/src/sam34/Kconfig: Add SAM3X/3A peripherals to the SAM3/4
configuration logic (2013-6-26).
* arch/arm/src and include/ and configs/sam*/: Large rename of all
references to SPI with SPI0. This is because all other SAMs have
only SPI but the 3X/3A have SPI0 and SPI1 (2013-6-26).
* configs/arduino-due: Complete the basic board configuration and
integrate this into the configuration and build system. The Arduino
Due is now ready to begin test (2013-6-17).
* configs/arduino-due/nsh: Add an NSH configuration for the Arduino
Due. Both the OS test and NSH configuration are now functional
* configs/arduino-due/src: Add support for the "L" LED (2013-6-28).
* arch/arm/src/sam34/sam_allocateheap.c: Clocking must be applied
to the SMC module for the 3X and 3A family in order for the NFC
SRAM to be functional (2013-6-28).
* arch/arm/src/sam34/sam3u_gpio.c: Need to disable write
protection before configuring PIO pins.
* configs/sam3u-ek/nsh: The touchscreen is now functional. The above
fix to the sam3u_gpio.c write protection also fixed the touchscreen
problem (2013-6-28).
* confgis/sam3u_ek/nxwm: Created a configuration for the NxWM
window manager for the SAM3U-EK board (2013-6-29).
* drivers/spi and include/nuttx/spi: New sub-directories to hold
SPI-related files. includes/nuttx/spi.h moved to include/nuttx/spi/.;
SPI-related Kconfig info moved from drivers/Kconfig to drivers/spi/kconfig
* drivers/spi/spi_bitbang.c and include/nuttx/spi/spi_bitbang.h: Add
support for a generic bit-bang SPI driver. This checkout is the
common upper-half logic. Still missing the lower half (2013-7-1).
* include/nuttx/spi/spi_bitbang.c: This is the common lower-half bit-
bang SPI logic (2013-7-1).
* configs/arduino-due/src/sam_nsh.c and sam_mmcsd.c: Add NSH customize
initialization. If so configured, initialize the SPI bit bang
interface to the MMC/SD slot on the ITEAD shield (2013-7-1).
* fs/fs_mount.c: Fix compilation error if no file systems are enabled:
Change error to ERROR (2013-7-3).
* arch/arm/src/sam34/sam_gpioirq.c: Fix some errors for interrupts
on ports D-F (2013-7-3).
* /drivers/usbdev/composite.c: Fix a typo in the composite device
driver unitialization logic. DEV1 should be DEV2 in one case
* arch/arm/src/sam34/sam3u_gpio.c: sam_configgpio() must protect
against re-entrancy (2013-7-5).
* libc/misc/lib_crc16.c and include/crc16.h: Add CRC16 support
* arch/arm/src/stm32/stm32_otgfsdev.c: SourceForge bug #16: Fix
to the endpoint allocation logic. Apparently the same endpoint can
be allocated as both an IN or an OUT endpoint. The existing
implementation only supported one allocation, either IN or OUT. This
resulted in failures to allocate enpoints when used with the CDC/ACM +
MSC composite driver (From Chia Cheng Tsao, 2013-7-8).
* arch/arm/src/stm32/stm32_sdio.c: SourceForge bug #17: Add
support for the data block end (DBCKEND) interrupt to terminate
transfers (From Chia Cheng Tsao, 2013-7-8)
* drivers/rwbuffer.c: SourceForge bug #17: Correct typos that can cause
failures in some configurations (From Chia Cheng Tsao, 2013-7-8).
* include/nuttx/usb/usbdev.h: Fix some typos that cause compiler errors
Chia Cheng Tsao, 2013-7-12).
* nuttx/configs/olimex-lpc1766stk/zmodem: Add a new configuration to
test the Zmodem sz and rz commands (which don't actually exist yet,
but will). (2013-7-12).
* arch/arm/include/armv7-a and src/armv7-a: Beginning to add support
for the ARMv7-A, the Cortex-A5 in particular. The initial checkin
is only fragmentary: A few header files and some copied ARM9
assembly files. More to come (2013-7-18).
* arch/arm/include/sama5, arch/arm/src/sama5, and configs/sama5d3x-e:
Add a directory framework to support the Atmel AT91SAMA5D3 family and
the SAMA5D3x-EK board(s) in particular. There is very little here on
the first check-in, this structure is being used now primarily to
create the Cortex-A5 support (2013-7-19).
* arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_cache.S: Cortex-A5 cache operations
* /arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_fpuconfig.S and fpu.h: A few more files for
the ARMv7-A/Cortex-A5 port (2013-7-21).
* arch/arm/src/sama5/sam_boot.c, sam_clockconfig.h, sam_lowputc.h, and
sam_timerisr.c: A few more files for the SAMA5D3 port (2013-7-21).
* configs/sama5d3x-ek/src/sam_autoleds.c: A few more files for the port
to the SAMA5D3x-EK board (2013-7-21).
* arch/arm/src/sama5/sam_irq.c: SAMA5 interrupt handling logic
* arch/arm/src/sama5/sam_clockconfig.c: Add SAMA5 PLL configuration
logic (plus associated header files). Initiali checkin is for the
SAM3U which is very similar but needs to be verified (2013-7-22).
* arch/arm/src/sama5/sam_periphclks.h: Add macros to enable and
disable SAMA5 peripheral clocks (2013-7-22).
* arch/arm/src/sama5/sam_lowputc.c and sam_serial.c: Add support
for SAMA5 UARTs. Does not even compile as of initial checkin.
* arch/arm/src/sama5/sam_gpio.c: Add GPIO configuration support
for the SAMA5. Still compilation issues. (2013-7-22).
* arch/arm/src/sama5/chip/sama5d3x_pinmap.h: Add pin multiplexing
definitions for the SAMA5D3 (2013-7-23).
* arch/arm/src/sama5/chip/: New header files for SAMA5 AXI Matrix
SFR, and BSC blocks (2013-7-23).
* arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_vectors.S: Force 8-byte stack alignment
in interrupt handlers before calling C code. Other ARM
architectures need to do this as well (2013-7-23).
* arm/src/armv7-m/up_copyarmstate.c and armv7-a/up_copyarmstate.c:
Added a new form of the register copy function that should save quit a
bit of time for armv7-m (without common vectors) and with armv7-a
* arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_restorefpu.S, arm_savefpu.S, arm_doirq.c,
arm_fullcontextrestore.S, arm_saveusercontext.S: Add hardware
floating point register save/restore logic for the Cortex-A5\
* arch/Kconfig: Attempt at generic external memory configuration is not
flexible enough, especially for the SAMA5. Move external memory
configuration options from arch/Kconfig to
arch/arm/src/lpc17xx/Kconfig, lpc31xx/Kconfig, sam34/Kconfig, and
sama5/Kconfig and renamed each from CONFIG_ARCH_ to, for example,
CONFIG_LPC31_. This renaming also affect many defconfig files
* arch/arm/src/sama5/Kconfig and sam_allocateheap.c: Set up
configuration options for SAMA5 external memory regions; add a custom
sam_allocateheap.c to add the various configured memory regions to the
heap (2013-7-24).
* configs/sama5d3x-ek/src/sam_buttons.c, sam_userleds.c, and
sam_autoleds.c: Add support for the buttons and LEDs on-board the
SAMA5D3x-EK (2013-7-24).
* configs/sama5d3x-ek/ostest/defconfig: Switch console to USART1
* arch/arm/src/sam34/Kconfig and drivers/serial/Kconfig: All serial
configuration logic for USARTs needs to depend on if the USART is
configured as a UART or not. And this is for all CPUS, not just
SAM3/4 (2013-7-24).
* arch/arm/src/arm/up_head.S and arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_head.S:
Fix a bug (uninitialized register error) that crept in the ARM9
boot-up code several years ago and was cloned into the Cortex-A5
code. Obviously no one has used the ARM9 NuttX port for years!
* Many files: Finally... I changed the naming of configuration
variables like CONFIG_DRAM_ to CONFIG_RAM_. This has bothered
me for a long time since most boards don't have DRAM. The more
generic RAM naming should not produce so much cognitive dissonance
* configs/sama5d3x-ek/hello: Added a tiny hello world configuration
to simplify bring up of the SAMA5 (it will probably be removed
later) (2013-7-26).
* The sama5d3x-ek/hello now runs correctly (2013-7-28).
* configs/sama5d3x-ek/ostest/: This configuration has been modified
to run out NOR flash. More work is still needed to reconfigure the
SMC so that the NOR flash can work with the high clock (2013-7-28).
* arch/arm/src/sama5/sam_clockconfig.c/h and
configs/sama5d3x-ek/src/sam_norflash.c: Add a file structure that
will (eventually) support reconfiguration of NOR flash when NuttX
boots from NOR FLASH (2013-7-29).
* arch/arm/src/sama5/chip/sam_hsmc/h: SAMA5 HSMC register
defintion file (2013-7-29)
* configs/sama5d3x-ek/src/sam_norflash.c: Add board specific
logic to re-configure the SAMA5D3x-EK NOR FLASH before while
running out of NOR FLASH. We need to change the NOR FLASH
timing BEFORE increasing the main clock (2013-7-29).
* configs/sama5d3-ek/norboot and src/nor_main.c: The norboot
configuration to help debug NuttX in NOR flash. It runs
out of ISRAM, configures NOR FLASH, then waits for you to
break in with a debugger to start the program in NOR FLASH
* arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_cache.S: Separate the bigger cache
operations into separater files (2013-7-29).
* arch/arm/src/stm32/stm32_dac.c: Fixed numerous DAC driver
errors and added support for DAC DMA (contributed by John
Wharington, 2013-7-30).
* arch/arm/src/stm32/stm32f30xx_i2c.c: An I2C driver for
the STM32 F3 family from John Wharington (2013-7-30).
* arch/arm/include/armv7-m: Add irqdisable() (2013-7-30);
* configs/sama5d3-ek/src/nor_main.c: Now disables interrupts
before jumping to NOR flash (2013-7-30).
* configs/sama5d3-ek/nsh: Add an NSH configuration for the
SAMA5D3x-EK (2013-7-31)
* configs/sama5d3-ek/src/sam_cxxinitialize.c: Add C++ support
apps-6.29 2013-07-31 Gregory Nutt <>
* apps/examples/nsh, cxxtest, and helloxx: C++ initializers should be
set once and, preferably, in the context of the task that uses any C++
statically initialized classes. These only becomes an issue if cxxtest
or helloxx are built as NSH builtin applications. Then you want the
initialization done in cxxtext or helloxx and not in NSH (and certainly
not twice). Added configuration options to control who does the C++
initialization. NSH now does not do C++ initialization be default and
must be configured to do otherwise. Converely, cxxtest and helloxx
will do C++ initialization unless configured do otherwise (2013-6-21).
* apps/examples/cxxtext: Add ostream test as provided by Michael
* apps/examples/nxhello: Minor fix for compilation error when the
display resolution is low (< 8bpp) due to a typo that has been there
for a long time (2013-6-23).
* apps/examplex/nxhello: Correct default colors when in Y1 code mode.
* apps/system/Make.defs and Kconfig: The RAM test was not correctly built
into the configuration and build system (2013-6-26).
* apps/examples/composite/composite_main.c: SourceForge But Ticket #19.
Change to prevent some false alarm debug assertions (From Chia Cheng
Tao, 2013-7-9).
* apps/system/zmodem: Add configuration support and a build framework
for the Zmodem sz and rz command (which exist but have not yet been
checked in) (2013-7-12).
* apps/system/zmodem: The 'sz' command is now complete and seems
functional (given on light testing). The rz command logic exists but
is still untested and not yet checked in (2013-7-13).
* apps/system/zmodem: The 'rz' command is now complete and functional
under certain conditaions. There are, however, some data overrun
issues that I am still uncertain how should be handled (2012-7-15).
* apps/system/zmodem/ and host/: The Zmodem utilities
can now be built to execute on a Linux host.
* apps/nshlib/nsh_fscmds.c: Add a 'cmp' command that can be used to
compare two files for equivalence. Returns an indication if the files
differ. Contributed by Andrew Tridgell (via Lorenz Meier) (2013-7-18).
NxWidgets-1.8 2013-06-14 Gregory Nutt <>
* NxWM::CMediaPlayer: shell application for an MP3 Media Player with
Kconfig settings to enable it. I plan to write this app to help
develop and test the MP3 codec chip driver. It really doesn't do
anything yet except display a text box saying "Coming soon", and I
need to minimize the icon size a bit. From Ken Pettit (2013-5-11).
* NxWidgets/nxwm/src/glyph_mediaplayer.cxx: Smaller version of the
media player glyph. From Ken Pettit (2013-5-12).
* NxWidgets/nxwm/include/ccalibration.hxx and src/ccalibration.cxx:
Fix a race condition that would cause the calibration screen
to fail to come up when its icon was touched (From Ken Pettit,
* Kconfig: Default priorities for NxWidget and NxWM threads
should be 100, not 50, to be consistent with other default priorities.
* NxWidgets::CGlyphSliderHorizontal and NxWidgets::CGlyphSliderHorizontalGrip:
New widgets added by Ken Pettit (2013-5-15).
* NxWidgets/UnitTests/CGlyphSliderHorizontal: Addes a unit test for the
NxWidgets::CGlyphSliderHorizontal class. From Ken Pettit (2013-5-17) .
* NxWidgets::CGlyphSliderHorizontal: Fix a drawing error. From Ken
Pettit (2013-5-17).
* UnitTests/*/Makefile and .gitignore: Update the way that NSH
the Unit Tests are registered as built-in NSH applications (2013-5-30).
* NxWidgets::CImage: Allow a NULL pointer for a bitmap. Add protection
to prevent dereferencing the NULL pointer. From Petteri Aimonen
* NxWidgets::CNumericEdit: Delay before auto-incrementing now varies:
A longer delay is required to start auto-incrementing and speed increases
while pressed. From Petteri Aimonen (2013-6-4).
* NxWM::CTaskbar: Add a method to redraw the taskbar and the current
application. This should only be necessary if the display loses
state due to e.g. powerdown or other manual intervention. From
Petteri Aimonen (2013-6-4).
uClibc++-1.0 2011-11-05 <>
* The initial release of the uClibc++ implementation of the standard
C++ library for NuttX. This package was contributed ay Qiang Yu and
David for the RGMP team.
buildroot-1.12 2011-13-15 <>
* Fix typo toolchain/gdb/ that prevented GDB 7.4 from building
(from Ken Bannister).
* Add support for a Cortex-M0 toolchain based on GCC 4.6.3.
pascal-3.0 2011-05-15 Gregory Nutt <>
* nuttx/: The Pascal add-on module now installs and builds under the
apps/interpreters directory. This means that the pascal-2.1 module is
incompatible with will all releases of NuttX prior to nuttx-6.0 where the
apps/ module was introduced.
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<a name="pendingchanges">Unreleased Changes</a>
The ChangeLog for the not-yet-released version of NuttX is available at the bottom of the ChangeLog file that can viewed in the <a href="">SourceForge GIT</a>.
The ChangeLog for the not-yet-released version of apps is available at the bottom of the ChangeLog file that can viewed in the <a href="">SourceForge GIT</a>.
The ChangeLog for the not-yet-released version of NxWidgets is available at the bottom of the ChangeLog file that can viewed in the <a href="">SourceForge GIT</a>.
The ChangeLog for the not-yet-released version of pascal is available at the bottom of the ChangeLog file that can viewed in the <a href="">SourceForge GIT</a>.
The ChangeLog for the not-yet-released version of buildroot is available at the bottom of the ChangeLog file that can viewed in the <a href="">SourceForge GIT</a>.
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