Dave Marples
arch/arm/src/lpc43xx/lpc43_sdmmc.c: This commit corrects a problem in lpc43_dmasendsetup(). There was no linked DMA descriptor code on the send side. The end result was stalls while sending multiple sectors. This commit addes that in and the send code is working much better.
2018-10-23 10:47:52 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
arch/arm/src/lpc43xx/Kconfig: Restored dependency on EXPERIMENTAL for LPC43_SDMMC.
2018-10-23 06:22:40 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
arch/arm/src/lpc54xx/lpc54_sdmmc.c: Tested Dave Marple's LPC43 fix with the LPC54. Does not work. This commit adds support for and SDMMC errata and setting of the delay register which was missing in the previous commit. It appears that now I can read the SD card successfully, but I get CRC errors when writing to the card.
2018-10-22 09:35:02 -06:00
Jussi Kivilinna
arch/arm/src/stm32f7/stm32_flash.c: Allow programming OTP blocks through progmem interface
2018-10-22 06:17:18 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
arch/arm/src/lpc54/lpc54_sdmmc: Port Dave Marple's LPC43 USB DCD fix to the LPC54 with appropriate changed.
2018-10-21 17:55:51 -06:00
Dave Marples
iFix the LPC4330 family SDMMC card access. Some of these fixes (e.g. DELAY register) may also be applicable elsewhere. These are _NOT_ extensively tested, but they are certainly better than the current state of the driver. The fixes, specifically, are;
* Clocks were wrongly configured - way too fast because there is no primary divider on LPC4330
This is fixed by means of changing the definitions in the board.h file. I've edited the one for the lpc4330-xplorer board because I'm actually working with Versiboard and don't want to contribute that config just yet while I've still got the drains up on it.
* The LPC43_SDMMC_DELAY register was not being set
I suspect, in the 'real world', it's possible to get away without setting this, but I've added a register definition, default value and register access macros into arch/arm/src/lpc43xx/chip/lpc43_scu.h and then used them in arch/arm/src/lpc43xx/lpc43_sdmmc.c.
* The LPC43_SDMMC_BLKSIZ and LPC43_SDMMC_BYTECNT registers had the wrong values.
The management have already implemented a rather nice block level interface for the stm32 so I've just re-used that to write to these registers as required. I'm slightly nervous that accessing the configuration registers (SCR being the prime example) which has a much smaller block size may not be being done in the right way but it does seem to work correctly, so let's assume it's all OK until someone tells me otherwise.
These fixes have been tested with DMA-based read/write on a LPC4330. Speed via nsh is pretty low but I'm assuming that's just a buffering/implementation issue for now.
2018-10-21 17:22:22 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Trivial update to coding standard document.
2018-10-21 17:21:52 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
configs/lpcxpresso-lpc54628/include/board.h: Update logic used to calculate SDMMC input clock divider.
2018-10-21 08:41:36 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Cosmetic changes for coding standard fixes.
2018-10-20 18:15:44 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
networking: Update some comments to correct the naming used for the link layer.
2018-10-20 06:35:39 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
arch/arm/src/stm32/stm32_pwm.c: Fix a compilation error introduced in recent PR. Found in build testing.
2018-10-19 16:21:50 -06:00
Daniel P. Carvalho
drivers/sensors/ina226.c: Add INA226 device driver.
2018-10-19 09:04:56 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
arch/arm/src/stm32: Costmetic changes from review of last PR.
2018-10-18 10:44:23 -06:00
Daniel Agar
Merged in dagar/nuttx/pr-stm32_dma_per_spi (pull request #736 )
stm32 enable separate DMA per SPI configuration
Approved-by: GregoryN <gnutt@nuttx.org>
2018-10-18 16:36:14 +00:00
Gregory Nutt
configs/bambino-200e/include/board.h: Correct calculation of SDMMC clock configuration. The LPC43 has no SDMMC source clock divider. Error noted by Dave Marples.
2018-10-18 10:01:46 -06:00
Ken Pettit
drivers/mtd/s25fl1.c: During a MTDIOC_GEOMETRY ioctl call, the driver was incorrectly reporting the blocksize to be the same as the erasesize. The blocksize should be 256 (the page size). This patch fixes that, and now the SmartFS configration is working.
2018-10-18 07:02:02 -06:00
David Sidrane
Merged in david_s5/nuttx/Lampoo-master-spi-flash (pull request #735 )
drivers/mtd: add support to Macronix MX25LF25635F serial NOR flash
Approved-by: GregoryN <gnutt@nuttx.org>
2018-10-17 23:24:45 +00:00
Gregory Nutt
configs/pcblogic-pic32mx: Remove support for the PCB Logic PIC32MX board. I do not find any references to PCB Logic on the web and I do not believe that this breakout board is available any longer.
2018-10-17 11:33:54 -06:00
arch/mips/src/mips32/Toolchain.defs: Add toolchain flags for the pinguino toolchain under Linux.
2018-10-16 12:25:37 -06:00
arch/mips/src/pic32mz/pic32mz-head.S: Initialize the global pointer in all shadow sets.
2018-10-16 12:25:37 -06:00
arch/mips/src/pic32mz/pic32mz-serial.c: Fix a typo in assignment of TTYS0 to UART6
2018-10-16 12:25:37 -06:00
Mateusz Szafoni
Merged in raiden00/nuttx_pe (pull request #734 )
stm32_pwm: break and lock configuration and some cosmetics
Approved-by: GregoryN <gnutt@nuttx.org>
2018-10-15 17:18:38 +00:00
Mateusz Szafoni
Merged in raiden00/nuttx_pe (pull request #733 )
Improvements in STM32 PWM low level driver
stm32_pwm: remove some impossible PWM configurations
stm32_pwm: support for complementary outputs
stm32_pwm: deadtime configuration
stm32_pwm: output polarity and IDLE state configuration
nucleo-f302r8: pwm support
stm32f429i-disco: pwm support
configs: update some configurations according to changes in STM32 PWM driver
Approved-by: GregoryN <gnutt@nuttx.org>
2018-10-14 14:08:52 +00:00
Ivan Ucherdzhiev
/arch/arm/src/imxrt/imxrt_lpi2c.c: Fixes 2 bugs in the for IMXRT1050: (1) I2C time out and did not send STOP condition when sending single byte, (2) I2C could not receive bytes after repeated start.
2018-10-13 06:38:33 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
arch/arm/src/lpc43xx/lpc43_serial.c: Fix some minor typos in comments.
2018-10-12 17:07:04 -06:00
Dave Marples
arch/arm/src/lpc43xx/lpc43_serial.c: Fix copy-paste error: g_usart1port->g_uart1port.
2018-10-12 17:03:50 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
fs/vfs/fs_read.c: Elimnate a warning noted by Anonymouns in Issue 124.
2018-10-12 14:58:21 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
arch/mips/include/mips32/cp0.h: Fix some copy-paste errors that cause malformed comments and syntax errors when certain CP0 CONFIG1 bits are referenced. Note in Issue 123 by Anonymous.
2018-10-12 14:52:05 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
EFM32, Kinetis, BCM2708: Juha Niskanen's fix of commit 4a32325e3c01598d436db76bb30cb82f8365a093 also applies to BCM2708, EFM32, and Kinetis.
2018-10-10 06:45:03 -06:00
Juha Niskanen
stm32f0, stm32f7, stm32h7, stm32l4 serial: fix use of CONFIG_SERIAL_IFLOWCONTROL for CONFIG_SERIAL_OFLOWCONTROL
2018-10-10 06:29:29 -06:00
Juha Niskanen
arch/arm/src/stm32f7/stm32_serial.c: force invalidate of data cache after DMA re-enable when returning from low-power mode
2018-10-09 06:35:43 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Update TODO list, Kconfig help text.
2018-10-08 14:45:00 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
drivers/wireless/ieee80211/Kconfig: Update Kconfig help text.
2018-10-08 09:03:42 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
drivers/wireless/ieee802.11: Extend Add capabilility to get firmware from a mounted file system to BCM43362. Also fix some compile/link issues introduced in the previous commit.
2018-10-07 15:00:13 -06:00
Ramtin Amin
drivers/wireless/ieee802.11: Add capabilility for Broadcom chips to get firmware and CLM data from a mounted file system vs. in-memory data structures.
2018-10-07 10:03:39 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Trivial update to README files.
2018-10-07 09:15:11 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
configs/olimex-lpc1766stk/hidkbd: Add a configuration for testing the HID keyboard.
2018-10-07 07:28:51 -06:00
configs/olimex-lpc1766stk/src/lpc17_bringup.c: Remove unnecessary include.
2018-10-07 01:40:00 +00:00
Gregory Nutt
configs/olimex-lpc1766stk: Add support to initialize a USB HID keyboard. Still don't have a working configuration. Seems to require a lot of transfer descriptors. Also reorganized some logic. It has been a long time since the Olimex LPC1766-STK has had any TLC.
2018-10-06 18:06:47 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
configs/olimex-stm32-p407: Added a HID keyboard configuration.
2018-10-06 11:43:19 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
libs/libc/stdio/Kconfig: Commit d0254b1c796bd8c383ec840997856b3f19f3363e removed all usage of CONFIG_NOPRINTF_FIELDWIDTH but failed to remove the selection from the Kconfig file.
2018-10-06 10:33:29 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
libs/libc/stdio/lib_libvsprintf.c: Correct another discrepancy between NuttX printf() output and glibc printf() output.
2018-10-06 09:57:06 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
arch/arm/src/stm32/stm32_allocateheap.c: Eliminate warning, 'CONFIG_STM32_HAVE_CCM is not defined.
2018-10-05 16:53:23 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Update TODO list. Costmetic (only) changes to libs/libc/stdio/lib_libvsprintf.c
2018-10-05 16:09:53 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
libs/libc/stdio/lib_libvsprintf.c: Correct handling of integer 'precision' in all justification types for values 9, 99, 999, 9999, 99999:
Right justification:
009 099 999 9999 99999 %5.3u
9 99 999 9999 99999 %5u
Right justification, zero padding
009 099 999 9999 99999 %05.3u
00009 00099 00999 09999 99999 %05u
Left justification
009 099 999 9999 99999 %-5.3u
9 99 999 9999 99999 %-5u
2018-10-05 13:54:36 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
libs/libc/stdio/lib_libvsprintf.c: Back out most of commit d0254b1c796bd8c383ec840997856b3f19f3363e. While logic seemed correct, verify against glibc showed differs. The output now matches the output form glibc:
This code sequence:
printf("%3.3u %3.3u %3.3u %3.3u %3.3u\n",
9, 99, 999, 9999, 99999);
printf("%3u %3u %3u %3u %3u\n",
9, 99, 999, 9999, 99999);
printf("%3.3lu %3.3lu %3.3lu %3.3lu %3.3lu\n",
9L, 99L, 999L, 9999L, 99999L);
printf("%3u %3u %3u %3u %3u\n",
9L, 99L, 999L, 9999L, 99999L);
printf("%3.3llu %3.3llu %3.3llu %3.3llu %3.3llu\n",
9LL, 99LL, 999LL, 9999LL, 99999LL);
printf("%3llu %3llu %3llu %3llu %3llu\n",
9LL, 99LL, 999LL, 9999LL, 99999LL);
009 099 999 9999 99999
9 99 999 9999 99999
009 099 999 9999 99999
9 99 999 9999 99999
009 099 999 9999 99999
9 99 999 9999 99999
For both NuttX and glibc.
2018-10-05 13:00:18 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Update TODO list.
2018-10-05 11:15:57 -06:00
Gregory Nutt
Squashed commit of the following:
libs/libc/stdio/lib_libvsprintf.c: Resolves the integer field width problem if Issue 35 for the cases of long and long long integer types.
libs/libc/stdio/lib_libvsprintf.c: Resolves the integer field width problem if Issue 35 for the case of integer types.
libs/libc/stdio: Remove CONFIG_NOPRINTF_FIELDWIDTH. That option does, indeed, make the printf family of functions much smaller. But it also adds a lot of complexity and makes the functions non-standard. Removing this might break some of the tinier platforms but it is the best thing to do for long term maintanance for for OpenGroup.org compliance.
2018-10-05 09:33:48 -06:00
Merged in raiden00/nuttx_pe (pull request #732 )
configs: add support for nucleo-f302r8 board
Approved-by: GregoryN <gnutt@nuttx.org>
2018-10-05 13:02:49 +00:00
Merged in raiden00/nuttx_pe (pull request #731 )
stm32_tim.c: don't use hardcoded UIF interrupt in some functions
Approved-by: GregoryN <gnutt@nuttx.org>
2018-10-04 16:16:54 +00:00