# ############################################################################## # cmake/nuttx_export_headers.cmake # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor # license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for # additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this # file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. # # ############################################################################## include(nuttx_parse_function_args) # export_relative_path_recursively # # Used to recursively add all header files under the `include_directory` to the # `include_path` directory and preserve their relative relationship # # When the target relative path is repeated and the original path is different # throws an exception and abort the build function(export_relative_path_recursively include_path export_path include_directory) # recursively find header files under the path file(GLOB_RECURSE FOUND_FILES ${include_directory}/*.h) if(FOUND_FILES) foreach(FOUND_FILE ${FOUND_FILES}) if(EXISTS ${FOUND_FILE}) # take relative path file(RELATIVE_PATH REL_FILE ${include_directory} ${FOUND_FILE}) # check for path conflicts string(REPLACE "/" "_" CHECK_PROP _check_${prefix}_${REL_FILE}) get_property(REL_FILE_CHECK GLOBAL PROPERTY ${CHECK_PROP}) if(REL_FILE_CHECK AND NOT REL_FILE_CHECK STREQUAL FOUND_FILE) message( FATAL_ERROR "Error: NUTTX_ADD_APPS_HEADER add a duplicate header files ${FOUND_FILE} ${REL_FILE_CHECK}" ) endif() set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${CHECK_PROP} ${FOUND_FILE}) message( VERBOSE "NUTTX_ADD_APPS_HEADER: REL_FILE found: ${REL_FILE} in ${INCDIR}") # create symbolic link for origin file(CREATE_LINK ${FOUND_FILE} ${include_path}/${REL_FILE} COPY_ON_ERROR SYMBOLIC) # do export to the BINAPPS/include directory get_filename_component(DES_PATH ${export_path}/${REL_FILE} DIRECTORY) install(FILES ${FOUND_FILE} DESTINATION ${DES_PATH}) endif() endforeach() endif() endfunction() # ~~~ # nuttx_export_header # # Description: # Export include directory to apps global include path. # `${NUTTX_APPS_BINDIR}/include/${TARGET}` # preserve relative paths to all header files. # # In the original GNU Make build, we use `Make.defs` to add the global include path, # and the private include path of the application library is written in the `Makefile` # In Nuttx CMake build, we achieve similar global functionality through this function. # # Usage: # nuttx_export_header(TARGET <string> INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES <list>) # # Parameters: # TARGET : target for exporting header directory # INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES : directory list to be exported # # Example: # set(INCDIRS foo/include) # nuttx_export_header(TARGET foo INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${INCDIRS}) # # foo/include/ build/apps/include/foo/ # ├── demo/ ├── demo/ # | └── demo.h cmake --build:origin link | └── demo.h # ├── test/ =====================> ├── test/ # | └── test.h cmake --install:export | └── test.h # └── foo.h └── foo.h # ~~~ function(nuttx_export_header) # parse arguments into variables nuttx_parse_function_args( FUNC nuttx_export_header ONE_VALUE TARGET MULTI_VALUE INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES REQUIRED TARGET INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ARGN ${ARGN}) # destination directory to be exported by install set(EXPORT_PATH_PREFIX ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/staging/include/${TARGET}) # destination directory origin compile set(INCLUDE_PATH_PREFIX ${NUTTX_APPS_BINDIR}/include/${TARGET}) foreach(INCDIR ${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}) if(NOT EXISTS ${INCDIR}) message( WARNING "warning: NUTTX_EXPORT_HEADER ${TARGET} added a path that does not exist ${INCDIR}" ) else() if(IS_DIRECTORY ${INCDIR}) # export relative path to directories export_relative_path_recursively(${INCLUDE_PATH_PREFIX} ${EXPORT_PATH_PREFIX} ${INCDIR}) else() # export single file file(CREATE_LINK ${INCDIR} ${INCLUDE_PATH_PREFIX}/${INCDIR} COPY_ON_ERROR SYMBOLIC) install(FILES ${INCDIR} DESTINATION ${EXPORT_PATH_PREFIX}) endif() endif() endforeach() endfunction()