Last Updated: May 21, 2007

Table of Contents

Supported Platforms
Memory Footprint
Release History
Other Documentation


Goals. Nuttx is a real timed embedded operating system (RTOS). Its goals are:

Small Footprint

Usable in all but the tightest micro-controller environments, The focus is on the tiny-to-small, deeply embedded environment.

Rich Feature OS Set

The goal is to provide most standard POSIX OS interfaces to support a rich, multi-threaded development environment for deeply embedded processors.

NON-GOALS: (1) It is not a goal to provide the rich level of OS features like those provided with Linux. Small footprint is more important than features. Standard compliance is more important than small footprint. (2) There is no MMU-based support for processes. At present, NuttX assumes a flat address space.

Highly Scalable

Fully scalable from tiny (8-bit) to moderate embedded (32-bit). Scalability with rich feature set is accomplished with: Many tiny source files, link from static libraries, highly configurable, use of weak symbols when available.

Standards Compliance

NuttX strives to achieve a high degree of standards compliance. The primary governing standards are POSIX and ANSI standards. Additional standard APIs from Unix and other common RTOS's are adopted for functionality not available under these standards or for functionaly that is not appropriate for the deeply-embedded RTOS (such as fork()).

Because of this standards conformance, software developed under other standard OSs (such as Linux) should port easily to NuttX.


Fully pre-emptible, fixed priority and round-robin scheduling.

Totally Open

Non-restrictive BSD license.


The 8th release of NuttX (nuttx-0.2.5) is available for download from the SourceForge website. The change log associated with the release is available here. Unreleased changes after this release are avalable in CVS. These unreleased changes are listed here.

Supported Platforms

Linux User Mode

A user-mode port of NuttX to the x86 Linux platform is available. The purpose of this port is primarily to support OS feature developement.

STATUS: Does not support interrupts but is otherwise fully functional.


TI TMS320C5471 (also called a C5471 or TMS320DM180). NuttX operates on the ARM7 of this dual core processor. This port uses the Spectrum Digital evaluation board with a GNU arm-elf toolchain*.

STATUS: This port is complete, verified, and included in the initial NuttX release.

NXP LPC214x. Support is provided for the NXP LPC214x family of processors. In particular, support is provided for the lpc214x evaluation board (LPC2148). This port also used the GNU arm-eld toolchain*.

STATUS: This port is in progress and should be available in the nuttx-0.2.6 release.


TI TMS320DM320 (also called DM320). NuttX operates on the ARM9 of this dual core processor. This port uses the Neuros OSD with a GNU arm-elf toolchain*.

STATUS: This port is code complete but totally untested due to hardware issues with my OSD.

8052 Microcontroller

PJRC 87C52 Development Board. This port uses the PJRC 87C52 development system and the SDCC toolchain.

STATUS: This port is complete but not stable with timer interrupts enabled. There seems to be some issue when the stack pointer enters into the indirect IRAM address space during interrupt handling.

Other ports

There are partial ports for the TI TMS320DM270 and for MIPS.

* A highly modified buildroot is available that be used to build a NuttX-compatible arm-elf toolchain.

Memory Footprint


Release History

Change Logs for Older Releases
ChangeLog for Current Release
Unreleased Changes
ChangeLog for Current Release
Unreleased Changes

Other Documentation