The driver is provided by Spresense SDK
ISX019 has the DOL-HDR feature, which combines images with different exposure so that
both bright and dark data of high-contrast subject can be viewed at the same time.
Signed-off-by: Alin Jerpelea <>
Change pin initialization timing for camera from board power on to camera device
power on for the following purposes.
- avoid unnecessary power consumption
- Make the corresponding pins available for other uses when camera is not in use
It caused i2c tool not to work due to i2c uninitializing processing.
Since this process is not necessary in the normal case, we will
move it to the error case.
Rearchitect video driver:
- Define two video I/F(struct imgsensor_ops_s and struct imgdata_ops_s),
and support them.
- CISIF driver supports new video I/F struct imgdata_ops_s.
- ISX012 driver supports new video I/F struct imgsensor_ops_s.
- Move ISX012 driver to general driver directory.
- This commit converts data to the physical address for DMA transfer.
- cxd56_imageproc.c and cxd56_audio_dma.c
- Not tested
Signed-off-by: Kazuya Hioki <>
Signed-off-by: Masayuki Ishikawa <>
If the GPIO falls within 300us after raising
(or GPIO raises within 300us after falling), the modem may miss the GPIO
interrupt. So add delay by 300us before changing the GPIO.
arch: Allocate the space from the beginning in up_stack_frame
and modify the affected portion:
1.Correct the stack dump and check
2.Allocate tls_info_s by up_stack_frame too
3.Move the stack fork allocation from arch to sched
Signed-off-by: Xiang Xiao <>
All supported arch uses a push-down stack:
The stack grows toward lower addresses in memory. The stack pointer
register points to the lowest, valid working address (the "top" of
the stack). Items on the stack are referenced as positive(include zero)
word offsets from sp.
Which means that for stack in the [begin, begin + size):
1.The initial SP point to begin + size
2.push equals sub and then store
3.pop equals load and then add
Signed-off-by: Xiang Xiao <>
- This commit replaces SHES related headers under cxd56xx
- No impact
- Build check only
Signed-off-by: Masayuki Ishikawa <>
- During streaming test, I noticed a dealock when controlling IRQ
- Actually, it will send an IPI when the cpu index is not 0
- However, up_cpu_pause() also sends IPI with critical section
- So the IRQ control must follow the same rule
- Affects SMP only
- Tested with spresense:wifi_smp
Signed-off-by: Masayuki Ishikawa <>
and remove the special handling in the stack dump
Signed-off-by: Xiang Xiao <>
Change-Id: Ia1ef9a427bd4c7f6cee9838d0445f29cfaca3998
- This commit adds a wifi_smp configuration for spresense
- To avoid deadlock, gs2200m_irq_enable() and gs2200m_irq_disable()
release global spinlock if they are not called on CPU0.
- Only affects spresense:wifi_smp
- Tested with ostest, renew, smp, telnetd.
- NOTE: tcpserver might be unstable
Signed-off-by: Masayuki Ishikawa <>
- This commit refactors cxd56_gs2200m.c
- gs2200m_irq_enable() and gs2200m_irq_disable() are now symmetric.
- All use cases which use the gs2200m driver.
- Tested with spresense:wifi
Signed-off-by: Masayuki Ishikawa <>
malloc() and free() should never be used within the OS. This will work in the FLAT build because there is only a single heap, but will cause problems in PROTECTED and KERNEL build modes where there are separate heaps for user and kernel memory.
Typically kmm_malloc(), kmm_zalloc(), and kmm_free() should be called within the kernel in those build modes to use the kernel heap.
Memory is never free. Possible memory leak:
./boards/arm/cxd56xx/common/src/cxd56_crashdump.c: pdump = malloc(sizeof(fullcontext_t));
Memory allocated with malloc(), but freed with kmm_free():
./drivers/usbhost/usbhost_composite.c: cfgbuffer = (FAR uint8_t *)malloc(CUSTOM_CONFIG_BUFSIZE);
Memory is never freed in these cases. It is allocated in the driver initialization logic, but there is no corresponding uninitialization logic; memory is not freed on error conditions:
./arch/arm/src/lc823450/lc823450_i2s.c: priv = (struct lc823450_i2s_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct lc823450_i2s_s));
./arch/arm/src/sam34/sam_spi.c: spics = (struct sam_spics_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct sam_spics_s));
./arch/arm/src/sama5/sam_spi.c: spics = (struct sam_spics_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct sam_spics_s));
./arch/arm/src/samv7/sam_spi.c: spics = (struct sam_spics_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct sam_spics_s));
Memory is allocated with zalloc() but freed on error conditions with kmm_free():
./arch/arm/src/sama5/sam_ssc.c: priv = (struct sam_ssc_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct sam_ssc_s));
./arch/arm/src/samv7/sam_ssc.c: priv = (struct sam_ssc_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct sam_ssc_s));
./arch/arm/src/stm32/stm32_i2s.c: priv = (struct stm32_i2s_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct stm32_i2s_s));
Memory is never freed:
./drivers/spi/spi_bitbang.c: priv = (FAR struct spi_bitbang_s *)zalloc(sizeof(struct spi_bitbang_s));
Add imageproc_alpha_blend() to blend two images in a specified ratio.
The blended source image is selectable from the following two types:
- Single color image
- YUV422 image
The blend ratio is selectable from the following three types:
- Blend ratio with single value
- Blend ratio with 1bpp
- Blend ratio with 8bpp
- Add new functions of GNSS
- Support the lower PWM frequency
- Add high speed ADC support
- Add HPADC input gain configuration
- Add eMMC device
- Frame buffer support
- Fix SD/GNSS/sensor drivers not worked
- Build errors
- Fix nxstyle issues
- Add board specific logic to altair modem dirver
- Fix issue that SPI4 RX frequency violated AC Spec
- Remove dummy buffer in altair driver
- Fix priority of SPI transfer task is too low
- Remove unnecessary configuration
- Modify timeout value for RX ready
- Fix minor bugs
Add recording support to the Nuttx audio driver for Spresense.
- Supports 16 bit data with 48 kHz sample rate only for now.
- Supports 1 (dual mono) 2 or 4 channels.
- Only analog mics have been tested so digital is considered