Documentation: list all supported libs tools and apps
This commit is contained in:
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Audio Utility libraries
Audio Utility libraries
- fmsynth - FM Synthesizer Library
- mml_parser - Music Macro Language(MML) Library
- nxaudio - NX Audio Library
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Benchmark Applications
Benchmark Applications
- coremark - CoreMark Benchmark
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CAN Utilities
CAN Utilities
- candump - SocketCAN candump tool
- canlib - CAN utility library
- cansend - SocketCAN cansend tool
- lely-canopen - Lely CANopen support
- libcanutils - CAN-utils support library
- libdronecan - libcanard DroneCAN Library
- libobd2 - OBD-II Library
- libopencyphal - libcanard OpenCyphal Cyphal/CAN Library
- slcan - SocketCAN slcan tool
@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
Cryptography Library Support
Cryptography Library Support
- controlse - Control Secure Element device
- libsodium - Libsodium Cryptography Library
- libtomcrypt - LibTomCrypt CrypographyLibrary
- mbedtls - Mbed TLS Cryptography Library
- tinycrypt - TinyCrypt cryptography library
- tinydtls - Eclipse Tinydtls
- wolfssl - wolfSSL SSL/TLS Cryptography Library
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File System Utilities
File System Utilities
- flash_eraseall - flash_eraseall() function
- inifile - INI File Parser
- inih - inih ini file parser
- ipcfg - IP Configuration File Support
- libtinycbor - TinyCBOR Library (RFC 8949)
- mkfatfs - mkfatfs utility
- mkgpt - mkgpt utility
- mkmbr - mkmbr utility
- mksmartfs - mksmartfs utility
- passwd - Password file support
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- shift - Shift Game
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Graphics Support
Graphics Support
- ft80x - FTDI/BridgeTek FT80x library
- libjpeg - libjpeg JPEG image encoding
- libyuv - libyuv
- lvgl - Light and Versatile Graphic Library (LVGL)
- nxwidgets - NxWidgets
- nxwm - NuttX Tiny Window Manager (NxWM)
- pdcurs34 - pdcurses Text User Interface (TUI)
- screenshot - TIFF screenshot utility
- slcd - Segment LCD Emulaton
- tiff - TIFF file generation library
- twm4nx - Minimal Tom's Window Manager (TWM) for NuttX (Twm4Nx)
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Industrial Applications
Industrial Applications
- abnt_codi
- foc - Field Oriented Control user-space library
- scpi - SCPI instrument side parser
- modbus - Modbus support using FreeModbus
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Inertial Libraries Support
Inertial Libraries Support
- madgwick - Madgwick Fusion Algorithm
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- bas - Basic Interpreter
- duktape - Duktape JavaScript interpreter
- ficl - Ficl Forth interpreter
- lua - Lua interpreter
- luajit - LuaJIT interpreter
- luamodules: cjson, lfs, luasyslog, luv
- minibasic - Mini Basic Interpreter
- quickjs - QuickJS JavaScript interpreter
- toywasm - Toywasm Webassembly Runtime
- wamr - Webassembly Micro Runtime
- wasm3 - WASM3 Webassembly Runtime
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LTE Libraries and NSH Add-Ons
LTE Libraries and NSH Add-Ons
- alt1250 - ALT1250 usrsock daemon
- lapi - LTE Configuration Library
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Math Library Support
Math Library Support
- libtommath - LibTomMath MPI Math Library
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Machine Learning Support
Machine Learning Support
- cmsis - CMSIS Libraries
- darknet - YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection
- libnnablart - NNABLA Runtime Libraries
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Network Utilities
Network Utilities
- chat - Chat tool
- cjson - cJSON library
- codecs - CODEC Library: Base64 coding, URL coding, MD5
- cwebsocket - WebSocket Client Library
- dhcp6c - DHCPv6 client
- dhcpc - DHCP client
- dhcpd - DHCP server
- discover - Network Discovery Utility
- esp8266 - ESP8266
- ftpc - FTP client
- ftpd - FTP server
- iperf - iperf example
- iptables - iptables libary
- libcurl4nx - cURL4nx HTTP client library
- mqttc - MQTT-C library
- netcat - NetCat tool
- netinit - Network initialization
- netlib - Network support library
- nng - Nanomsg NG
- ntpclient - NTP client
- ping - ICMP ping support
- pppd - PPP server
- ptpd - PTPD client/server
- rexec - Remote execution client
- rexecd - Remote Execution Server
- rtptools - RTP Tools
- smtp - SMTP
- telnetc - Telnet client library
- telnetd - Telnet daemon
- tftpc - TFTP client
- thttpd - THTTPD webserver
- wakaama - Eclipse Wakaama (formerly liblwm2m) - an implementation of LWM2M protocol.
- wakeonlan - WakeOnLAN support
- webclient - uIP web client
- webserver - uIP web server
- xmlrpc - XML RPC library
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Software Define Radio Libraries
Software Define Radio Libraries
- liquid_dsp - Liquid DSP Library
@ -8,3 +8,68 @@ System Libraries and NSH Add-Ons
- adb - ADB daemon application
- argtable3 - ARGTABLE3 library
- cachespeed - CACHE Speed Test
- cdcacm - USB CDC/ACM Device Commands
- cfgdata - Cfgdata Command
- cle - EMACS-like Command Line Editor
- composite - USB Composite Device Commands
- coredump - Coredump tool capture system status
- critmon - Critcal Section Monitor
- cu - CU minimal serial terminal
- dd - system 'dd' command
- dhcp6c - DHCP IPv6 Address Renewal
- dhcpc - DHCP Address Renewal
- dumpstack - dumpstack tool for show the task backtrace
- fastboot - fastbootd
- fdt - fdt utility tools
- flash_eraseall - FLASH Erase-all Command
- gcov - gcov tool
- gdbstub - GDBSTUB
- hexed - Hex editor
- hex2bin - Intel HEX to binary conversion
- hostname - 'hostname' command
- input - input tool
- iptables - 'iptables' command
- libuv - libuv asynchronous I/O Library
- lm75 - LM75 Temperature
- lzf - LZF compression tool
- mdio - PHY MDIO tool
- memstress - memory stress test
- netdb - netdb interface
- ntpc - NTP Daemon Commands
- nxcamera - NxCamera video test application
- nxlooper - NxLooper audio test application
- nxplayer - NxPlayer Media Player
- nxrecorder - NxRecorder pcm raw data Recorder
- ping - ICMP 'ping' command
- ping6 - ICMPv6 'ping6' command
- popen - popen()/pclose() Functions
- psmq - psmq
- ptpd - PTP daemon commands
- ramspeed - RAM Speed Test
- ramtest - RAM Test
- readline - readline() Support
- sched_note - Scheduler monitor
- setlogmask - 'setlogmask' command
- spi - SPI tool
- stackmonitor - Stack Monitor
- system - System Command
- taskset - Taskset Command
- tcpdump - tcpdump command
- tee - Tee Command
- telnet - Telnet chat daemon
- telnetd - Telnet daemon application
- termcurses - Terminal Curses control support
- trace - Trace command
- ubloxmodem - u-blox modem configuration tool
- uniqueid - 'uniqueid' command
- uorb - uorb(micro object request broker)
- usbmsc - USB Mass Storage Device Commands
- vi - VI Work-Alike Text Editor
- ymodem - YMODEM
- ofloader - Open flash loader
- zlib - zlib data compression library
- zmodem - Zmodem Commands
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- arch_libc - arch-specific libc function test
- atomic - "Test atomic" testing
- batterydump - Battery dump for test
- cmocka - libcmocka
- cpuload - cpuload test
- crypto - crypto test
- cxxtest - C++ test program
- drivertest - vela cmocka driver test
- fatutf8 - FAT UTF8 test
- fdsantest - vela cmocka fdsan test
- fopencookie - Fopencookie test tool
- fstest - Generic file system test
- getprime - getprime example
- iozone - IOzone, filesystem benchmark tool
- irtest - IR driver test
- ltp - Linux Test Project
- memtester - utils_memtester
- mm - Memory management test
- monkey - Monkey test
- mtd_config_fs - MTD Config fail-safe storage test
- nist-sts - NIST Statistical Test Suite
- nxffs - NXFFS file system example
- osperf - System performance profiling
- ostest - OS test example
- scanftest - sscanf() test
- sensortest - Sensor driver test
- setest - Secure Element driver test
- smart - SMART file system example
- smart_test - SMART filesystem test tool
- smp - SMP example
- superpi - SuperPI test
- uclibcxx_test - uclibcxx test
- unity - Unity testing framework
@ -8,3 +8,11 @@ Wireless Libraries and NSH Add-Ons
- btsak - Bluetooth Swiss Army Knife (NuttX BLE Host)
- nimble
- gs2200m - Telit GS2200M usrsock daemon
- i8sak - IEEE 802.15.4 Swiss Army Knife
- i8shark - IEEE 802.15.4 Wireshark adapter
- libmac - IEEE 802.15.4 MAC library routines
- ipwan - IEEE 802.15.4 Command Line Tool
Reference in New Issue
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