This change adds the following:
- Rename the board configuration name from qemu-a53 to qemu-v8a.
- Add the configurations for Cortex-A57 and Cortex-A72.
Signed-off-by: Hidenori Matsubayashi <>
Building NuttX...
Normalize qemu-a53/nsh
Saving the new configuration file
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: boards/arm64/qemu/qemu-a53/configs/nsh/defconfig
modified: boards/arm64/qemu/qemu-a53/configs/nsh_smp/defconfig
retrigger ci build.
Use CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_QEMU instead of CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_QEMU_A53. This is because these configurations depend on the hardware configuration of qemu (memory map, irq numbers, etc.).
Signed-off-by: Hidenori Matsubayashi <>
Arm64 support for NuttX, Features supported:
1. Cortex-a53 single core and SMP support: it's can run into nsh shell at
qemu virt machine.
2. qemu-a53 board configuration support: it's only for evaluate propose
3. FPU support for armv8-a: FPU context switching at NEON/floating-point
TRAP is supported.
4. psci interface, armv8 cache operation(data cache) and smccc support.
5. fix mass code style issue, thank for @xiaoxiang781216, @hartmannathan @pkarashchenko
Please refer to boards/arm64/qemu/qemu-a53/README.txt for detail
1. GCC MACOS issue
The GCC 11.2 toolchain for MACOS may get crash while compiling
float operation function, the following link describe the issue
and give analyse at the issue:
it's seem GCC give a wrong instruction at certain machine which
without architecture features
the new toolchain is not available still, so just disable the MACOS
cibuild check at present
Signed-off-by: qinwei1 <>