sched/semaphore: Add nxsem_post() which is identical to sem_post() except that it never modifies the errno variable. Changed all references to sem_post in the OS to nxsem_post().
sched/semaphore: Add nxsem_destroy() which is identical to sem_destroy() except that it never modifies the errno variable. Changed all references to sem_destroy() in the OS to nxsem_destroy().
libc/semaphore and sched/semaphore: Add nxsem_getprotocol() and nxsem_setprotocola which are identical to sem_getprotocol() and set_setprotocol() except that they never modifies the errno variable. Changed all references to sem_setprotocol in the OS to nxsem_setprotocol(). sem_getprotocol() was not used in the OS
libc/semaphore: Add nxsem_getvalue() which is identical to sem_getvalue() except that it never modifies the errno variable. Changed all references to sem_getvalue in the OS to nxsem_getvalue().
sched/semaphore: Rename all internal private functions from sem_xyz to nxsem_xyz. The sem_ prefix is (will be) reserved only for the application semaphore interfaces.
libc/semaphore: Add nxsem_init() which is identical to sem_init() except that it never modifies the errno variable. Changed all references to sem_init in the OS to nxsem_init().
sched/semaphore: Rename sem_tickwait() to nxsem_tickwait() so that it is clear this is an internal OS function.
sched/semaphoate: Rename sem_reset() to nxsem_reset() so that it is clear this is an internal OS function.
Task A holds an IOB. There are no further IOBs. The value of semcount is zero.
Task B calls iob_alloc(). Since there are not IOBs, it calls sem_wait(). The v
alue of semcount is now -1.
Task A frees the IOB. iob_free() adds the IOB to the free list and calls sem_post() this makes Task B ready to run and sets semcount to zero NOT 1. There is one IOB in the free list and semcount is zero. When Task B wakes up it would increment the sem_count back to the correct value.
But an interrupt or another task runs occurs before Task B executes. The interrupt or other tak takes the IOB off of the free list and decrements the semcount. But since semcount is then < 0, this causes the assertion because that is an invalid state in the interrupt handler.
So I think that the root cause is that there the asynchrony between incrementing the semcount. This change separates the list of IOBs: Currently there is only a free list of IOBs. The problem, I believe, is because of asynchronies due sem_post() post cause the semcount and the list content to become out of sync. This change adds a new 'committed' list: When there is a task waiting for an IOB, it will go into the committed list rather than the free list before the semaphore is posted. On the waiting side, when awakened from the semaphore wait, it will expect to find its IOB in the committed list, rather than free list.
In this way, the content of the free list and the value of the semaphore count always remain in sync.
The solution is to remove all of the memory management function calls from the interface. Instead, the interface exports the userspace heap structure and then kernel size implementations of those memory management functions will operate on the userspace heap structure. This avoids the unnecessary system calls and, more importantly, failures do to freeing memory when a test exits.