/**************************************************************************** * boards/arm/cxd56xx/common/src/cxd56_imageproc.c * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The * ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Included Files ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "chip.h" #include "arm_internal.h" /**************************************************************************** * Pre-processor Definitions ****************************************************************************/ #ifdef CONFIG_IMAGEPROC_GEDEVNAME #define GEDEVNAME CONFIG_IMAGEPROC_GEDEVNAME #else #define GEDEVNAME "/dev/ge" #endif #define CXD56_ROT_BASE (CXD56_ADSP_BASE + 0x02101400) #define ROT_INTR_STATUS (CXD56_ROT_BASE + 0x0000) #define ROT_INTR_ENABLE (CXD56_ROT_BASE + 0x0004) #define ROT_INTR_DISABLE (CXD56_ROT_BASE + 0x0008) #define ROT_INTR_CLEAR (CXD56_ROT_BASE + 0x000C) #define ROT_SET_DIRECTION (CXD56_ROT_BASE + 0x0014) #define ROT_SET_SRC_HSIZE (CXD56_ROT_BASE + 0x0018) #define ROT_SET_SRC_VSIZE (CXD56_ROT_BASE + 0x001C) #define ROT_SET_SRC_ADDRESS (CXD56_ROT_BASE + 0x0020) #define ROT_SET_SRC_PITCH (CXD56_ROT_BASE + 0x0024) #define ROT_SET_DST_ADDRESS (CXD56_ROT_BASE + 0x0028) #define ROT_SET_DST_PITCH (CXD56_ROT_BASE + 0x002C) #define ROT_CONV_CTRL (CXD56_ROT_BASE + 0x0034) #define ROT_RGB_ALIGNMENT (CXD56_ROT_BASE + 0x0038) #define ROT_COMMAND (CXD56_ROT_BASE + 0x0010) #define MSEL 1 /* limit size */ #define HSIZE_MIN (12) #define VSIZE_MIN (12) #define HSIZE_MAX (4096) /* Not used scaler(ISE) */ #define VSIZE_MAX (4096) /* Not used scaler(ISE) */ #define ISE_SRC_HSIZE_MAX (2880) #define ISE_SRC_VSIZE_MAX (2160) #define ISE_DST_HSIZE_MAX (768) #define ISE_DST_VSIZE_MAX (1024) #define MAX_RATIO (64) /* Command code */ #define COPYCMD 0x4 #define ROPCMD 0x8 #define ABCMD 0xa /* Command options */ #define SRC16BPP (1 << 10) #define SCALING (1 << 12) #define PATMONO (1 << 15) /* Raster operation code */ #define SRCCOPY 0xcc #define SRCPAINT 0xee #define SRCAND 0x88 #define SRCINVERT 0x66 #define SRCERASE 0x44 #define NOTSRCCOPY 0x33 #define NOTSRCERASE 0x11 #define MARGECOPY 0xc0 #define MERGEPAINT 0xbb #define PATCOPY 0xf0 #define PATPAINT 0xfb #define PATINVERT 0x5a #define DSTINVERT 0x55 /* Raster operation options */ #define CONV8BPP (1 << 7) #define FIXEDCOLOR (1 << 3) #define CMPDST (3 << 1) #define CMPSRC (2 << 1) #define CMPPAT (1 << 1) #define WBUNMATCHED (1 << 0) /* Alpha blending options */ #define ALPHA1BPP (1 << 15) #define FIXEDSRC (1 << 14) #define MSBFIRST (1 << 13) #ifndef MIN # define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif /**************************************************************************** * Private Types ****************************************************************************/ /* Copy command (32 bytes) */ struct aligned_data(16) ge2d_copycmd_s { uint32_t cmd; /* 0x00 */ uint16_t srch; /* 0x04 */ uint16_t srcv; /* 0x06 */ uint32_t saddr; /* 0x08 */ uint32_t daddr; /* 0x0c */ uint16_t spitch; /* 0x10 */ uint16_t dpitch; /* 0x12 */ uint32_t reserved[3]; }; /* Raster operation (ROP) command (48 bytes) */ struct aligned_data(16) ge2d_ropcmd_s { uint16_t cmd; /* 0x00 */ uint8_t rop; /* 0x02 */ uint8_t options; /* 0x03 */ uint16_t srch; /* 0x04 */ uint16_t srcv; /* 0x06 */ uint32_t saddr; /* 0x08 */ uint32_t daddr; /* 0x0c */ uint16_t spitch; /* 0x10 */ uint16_t dpitch; /* 0x12 */ uint32_t fixedcolor; /* 0x14 */ uint32_t pataddr; /* 0x18 */ uint16_t patpitch; /* 0x1c */ uint8_t pathoffset; /* 0x1e */ uint8_t patvoffset; /* 0x1f */ uint16_t desth; /* 0x20 */ uint16_t destv; /* 0x22 */ uint16_t ratioh; /* 0x24 */ uint16_t ratiov; /* 0x26 */ uint8_t hphaseinit; /* 0x28 */ uint8_t hphaseoffset; /* 0x29: must be 0 */ uint8_t vphaseinit; /* 0x2a */ uint8_t vphaseoffset; /* 0x2b: must be 0 */ uint32_t intpmode; /* 0x2c: interpolation mode */ }; /* Alpha blending (AB) command (32 bytes) */ struct aligned_data(16) ge2d_abcmd_s { uint16_t cmd; /* 0x00 */ uint16_t mode; /* 0x02 */ uint16_t srch; /* 0x04 */ uint16_t srcv; /* 0x06 */ uint32_t saddr; /* 0x08 */ uint32_t daddr; /* 0x0c */ uint16_t spitch; /* 0x10 */ uint16_t dpitch; /* 0x12 */ uint32_t fixedsrc; /* 0x14 */ uint32_t aaddr; /* 0x18 */ uint16_t apitch; /* 0x1c */ uint16_t reserved; }; /**************************************************************************** * Private Data ****************************************************************************/ static sem_t g_rotwait; static sem_t g_rotexc; static sem_t g_geexc; static sem_t g_abexc; static struct file g_gfile; static char g_gcmdbuf[256] aligned_data(16); /**************************************************************************** * Private Functions ****************************************************************************/ static int ip_semtake(sem_t * id) { return nxsem_wait_uninterruptible(id); } static void ip_semgive(sem_t * id) { nxsem_post(id); } static int intr_handler_rot(int irq, void *context, void *arg) { putreg32(1, ROT_INTR_CLEAR); putreg32(0, ROT_INTR_ENABLE); putreg32(1, ROT_INTR_DISABLE); ip_semgive(&g_rotwait); return 0; } static int ratio_check(uint16_t src, uint16_t dest) { uint16_t ratio = 1; if (src > dest) { ratio = src / dest; } else if (src < dest) { ratio = dest / src; } if (ratio > MAX_RATIO) { return -1; } return 0; } static uint16_t calc_ratio(uint16_t src, uint16_t dest) { uint16_t r; if (src > dest) { r = src / dest; if (r == 2 || r == 4 || r == 8 || r == 16 || r == 32 || r == 64) { return 256 * r; } } else if (src < dest) { r = dest / src; if (r == 2 || r == 4 || r == 8 || r == 16 || r == 32 || r == 64) { return 256 / r; } } else { return 256; } return 0; } static void *set_rop_cmd(void *cmdbuf, void *srcaddr, void *destaddr, uint16_t srcwidth, uint16_t srcheight, uint16_t srcpitch, uint16_t destwidth, uint16_t destheight, uint16_t destpitch, uint8_t bpp, uint8_t rop, uint8_t options, uint16_t patcolor) { struct ge2d_ropcmd_s *rc = (struct ge2d_ropcmd_s *)cmdbuf; uint16_t rv; uint16_t rh; uint16_t cmd = ROPCMD; if (((uintptr_t) srcaddr & 1) || ((uintptr_t) destaddr & 1)) { return NULL; } if (srcwidth & 1 || destwidth & 1) { return NULL; } rv = calc_ratio(srcheight, destheight); if (rv == 0) { return NULL; } rh = calc_ratio(srcwidth, destwidth); if (rh == 0) { return NULL; } /* If ratio is not 256 (x1), then set scaling bit. */ if (rv != 256 || rh != 256 || options & CONV8BPP) { cmd |= SCALING; } memset(rc, 0, sizeof(struct ge2d_ropcmd_s)); if (bpp == 16) { cmd |= SRC16BPP; } rc->cmd = cmd; rc->rop = rop; rc->options = options; rc->fixedcolor = patcolor; rc->srch = srcwidth - 1; rc->srcv = srcheight - 1; rc->saddr = CXD56_PHYSADDR(srcaddr) | MSEL; rc->daddr = CXD56_PHYSADDR(destaddr) | MSEL; rc->spitch = srcpitch - 1; rc->dpitch = destpitch - 1; rc->desth = destwidth - 1; rc->destv = destheight - 1; rc->ratiov = rv - 1; rc->ratioh = rh - 1; rc->hphaseinit = 1; rc->vphaseinit = 1; rc->intpmode = 0; /* XXX: HV Linear interpolation */ /* return next command area */ return (void *)((uintptr_t) cmdbuf + sizeof(struct ge2d_ropcmd_s)); } static void *set_ab_cmd(void *cmdbuf, void *srcaddr, void *destaddr, uint16_t srcwidth, uint16_t srcheight, uint16_t srcpitch, uint16_t destpitch, void *aaddr, uint16_t apitch, int options, uint16_t fixedsrc, uint16_t fixedalpha) { struct ge2d_abcmd_s *ac = (struct ge2d_abcmd_s *)cmdbuf; memset(ac, 0, sizeof(struct ge2d_abcmd_s)); ac->cmd = ABCMD | options; ac->mode = fixedalpha; ac->srch = srcwidth - 1; ac->srcv = srcheight - 1; ac->saddr = CXD56_PHYSADDR(srcaddr) | MSEL; ac->daddr = CXD56_PHYSADDR(destaddr) | MSEL; ac->spitch = srcpitch - 1; ac->dpitch = destpitch - 1; ac->fixedsrc = (uint32_t)fixedsrc; if (aaddr) { ac->aaddr = CXD56_PHYSADDR(aaddr) | MSEL; ac->apitch = apitch - 1; } else { ac->aaddr = CXD56_PHYSADDR(destaddr) | MSEL; ac->apitch = destpitch - 1; } return (void *)((uintptr_t)cmdbuf + sizeof(struct ge2d_abcmd_s)); } static void *set_halt_cmd(void *cmdbuf) { memset(cmdbuf, 0, 16); return (void *)((uintptr_t) cmdbuf + 16); } static void imageproc_convert_(int is_yuv2rgb, uint8_t * ibuf, uint32_t hsize, uint32_t vsize) { int ret; if ((hsize & 1) || (vsize & 1)) { return; } ret = ip_semtake(&g_rotexc); if (ret) { return; } /* Image processing hardware want to be set horizontal/vertical size * to actual size - 1. */ --hsize; --vsize; putreg32(1, ROT_INTR_ENABLE); putreg32(0, ROT_INTR_DISABLE); putreg32(0, ROT_SET_DIRECTION); putreg32(hsize, ROT_SET_SRC_HSIZE); putreg32(vsize, ROT_SET_SRC_VSIZE); putreg32(CXD56_PHYSADDR(ibuf), ROT_SET_SRC_ADDRESS); putreg32(hsize, ROT_SET_SRC_PITCH); putreg32(CXD56_PHYSADDR(ibuf), ROT_SET_DST_ADDRESS); putreg32(hsize, ROT_SET_DST_PITCH); putreg32(is_yuv2rgb ? 1 : 2, ROT_CONV_CTRL); putreg32(0, ROT_RGB_ALIGNMENT); putreg32(1, ROT_COMMAND); ip_semtake(&g_rotwait); ip_semgive(&g_rotexc); } static void get_rect_info(imageproc_imginfo_t *imginfo, int *offset, int *w, int *h) { if (imginfo->rect) { *offset = (imginfo->rect->y1 * imginfo->w) + imginfo->rect->x1; *w = imginfo->rect->x2 - imginfo->rect->x1 + 1; *h = imginfo->rect->y2 - imginfo->rect->y1 + 1; } else { *offset = 0; *w = imginfo->w; *h = imginfo->h; } return; } static int chk_imgsize(imageproc_imginfo_t *imginfo) { if (!imginfo) { return -EINVAL; } if ((imginfo->w > HSIZE_MAX) || (imginfo->w < HSIZE_MIN) || (imginfo->h > VSIZE_MAX) || (imginfo->h < VSIZE_MIN)) { return -EINVAL; } if (imginfo->rect) { if ((imginfo->rect->x2 <= imginfo->rect->x1) || (imginfo->rect->y2 <= imginfo->rect->y1)) { return -EINVAL; } if ((imginfo->rect->x2 >= imginfo->w) || (imginfo->rect->y2 >= imginfo->h)) { return -EINVAL; } } return 0; } static void *get_blendarea(imageproc_imginfo_t *imginfo, int offset) { switch (imginfo->type) { case IMAGEPROC_IMGTYPE_8BPP: return imginfo->img.p_u8 + offset; case IMAGEPROC_IMGTYPE_16BPP: return imginfo->img.p_u16 + offset; case IMAGEPROC_IMGTYPE_BINARY: return imginfo->img.binary.p_u8 + offset / 8; default: return NULL; } return NULL; } /**************************************************************************** * Public Functions ****************************************************************************/ void imageproc_initialize(void) { nxsem_init(&g_rotexc, 0, 1); nxsem_init(&g_rotwait, 0, 0); nxsem_init(&g_geexc, 0, 1); nxsem_init(&g_abexc, 0, 1); nxsem_set_protocol(&g_rotwait, SEM_PRIO_NONE); cxd56_ge2dinitialize(GEDEVNAME); file_open(&g_gfile, GEDEVNAME, O_RDWR); putreg32(1, ROT_INTR_CLEAR); putreg32(0, ROT_INTR_ENABLE); putreg32(1, ROT_INTR_DISABLE); irq_attach(CXD56_IRQ_ROT, intr_handler_rot, NULL); up_enable_irq(CXD56_IRQ_ROT); } void imageproc_finalize(void) { up_disable_irq(CXD56_IRQ_ROT); irq_detach(CXD56_IRQ_ROT); if (g_gfile.f_inode) { file_close(&g_gfile); } cxd56_ge2duninitialize(GEDEVNAME); nxsem_destroy(&g_rotwait); nxsem_destroy(&g_rotexc); nxsem_destroy(&g_geexc); nxsem_destroy(&g_abexc); } void imageproc_convert_yuv2rgb(uint8_t * ibuf, uint32_t hsize, uint32_t vsize) { imageproc_convert_(1, ibuf, hsize, vsize); } void imageproc_convert_rgb2yuv(uint8_t * ibuf, uint32_t hsize, uint32_t vsize) { imageproc_convert_(0, ibuf, hsize, vsize); } void imageproc_convert_yuv2gray(uint8_t * ibuf, uint8_t * obuf, size_t hsize, size_t vsize) { uint16_t *p_src = (uint16_t *) ibuf; size_t ix; size_t iy; for (iy = 0; iy < vsize; iy++) { for (ix = 0; ix < hsize; ix++) { *obuf++ = (uint8_t) ((*p_src++ & 0xff00) >> 8); } } } int imageproc_resize(uint8_t * ibuf, uint16_t ihsize, uint16_t ivsize, uint8_t * obuf, uint16_t ohsize, uint16_t ovsize, int bpp) { void *cmd = g_gcmdbuf; size_t len; int ret; if (g_gfile.f_inode == NULL) { return -ENODEV; } if (bpp != 8 && bpp != 16) { return -EINVAL; } if ((ihsize > ISE_SRC_HSIZE_MAX || ihsize < HSIZE_MIN) || (ivsize > ISE_SRC_VSIZE_MAX || ihsize < VSIZE_MIN) || (ohsize > ISE_DST_HSIZE_MAX || ohsize < HSIZE_MIN) || (ovsize > ISE_DST_VSIZE_MAX || ovsize < VSIZE_MIN)) { return -EINVAL; } if ((ratio_check(ihsize, ohsize) != 0) || (ratio_check(ivsize, ovsize) != 0)) { return -EINVAL; } ret = ip_semtake(&g_geexc); if (ret) { return ret; } /* Create descriptor to graphics engine */ cmd = set_rop_cmd(cmd, ibuf, obuf, ihsize, ivsize, ihsize, ohsize, ovsize, ohsize, bpp, SRCCOPY, FIXEDCOLOR, 0x0080); if (cmd == NULL) { ip_semgive(&g_geexc); return -EINVAL; } /* Terminate command */ cmd = set_halt_cmd(cmd); /* Process resize */ len = (uintptr_t) cmd - (uintptr_t) g_gcmdbuf; ret = file_write(&g_gfile, g_gcmdbuf, len); if (ret < 0) { ip_semgive(&g_geexc); return -EFAULT; } ip_semgive(&g_geexc); return 0; } int imageproc_clip_and_resize(uint8_t * ibuf, uint16_t ihsize, uint16_t ivsize, uint8_t * obuf, uint16_t ohsize, uint16_t ovsize, int bpp, imageproc_rect_t * clip_rect) { void *cmd = g_gcmdbuf; size_t len; int ret; uint8_t pix_bytes; uint16_t clip_width = 0; uint16_t clip_height = 0; if (g_gfile.f_inode == NULL) { return -ENODEV; } if (bpp != 8 && bpp != 16) { return -EINVAL; } if ((ihsize > ISE_SRC_HSIZE_MAX || ihsize < HSIZE_MIN) || (ivsize > ISE_SRC_VSIZE_MAX || ihsize < VSIZE_MIN) || (ohsize > ISE_DST_HSIZE_MAX || ohsize < HSIZE_MIN) || (ovsize > ISE_DST_VSIZE_MAX || ovsize < VSIZE_MIN)) { return -EINVAL; } if (clip_rect != NULL) { if ((clip_rect->x2 < clip_rect->x1) || (clip_rect->y2 < clip_rect->y1)) { return -EINVAL; } if ((clip_rect->x2 > ihsize) || (clip_rect->y2 > ivsize)) { return -EINVAL; } clip_width = clip_rect->x2 - clip_rect->x1 + 1; clip_height = clip_rect->y2 - clip_rect->y1 + 1; if ((ratio_check(clip_width, ohsize) != 0) || (ratio_check(clip_height, ovsize) != 0)) { return -EINVAL; } pix_bytes = bpp >> 3; ibuf = ibuf + (clip_rect->x1 * pix_bytes + clip_rect->y1 * ihsize * pix_bytes); } else { if ((ratio_check(ihsize, ohsize) != 0) || (ratio_check(ivsize, ovsize) != 0)) { return -EINVAL; } clip_width = ihsize; clip_height = ivsize; } ret = ip_semtake(&g_geexc); if (ret) { return ret; } /* Create descriptor to graphics engine */ cmd = set_rop_cmd(cmd, ibuf, obuf, clip_width, clip_height, ihsize, ohsize, ovsize, ohsize, bpp, SRCCOPY, FIXEDCOLOR, 0x0080); if (cmd == NULL) { ip_semgive(&g_geexc); return -EINVAL; } /* Terminate command */ cmd = set_halt_cmd(cmd); /* Process resize */ len = (uintptr_t) cmd - (uintptr_t) g_gcmdbuf; ret = file_write(&g_gfile, g_gcmdbuf, len); if (ret < 0) { ip_semgive(&g_geexc); return -EFAULT; } ip_semgive(&g_geexc); return 0; } int imageproc_alpha_blend(imageproc_imginfo_t *dst, int pos_x, int pos_y, imageproc_imginfo_t *src, imageproc_imginfo_t *alpha) { int ret; /* Graphic engine control */ void *cmd = g_gcmdbuf; size_t len; /* alpha blend options */ uint16_t fixed_alpha; uint16_t fixed_src; int options; /* blended rectangles information */ void *dst_addr; void *src_addr; void *a_addr; int dst_offset; int dst_w; int dst_h; int src_offset; int src_w; int src_h; int a_offset; int a_w; int a_h; int blendarea_left; int blendarea_right; int blendarea_top; int blendarea_bottom; /* Parameter range check */ ret = chk_imgsize(dst); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } ret = chk_imgsize(src); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } ret = chk_imgsize(alpha); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } /* Determine alpha blend options */ fixed_src = 0; fixed_alpha = 0; options = 0; switch (alpha->type) { case IMAGEPROC_IMGTYPE_SINGLE: fixed_alpha = 0x0800 | (uint8_t)alpha->img.single; break; case IMAGEPROC_IMGTYPE_BINARY: fixed_alpha = (uint8_t)alpha->img.binary.multiplier; options |= ALPHA1BPP; break; case IMAGEPROC_IMGTYPE_8BPP: /* In this case, no option */ break; default: return -EINVAL; } switch (src->type) { case IMAGEPROC_IMGTYPE_SINGLE: options |= FIXEDSRC; fixed_src = src->img.single; break; case IMAGEPROC_IMGTYPE_16BPP: /* In this case, no option */ break; default: return -EINVAL; } switch (dst->type) { case IMAGEPROC_IMGTYPE_16BPP: /* In this case, no option */ break; default: return -EINVAL; } /* Determine offset, width, height of rectangles from IN parameter */ get_rect_info(dst, &dst_offset, &dst_w, &dst_h); get_rect_info(src, &src_offset, &src_w, &src_h); get_rect_info(alpha, &a_offset, &a_w, &a_h); /* Recalculate offset by calculating overlapped area. */ blendarea_left = - MIN(0, pos_x); blendarea_right = MIN(MIN(a_w, src_w), dst_w - pos_x); blendarea_top = - MIN(0, pos_y); blendarea_bottom = MIN(MIN(a_h, src_h), dst_h - pos_y); if ((blendarea_right <= blendarea_left) || (blendarea_bottom <= blendarea_top)) { return 0; /* Not blend due to no overlapped area */ } dst_offset += ((blendarea_top + pos_y) * dst->w) + (blendarea_left + pos_x); src_offset += (blendarea_top * src->w) + blendarea_left; a_offset += (blendarea_top * alpha->w) + blendarea_left; dst_addr = get_blendarea(dst, dst_offset); src_addr = get_blendarea(src, src_offset); a_addr = get_blendarea(alpha, a_offset); ret = ip_semtake(&g_abexc); if (ret) { return ret; /* -EINTR */ } /* Create descriptor to graphics engine */ cmd = set_ab_cmd(cmd, src_addr, dst_addr, blendarea_right - blendarea_left, /* width of blended area */ blendarea_bottom - blendarea_top, /* height of blended area */ src->w, /* pitch of src image */ dst->w, /* pitch of dst image */ a_addr, alpha->w, /* pitch of alpha plane */ options, fixed_src, fixed_alpha); if (cmd == NULL) { ip_semgive(&g_abexc); return -EINVAL; } /* Terminate command */ cmd = set_halt_cmd(cmd); /* Process alpha blending */ len = (uintptr_t)cmd - (uintptr_t)g_gcmdbuf; ret = file_write(&g_gfile, g_gcmdbuf, len); if (ret < 0) { ip_semgive(&g_abexc); return -EFAULT; } ip_semgive(&g_abexc); return 0; }