Corresponds to the problem of name resolution with different IP
address types in networks where only one of IPv4 or IPv6 can be
used due to physical layer reasons (e.g., LTE networks).
The 'filename' parameter comes from user space and cannot be accessed
after calling ret = addrenv_select(binp->addrenv, &binp->oldenv); as
it changes the address environment and 'filename' points to who knows
where. In this case, calling nxtask_init(filename...) will cause a crash.
Solve this by making a local copy before changing address environment IF
argv = NULL. Why ? Because argv[0] contains the process name in this case
and the argument vector is already copied into kernel memory, thus
passing argv[0] to nxtask_init(argv[0]...) is safe.
We may just free some TCP connections before monitor stopped, e.g.
sacrificie a TCP conn in `tcp_alloc` will just call `tcp_free` and reuse
the connection. But we noticed that the TCP monitor is not released in
`tcp_free` because it is mounted on `conn->connevents` instead of
`conn->sconn.list` while `tcp_free` only release the latter.
Signed-off-by: Zhe Weng <>
Fix the problem when vfork() calls execv() (or execl()) to start a new application:
When the parent thread calls vfork() it receives and gets the pid of the vforked task,
and not the pid of the desired execv'ed application.
issue #3334
Signed-off-by: yangyalei <>
with nonblocking sockets, POLLOUT is returned when the application
calls poll even if the send buffer is full
Signed-off-by: zhanghongyu <>
When we are using newlib as libm, we can consider newlib-esp32 for esp32
hardware. An it contains some optimization for esp32 hardware.
Besides, two small issues has been fixed.
1. add the tar ball to .gitignore
2. Fix the some build warnings
These values are only provided by bream private message, should not include in
NMEA 0183 standard struct.
Signed-off-by: haopengxiang <>
We support search directory structure as follows:
Current directory
Signed-off-by: yinshengkai <>
Normally, `SO_ERROR` for disconn events will be set by `tcp_poll_eventhandler`, but when the socket is closed before poll, we should also set the `SO_ERROR`.
On Linux, `tcp_poll` returns `EPOLLERR` event when `sk->sk_err` has value but doesn't let `poll` fail (doesn't set `errno`).
Note: `sk->sk_err` can be get by socket option `SO_ERROR` on Linux, so `POLLERR` will always be together with `SO_ERROR`.
Common libs like curl may try to read `SO_ERROR` on `POLLERR`.
Signed-off-by: Zhe Weng <>