These configs are changed based on below rules.
1. always enable +CONFIG_LV_USE_NUTTX=y
2. If touchpad is used, enable +CONFIG_LV_USE_NUTTX_TOUCHSCREEN=y
3. enable log by +CONFIG_LV_USE_LOG=y
6. Remove all -CONFIG_LV_TICK_CUSTOM=y -CONFIG_LV_TICK_CUSTOM_INCLUDE="port/lv_port_tick.h"
7. If -CONFIG_LV_PORT_LCDDEV_DOUBLE_BUFFER=y, replace it with CONFIG_LV_NUTTX_LCD_DOUBLE_BUFFER=y. For fbdev, double buffer is automatically detected.
8. If -CONFIG_LV_COLOR_16_SWAP=y, need to upgrade the LCD driver to support hardware byte order swap.
Signed-off-by: Xu Xingliang <>
according to manual:
The FPU is not affected by any security configuration.
Thus, it appears as not present in PERIPHID[n].PERM
register located in the SPU
This patch allows user to simply select which GPIOs he wants to use
and access them via /dev/gpio_a0 or similar device with standard
gpio driver.
By default gpio names match pin names printed on the board. So when
enabling A3 pin, it will show as /dev/gpio_a3 in runtime. This name
can be changed in kconfig.
User can also select pin function (input, output, interrupt) as well
as standard pin settings like, pull up/down, output type
pushpull/open drain etc.
All pins that are exposed via boards goldpins are listed in Kconfig.
Extra pins that are supported by chiip but are not exposed for easy
usage are not listed.
To have this nice Kconfig configuration and for things to be easily
debugable/understandable it requires code to have big Kconfig and
header file with all possible definitions
Because of file sizes I decided to split gpio related kconfig and
header into separate files. Otherwise it would really make original
files hard to read and find anything.
Signed-off-by: Michał Łyszczek <>
This is copy of raspberrypi-pico with all occurences of raspberrypi replaced by
w5500-evb. Only the usbnsh defconfig is available, which is based on the
raspberrypi-pico:usbnsh defconfig, but enables the WIZnet W5500 Ethernet chip.
TCP/IP for IPv4 and IPv6 is enabled.
Signed-off-by: Michael Jung <>
The DS1307 was used as board specific, but it is better move it to
stm32/common to be easily used by other boards as well.
Signed-off-by: Alan C. Assis <>
Extracting global variable information using scripts:
1. Extract the global variable information provided by the -- param asan globals=1 option
2. Generate shadow regions for global variable out of bounds detection
1. Implement multiple links, embed the shadow area into the program, and call it by the Kasan module
Signed-off-by: W-M-R <>