* When mending lost pages, also see if they fit into length specified in object index header

SPIFFS2 thoughts

* Instead of exact object id:s in the object lookup tables, use a hash of span index and object id.
  Eg. object id xor:ed with bit-reversed span index.
  This should decrease number of actual pages that needs to be visited when looking through the obj lut.

* Logical number of each block. When moving stuff in a garbage collected page, the free
  page is assigned the same number as the garbage collected. Thus, object index pages do not have to
  be rewritten.

* Steal one page, use as a bit parity page. When starting an fs modification operation, write one bit
  as zero. When ending, write another bit as zero. On mount, if number of zeroes in page is uneven, a
  check is automatically run.