Sebastien Lorquet
Updata difftime. Add a version of difftime for the case where the platform does not support type double
2016-08-25 08:00:50 -06:00
Sebastien Lorquet
libc/time: This commit adds the difftime() function. Since the function returns a double, I have isolated it in a CONFIG_LIBC_DIFFTIME option (It also depends on the toolchain-dependent CONFIG_HAVE_DOUBLE so is not available on tiny platforms).
2016-08-24 15:43:57 -06:00
Sebastien Lorquet
isatty() should be prototypes in unstid.h, not termios.h.
2016-08-24 10:25:09 -06:00
Sebastien Lorquet
Add POSIX type sig_atomic_t
2016-08-24 10:16:41 -06:00
Alexander Entinger
drivers/sensors: Add driver for the Bosch BMG160 3 axis gyroscop.
2016-08-24 09:41:04 -06:00
Alexander Entinger
drivers/sensors: Add driver for the LIS3DSH 3 axis accelerometer.
2016-08-24 08:28:45 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Add include/sensors/ioctl.h; make sure that all IOCTL values are unique to avoid all misuse.
2016-08-23 13:08:12 -06:00
Entinger Alexander
drivers/sensors: Add driver for the MLX90393 3 axis magnetometer.
2016-08-23 10:48:08 -06:00
Entinger Alexander
drivers/sensors: Add drvier for the LIS3MDL 3 axis magnetometer
2016-08-23 08:22:47 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Make xorshift128 re-entrant so that we do do have to suffer the overhad of serialization controls.
2016-08-21 07:47:53 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
sched/sched_cpuload_oneshot: Use the oneshot timer with optional entropy to measuer cPU load if so configured.
2016-08-20 12:47:07 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Separate XorShift128 PRNG from /dev/urandom and make it generally available.
2016-08-20 11:36:02 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Make all Analog IOCTL command values unique
2016-08-20 09:09:17 -06:00
Alan Carvalho de Assis
drivers/audio: Add Audio Tone Generator for NuttX
2016-08-16 13:20:05 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Changes from review of PR 114
2016-08-14 13:38:47 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
oneshot interface: max_delay method should return time in a standard struct timespec form.
2016-08-12 11:33:10 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
drivers/timer: Add an upper-half, oneshot timer character driver.
2016-08-12 10:40:07 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
STM32: Add a experimental oneshot, lower-half driver for STM32
2016-08-11 14:07:43 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Add oneshot timer lower half interface
2016-08-11 13:34:49 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Make bit-order SPI H/W feature configurable for better error detection
2016-08-08 11:54:13 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Fix cloned variable error in all SPI drivers
2016-08-08 11:04:01 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
STM32 and EFM32 SPI drivers adopted an incompatible conventions somewhere along the line. The set the number of bits to negative when calling SPI_SETBITS which had the magical side-effect of setting LSB first order of bit transmission. This is not only a hokey way to pass control information but is supported by no other SPI drivers.
This change three things: (1) It adds HWFEAT_LSBFIRST as a new H/W feature. (2) It changes the implementations of SPI_SETBITS in the STM32 and EFM32 derivers so that negated bit numbers are simply errors and it adds the SPI_HWFEATURES method that can set the LSB bit order, and (3) It changes all calls with negative number of bits from all drivers: The number of bits is now always positive and SPI_HWFEATUREs is called with HWFEAT_LSBFIRST to set the bit order.
2016-08-08 08:28:13 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Fix names of pre-processor variables used in header file idempotence
2016-08-06 19:21:42 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Fix naming of some enumeration types
2016-08-06 11:08:53 -06:00
Alan Carvalho de Assis
Add MFRC522 RFID ISO14443 and Mifare transceiver driver
2016-08-06 08:45:52 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
SPI transfer: minor fix to type and comments
2016-08-05 14:18:40 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Add more options to spi_transfer
2016-08-05 13:22:18 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Tiva TM4C-1294 Launchpad: tiva_appinit.c is a better home for board_pwm_setup() vs. tiva_bringup.c
2016-08-05 13:05:41 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
drivers/spi: Add an SPI character driver that will permit access to the SPI bus for testing purposes. This driver is a simple wrapper around spi_transfer().
2016-08-05 11:07:35 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
drivers/spi: Add a helper function that encapsulates and manages a sequency of SPI transfers.
2016-08-05 10:23:04 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Extend I/O Expander interrupt controls; Add test of level sensitve interrupt to Simulated I/O expander
2016-08-04 16:19:52 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Fix various issues with I/O expander and GPIO lower half drivers from testing with simulated I/O expander
2016-08-03 12:46:54 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
SIM: Add a simulated I/O Expander driver
2016-08-03 09:44:48 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
KXJT9 Accelerometer driver from the Motorola Moto Z MDK
2016-08-02 10:38:14 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
GPIO driver: Add an IOCTL to unregister a signal handler
2016-08-01 13:52:27 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
GPIO driver: Add an IOCTL command to get the pin type
2016-08-01 12:09:00 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Ooops.. forgot to add files before last commit
2016-08-01 11:15:29 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
TCA64xx: Remove some unused kruft
2016-08-01 09:59:36 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Some updates to the last commit
2016-08-01 08:49:15 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Add a GPIO lower-half driver that can be used to register a GPIO character driver for accessing pins on an I/O expander.
2016-08-01 08:43:10 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
I/O Expander Interface: Add argument to interrupt callback. Add a method to detach the interrupt.
2016-08-01 07:26:04 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Minor improvements/fixes to the TCA64xx driver.
2016-08-01 06:48:05 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
First (untested) cut at a TCA64XX I/O Expander driver leverages from Project Ara
2016-07-31 19:52:44 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Rethink last commit -- probably going down the wrong path
2016-07-31 18:33:04 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
I/O Expander: Encode and extend I/O expander options to include interrupt configuration.
2016-07-31 18:19:59 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
I/O Expander: Update skelton file
2016-07-31 14:42:30 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
I/O Expander: Remove hard-coded PCA9555 fields from ioexpander.h definitons. Add support for an attach() method that may be used when any subset of pin interrupts occur.
PCA9555 Driver: Replace the signalling logic with a simple callback using the new definitons of ioexpander.h. This repartitioning of functionality is necessary because (1) the I/O expander driver is the lower-lower part of any driver that uses GPIOs (include the GPIO driver itself) and should not be interacting directly with the much higher level application layer. And (2) in order to be compatible with the GPIO driver (and any arbitrary upper half driver), the PCA9555 should not directly signal, but should call back into the upper half. The upper half driver that interacts directly with the application is the appropriate place to be generating signal.
2016-07-31 11:09:47 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Merge branch 'timekeeping' of
2016-07-28 09:34:00 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
drivers/serial/pty.c, serial.c, usbdev/cdcacm.c, include/nuttx/fs/ioctl.h: Fix FIONWRITE and add FIONSPACE. All implementations of FIONWRITE were wrong. FIONWRITE should return the number of bytes waiting in the outgoing send queue, not the free space. Rather, FIONSPACE should return the free space in the send queue.
2016-07-25 14:06:32 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Update some comments
2016-07-24 12:48:37 -06:00