#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################ # tools/ide_exporter.py # # Copyright (C) 2016 Kha Vo. All rights reserved. # Author: Kha Vo <canhkha@gmail.com> # # Based on convert_make2file_list.py and add_source_in_iar.py # Author: avyhovanec@yahoo.com # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # 3. Neither the name NuttX nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS # OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ############################################################################ from __future__ import print_function import os import subprocess import re import sys import argparse from lxml import etree as ET from copy import deepcopy HELP = """ ide_exporter.pyis a tool for generation nuttx iar/keil workspace usage: ide_exporter.py [-h] [-v] [-o OUT_DIR] [-d] build_log {iar,uvision_gcc,uvision_armcc} template_dir positional arguments: build_log Log file from make V=1 {iar,uvision_gcc,uvision_armcc} The target IDE: iar, uvision_gcc, (uvision_armcc is experimental) template_dir Directory that contains IDEs template projects template_nuttx.eww : iar template workspace template_nuttx_main.ewp : iar template project template_nuttx_lib.ewp : iar library project or template_nuttx.uvmpw : uVision template workspace template_nuttx_main.uvproj : uVision template project template_nuttx_lib.uvproj : uVision library project optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show program's version number and exit -o OUT_DIR, --output OUT_DIR Output directory -d, --dump Dump project structure tree """ IAR = 'iar' UVISION_GCC = 'uvision_gcc' UVISION_ARMCC = 'uvision_armcc' COMPILE_PREFIX_LIST = ('CC: ', 'AS: ', 'CXX:') LIB_PREFIX_LIST = ('AR: ') LINK_PREFIX_LIST = ('LD: ') MAKE_ENTER_DIR = 'Entering directory' PREFIX_LEN = 4 IAR_EXT_REMAP = {r'gnu/(\w+)\.S$' : r'iar/\g<1>.S'} ARMCC_EXT_REMAP = {r'gnu/(\w+)\.S$' : r'armcc/\g<1>.S', r'(\w+)\.a$': r'\g<1>.lib'} UVISION_GCC_EXT_REMAP = {} # file ext to FileTye in uVision project UVISION_FILE_TYPE_MAP = {'.c': '1', '.S' : '1', '.cxx' : '8', '.lib' : '4', '.a' : '4'} # tags convention: tag[0] = root_tags, create if doesn't exist # tag[1] = (sub_tag,) tag without text, create new # tag[2] = (leaf_tag,) with text, create new IAR_PRJ_SETTINGS = {'group_tags' : ('', ('group',), ('name', )), 'file_tags' :('', ('file',), ('name', )), 'rel_base' : '$PROJ_DIR$/', 'cleared_nodes' : ('group', 'file', ), 'include_pnodes' : (".//*[name='CCIncludePath2']", ".//*[name='AUserIncludes']"), 'include_tag' : 'state', 'output_path' : {'exe' : 'Obj', 'obj' : 'Obj', 'lst' : 'Lst'}, 'ext_remap' : IAR_EXT_REMAP,} IAR_WSP_SETTINGS = {'group_tags': ('',), 'file_tags':('', ('project', ), ('path',)), 'rel_base':'$WS_DIR$/', 'cleared_nodes': ('project', )} UVISION_ARMCC_PRJ_SETTINGS = {'root_group':'', 'group_tags': ('.//Targets/Target/Groups', ('Group', ), ('GroupName', )), 'file_tags':('Files', ('File', ), ('FileName', 'FileType', 'FilePath', )), 'rel_base':'', 'cleared_nodes': ('.//Group', ), 'include_pnodes' : ".//VariousControls/IncludePath", 'output_path' : {'exe' : 'Obj', 'obj' : 'Obj', 'lst' : 'Lst'}, 'ext_remap' : ARMCC_EXT_REMAP, 'uv_file_type' : UVISION_FILE_TYPE_MAP} UVISION_GCC_PRJ_SETTINGS = {'root_group':'', 'group_tags': ('.//Targets/Target/Groups', ('Group', ), ('GroupName', )), 'file_tags':('Files', ('File', ), ('FileName', 'FileType', 'FilePath', )), 'rel_base':'', 'cleared_nodes': ('.//Group', ), 'include_pnodes' : ".//VariousControls/IncludePath", 'saved_tags' : ('.//FileOption', ), 'output_path' : {'exe' : 'Obj', 'obj' : 'Obj', 'lst' : 'Lst'}, 'ext_remap' : UVISION_GCC_EXT_REMAP, 'uv_file_type' : UVISION_FILE_TYPE_MAP, 'c_misc' : ('.//Carm', '-fno-builtin -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wshadow -Wundef -g'), 'cxx_misc' : ('.//Carm', '-fno-builtin -fno-exceptions -fcheck-new -fno-rtti -Wall -Wshadow -Wundef -g'), 'ld_misc' : ('.//LDarm', '--entry=__start -lgcc'), 'cxx_def' : ('.//Carm', ''),} UVISION_WSP_SETTINGS = {'group_tags': ('',), 'file_tags':('', ('project', ), ('PathAndName', )), 'rel_base':'', 'cleared_nodes': ('project', )} LIB_EXTS = ('.a', '.lib') ASM_EXTS = ('.s', '.S') def get_common_dir(dir_list): """ Get common parent directory of a given directory list """ com_dir = dir_list[0] found = False while found == False: found = True com_dir = os.path.split(com_dir)[0] for directory in dir_list: if com_dir not in directory: found = False break if found: return com_dir else: return "/" #return root class SourceInfo(object): """Source file information Attributes: src: source file include: List of including dir in compiled command flags: other compiled flags """ def __init__(self, src, include=None, flags=''): self.include = [] if include is not None: self.include = include self.src = src self.flags = flags self.include = include @staticmethod def get_common_src_dir(sinfo_list): """ Get Common directory from list of source code """ source_list = [info.src for info in sinfo_list] com_dir = get_common_dir(source_list) return com_dir @staticmethod def get_including_set(sinfo_list): """ Get including set from list of source code """ include_set = set() for sinfo in sinfo_list: for inc in sinfo.include: if inc != '': include_set.add(inc) return include_set class IdeProject(object): """Base IDE project class. make_src_nodes(self, source, group = None, parent_node = None): make_include(self, sources, parent_node = None): make_output_dir(self, target): These functions need to override Attributes: root: root of its etree ewp_ET: Its etree settings: specific IDE setting proj_dir: base directory, files path are often relative from this rel_base: base directory symbol, """ def __init__(self, proj, settings, out_dir=None, use_gcc=False): self.proj_dir = os.path.split(proj)[0] if (out_dir is not None) and os.path.exists(out_dir): self.proj_dir = out_dir self.root = None self.ewp_ET = None self.settings = {} self.rel_base = '' if settings is not None: self.settings = settings self.use_gcc = use_gcc self.rel_base = self.settings.get('rel_base', '') self.saved_nodes = {} #some inside nodes need to save before clear all sources try: #Read template project xml structure parser = ET.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True) # use parser to make pretty print works self.ewp_ET = ET.parse(proj, parser) self.root = self.ewp_ET.getroot() # Save some template nodes before clear for tag in self.settings.get('saved_tags', []): n = self.root.find(tag) self.saved_nodes[tag] = deepcopy(n) self.clear_src_nodes() # Clear all source node in template file except Exception, e: print("ERR: {0}".format(str(e))) raise Exception("Can't init IdeProject object") def get_relpath(self, dest): """ Get relative path from its base directory """ return self.rel_base + os.path.relpath(dest, self.proj_dir) def get_output_dir(self): """ """ out_paths = self.settings.get('output_path', {}) return out_paths.get('exe', '') def get_obj_dir(self): """ """ out_paths = self.settings.get('output_path', {}) return out_paths.get('obj', '') def get_lst_dir(self): """ """ out_paths = self.settings.get('output_path', {}) return out_paths.get('lst', '') def write(self, ofile): """ Write etree to file """ self.ewp_ET.write(ofile, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8') def remove_nodes(self, element, remove_list): """Delete nodes in list from the xlm tree Args: element: root node of etree remove_list: tuple of all node that need to remove Returns: Remove nodes from xlm tree Raises: None """ try: for node in remove_list: p = element.find(node) while p is not None: c = p.getparent() c.remove(p) p = element.find(node) except Exception, e: print(str(e)) def clear_src_nodes(self): """ Remove all predefined node in settings from its etree """ self.remove_nodes(self.root, self.settings.get('cleared_nodes', [])) def make_nodes(self, parent_node, tags, *args): """ Create node(s) by using tag convention Return most inner parent nodes """ if parent_node is None: parent_node = self.root head = None root = None #print "Create tags: ", tags if len(tags) == 3: # Check root, create if not exist root_tag = tags[0] if root_tag != '': root = parent_node.find(root_tag) if root is None: root = ET.SubElement(parent_node, root_tag.split('/')[-1]) else: root = parent_node p_node = root # Create middle sub nodes sub_tags = tags[1] if len(sub_tags) > 0: head = ET.Element(sub_tags[0]) p_node = head for tag in sub_tags[1:]: p_node = ET.SubElement(p_node, tag) # Create leaf node with input text for src_tag, text in zip(tags[2], args): e = ET.SubElement(p_node, src_tag) e.text = text if head is not None: root.append(head) else: raise Exception('Wrong tag convention') return p_node def make_group(self, parent_node, *args): """ Create group of source/lib tags Tags info are get from settings Args: parent_node : *args : nodes' text return: Return group node """ tags = self.settings.get('group_tags', []) return self.make_nodes(parent_node, tags, *args) def make_file(self, parent_node, *args): """ Create group of source/lib tags Tags info are get from settings """ tags = self.settings.get('file_tags', []) return self.make_nodes(parent_node, tags, *args) def make_src_nodes(self, source, group=None, parent_node=None): """ Create xlm nodes for list of source file Args: sources: list of SourceInfo group : group name that contains all of these source parent_node : etree fake root node Returns: """ pass def make_include(self, sources, parent_node=None): """ Create including nodes from source info for project Args: sources: list of SourceInfo parent_node: etree fake root node Returns: """ pass def make_output_dir(self, target): """ Update output directory setting for project Args: target: project output target name Returns: """ pass def add_misc(self, mtype, misc=''): pass def add_define(self, dtype, symbols): pass def set_link_libs(self, lib_dir, libs): pass def set_mcu(self, mcu): pass def set_core(self, core): pass @staticmethod def factory(objtype, xml_file, out_dir=None): """ Factory to create obj by derived type """ return objtype(xml_file, out_dir=out_dir) class IARWorkspace(IdeProject): """IAR workspace class. Depend on its settings only. Use default add node from base to add sub library project Attributes: """ def __init__(self, proj, out_dir=None): super(IARWorkspace, self).__init__(proj, IAR_WSP_SETTINGS, out_dir) class IARProject(IdeProject): """IAR project class. Add some specific logics to create source, include and output setting """ def __init__(self, proj, settings=IAR_PRJ_SETTINGS, out_dir=None): super(IARProject, self).__init__(proj, settings, out_dir) def make_include(self, sources, parent_node=None): """ Create including nodes from source info for project IAR sample including nodes <option> <name>CCIncludePath2</name> <state>$PROJ_DIR$\nuttx\include\</state> </option> Args: sources: list of SourceInfo parent_node: etree fake root node Returns: """ if parent_node is None: parent_node = self.root include_set = SourceInfo.get_including_set(sources) # Adding dir to user include node, tags is from setting include_nodes = self.settings['include_pnodes'] for path in include_nodes: for p in parent_node.iterfind(path): # ex: ".//*[name='CCIncludePath2']" #print(n.tag, n.text) for inc in include_set: state = ET.SubElement(p, self.settings['include_tag']) # In cygwin, we need to convert windows path to relative if sys.platform == 'cygwin': inc = subprocess.check_output(['cygpath', '-u', inc]) inc = inc[:-1] #remove /n state.text = self.get_relpath(inc) def make_src_nodes(self, sources, group=None, parent_node=None): """ Create nodes for list of source file Args: sources: list of SourceInfo group: group name that contains all of these source parent_node: etree fake root node Returns: """ if parent_node is None: parent_node = self.root source_list = [info.src for info in sources] com_dir = get_common_dir(source_list) com_dir_name = os.path.split(com_dir)[1] if group is None: group = com_dir_name # Create group node to contain all source files group_node = self.make_group(parent_node, group) # Add source files to group as sub node for src in source_list: fname = self.get_relpath(src) # make ref path from $PROJ_DIR$ to file ext_remap = self.settings.get('ext_remap', {}) for ext, replacement in ext_remap.items(): fname = re.sub(ext, replacement, fname) self.make_file(group_node, fname) def make_output_dir(self, target): """ Update output directory setting for IAR project Args: target: project's target name Returns: """ sub_dir = '$PROJ_FNAME$' exe_path = self.get_output_dir() lst_path = self.get_output_dir() obj_path = self.get_output_dir() dirs = (exe_path, obj_path, lst_path) tags = ('.//*[name="ExePath"]', './/*[name="ObjPath"]', './/*[name="ListPath"]') for path, tag in zip(dirs, tags): if path != '': p = self.root.findall(tag) for n in p: self.remove_nodes(n, ('state', )) e = ET.SubElement(n, 'state') e.text = sub_dir + '/' + path class UVisionWorkspace(IdeProject): """uVision workspace class. Depend on its settings only. Use default add node from base to add sub library project Attributes: """ def __init__(self, proj, out_dir=None): super(UVisionWorkspace, self).__init__(proj, UVISION_WSP_SETTINGS, out_dir) class UVisionProject(IdeProject): """uVision project class. Add some specific logics to create source, include and output setting """ def __init__(self, proj, settings=UVISION_ARMCC_PRJ_SETTINGS, out_dir=None, use_gcc=False): super(UVisionProject, self).__init__(proj, settings, out_dir, use_gcc) self.use_gcc = use_gcc def make_include(self, sources, parent_node=None): """ Create including nodes from source info for uVision project uVision sample including nodes: <VariousControls> <IncludePath>../../../../apps/examples/hello;../../../../apps/examples/nsh> </VariousControls> Args: sources: list of SourceInfo parent_node: etree fake root node Returns: """ if parent_node is None: parent_node = self.root include_set = SourceInfo.get_including_set(sources) incs = [] for inc in include_set: # In cygwin, we need to convert windows path to relative if sys.platform == 'cygwin': inc = subprocess.check_output(['cygpath', '-u', inc]) inc = inc[:-1] #remove /n inc = self.get_relpath(inc) incs.append(inc) inc_text = ';'.join(incs) # Adding dir to user include node (both ASM & CC) for n in parent_node.iterfind(self.settings['include_pnodes']): n.text = inc_text def make_src_nodes(self, sources, group=None, parent_node=None): """ Create nodes for list of source file Sample uVision file: <Groups> <Group> <GroupName>board</GroupName> <Files> <File> <FileName>stm32_boot.c</FileName> <FileType>1</FileType> <FilePath>../../../arch/arm/src/board/stm32_boot.c</FilePath> </File> </Files> </Group> </Groups> Args: sources: list of SourceInfo group: group name that contains all of these source parent_node: etree fake root node Returns: """ if parent_node is None: parent_node = self.root source_list = [info.src for info in sources] com_dir = get_common_dir(source_list) com_dir_name = os.path.split(com_dir)[1] if group is None: group = com_dir_name # Create group node to contain all source files group_node = self.make_group(parent_node, group) # return <Group> node # Add source files to group as sub node for src in source_list: fname = self.get_relpath(src) ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] # get uVison FileType uv_file_type = self.settings.get('uv_file_type', {}) ftype = uv_file_type.get(ext, '0') # Translate source to new format/location if need ext_remap = self.settings.get('ext_remap', {}) for find, replacement in ext_remap.items(): fname = re.sub(find, replacement, fname) name = os.path.split(fname)[1] file_node = self.make_file(group_node, name, ftype, fname) # Make exception for .S file (treat as C source with D__ASSEMBLY__) if (self.use_gcc) and (ext in ASM_EXTS): asm_opt_node = self.saved_nodes.get('.//FileOption') if asm_opt_node is not None: file_node.append(deepcopy(asm_opt_node)) def make_output_dir(self, target): """ Update output directory setting for IAR project Args: target: project's target name Returns: """ exe_path = self.get_output_dir() if exe_path != '': p = self.root.find('.//OutputDirectory') if p is not None: p.text = '\\'.join(('.', target, exe_path, '')) lst_path = self.get_lst_dir() if lst_path != '': p = self.root.find('.//ListingPath') if p is not None: p.text = '\\'.join(('.', target, lst_path, '')) p = self.root.find('.//OutputName') if p is not None: p.text = re.sub(r'^lib(.*)$', r'\g<1>', target) # prevent liblibapps.a def add_misc(self, mtype, misc=''): misc_info = self.settings.get(mtype) if misc_info is not None: tag, default = misc_info if misc == '': misc = default n = self.root.find(tag) if n is not None: m = n.find('.//MiscControls') if m is not None: m.text = (m.text or '') + ' ' + misc def add_define(self, dtype, symbols): def_info = self.settings.get(dtype) if def_info is not None: tag, default = def_info n = self.root.find(tag) if n is not None: m = n.find('.//Define') if m is not None: m.text = (m.text or '') + ' ' + symbols def set_link_libs(self, libs, lib_dir='.\\lib'): if self.use_gcc: # need to add static lib in group so that linker does not throw errors # http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2013/07/09/library-order-in-static-linking mist_text = ' -Wl,--start-group' for sinfo in libs: lib = os.path.split(sinfo.src)[1] name, ext = os.path.splitext(lib) mist_text += ' -l' + name[3:] #remove lib in 'libAAA' mist_text += ' -Wl,--end-group' misc_info = self.settings.get('ld_misc') if misc_info is not None: tag, default = misc_info n = self.root.find(tag) if n is not None: m = n.find('.//Misc') if m is not None: m.text += mist_text m = n.find('.//IncludeDir') if m is not None: m.text = lib_dir def set_mcu(self, mcu): #TODO: pass def set_core(self, core): #TODO: pass class UVisionARMCCProject(UVisionProject): """uVision for ARMCC project class. Add some specific logics to create source, include and output setting """ def __init__(self, proj, out_dir=None): super(UVisionARMCCProject, self).__init__(proj, UVISION_ARMCC_PRJ_SETTINGS, out_dir) class UVisionGCCProject(UVisionProject): """uVision for GCC project class. Add some specific logics to create source, include and output setting """ def __init__(self, proj, settings=UVISION_GCC_PRJ_SETTINGS, out_dir=None, use_gcc=True): super(UVisionGCCProject, self).__init__(proj, settings, out_dir, use_gcc) def get_project_structure(lines): """Get project structure from make log file. Loop through make log to figure the project structure Args: lines: A list of line from make log file (make V=1) Returns: A dict mapping library/target to its source list { 'libc.a': [ {'src':/mynuttx/nuttx/libc/string/lib_strcat.c', 'include' : ['.', 'others include', ], 'flags': ''}, {'src':/mynuttx/nuttx/libc/string/lib_memcpy.c', 'include' : ['.', 'others include', ], 'flags': ''}, ], } Source list is in full path form Raises: An error occurred when can't parse lib/target name """ group_dict = {} src_list = [] make_path = '' src_path = '' ar_cmd = '' cc_cmd = '' for line in lines: _lp = line[:PREFIX_LEN] if _lp in COMPILE_PREFIX_LIST: src_path = os.path.join(make_path, line[PREFIX_LEN:].strip()) cc_cmd = line.strip() elif _lp in LIB_PREFIX_LIST: ar_cmd = line.strip() elif _lp in LINK_PREFIX_LIST: match = re.search(_lp + r'(\w+)', line) if match: target = match.group(1) if target not in group_dict: group_dict[target] = [] for src in src_list: group_dict[target].append(src) elif MAKE_ENTER_DIR in line: # Get current make directory match = re.search(r"'(.+)'\n$", line) if match: make_path = match.group(1) elif cc_cmd != '': # Get include dirs and flags incs = [make_path] match = re.findall(r'(-I|-isystem) "(.+?)"', line) if match: incs += [p[1] for p in match] # TODO: parse and other compile flags src_info = SourceInfo(src_path, incs) src_list.append(src_info) cc_cmd = '' src_path = '' elif ar_cmd != '': #put all compiled files to library source list match = re.search(r'(\w+?\.a)', line) if match: lib_name = match.group(1) # get library name if lib_name not in group_dict: group_dict[lib_name] = [] # create empty source info list lib_objs = re.findall(r'(\w+?)\.o', line) # Get all obj name in libs (without ext) #print("OBJ in .a: ", lib_objs) remain_src_list = [] for sinfo in src_list: obj = os.path.basename(sinfo.src) obj = os.path.splitext(obj)[0] # Get the obj name (without ext) from source file name #print("OBJ from file: ", obj) if obj in lib_objs: # make sure the lib include this obj group_dict[lib_name].append(sinfo) #print('Put' + sinfo.src + "to lib: " + lib_name) else: remain_src_list.append(sinfo) #print('Remain' + sinfo.src + " not in lib: " + lib_name) src_list = remain_src_list ar_cmd = "" else: raise AssertionError("Can't parse lib name ", line) return group_dict def dump_project_struct(project_structure): """Dump project structure Print project structure Args: A dict mapping library/target to its source list { 'libc.a': [ {'src':/mynuttx/nuttx/libc/string/lib_strcat.c', 'include' : ['.', 'others include', ], 'flags': ''}, {'src':/mynuttx/nuttx/libc/string/lib_memcpy.c', 'include' : ['.', 'others include', ], 'flags': ''}, ], } Returns: Raises: None """ for lib, sinfo_list in project_structure.items(): print(lib) for sinfo in sinfo_list: print('\t' + sinfo.src) IAR_EXPORT = {'main': {'t' : IARProject, 'file' : 'template_nuttx_main.ewp'}, 'lib': {'t' : IARProject, 'file' : 'template_nuttx_lib.ewp'}, 'workspace': {'t' : IARWorkspace, 'file' : 'template_nuttx.eww'}} UVISION_ARMCC_EXPORT = {'main': {'t' : UVisionProject, 'file' : 'template_nuttx_main.uvproj'}, 'lib': {'t' : UVisionProject, 'file' : 'template_nuttx_lib.uvproj'}, 'workspace': {'t' : UVisionWorkspace, 'file' : 'template_nuttx.uvmpw'}} UVISION_GCC_EXPORT = {'main': {'t' : UVisionGCCProject, 'file' : 'template_nuttx_main.uvproj'}, 'lib': {'t' : UVisionGCCProject, 'file' : 'template_nuttx_lib.uvproj'}, 'workspace': {'t' : UVisionWorkspace, 'file' : 'template_nuttx.uvmpw'}} IDE_CONFIG_DICT = {IAR : IAR_EXPORT, UVISION_GCC : UVISION_GCC_EXPORT, UVISION_ARMCC : UVISION_ARMCC_EXPORT} if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(version='1.1') parser.add_argument('build_log', help='Log file from make V=1', type=argparse.FileType('rt')) parser.add_argument('ide', choices=[IAR, UVISION_GCC, UVISION_ARMCC], help="The target IDE: iar, uvision_gcc, (uvision_armcc is experimental)") parser.add_argument('template_dir', help='Directory that contains IDEs template projects') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', action='store', dest='out_dir', help="Output directory") parser.add_argument('-d', '--dump', action='store_true', dest='dump', default=False, help="Dump project structure tree") options = parser.parse_args() fmake_log = options.build_log # read log file lines = fmake_log.readlines() fmake_log.close() # get project structure project = get_project_structure(lines) if options.dump: dump_project_struct(project) templ_dir = options.template_dir if not os.path.exists(templ_dir): print(templ_dir + " does not exist") exit(1) prj_dir = templ_dir if options.out_dir is not None: prj_dir = os.path.abspath(options.out_dir) try: if not os.path.exists(prj_dir): os.makedirs(prj_dir) except Exception, e: print("ERR: {0}".format(str(e))) exit(1) ide_config = IDE_CONFIG_DICT[options.ide] xml_file = os.path.join(templ_dir, ide_config['workspace']['file']) ws_ext = os.path.splitext(xml_file)[1] ws = IdeProject.factory(ide_config['workspace']['t'], xml_file, prj_dir) target = {'libs':[], 'sources': []} # Create nuttx iar library projects for lib, group_src_list in project.items(): lib_name, lib_ext = os.path.splitext(lib) if len(group_src_list) < 1: print(lib_name, group_src_list) elif lib_ext in LIB_EXTS: xml_file = os.path.join(templ_dir, ide_config['lib']['file']) lib_prj = IdeProject.factory(ide_config['lib']['t'], xml_file, prj_dir) #print lib_name, group_src_list lib_prj.make_src_nodes(group_src_list) lib_prj.make_include(group_src_list) lib_prj.make_output_dir(lib_name) if lib_name == 'libcxx': lib_prj.add_misc('cxx_misc') lib_prj.add_define('cxx_def', 'CONFIG_WCHAR_BUILTIN') else: lib_prj.add_misc('c_misc') # save main xml project to file xml_ext = os.path.splitext(xml_file)[1] prj_fname = os.path.join(prj_dir, lib_name + xml_ext) lib_prj.write(prj_fname) print("Exported " + prj_fname) # Add library project to workspace ws.make_file(ws.root, ws.get_relpath(prj_fname)) # Store output library file to ref from main project later exe_dir = lib_prj.get_output_dir() lib_fname = os.path.join(prj_dir, lib_name, exe_dir, lib) target['libs'].append(SourceInfo(lib_fname)) else: # Save name and source list for main project target['name'] = lib target['sources'] = group_src_list # Create nuttx main project xml_file = os.path.join(templ_dir, ide_config['main']['file']) main_prj = IdeProject.factory(ide_config['main']['t'], xml_file, prj_dir) main_prj.make_src_nodes(target['sources']) main_prj.make_include(target['sources']) if main_prj.use_gcc: target['libs'].append(SourceInfo('libgcc.a')) # need add libgcc in ld main_prj.set_link_libs(target['libs']) else: main_prj.make_src_nodes(target['libs'], group='libs') main_prj.make_output_dir(target['name']) # save main xml project to file xml_ext = os.path.splitext(xml_file)[1] prj_fname = os.path.join(prj_dir, target['name'] + '_main' + xml_ext) main_prj.write(prj_fname) print("Exported " + prj_fname) # Add main project to workspace ws.make_file(ws.root, ws.get_relpath(prj_fname)) # Write nuttx workspace ww_fname = os.path.join(prj_dir, 'nuttx' + ws_ext) ws.write(ww_fname) print("Exported " + ww_fname)