# tools/uncrustify.cfg
# uncrustify config file for NuttX

indent_with_tabs              = 0        # 0=spaces only; 1=indent to level only; 2=indent with tabs
input_tab_size                = 4        # original tab size
output_tab_size               = 4        # new tab size
indent_columns                = 2        # Two columns per indent level
indent_label                  = 1        # pos: absolute col, neg: relative column
code_width                    = 78       # Try to limit code width to N number of columns

# Newlines

nl_max                        = 2        # No more than \n\n
nl_after_semicolon            = true     # Make sure there is only one statement per line
nl_after_brace_open           = true     # Add \n after brace open and before the matching brace close.
nl_if_leave_one_liners        = false    # Split one-line if/else statements
sp_after_semi                 = remove   # Remove space after ';', except when followed by a comment.
sp_after_semi_for_empty       = force    # Force one space after the final semicolon of an empty part of a for statement.
sp_before_square              = remove   # Remove space before '[' (except '[]').
nl_after_label_colon          = true     # Force a newline after a label's colon.
nl_after_func_proto           = 1        # One \n after function prototype
nl_after_func_proto_group     = 2        # Two \n after last prototype
nl_after_func_body            = 2        # was 1. One \n after function body
nl_after_func_body_class      = 1        # One \n after '}' of a single line function body
nl_after_multiline_comment    = true     # Newline after multiline comment
nl_before_block_comment       = 2        # Two \n before block comment
nl_before_c_comment           = 2        # was 1. At least line space before C comment
nl_before_cpp_comment         = 1        #At least line space before C++ comment
nl_after_multiline_comment    = true     # Force newline after mult-line comment
nl_after_struct               = 2        # Two \n after struct
nl_after_class                = 2        # Two \n after class
nl_before_access_spec         = 2        # Two \n before 'private:', 'public:', ...
nl_after_access_spec          = 1        # One \n after 'private:', 'public:', ...
nl_comment_func_def           = 2        # Two \n between function def and function comment.
nl_after_try_catch_finally    = 2        # Two \n after a try-catch-finally block
nl_around_cs_property         = 0        # No change in number of newlines before/after a property, indexer or event decl.
eat_blanks_after_open_brace   = false    # May be a comment. Remove blank lines after '{'
eat_blanks_before_close_brace = false    # May be a comment. Remove blank lines after '}'
nl_remove_extra_newlines      = 1        # was 2. Remove all newlines not specified by config
nl_before_return              = false    # No newline before return
nl_after_return               = false    # No newline after return statement`

nl_enum_brace                 = add      # "enum \n { vs enum {"
nl_union_brace                = add      # "union \n {" vs "union {"
nl_struct_brace               = add      # "struct \n {" vs "struct {"
nl_do_brace                   = add      # "do \n {" vs "do {"
nl_if_brace                   = add      # "if \n () {" vs "if () {"
nl_for_brace                  = add      # "for \n () {" vs "for () {"
nl_else_brace                 = add      # "else \n {" vs "else {"
nl_while_brace                = add      # "while \n () {" vs "while () {"
nl_switch_brace               = add      # "switch \n () {" vs "switch () {"
nl_brace_while                = add      # "} \n while" vs "} while"
nl_brace_else                 = add      # "} \n else" vs "} else"
nl_func_var_def_blk           = 1
nl_fcall_brace                = add      # "list_for_each() \n {" vs "list_for_each() {"
nl_fdef_brace                 = add      # "int foo() {" vs "int foo()\n{"
nl_before_case                = true     # Newline before 'case' statement

# Source code modifications

mod_full_brace_do             = add      # "do { a--; } while ();" vs "do a--; while ();"
mod_full_brace_for            = add      # "for () { a--; }" vs "for () a--;"
mod_full_brace_function       = add      # Add braces on single-line function definitions. (Pawn)
mod_full_brace_if             = add      # "if (a) { a--; }" vs "if (a) a--;"
mod_full_brace_if_chain       = false    # was true  Make all if/elseif/else statements in a chain be braced
mod_full_brace_nl             = 1        # Don't remove if more than 1 newlines
mod_full_brace_while          = add      # "while (a) { a--; } " vs "while (a) a--;"
mod_full_brace_using          = add      # Add braces on single-line 'using ()' statement
mod_paren_on_return           = remove   # "return 1;" vs "return (1);"
mod_pawn_semicolon            = true     # Change optional semicolons to real semicolons
mod_full_paren_if_bool        = false    # Don't add  parens on 'while' and 'if' statement around bools
mod_remove_extra_semicolon    = true     # Remove superfluous semicolons
# mod_add_long_function_closebrace_comment
# mod_add_long_namespace_closebrace_comment
# mod_add_long_switch_closebrace_comment
# mod_add_long_ifdef_endif_comment
# mod_add_long_ifdef_else_comment
mod_move_case_break           = false    # Don't break into braced 'case'
mod_case_brace                = add      # Add braces around acase statements.
mod_remove_empty_return       = true     # Remove a void 'return;' that appears as the last statement in a function.

# Comment modifications

cmt_width                      = 78      # Wrap comments at line 78
# cmt_reflow_mode                        # No reflowing
# cmt_convert_tab_to_spaces              # Tabs retained in comments
# cmt_indent_multi                       # Don't disable multi-line comment changes
cmt_c_group                    = true    # Group C comments that look like they are in a block
cmt_c_nl_start                 = true    # No empty '/*' on the first line of the combined c-comment
cmt_c_nl_end                   = true    # Add newline before the closing '*/' of the combined c-comment
cmt_cpp_group                  = true    # Group C++ comments that look like they are in a block
cmt_cpp_nl_start               = false   # No '/*' on the first line of the combined cpp-comment
cmt_cpp_nl_end                 = true    # Add newline before the closing '*/' of the combined C++ comment
cmt_cpp_to_c                   = true    # Change C++ comments to C comments
cmt_star_cont                  = true    # Add star to comment continuation
cmt_sp_before_star_cont        = 0       # was 1. One space before star on subsequent comment lines
                                         # The value 1 added an extra space, indenting by 2.
cmt_sp_after_star_cont         = 1       # One space after star on subsequent comment lines
cmt_multi_check_last           = true    # Multi-line comments with a '*' lead, remove leading spaces
# cmt_insert_file_header                 # filename containing the file header
# cmt_insert_file_footer                 # filename containing the file footer
# cmt_insert_func_header                 # filename containing the function header
# cmt_insert_class_header                # filename containing the class header
# cmt_insert_before_preproc              # ?

# inter-character spacing options

sp_return_paren               = force    # "return (1);" vs "return(1);"
sp_sizeof_paren               = remove   # "sizeof (int)" vs "sizeof(int)"
sp_before_sparen              = force    # "if (" vs "if("
sp_after_sparen               = remove   # "if () {" vs "if (){"
sp_after_cast                 = remove   # "(int) a" vs "(int)a"
sp_inside_braces              = add      # "{ 1 }" vs "{1}"
sp_inside_braces_struct       = add      # "{ 1 }" vs "{1}"
sp_inside_braces_enum         = add      # "{ 1 }" vs "{1}"
sp_assign                     = add      # "{ 1 }" vs "{1}"
sp_arith                      = add      # Add spaces around assignment operators
sp_bool                       = add      # Add spaces around boolean operators
sp_compare                    = add      # Add spaces around comparison operators
sp_after_comma                = add      # Add space after comma
sp_func_def_paren             = remove   # "int foo (){" vs "int foo(){"
sp_func_call_paren            = remove   # "foo (" vs "foo("
sp_func_proto_paren           = remove   # "int foo ();" vs "int foo();"

# Aligning stuff

align_with_tabs               = false    # Use spaces to align
align_on_tabstop              = true     # align on tabstops
align_keep_tabs               = false    # Don't keep non-indenting tabs
align_enum_equ_span           = 2        # '=' in enum definition
align_nl_cont                 = true     # Align macros wrapped wht \n
align_var_def_span            = 2        # Span for aligning varialbe definitions
align_var_def_inline          = true     # Align union/struct variable definitions
align_var_def_star_style      = 2        # 2=Dangling
align_var_def_colon           = true     # Align colons in bit field definitions
align_assign_span             = 1        # Span for aligning =
align_struct_init_span        = 3        # align stuff in a structure init '= { }'
align_right_cmt_span          = 3        # Span for aligning comments that end lines
align_pp_define_span          = 8        # Span for aligning #define bodies
align_pp_define_gap           = 2        # Min space define #define variable and value
indent_brace                  = 2        # Indent brace 2 from level