README.txt ^^^^^^^^^^ ZDS-II Compiler Versions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 4.11.0 This is the only version that this code has been built against. Although it compiles without error, the 4.11.0 compiler generates bad code on one of the files, mm/mm_initialize.c. Below is a simple work- around. --- mm/mm_initialize.c.SAVE 2008-02-13 08:06:46.833857700 -0600 +++ mm/mm_initialize.c 2008-02-13 08:07:26.367608900 -0600 @@ -94,8 +94,11 @@ { int i; +#if 0 /* DO NOT CHECK IN */ CHECK_ALLOCNODE_SIZE; CHECK_FREENODE_SIZE; +#endif /* Set up global variables */ Other Versions If you use any version of ZDS-II other than 4.11.0 or if you install ZDS-II at any location other than the default location, you will have to modify two files: (1) configs/ez80f910200zco/*/ and (2) configs/ez80f910200zco/*/Make.defs. Configuration Subdirectories ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/ and include/ These directories contain common logic for all ez80f910200zco configurations. Variations on the basic ez80f910200zco configuration are maintained in subdirectories. To configure any specific configuration, do the following steps: cd <nuttx-top-directory>/tools ./ ez80f910200zco/<sub-directory> cd <nuttx-top-directgory> make Where <sub-directory> is the specific board configuration that you wish to build. The following board-specific configurations are available: ostest This builds the examples/ostest application for execution from FLASH. See examples/README.txt for information about ostest. Check out any README.txt files in these <sub-directory>s.