Gregory Nutt
IEEE 802.15.4 Network Driver: Add logic to setup the network mask, update the MAC-based IPv6 addressing when the network is brought up. The idea is that addressing changes are supposed to occur only while the network is down but won't take effect until the network is up again.
2017-06-18 15:26:56 -06:00 |
Gregory Nutt
IEEE 802.15.4 MAC: Add list management and prioritization logic that will permit the MAC layer to support bound multiple clients.
2017-06-18 11:00:47 -06:00 |
Gregory Nutt
Update some 6loWPAN configurations based on changes to NSH Kconfig
2017-06-17 11:29:25 -06:00 |
Gregory Nutt
clicker2-stm32: mrf24j40-6lowpan configuration needs to enabled the ieee 802.15.4 MAC network device as well.
2017-06-16 18:02:46 -06:00 |
Gregory Nutt
Clicker2-STM32: Enable networking and 6loWPAN in the mrf24j40-6lowpan configuration. Fix a couple of new 6loWPAN compile issues revealed by this new configuration.
2017-06-16 16:47:27 -06:00 |
Gregory Nutt
Clicker2-STM32: Enable RAMLOG in mrf24j40-6lowpan configuration. Update README.
2017-06-16 07:49:23 -06:00 |
Gregory Nutt
clicker2-stm32: Add a configuratino that will, eventually, be used for 6loWPAN testing.
2017-06-15 14:26:10 -06:00 |