Or twi_reset is called.
I found this a while back in the stm32 family, so there may be more arch-es with this sort of bug. I suppose any driver that has the notion of "do not set the freq if it is already set" could be suspect.
• SYSIO4: PB4 or TDI Assignment
0: TDI function selected.
1: PB4 function selected.
• SYSIO5: PB5 or TDO/TRACESWO Assignment
0: TDO/TRACESWO function selected.
1: PB5 function selected.
• SYSIO6: PB6 or TMS/SWDIO Assignment
0: TMS/SWDIO function selected.
1: PB6 function selected.
• SYSIO7: PB7 or TCK/SWCLK Assignment
0: TCK/SWCLK function selected.
1: PB7 function selected.
• SYSIO12: PB12 or ERASE Assignment
0: ERASE function selected.
1: PB12 function selected.
The thing I did not add is warning or compilation failure, (to save the next guy the hassle), at ALL the driver points that uses the these pins.
I did remove this
/* To use the USART1 as an USART, the SYSIO Pin4 must be bound to PB4
* instead of TDI
uint32_t sysioreg = getreg32(SAM_MATRIX_CCFG_SYSIO);
putreg32(sysioreg, SAM_MATRIX_CCFG_SYSIO);
in sam_lowputc.c in favor of an #error - because the default is an input TDI and driving it blindly to an output TXD1, would be a contention.
Error is only triggered if the global variable g_mcan0_msgram is located in RAM at an address beyond 0x20400000 + 0x0000ffff. In this case all send CAN messages have the length zero and the CAN-ID is zero as well.
When using QUEUE mode sometimes the counting semaphore indicates there is no space left in the TX buffers, but in fact there is. This leads to a situation, where all TX buffers are empty and the driver
still waits for space in the buffers. The switch from QUEUE mode to FIFO mode is just a workarround to make the semaphore counting self repairing.
The Error reporting is changed due to some Error Interrupts not reporting states, they are reporting state changes. To keep this into Account the static Error conditions like WARNING, PASSIVE or BUS_OFF are filled in
every time.