 * net/mld/mld_query.c
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The
 * ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

 * Included Files

#include <nuttx/config.h>

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <debug.h>

#include <nuttx/wdog.h>
#include <nuttx/net/netconfig.h>
#include <nuttx/net/netstats.h>
#include <nuttx/net/netdev.h>
#include <nuttx/net/ip.h>
#include <nuttx/net/mld.h>

#include "devif/devif.h"
#include "inet/inet.h"
#include "mld/mld.h"
#include "utils/utils.h"

 * Private Functions

 * Name: mld_check_v1compat
 * Description:
 *   If this is for MLDv1 query, then select MLDv1 compatibility mode and
 *   start (or re-start) the compatibility timer.  We need to make this
 *   check BEFORE sending the report.

static inline void mld_check_v1compat(FAR struct net_driver_s *dev,
                                      bool mldv1)
  if (mldv1)
      /* REVISIT:  I am confused.  Per RFC 3810:
       * "The Older Version Querier Present Timeout is the time-out for
       *  transitioning a host back to MLDv2 Host Compatibility Mode.  When
       *  an MLDv1 query is received, MLDv2 hosts set their Older Version
       *  Querier Present Timer to [Older Version Querier Present Timeout].
       * "This value MUST be ([Robustness Variable] times (the [Query
       *  Interval] in the last Query received)) plus ([Query Response
       *  Interval])."
       * I am not sure how to do that since the MLDv1 version has no QQI
       * field.  That is an MLDv2 extension.

      /* Select MLDv1 compatibility mode (might already be selected) */


      /* REVISIT: Whenever a host changes its compatibility mode, it cancels
       * all its pending responses and retransmission timers.  Logic Missing.

      /* And start the MLDv1 compatibility timer.  If the timer is already
       * running, this will reset the timer.


 * Name: mld_mrc2mrd
 * Description:
 *  Convert the MLD Maximum Response Code (MRC) to the Maximum Response
 *  Delay (MRD) in units of system clock ticks.

#if 0 /* Not used */
static clock_t mld_mrc2mrd(uint16_t mrc)
  uint32_t mrd;  /* Units of milliseconds */

  /* If bit 15 is not set (i.e., mrc < 32768),
   * then no conversion is required.

  if (mrc < 32768)
      mrd = mrc;
      /* Conversion required */

      mrd = MLD_MRD_VALUE(mrc);

  /* Return the MRD in units of clock ticks */

  return MSEC2TICK((clock_t)mrd);

 * Name: mld_cmpaddr
 * Description:
 *  Perform a numerical comparison of the IPv6 Source Address and the IPv6
 *  address of the link.  Return true if the source address is less than
 *  the link address.

static bool mld_cmpaddr(FAR struct net_driver_s *dev,
                        const net_ipv6addr_t srcaddr)
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
      if (srcaddr[i] < dev->d_ipv6addr[i])
          return true;

  return false;

 * Name: mld_check_querier
 * Description:
 *   Check if we are still the querier (assuming that we are currently the
 *   querier).  This compares the IPv6 Source Address of the query against
 *   the IPv6 address of the link.  If the source address is numerically
 *   less than the link address, when we are no longer the querier.

static void mld_check_querier(FAR struct net_driver_s *dev,
                              FAR struct ipv6_hdr_s *ipv6)
  /* Check if this member is a Querier */

  if (IS_MLD_QUERIER(dev->d_mld.flags))
      /* This is a querier, check if the IPv6 source address is numerically
       * less than the IPv6 address assigned to this link.

      if (mld_cmpaddr(dev, ipv6->srcipaddr))
          /* Switch to non-Querier mode */


  /* Check if the member is a Non-Querier. */

  if (!IS_MLD_QUERIER(dev->d_mld.flags))
      /* Yes.. [re-]start the 'Other Querier Present' Timeout. */

      mld_start_gentimer(dev, MSEC2TICK(MLD_OQUERY_MSEC));

 * Public Functions

 * Name: mld_query
 * Description:
 *   Called from icmpv6_input() when a Multicast Listener Query is received.
 *   A router may assume one of two roles: Querier or Non-Querier.  There is
 *   normally only one Querier per link.  All routers start up as a Querier
 *   on each of their attached links.  If a router hears a Query message
 *   whose IPv6 Source Address is numerically less than its own selected
 *   address for that link, it MUST become a Non-Querier on that link.  If a
 *   delay passes without receiving, from a particular attached link, any
 *   Queries from a router with an address less than its own, a router
 *   resumes the role of Querier on that link.
 *   A Querier for a link periodically sends a General Query on that link,
 *   to solicit reports of all multicast addresses of interest on that link.
 *   On startup, a router SHOULD send multiple General Queries spaced closely
 *   together Interval] on all attached links in order to quickly and
 *   reliably discover the presence of multicast listeners on those links.

int mld_query(FAR struct net_driver_s *dev,
              FAR const struct mld_mcast_listen_query_s *query)
  FAR struct ipv6_hdr_s *ipv6 = IPv6BUF;
  FAR struct mld_group_s *group;
  unsigned int mldsize;
  bool mldv1 = false;

  mldinfo("Multicast Listener Query\n");

#if 0 /* Not used */
  /* Max Response Delay.  The Max Response Code field specifies the maximum
   * allowed time before sending a responding report in units of 1/10 second.

  mrc = NTOHS(query->mrc);

  /* The MLD version of a Multicast Listener Query message is determined
   * as follows:
   *   MLDv1 Query: length = 24 octets
   *   MLDv2 Query: length >= 28 octets
   * Query messages that do not match any of the above conditions (e.g., a
   * Query of length 26 octets) MUST be silently ignored.

  mldsize = (unsigned int)ipv6->len[0] << 8 | ipv6->len[1];
  if (mldsize == sizeof(struct mld_mcast_listen_report_v1_s))
      mldv1 = true;
  else if (mldsize < SIZEOF_MLD_MCAST_LISTEN_QUERY_S(0))
      mldinfo("WARNING:  Invalid size for MLD query: %u\n", mldsize);

      dev->d_len = 0;
      return -EINVAL;

  /* Warn if we received a MLDv2 query in MLDv1 compatibility mode. */

  if (!mldv1 && IS_MLD_V1COMPAT(dev->d_mld.flags))
      mldwarn("WARNING: MLDv2 query received in MLDv1 compatibility mode\n");

  /* There are three variants of the Query message (RFC 3810):
   * 1. A "General Query" is sent by the Querier to learn which
   *    multicast addresses have listeners on an attached link.  In a
   *    General Query, both the Multicast Address field and the Number
   *    of Sources (N) field are zero.
   * 2. A "Multicast Address Specific Query" is sent by the Querier to
   *    learn if a particular multicast address has any listeners on an
   *    attached link.  In a Multicast Address Specific Query, the
   *    Multicast Address field contains the multicast address of
   *    interest, while the Number of Sources (N) field is set to zero.
   * 3. A "Multicast Address and Source Specific Query" is sent by the
   *    Querier to learn if any of the sources from the specified list for
   *    the particular multicast address has any listeners on an attached
   *    link or not.  In a Multicast Address and Source Specific Query the
   *    Multicast Address field contains the multicast address of
   *    interest, while the Source Address [i] field(s) contain(s) the
   *    source address(es) of interest.
   * Another possibility is a Unicast query that is sent specifically
   * to our local IP address.

  /* Check the destination address.  This varies with the type of message
   * being sent:
   *   MESSAGE                 DESTINATION ADDRESS
   *   General Query Message:  The link-local, all nodes multicast address
   *   MAS Query Messages:     The group multicast address

  /* Check for a General Query */

  if (net_ipv6addr_cmp(ipv6->destipaddr, g_ipv6_allnodes) &&
      net_ipv6addr_cmp(query->grpaddr, g_ipv6_unspecaddr) &&
      query->nsources == 0)
      FAR struct mld_group_s *member;
      bool rptsent = false;

      /* This is the general query */

      mldinfo("General multicast query\n");

      /* Check if we are still the querier for this sub-net */

      mld_check_querier(dev, ipv6);

      /* Update accumulated membership at the beginning of each new poll
       * cycle


      /* Check MLDv1 compatibility mode */

      mld_check_v1compat(dev, mldv1);

      /* Send the Report in response to the query.  This has to be done
       * multiple times because because there is only a single packet buffer
       * that is used for both incoming and outgoing packets.  When the
       * report is sent, it will clobber the incoming* query.  Any attempt
       * to send an additional Report would also clobber a preceding report

      for (member = (FAR struct mld_group_s *)dev->d_mld.grplist.head;
           member != NULL;
           member = member->next)
          /* Skip over the all systems group entry */

          if (!net_ipv6addr_cmp(member->grpaddr, g_ipv6_allnodes))
              /* Have we already sent a report from this loop? */

              if (rptsent)
                  /* Yes.. Just mark that a report as pending.  The pending
                   * flag will checked on the next driver poll.

                  /* No.. Send one report now. */

                  mld_send(dev, member, mld_report_msgtype(dev));
                  rptsent = true;

      /* Need to set d_len to zero if nothing is being sent */

      if (!rptsent)
          dev->d_len = 0;

      return OK;

  /* All of other Queries are sent with the group address set.  Find the
   * group instance associated with this group address.  For the purpose of
   * sending reports, we only care about the query if we are a member of the
   * group.

  group = mld_grpfind(dev, query->grpaddr);
  if (group == NULL)
      mldinfo("We are not a member of this group\n");

      dev->d_len = 0;
      return -ENOENT;

  /* Check if we are still the querier for this group */

  mld_check_querier(dev, ipv6);

  /* Save the number of members that reported in the previous query cycle;
   * reset the number of members that have reported in the new query cycle.

  group->lstmbrs = group->members;
  group->members = 0;

  /* Warn if we received a MLDv2 query in MLDv1 compatibility mode. */

  if (!mldv1 && IS_MLD_V1COMPAT(dev->d_mld.flags))
      mldinfo("WARNING: MLDv2 query received in MLDv1 compatibility mode\n");

  /* Check for Multicast Address Specific (MAS) Query or a Multicast Address
   * and Source Specific (MASS) Query.  MAS and MASS queries are sent with
   * an IP destination address equal to the multicast address of interest.

  if (net_ipv6addr_cmp(ipv6->destipaddr, group->grpaddr))
      if (query->nsources == 0)
          mldinfo("Multicast Address Specific Query\n");
          mldinfo("Multicast Address and Source Specific Query\n");

      /* Check MLDv1 compatibility mode */

      mld_check_v1compat(dev, mldv1);

      /* Send the report */

      mld_send(dev, group,  mld_report_msgtype(dev));

  /* Not sent to all systems.  Check for Unicast General Query */

  else if (net_ipv6addr_cmp(ipv6->destipaddr, dev->d_ipv6addr))
      mldinfo("Unicast query\n");

      /* Check MLDv1 compatibility mode */

      mld_check_v1compat(dev, mldv1);

      /* Send the report */

      mld_send(dev, group,  mld_report_msgtype(dev));
      mldinfo("WARNING:  Unhandled query\n");

      /* Need to set d_len to zero to indication that nothing is being sent */

      dev->d_len = 0;

  return OK;