# For a description of the syntax of this configuration file,
# see the file kconfig-language.txt in the NuttX tools repository.

config LIBDSP
	bool "Digital Signal Processing Library"
	default n
		Enable build for various DSP functions


	bool "Libdsp debugging"
	default n
		Enable debugging for libdsp. This option enables additional parameters
		checking. It can drastically reduce performance and be potentially
		dangerous to hardware, so it should be used carefully (probably only
		at an early stage of application development).

	int "Libdsp precision [0/1/2]"
	default 0
		Whith this option we can select libdsp precision for
		some of calculations. There are 3 available options:
		0 - the fastest calculation but the lowest precision
		1 - a little better precision than above, but slowest
		2 - the most accuracte but the slowest one, use standard math functions.

endif # LIBDSP