The pic32mx_usbpullup() and pic32mz_usbpullup() callbacks were referred to with various incorrect names in comments: pic32mx_pullup(), pic32mz_pullup(), stm32_pullup().
- This commit refactors stm32_gs2200m.c
- gs2200m_irq_enable() and gs2200m_irq_disable() are now symmetric.
- All use cases which use the gs2200m driver.
- Tested with stm32f4discovery:wifi
Signed-off-by: Masayuki Ishikawa <>
- This commit refactors cxd56_gs2200m.c
- gs2200m_irq_enable() and gs2200m_irq_disable() are now symmetric.
- All use cases which use the gs2200m driver.
- Tested with spresense:wifi
Signed-off-by: Masayuki Ishikawa <>
and enable on sim as a demo. Here is the paper:
Signed-off-by: qiaowei <>
Change-Id: I1926936328dad54eee16b322dcaad0b42f9c4a62
sam_ili9488.c:1605:7: error: label 'errout_with_dmadog' used but not defined
bcmf_sdio.c:855:16: error: passing argument 1 of 'wd_start' from incompatible pointer type
Signed-off-by: Xiang Xiao <>
to save the preserved space(1KB) and also avoid the heap overhead
Signed-off-by: Xiang Xiao <>
Change-Id: I694073f68e1bd63960cedeea1ddec441437be025
In the commit
the CONFIG_PREALLOC_MQ_MSGS is set by default to 4 and should be removed from defconfig.
Signed-off-by: Alin Jerpelea <>
Change the preallocated message and descriptor from 32/24 to 4.
The total size is reduce from 1892 to 532
Signed-off-by: Xiang Xiao <>
Change-Id: I79d199465daef678986868f773876289859f42fc
boards: metro-m4 Add support for starting the watchdog timer on the metro-m4.
- Build check only
Signed-off-by: Leomar Mateus Radke <>
- This commit should fix CI errors
- No impact
- Build check only
Signed-off-by: Masayuki Ishikawa <>
since the maximum number of argument pass to wd_start in the whole
code base is 2 and change CONFIG_MAX_WDOGPARMS in some defconfig
from 1 to 2 oherwise pthread_condclockwait will fail
Signed-off-by: Xiang Xiao <>
Change-Id: Ib6cb28b8c0722058849e7be916e164513431d21c
malloc() and free() should never be used within the OS. This will work in the FLAT build because there is only a single heap, but will cause problems in PROTECTED and KERNEL build modes where there are separate heaps for user and kernel memory.
Typically kmm_malloc(), kmm_zalloc(), and kmm_free() should be called within the kernel in those build modes to use the kernel heap.
Memory is never free. Possible memory leak:
./boards/arm/cxd56xx/common/src/cxd56_crashdump.c: pdump = malloc(sizeof(fullcontext_t));
Memory allocated with malloc(), but freed with kmm_free():
./drivers/usbhost/usbhost_composite.c: cfgbuffer = (FAR uint8_t *)malloc(CUSTOM_CONFIG_BUFSIZE);
Memory is never freed in these cases. It is allocated in the driver initialization logic, but there is no corresponding uninitialization logic; memory is not freed on error conditions:
./arch/arm/src/lc823450/lc823450_i2s.c: priv = (struct lc823450_i2s_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct lc823450_i2s_s));
./arch/arm/src/sam34/sam_spi.c: spics = (struct sam_spics_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct sam_spics_s));
./arch/arm/src/sama5/sam_spi.c: spics = (struct sam_spics_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct sam_spics_s));
./arch/arm/src/samv7/sam_spi.c: spics = (struct sam_spics_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct sam_spics_s));
Memory is allocated with zalloc() but freed on error conditions with kmm_free():
./arch/arm/src/sama5/sam_ssc.c: priv = (struct sam_ssc_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct sam_ssc_s));
./arch/arm/src/samv7/sam_ssc.c: priv = (struct sam_ssc_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct sam_ssc_s));
./arch/arm/src/stm32/stm32_i2s.c: priv = (struct stm32_i2s_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct stm32_i2s_s));
Memory is never freed:
./drivers/spi/spi_bitbang.c: priv = (FAR struct spi_bitbang_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct spi_bitbang_s));